What's the appeal of this guy?
What's the appeal of this guy?
Please have intercourse
He is some tranny who hated nazis, I know that much. How'd he get big though?
Trannies are hip. Also Youtube shills the videos to people with nothing better to watch
Virtue signalling
>wow she’s a great youtuber AND trans!
(Where even such a cuck knows he isn’t beingn totally honest about “she” or “great”)
His penis?
is that tana mongeau
He looked better as a guy.
She deradicalizes young white boys that have fallen down the alt right rabbit hole using her extensive knowledge of alt right meme culture as well as her deep knowledge of philosophy.
>jamie pull that up... damn, look at the arms on that thing. it'd tear you to shreds.
he's praised and proped by the system because he supports violence against the system's enemies; it's hardly new or complex
Pseudo-science, virtue signalling and pandering.
at least these trannies won't be around for very long
He's a man.
He's still got less than your average right winger on YouTube. Most his paypigs are trannies or basement Bolsheviks.
He used to be a youtube atheist and now serves as warning as what happens if you reject God
Despite making up 40% of the trans population...
This is Yea Forums not /pol/ take your tranny over to their dumbasses. They like that kinda shit over there
I'd hit it
Which character were they in Mortdecai
Is she kino?
based and redpilled
Imagine allowing your cultural movement (modern liberalism) to die on the hill of screaming *lalalalala men are woman men are woman*
The history books will truly have a hard time describing how bizarre these times were.
He makes $500,000 a MONTH on Patreon from his liberal "fans". His content is shit and he's making half a million dollars A MONTH. I'd pretend to be trans to.
PAY UP FAGGOTS. Also all trans "people" should not be allowed to live.
He smugly tears apart strawmen of conservative talking point, while advocating for communism.
He's basically Bizarro World Ben Shapiro
>This atheist commie DESTROYS conservative arguments with his FEELINGS
She is kinda hot
The most redpilled woman on the intermet. JP and /pol/ fears her
I don't know, never watched his stuff. I'm an Alternative Hypothesis type of guy myself.
>I don't know, never watched his stuff. I'm an Alternative Hypothesis type of guy myself.
Absolutely based.
I only needed to skip though a single video to know that he doesn't make any good points based on logic or common sense but just mocks right wingers by using non-sequiturs. If this is what passes as leftist intellectuals, we're fine.
>Alternative Hypothesis
That said, I'm glad we're past the blatant contrapoints shilling that was rampant for a while on pol and such. "Check this based tranny out, he dismantles your pathetic alt-right arguments!" posts were getting tiresome.
it turns out that there's a great deal of resentment bux to be harvested among zoomers and some millenials so a crop of daddies and mommies - nykwhatever, hotdogs in the face girl, twitch reality show streamers - jumped on the opportunity. chapo trap house is actually the best example of this. you delineate a problem - or rather something problematic - and then since you have zero education or dialectic skill, you namedrop a violent solution
basically it goes like this
>plays problematic clip
>turns it into a strawman
>threatens strawmen with violence
>coats it in irony so that the corporate overlords aren't forced to 'deplatform'
rinse and repeat. they are the current big bux trend in eceleb whoring. even chelsea valkenburg is trying to jump on it; sarkeesian gets like 1-2k (lol) views per video so her handler will probably try to reinvent her soon as well
expect a decade of american parking mall milkshake teargas hit and runs while these wranglers drone on in the distance
some will drop off, new ones will arrive on the scene, some will even get to joe rogan. the trend will mutate when corps find some other distraction tool.
When trannies don't use fat girl angles and strategic lighting they look like crypt keepers.
>crypt keepers
top kek
does this really surprise anyone?
there is actually nothing wrong with political violence though
>How'd he get big though?
Production values and charisma
whenever you resort to violence you create the same type of violent underclass that actually does the dirty deed. once this class is done with eradication of doubleplusungood people, it has to find other targets to sustain itself. at best you get a mild case of totalitarianism, at usual you get a (civil) war
Let me guess, you're a trump supporter angry that Alex Jones, Paul Joseph Watson and Milo got banned from twitter so you're trying to create a false equivalence between the memeing shitlords at Chapo and Alex Jones actually getting people to harass the parents of Sandy Hook victims and convincing a guy to shoot up a pizza store
the mouthfeel
At what point do trannies realize nobody respects them? It's like interacting with the down syndrome kid or a religious fundamentalist. You watch your mouth and play their games that they like to play but you will never actually talk to them like you would a normal human being capable of intellectual discourse.
He gives basic advice and philosophy to below average iq individuals.
that's why they are so focused on "hate speech" under the guise of "trans rights", expect the to try and legislate that people respect them in the next couple of years
and im sure you apply that exact same standard when people on the right talk about violence even in an ironic joking way
>Trannies and lefties actually believe this
see how easy is to start a 'conversation'? they will never go away, you will never be able to draw people towards rational debate when people like you are around, rapt, listening.
This is a woman. She. Her.
Please, have sex.
The only things that chaged were the hair and heavier make up, you'd expect the magical tranny pills to do a better job.
>What is a congressional baseball shooting?
well, yeah. the only point connecting me with the 'right' is that i'm racist.
Imagine, I mean, just I M A G I N E bashing her (his) head in with a fucking baseball bat.
You can actually measure his testosterone levels by how wide his mouth is in each picture
That’s great, our society is too radical as it is. Hell, I was a radical once myself, but I was deradicalized by Mike Enoch and TRS
would still suck his feminine peter
how racist? if you support genocide or an ethnostate or current policing then scolding other people for encouraging violence is sort of silly
>Please, have sex.
Trannies literally don't have sex. Like they aren't physically capable of it. Inserting a penis into the anus is sodomy (which is all they are capable of). It LITERALLY isn't sex. Sex is defined as a penis entering a vagina. That's how sad trannies are. They never had sex with women, and it mentally scarred them SO BAD they turned themselves into abominations resembling women so they could have their anuses penetrated. It's literally a sad story when you get over how cringe it is.
Gotta admit, Dave Mustaine's looking pretty good desu.
More of a meme than reality.
absolutely based
I feel like the Fedor atheists went to Bernie bro then incel tranny and not commie.
i think niggers, pakis and arabs are genetically inferior, believe that islam is incompatible with western culture, against migration of said ethno-cultural groups etc. i also believe that it's too late and i'm not dumb enough to think that there is a violent solution to such an all-encompassing problem. entropy is at work and i'm far from idealist, just want to live out what life i have in relative comfort, with books and movies, perhaps write a story or two. i don't like people, especially those sharing my opinion. i also don't like arguing because i could write your stupid fucking waste of time pseudo retorts while sleepwalking.
/Pol/ here. Trannies are for killing or occasional sexual release nothing more.