
Did I just ruin the entire thing by watching the first half of End of Evangelion before anything else?
Also, where does (true)2 fall in? Do I watch the show, then End, then (true)2?

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Why would you start with the end of something?

I don't know, I just wanted to watch it and then maybe watch the show as a prequel, but it obviously doesn't work with this.

yeah kinda lol idiot

*record scratch*
Yeah, that's me, Shinji Ikari. You're probably wondering how I got into this mess.

(true)2 is a recap of the first 24 episodes of the series, you got the major plot points but miss a lot of the characterization, story, and lore. and since you likely have no idea what the fuck is going on, EoE didn't really spoil you at least.

How can you be so retarded? The show isnt ruined, its still great but it loses a lot of the mysteryof whats going to happen since you practically know how the show ends


I'm kinda feeling really bad about this, cause it seems really cool and I think I just fucked myself over.
Then again, literally all I saw so far was a bunch of fighting and a death scene.

Was thinking about watching this.

Are you supposed to watch the entire show and then the movie, or is the movie some kind of alternative ending?

you fucking retarded zoomer

Practically everything should be watched/read/whatever in publication order. The only time you should watch something as a prequel after you've watched what happens later chronologically is when the prequel material was actually published later.

Absolutely gay and dumbdumbpilled

You didn't ruin it as long as you didn't get into the second half of End of Evangelion.
Just watch the show. Never watch (true)^2, it's just a clip show version of the show.

Just watch the show than End of Evangelion.

I dont remember how much of the last 2 episodes it recaps but it still has its own stuff

Yes and no.

Watch the series first no matter what.
But episodes 25 and 26 make far more sense if you watch the movie.

Seele did nothing wrong.
Gendo is genuinely evil though.

>is the movie some kind of alternative ending?
it's a retelling since 99% of the last two series episodes take place entirely in Shinji's mind

I feel like the Rebuild would be more your speed champ


what about Metal Gear?

FUck off faggot, I didn't realize there was a show and wanted to watch an anime movie. I'm just getting into anime, and have only watched some so far.
>Ghost in the Shell
>Kill la Kill
>Initial D
Don't tell me Akira has a show I have to watch now, cause that's the next one I wanna see.

>Don't tell me Akira has a show I have to watch now
no, but there's a six volume manga instead

>that final fight between Asuka and the other evangelions
>her arm fucking splits in half longways and then takes the lance of longinus to the face.

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Wait, how did you even not realize that eva has an anime and proceeded to watch toe movie first?
Don't you, like, research a bit about what you're gonna watch?

A bit of background;

Eva's ending as a TV series is, by and large, the consequence of careless time reslots and slashed budgets. The staff had an ending in mind, but no longer had money to execute the vision. They made due with what tbey could and focused entirely on Shinji's emotional development while throwing the plot under the bus. Fan reception was nothing short of explosive. Some people appreciated the closure; most went ballistic. Anno got numerous death threats as a result. Realizing they fucked up hard, Gainax put a new budget aside and gave Anno whaf was more or less free reign over the project. EoE is, in essense, Anno's original vision but tainted by his fury from his previous treatment.

if she (presumably) died before instrumentality occurred, how can she will herself back into being? can all dead come back to life?

wanna know how I know you're under 18

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IMO the movie takes place simultaneously.
ep 25, 26 is the instrumentality itself with mixed thoughts and all that merged shit.
Movie is the 'physical' happening

>hear that ____ anime is good
>have time to watch it
>watch it
I'm not super into anime. Like I said, I literally just got into this, and I made the mistake of not realizing there's a show. I just searched it on netflix since i heard it's there now, and turned it on.
I'm getting into anime since I'm a loser virgin with no friends, and what I've watched has been good so far.

Do people actually think Haruhi works in chronological order?

I'm not, and I know I seem like a retard cause of this, but I made a dumb mistake that I really regret doing, cause this seems pretty cool. Might have to wait a bit before watching the show now just to reset.

Getting TANG'D had some leeway, Misato and the people that died fighting in NERV before instrumentality got TANG'D as well and we know this because ghost rei appeared to them.

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OP, if you haven't left this thread already, then get out while you can. This series is 26 years old and you're gonna get spoiled.

It implied that Asuka (and misato) were Tanged moments before their actual death. And that Rei II does not abide by laws of time.
You can actually see Rei collect Misato's soul a split second before she dies.


OR you could use the spoiler option, you fucking obnoxious retard.

I had a blast watching it while it was airing at least.

Ehh, you'll get over it.
Watch the series then the movie again.

It's been 26 FUCKING YEARS.
OP had his question answered. Why would he stay anyway?

weren't some SEELE members pretty much already dead or on the brink? I still don't get how SEELE planned to remain a ruling caste after instrumentality--forgot that part.


Instrumentality was Seele's goal. They were less concerned about who was in charge of it as much as they were interested in seeing it through. As far as they were concerned, Shinji being the figure head was fine, just as long as it wasn't Gendo. But Shinji also turned his back on instrumentality in the end, so it's hard to say it was actually a victory.

>I still don't get how SEELE planned to remain a ruling caste after instrumentality
they weren't, they knew everyone would be equal in the instrumentality and they were fine with that. Even though third impact didn't go the exact way they wanted they were still content and the head dude said all was right in the world. I don't know why they were so opposed to Gendo controlling the third impact though, they still had the same goal and seeing as how he was the main mover in the whole thing SEELE could have at least let do it for Yui or whatever.

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Ok, let me spoil every single movie that is over X years old, because even if someone was born in 2000, they don't deserve the right to watch older movies without knowing the entire plot.

sorry I just had to give you shit. in all honesty give it like two weeks, watch something small in the meantime (maybe chernobyl) to get your mind off it. personally I have very mixed feelings on Eva but I do feel like it's something that should be experienced,thats worth it. you'll be fine user.

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btw, you should probably get out of eva threads. you might not understand some spoilers but there are some points that will influence your opinion of the show.

Yes you idiot.

It's okay though because it's still a masterpiece and you will enjoy it regardless

>where does (true)2 fall in? Do I watch the show, then End, then (true)2?
You watch all of the series, then End of Evangelion, then you stop

If I start wandering into threads about old shows and I'm super late to the party, then I completely deserve it.

Feel free to let me know how Chernobyl ends, though.

Yes. Entire show, then the movie

The movie and the last 2 episodes take place concurrently. You have to watch both

how do you feel about the rebuilds. i have shit taste but i dont mind them; my interest is next year with 3.0+1.0. if anno really makes kino the shitposts and butthurt will be lots of fun

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But I started this thread in a specific way so that I could have a spoiler-free discussion where everyone can confirm that I'm a retard who started watching wrong.
Please start a different thread for discussion on plot points and stuff.

The power Rei weilded could have outright dissolved souls. Gendo, being the huge asshole that he is, planned to eliminate everyone except him and yui. Seele wasn't a fan of this.

They are good as a metacomentary on how shit the Eva normiebase is and how corporate the franchise has become. As far as an actual sequel goes, I really hate it

Rei is Shinji's mother's clone and she has died before but have replacement clones.

>anno creates series and EoE
>please don't be a shut-in, you should learn to socialize with other people even if it hurts, everyone is lonely like you so you really shouldn't feel different and don't replace real life with waifus

>anno creates rebuilds
>here's Mari, your new big fat tiddy waifu

You set up a thread discussing the ending of the fucking series. What are you hoping for, 500 posts of us babying your poor choices?

Christ, you could not be more fucking retarded. I'm outstanded.


Welcome to Yea Forums. Enjoy your stay.

This has to be bait


>I just wanted to watch it and then maybe watch the show as a prequel

EoE is the official final episode, so that was a dumb thing to do. Do you watch the finale of all shows first?

Anyways you should just try your best to forget what you saw, watch 1-26, watch EoE, then watch 1.0-3.0.

>then watch 1.0-3.0.

Nah, he shouldn't


>then watch 1.0-3.0.
I really hope you don't actually tell people to do this

how do I watch this but not on netflix

26 episode series and End of Evangelion

I want to call you an idiot but that's actually an interesting way to watch the series, seeing Shinji jack off and then everyone gets butchered with no idea what's going on. The first half honestly isn't too bad, the second half is where shit gets really insane. Watch the series before the second half, yeah yeah, you know Misato and Asuka die, you'll still enjoy it.

>takes his wife's name
>has to fuck some old hag he hates
>his waifu/daughteru clone rejects him for his son
>wife denies him and kicks him out of instrumentality for being too scared to get close to his beta son
Yeah I'm thinking he's a cuck

>don't replace real life with waifus
he shouldnt have created Misato then

Meanwhile based Shinji:
>murders a faggot
>jacks off to comatose redhead tits
>gets kissed by a MILF
>has two alien Gods on his side
>exterminates humanity
>gets mommy's love

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so did she actually love shinji or just seeking validation?

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Wait, I thought SEELE's plans were to do what Yui ended up doing, all being a collective soul together inside Unit 01 as a godly being, but instead of being a testament to man's fuck up, they wanted to rule while everyone else was tang.

Maybe I'm wrong, it's been years.

I wanted to make sure I understood the setting of EoE having already watched the series, so I checked the plot on wikipedia.
>Shinji visits fellow pilot Asuka Langley Soryu in a hospital and masturbates to her unconscious body.
what the fuck

So what the hell was the point of that ending? Was it just the director giving the finger to fans for living in a fantasy world? And why did any of the impacts have to happen in the first place beyond First Impact?

honestly NGE and EoE don't fucking explain anything and besides the obvious shit, 80% of discussion is theorycrafting and trying to untangle it.

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Shitty writing.

Kaoru and Rei and Yui can do anything but they just want Shinji to be happy
SEELE and Gendo and Yui want almost exactly the same instrumentality

The problem is why do they fight at all

and why would Rei do instrumentality first then ask what Shinji want.

what are Lilith and Adam in terms of being "Seeds of Life"? what is the significance of Rei, Shinji, and Unit 01 w/r/t Third Impact? fuck, i'm not even sure on what First or Second Impact was exactly desu

SEELE wanted to use Third Impact as a way to evolve humanity into a higher gestalt state

Based and cloneplilled

You're right, 3.0 is shit

>SEELE and Gendo and Yui want almost exactly the same instrumentality
i thought Gendo wanted all other souls destroyed tho so he can be one with Yui and only Yui forever

Honestly it worked out better that way, EoE would have been compressed into episode 25 with a very limited budget and it would be censored out the ass because of TV.

They are all shitty techno/magical/myth bubble like star trek particle of the week

Really can't turn your brain on on this

Death(true) is a condensed version of the entire show up to the last 2 episodes. End of Evangelion is an alternate version of the last 2 episodes that shows more of what was happening in the outside world where episodes 25 and 26 take place mostly inside people's psyches.

Death(true) has some additional scenes that aren't in the show but it's kind of optional.
Watch the show, then End of Evangelion, that's the best way to see it, watch Death(true) if you want a little extra, or a recap before watching EoE if you take a break between watching the anime and EoE.

He should know better that Yui wouldn't agree to this

Gendo is such a terribly realized character. What was Anno thinking?

Reminder that Code Geass had the same theme but actually executed it.

Yui = Lelouch's mom. Faked her death with his dad for the big plan Lelouch doesn't agree with

all souls, including those that died prior, are wrapped up in instrumentality, and exist as LCL, so yeah, a person who died could be reincarnated after separating their ego and establishing an AT field to hold a shape again.

My question on it all is why does Asuka still have the wounds dealt to her before dying and why were they dressed up with bandages and why were they wearing clothes? They should have come back naked but completely healthy. It's not like the show skirted from nudity and it'd make more sense for them to come back naked and it would have made an "Adam and Eve" statement anew and I'm surprised Anno didn't see the opportunity for more symbolism.

>Was it just the director giving the finger to fans for living in a fantasy world?
It was a wakeup call to Otaku informed by the director's own struggles with mental health, "try living, even if it hurts"

>And why did any of the impacts have to happen in the first place beyond First Impact?
Second impact was an experiment that got very out of hand, they awoke Adam who saw his planet occupied by aliens and he generated an enormous anti-AT field to eliminate them, but he was stopped before he could finish his work.

However the mechanism for triggering second impact gave SEELE the information and method they needed to realise their designs for human instrumentality, but they needed to eliminate Adam's progeny first to prevent interference.

Those who died prior?
All humans ever lived??

>All humans
Not just humans, anything born from the primordial ooze that bled out of Lilith.

Except for Gendo.

I watched haruhi in chrono order and it was kinda confusing. I wish I'd watched it in airing order in retrospect. People just don't have an appreciation for achronological narrative. That said, OP is still retarded because eva doesnt even have one.

Some godlike alien beings called the FAR sent "Seeds of Life" throughout the universe to spread life to habitable planets. They sent Adam to Earth so he could establish Angel based life there.
First Impact was when Lilith's Egg accidentally crashed into the primordial Earth which was already occupied by Adam, which resulted in the creation of the moon. This is why Rei/Lilith has so much moon imagery. Second Impact is when they woke Adam up in Antarctica who had been in stasis since Lilith crashed into the Earth, he then attempted to eradicate all Lilith based life so his spawn could rightfully inherit their planet. Third Impact completed the job by destroying everyone's AT fields and uniting everyone with Lilith, but humans had to make sure all the Angels were already dead before they triggered it so they couldn't take over the planet after humanity was tanged.

Remember. The One's power is exactly to reconstruct a cloth to express his state of mind.

Cf. The last time he got TANG'd he was wearing his student uniform but he reconstructed his pilot suit.

They could have reconstructed a perfect world and a perfect city for them to come back. But nope they like the barren Earth and giant dead bodies.

I know that's what they said in the big explanation. I just don't buy it. They obviously didn't show that the penguin had a soul.

a bit of both, instrumentality erased all the fears of rejection between them since they both knew how the other felt

...and dinosaurs too? Which creatures were naturally evolved and went extinct? Which were directly from alien?
And who wrote everything down ?

dude the origin of humanity and the angels is supposed to be biblical and mythological. You aren't supposed to have all the answers. Stop trying to turn the series into a wiki article.

She doesn't know what love is

Bible actually took time explaining the fish and birds. Unlike Eva, which talked a lot about the planet but didn't even tell us what happened to the pet penguin.

Did I just ruin the entire thing by watching the first half of Return Of The Jedi before anything else?

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all life, all souls. reverted to its original form, and all souls become part of a whole. So yes. everyone who's ever lived. It's hard to say you'd ever notice the billions of souls you never met before as an individual though, since they wouldn't manifest as your own memories or perceptions of who they were as a person. You don't know them, so you'd just see the whole and not recognize individuals.

I'm not sure I buy Gendo being rejected from instrumentality. He was there, and while either Yui or Shinji lashed out at him, he's still a part of the whole just perhaps he'd lose his ego in the whole, but that happens to most people. Only cagey people like Shinji and Asuka that have always used isolating themselves as a protection would really hold onto their individuality... at least that's how I feel on it anyway.



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as far as I know, the race that created Adam and Lilith were intending to seed life based on them across the galaxy since they were going extinct.

All life on the planet derived from Lilith, just Lilins were their "ultimate" form. All life generates AT fields or what it really is, is barriers between souls to give them shape and individuality.

Not really. Most of the crazier shit in EoE was just Anno angsting about death threats and being pissed at otaku. If he hadn't wasted so much money earlier in the series, he would not have pissed people off with the limited animation in the last six episodes, and would thus be able to do 25 and 26 reasonably well, with director's cuts for video release like the preceding four. The Tang scenes could have been shortened, and all the crazy movie audience and crayon drawings wouldn't need to exist without Anno's rage. A lot would be justifiably truncated.

Better die a excruciating death than being paired up with an eye candy in Rebuild

Geez. Even this shitty new Netflix anime is ripping off the Marvel Cinematic Universe now.

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>wasting all that money drawing destructions and how irrelevant people died
>when the money could have been used to make a workable movie

More like Star Trek or Kryptonians

Anyway that is the only answer to ancient aliens.

Unironically, I view appreciation of the Rebuilds as a mark of the true Eva fan. I can't participate in the wars between show!Rei and show!Asuka, but Assuka's 28-year-old-soul-in-a-14-year-old-body ass is too perfect for me to pass on. Rei Q is more overtly a soulless sexdoll, making her the most realistic female character in all of anime. Mari has glasses and pantyhose (though in 3.0 she mostly wears her plugsuit). The entirety of 3.0 is like an extended cut of Ep 24, meaning more of best boy

Is such a thing even possible?

Joking aside, Chariots Of The Gods was big in the 70s and 80s and influences people like Kirby in the first place.

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>Assuka's 28-year-old-soul-in-a-14-year-old-body
Nope. There is no point in it other than another sticking a finger to Otaku.

Holy fuck you're retarded.

You definitely play that in release order.

Anno already had a model in hand before doing Eva. And someone probably mentioned where he got his idea from.

But yes too. I remember growing up hearing pseudo science like that all the time. It was popular in my region.

No, it a good starting point since it is cyclical

So was Instrumentality just a way for NEETs and people with mommy/daddy issues to not feel lonely, or did I miss something?

lmao why the fuck would you do that

Lol fuck off zoomzoom and don't read threads of a show you don't want spoiled

SEELE wants to transform everything into a hivemind (which SEELE will dominate) of tang which will flow into the Eva units, serving as their new bodies and allowing them to venture out into outer space to enslave worlds beyond our solar system (since one of the vague plotlines is the fact that the backstory of the entire series, is a small group of scientists finding out that Earth and life on it was created by aliens, but they blotched it due to the fact that the bio-tech that would have determined WHAT kind of life the planet would have (human or "angel") was left on the planet. The Angels are said aliens and want to destroy Earth because it's a tainted experiment as a result)

Gendo meanwhile, has a convoluted plan to use the unspeakable energies generated via Instrumentality, to extract his wife's soul from Shinji's Eva unit (which absorbed into it in an accident years prior). It's vague how he was going to resurrect her, either in a new body or have the soul uploaded into Rei's body; everyone still becomes tang, but it's done in a manner where the tang's hivemind is not 100% controlled by SEELE and SEELE won't be able to use the Evas as their new bodies. Indeed, Gendo's plan is such that turning people into tang liquid is a bug not a feature and he doesn't care one bit if said souls in the tang end up accidentally get destroyed while he's tampering with it to produce the necessary power to restore his wife to life.

TLDR Gendo wants to use Instrumentality to raise his wife from the dead and only do that. If he accidentally destroys all the souls of the earth doing so? He doesn't give a fuck.

SEELE has far far far darker ambitions (universal conquest) but in the end, accept a sort of "if you can't win, make sure you don't lose" outcome: they turn everyone to tang and create a new hive mind (even if they can't control it) while Gendo loses and his wife's spirit delivers the mother of all BTFO defeats to Gendo