Has a film ever made you cry, Yea Forums?
Has a film ever made you cry, Yea Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
Big Fish
rain man
tom cruise was actually capable of seeming like a human once upon a time
also midnight cowboy
just a simple 'yes' or 'no'
Captain Marvel
Avengers: Endgame
It's Such a Beautiful Day
Brokeback Mountain gave me feels.
no thats gay.
The ending of the Lives of Others made me cry earlier today.
cried watching forrest gump
the movie itself didn't make me cry but my mother used to love that movie and she died a couple of years ago, whenever a quote that reminded me of my mother came up i started crying like a bitch
i miss u mom
My momma always said
Terms of Endearment
come at me
pic related
yes pic related
i cry whenever godfather comes on because my dad and i would watch it on thanksgiving
love you dad
What is it with The Godfather and Thanksgiving? When/where did this start?
No. Closest I've come is making myself cry over other shit several hours later that a movie put me in enough of a bad mood to act as a catalyst.
Not the guy you replied to but when I go to family Thanksgiving lunch or dinner there is a Godfather marathon.
i dont think this thread has much potential
That's why I'm asking. Why did it become a Thanksgiving thing specifically?
Cried like a fucking baby
Unironically makes me cry more the older I am
inside out
this, gives the maximum dad feels
Watching 'Her' thinking it was meh. Then he starts reading his love letter speech at the end he made for his Ai.
Turned my eyes into waterfalls. Never cried at any other film before or since.
feel better now?
Yup. This though.
I honestly don't know, I just know some cable channel plays it on a marathon for some reason.
Lion got me good when he found his home through google earth. Her got me good and depressed when she was explaining to him how she outgrew him.
Spirited Away made me cry. Chihiro and Haku's love is so pure.
I, Origins. The end hit me hard. Also the end of The Hunt when he hugs Clara.
Makes me cry every time I watch it
And I've watched it like 8 times so far this year
The train scene does it for me too
I was 6 years old. I cried a lot.
How embarrassing.
That was a really good scene
No because I’m not a complete retard baby.
I cried watching Immortal beloved when 9th simphony was playing and he came on the stage and remembered when he had run to lake and entered the water, don't know if that's gay
Motherfucker the feels
Fuck it, call me a redditor or whatever but that ending hit me hard. I didn't watch this movie until recently because I kept hearing how shit it was so I wasn't expecting to actually like it. There's so many good character relationships in this but Yondu and Rocket were the best combo.
Captain fantastic
Song of sea
A dogs tale
In recent memory
I can't even bring myself to rewatch it.
It hits me harder than any other film.
It fucking hurts bros
Crap,can anyone help me out?
It's a documentary basically about the topic of spotlight, pedo catholic fuckers. Its something with the word "devil" in it I think. Yeah, that one
i teared up at the end of all is lost. fantastic film.
The Greatest Story Never Told
I cried when Pikachu stayed behind with the other pikachus in that episode of pokemon.
I was but a wee lad though.
I dont understand, that is not even close.
im a bit of a sensitive
i noticed your joke friend. it's a good joke.
Scene in The Wrestler where Randy says he just doesn't want his daughter to hate him got my eyes watery.
>Tony's funeral
>Jon Favreau talking to Tony's kid
>she says she wants cheeseburgers
I admit I teared up.
Deliver us from evil found it
Thanks for the help, Nazi idiot....
Not a movie but, every time this episode is on, I turn it off pre-Maturely
I forgot much about this but fuck that tag line is kinda not cool... Why would you say that?
>why would a mid-2000s edgy fedora be an asshole
do you really need to ask
Doesn't have "Devil" in it. I think he is talking about this
Her, Moana, that anime about the girl and guy who switch bodies, end of return of the king and some war movie that I can’t remember, not even ashamed
Does it make me based that I tear up at pretty much every intentionally sad moment in a film?
This 100%
As a kid I sat awkwardly on an unboxed VHS cassette and it brought tears to my fucking eyes, does that count?
Most films can make me cry if they try even a little bit to get me invested. Recently rewatched Batman Begins and I shed many tears when Bruce's parents got shot.
Anything involving dogs turns me into a bitch, even if they don't die.
>falling for bait
requiem for a dream, unironically made me relive some shit memories
>mother is literally the same as mine with her paranoid schizophrenia
>sister got into drugs
>cousin got into drugs with sister but her family kicked her out and she got into prostitution
the death scene at the end of braveheart had a huge impact on my life as a child
this was the first time i movie could make me feel something
stellar movie
i recommend it to all the zoomers on this board
The baptism scene in There Will Be Blood where Daniel repeatedly yells “IVE ABANDONED MY CHILD” during his confession. I got My fiancée pregnant 4 months into our realationship and both of us didn’t think wed last long together so I convinced her to get an abortion but now I realize that she’s the most loving and caring person and would’ve made a wonderful mother but I still feel immense guilt. I’ve yet to go to my local cathedral for confession
Great movie, great actor, great director. I remember that scene for sure. Also where he slit the throat of the magistrate.
i think most people remember this
in my opinion the best battle speech
You got your You now go away
video games, books, music yes; movies, never
the end of unforgiven upset me deeply but not to a degree that I would lose my shit
For sure, even South Park parodied it, amongst others.
perfect.... they are all perfect
I cried during the Star Wars trailer.
A glad from your eyes and my life will be yours
Nah, I feel you. GOTG2 is easily my favorite MCU movie and that entire ending scene was pure kino. Hell, everything with Yondu was kino. God damn, I love michael rooker.
Unironically, The Road
The scene where they strip the black dude of his resources and clothes, thinking that he was trying to follow them and forcing him to walk without any resources into the snow was pretty fucking sad
every time
Yes.Terminator 2 always does it.
And this: youtube.com
Ikiru when the feller sings
>Has a film ever made you cry, Yea Forums?
Yeah, this one movie
The Deer Hunter and A.I. made me shed one tear each
The Green Mile, because I am a black man who's inexperienced racial injustice and false imprisonment, and I too am tired of this cruel racist world.
Final Fantasy The Spirits Within
go back to jail you dumb nigger
good movie
Schindler's List. Sorry, John Williams can write a helluva score.
I think some are with me on this
>”what is it?”
Being a bong myself and having a grandfather present at the evacuation made me almost bawl when all the boats began to arrive
if you've watched hachiko and you didnt cry, you dont have a heart
Most recent one was Into the Spiderverse where Peter meets Aunt May.
I cry maybe once a year, and 90% of the time it's because of movies. Gifted made me cry like an ugly bitch where even movies like Logan could only get a few tears.
Mary And Max and The Florida Project got to me
"I wonder if it remembers me"
Gets me every single time I've watched it. Bill's emotion reflects the pain of finally coming to terms with a traumatic event. Realizing that sometimes you just have to let go in order to move on.
Breaking the Waves
It's such a beautiful day
The wrestler
Inside out
Blue valentine
The land before time
blue is the warmest color
The Notebook because I'll never have a relationship like that, much less with a girl as pretty as McAdams. Oh and the dementia too I guess.
was gonna say spiderverse
when his uncle dies
I was watching old Carson clips with my grandma and had to run out when I saw old jim pop up because I knew I'd be a mess
>peter, do you see the way she wears those pants? And that tight waist hugging shirt that just wants to pop out those perky little nips and cute little belly button? She's a Jew peter. It's a trick. You think anything that appealing isn't pure evil? These Jews, Peter, they've learned. They've weaponized sex, soon there will be porno filth everywhere. You spend too much time fighting literal monsters like gobby but the real villains are right in front of your face. The banker taking his cut of your earnings. The doctor falsely prescribing you addictive poison. These Jews, Peter, they're fucking evil, and sometimes I wonder if they're even aware, or maybe it's just second nature, you know? Like they don't know any better? But I think they do. They know what they're doing, and when we finally gas all those kike motherfuckers I bet they just smile and think of all the evil shit they got away with, knowing they'll pull some bullshit scam to get more money and fame, so we can remember the six million? Trillion? How many, peter... how many heebs have to die until they learn? If you ask me, well, I don't think it'll ever be enough. So next time you are fighting carnage just think....think about how purely evil the Jews are.
I bawled my eyes out with the ending of cinema Paradiso.
Sports movies mostly, because I blew out my knee in high school and never got a chance to play in college. I remember my coaches telling me I would never be that happy again and they were right because I've been fucking miserable ever since
Plenty of them, nearly any well done emotional scene will do it. Surely depressed or been eating too much soi. Would say its embarrassing but theres nobody else there to see it
>I remember my coaches telling me I would never be that happy again
christ dude, they said that to you?
This one got me too. The scene was kino
Return of the King
The Notebook
About Time
Based, whoever says Nolan can't do emotions is bullshitting
Multiple times
Nolan films make me shed some tears during some of the high-suspense scenes.
In Dunkirk, for instance, when the tension was super high and finally died back down.
Underrated post.
>tfw everyone gets laid but me
Absolutely this.
The Hunter also comes to mind.
Green Mile, kino af
Grave of the fireflies
>Bill found an old notebook he'd never seen before. Filling the pages inside, his mother had repeatedly practiced her handwriting so she could send him off to school with the best-looking notes.
Treasure planet. Every time
This shit destroyed me but the scene right after it is even worse
Got a bit choked up at the hotel scene in Warrior.
All the scenes with the dad were sad as shit.
Reddit movie
It's my favorite scene of the trilogy.
children movie, they said. i was not prepared for the amount of feelings i was going to have. i was only 13
My wife was watching this on a plane once shortly after we had to put a pet down. She was a fucking mess. I was watching some docukino on Earnest Shackleton and I look over and she's a wreck. Like snot coming down her nose and mascara running and all this shit making her look like a goblin.
The scene in The Elephant Man where he meets Anthony Hopkins wife.
Robot Chicken
You know the scene
armageddon + titanic
i can't look in the mirror too long without crying
Toy story 4 actually, but idk if I was more sad that Woody left Buzz or more fucking pissed that Disney ruined the franchise with that shitty ending.
I don't even remember anything about the film other than how the remote works, he mutes his wife and that he repeatedly goes to Bed, Bath & Beyond for some reason but I still remember crying during it. I just can't remember why, maybe something about his dad? I should rewatch it.
>I read the book as a kid
>gf did not
>I knew what to expect
>she was thinking it was going to be like Jumanji or something
boy was she in for a surprise.
>you now understand that 4's ending wasn't closing the story arc on Woody, rather it was closing the book on the original supporting cast of Buzz, Jesse, Hamm, Slinky, etc. Toy Story is Woody's story to tell. This just moves him onto the next phase of his journey.
Whatever makes more money I guess. Nothing in sacred.
i cried all the way through roma but that moment when shes in the theater and her boyfriend leaves when she tells him shes pregnant and she turns and looks at the camera basically i couldnt stop for the rest of the movie after that
Moon did it better
coco, titanic and 3 idiots
not a bong, i am dutch but this movie made me and my dad tear up a bit. great film to see on the big screen
>tfw no daughter
>i noticed your joke friend. it's a good joke.
I wasn't joking.
I admit that I teared up during those scenes.
>You are my best friend
>You are my only friend
>that ending
every fucking time
>Ah, whatever it was that made me and Lyle so mad... don't matter anymore. I want to make peace, I want to sit with him, look up at the stars... like we used to do, so long ago.
It's not so much tears of sadness but tears of heartwarmingness
You'll be back inside soon boi. Remember you're just a statistic.
Is reddit the only thing that you retarded boomers can say?
Mask did. The movie about the boy with the deformed head and Cher
Avengers: Endgame.
I got my blonde girl preference from that movie. I deadass protect q girl like that with my life.
dont know how this won an oscar, totally forgettable
not a film but I damn son this hits hard
Neurodegenerative disease and the effects of aging on the mind/body have been the largest fears of my life and are truly the saddest fates I have witnessed take hold of people around me. From a young age, visiting my great grandmother on her deathbed and prior when she could not recognize her family or think about her past scared me and mingled with a child's disconnect from the rigors of age instilled this fear into me. As I grew older, I got to witness my great aunt's decay from a person I knew and loved and whom felt the same for me until she is a husk of her former self with no recollection or soul to her. I am destroyed whenever I see her and when I have to hear her daughter insist there is still something there- there is not and she is deluding herself. I have also worked in a nursing home during my time in college and watched all the hopeless, nameless elders deal with the ugliness of these diseases. Now, my father has Huntington's Disease and I could potentially have it, as well, given that it is genetic. As an academic, my mind is truly the only thing I will create and have created for myself and I live in fear and anger about these circumstances that have stolen my father from me and may take more.
I cried like a bitch during Up, during Coco, ad during the Exorcist. The Exorcist might possibly be my favorite movie of all-time for its resonance with me through Father Karras' story in dealing with his mother's death and her rejection of him after she was placed in a nursing home. Also, the desperation of a family member in response to a loved one being in the throngs of some incurable force sticks with me.
Sorry for the blogpost- I enjoy writing and wanted to vent.
It's a Wonderful Life always makes me cry, because by the time Christmas comes and the movie is shown, I usually have to think of reasons why I shouldn't just an hero.
Not that great of a movie but god damn the ending
Green Mile.
Like a fucking baby. Ugly cry.
For me Still Alice was a very hard watch for this very reason, the way she reacted to the early onset dementia was very close to how I would do it if I get it. The futile struggle and eventual deteriorating into a husk with the loved ones not respecting the wishes of the patient but clinging on to that fading spark as long as possible makes it a horror film for me.
That's not hard, I went to see Toy Story 4 with a snob elitist mindset ready to find flaws but I teared up 2 times and by the end I was outright crying while biting the inside of my mouth to not make any sound. I could taste my blood as my childhood got murdered before my eyes. To infinity.. And beyond. Woody and Buzz never met again. In 1945, Woody died
in the battle of stalingrad, a proud German soldier to his last breath.
Are you me? I watched it last Christmas for the first time, alone, when I was in a really bad place. I wasn't ready for those feels bros. I cried like an absolute baby.
I watched Saving Private Ryan as a kid, the part with the french family giving their daughter to them while she was screaming and crying really got to me. I don't remember if I cried but it made me feel so miserable and depressed. For some reason that stuck with me as the saddest part of the movie.