What is the comfiest way to experience kino?
What is the comfiest way to experience kino?
>camel crushes
Sub-human confirmed
Post the greentext
Packed movie theater opening night. You can sense the anticipation in the air, and they all have the same love for the franchise so they'll shut the fuck up.
Empty house at night with the lights off
while making and eating dinner
>arthouse stuff
Alone at night or at the crack ass of dawn (preferably after staying up all night to enhance the craziness)
I just want to know what the comfiest way to experience kino is
My setup's pretty sweet. I have a 35 inch screen on the dresser about 6 feet from my bed. My laptop's hooked up with an HDMI cable, and the headphones have a 20-foot cord, so I can walk around the room if I want. I crank up the heat and get buck ass naked, so it's like I'm in a womb. Also there's a bunch of loaded guns lying around.
You should get Bluetooth headphones they are so goddamn comfy I will never go back to wired.
These are comfy enough, and the cord's really long and I live in a tiny shithole, so it's not really a problem for me.
>3 valiums
>3 bottles of la fin du monde
>several fat dabs of sativa dominate hybrid wax
>several fat bowls of top shelf indica bud
>put headphones on listen to debussy
Fun fact: The glass on the nightstand is a mix of Bang Energy and rum. It's fucking nasty.
Good post
>la fin du monde
>not don de dieu
Never tried it but La Fin is my absolute favorite beer. How does it compare?
>How does it compare?
It's my favourite Unibroue, La Fin's probably close 2nd.
Rochefort 10 still blows out Unibroue though
>Halo CE
Based, I'm doing a Legendary run rn.
My last two great movie experiences were Assault on Precinct 13 and Three Billboard Outside Ebbing Missouri. I watched them both really late at night. I haven't been able to replicate this experience in a long time.
>not drinking local brews
Shit taste. All I drink is local.
alcohol and a bit of xanax
The only acceptable thing in this photo is the drugs. Fucking pathetic.
Idk, I wish I had that bowl of cereal right know so bad
every Sunday night I put clean sheets and comforter on the bed, then make myself a platter of pickles and cheeses and dips, and pretend I’m a fancy man at staying at a nice hotel while I fall asleep to hgtv
holy fucking based
Comfiest experience I've ever had:
>summer of 2016
>sitting in '89 Chrysler New Yorker with velour seats
>car is parked in the woods at 11:30 PM
>warm summer night, about 69 degrees Fahrenheit
>Wearing nothing but tight undershirt and boxer briefs
>drunk off my ass on kosher Concord grape wine
>watching Neon Genesis Evangelion on a laptop with a full battery
>yelling at the screen every time Shinji does something retarded
Whenever I need to go to my "happy place," I think of that night. Best night of my life.
does /pol/ really get offended by something this innocuous?
>you're offended because i feel bad
nah I'm good
What's the other green thing aside from the celery?
fuck off blogposter nobody gives a shit
in the arms of a woman you love
they look like snap peas
fucking great snack
That one guy who said "Based" gives a shit
why are you still posting bait threads from 2017
you're far from based
where? hes describing the dangers of having an inmature life and addiction, quite positive and inspirational :-)
Post your setup then, if you're so great
sugar snap peas, they are great with any dip
>That night his girlfriend asks him
Good up to that point. Fucking normie trash.
that wall of text seems to imply he's pretty flabbergasted
best post
might I add:
>Nolan Kino
a week after release once all the plebes have stopped going
even neets have gfs now
unironically lurk more
nothing like a fresh slightly moist pair of panties from my SIL hamper guys, the smell and taste of them are just out of this world
This is perfect because the next day you won't remember you watched it so you get to see it again.
bacterias produce that smell
Then why don't I have a gf?
Sugar peas
you are not actively looking for one
Fat fucks with bad personalities still aren't attractive
>Vape comes with whip attachment
>Wait what if I...
>Put the hose through my bong stem and hit the bong
>Vapor is 10x nicer now
It's fucking amazing how much more vapor will make you cough more than actual smoke
doing it right now, stay mad straight edge fedoras
what if i have a lotta money.
do you know how i can grow them in a petri dish to smell that shit 24/7? make myself a bane mask if you will
Poon train's pulling into the station then
flip the mattress so you don’t make too big an indent and get a bigger towel to cover that window
otherwise decently comfy 7/10 would wallow in
Weed vape if it wasn't clear, I'm not a zoomer
Is that a Jericho on the bed?
vapor makes you cough because water is not supposed to ever get in your lungs
smoke isn’t great but it’s much healthier than water
vapefags are drowning their bracciole and growing black mold in their lungs, they will regret it.
mark my words
source ?
>Also there's a bunch of loaded guns lying around.
duh just kill the mold with smoke
sweet peas they are good with ranch
Nos AND coke
fix your diet dude