What are some kinos about men and masculinity?
What are some kinos about men and masculinity?
me on the left
Me on the 2nd to left
Left is disgusting
>based 2040 sissies
You understand this is literally some sort of cuckold fetish porn infographic, right?
I look like 1940 but without muscles and more hair
I've been jerking off to interracial cuckold porn for the last 4 years straight now and even I haven't been able to advance this far into the fetish. I don't know how someone gets this far gone.
men in 1940 were largely malnourished
that's hot as fuck
left and 2nd from right type guys hit me up uwu
>2020s male
>the man doesn't become progressively paler
>no comments by women making fun of how frail and weak he is
>no accompanying images of how males of other races are becoming more masculine
This is some sissification fetish shit. Men in the 40s and 50s were smaller in almost every way. I tried to wear one of my great grandpa's rings, and it barely went on my pinky. I had to have a longer band put on the watch I inherited from him, because it was like wearing a vice on my wrist.
That's only because you're a fatass
This. Disgusting effort in the OP.
Wow you seem to be an expert on the subject
i must increase my sneed
>boomers actually believe this
Look at most soldiers from WW2. A lot of them were skinny as fuck
damn that's a pretty sexy bod on the 2040s male
What is this from?
Ask actual 90 year olds. They say everyone looks like movie stars now (except for the fat fucks) as opposed to when they were young, half the people were literally disfigured (largely from lack of pre-natal care, malnutrition, and childhood illnesses). Archival pictures from the 20s and the 30s depicting regular people not movie stars confirm this.
Some incel subreddit
Do you actually sleep with them? If so, that's a little gay desu.
Im a turbo zoomer and I have the 1980s body
what does this mean about me
it means you should kill yourself