Why don't we ever have Handmaids Tale threads?
Why don't we ever have Handmaids Tale threads?
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How does she eat?
I keep hearing this show is like what's happening in America. I've never seen the show tho
It's more comparable to Muslim countries like Saudi Arabia, Iran, and certainly any ISIS territory, but you will never hear any liberal admit this.
Because Atwood is a retarded leaf and the show is just a bunch of Hollywood retards LARPing about being oppressed.
>Why don't we ever have Handmaids Tale threads?
Because it's retarded shit
defining humans incorrectly via chronology and physical size is a HUMAN RIGHT
from muzzle gags to this? is this shit really worth watching?
Liquids only like soup and semen
Liberals trying to link it to le Frumph ruined it.
Feminist propaganda
I only know women that watch it and they all say
>this is how the world would be if x was y
Oh shit that’s kinda hot. How often is she shown like this in the show?
Having never watched this show, i get the impression that the women in red cloaks are supposed to be breeding sows. What a joke. They're all ugly. Who would want to enslave them?
10 minutes of boner-fueled research seems to imply that most of them will be like this for several episodes at least
because amerimutts get angry and don't realise that american christianity is basically sharia for whites and also that they're retards
Honestly yes it is. It's an extremely well made show if you ignore the twatter politics and take it as dystopian fiction.
>Idiocracy is really happening, and so is 1984! The repubs are to blame!
It's abortionist propaganda made for the same people who relate IRL politics to Harry Potter.
That's like a litmus test for being sub 80 IQ. Or a smart person trying to be subversive.
is it worth just for fetish feed?
It's litterally a shlick fantasy for ugly loser feminist bitches who're breaking down under the weight of the false freedom granted to them by the dyke power brokers who crafted the new slave class they are permanently inhabiting.
They WANT to be the controlled breeding sows and fuck toys of powerful men. To have some drama and need to do something of worth but still be seen as children/pets/slaves to protect and take care of.
All of the "breeding sows" are ass ugly, stupid, and terrible mothers. They have nothing about them that makes them good in that role other then the fact that they are fertile.
And the problem is that they are at an age where they are the least fertile and have the highest chance for birthing physically inferior children.
Just because you can't kill the baby that was the result of your irresponsible choices doesn't make you "oppressed", roasties
I haven't read the book or seen the show, is it true thar the show is actually less retarded than the book?
The whole premise of it is basically just doing an "if it happened here" kind of take on those countries. It's not some sort of secret.
Just wait for the relevant clips to surface. They always do
I heard that this season is going FULL FEMINISM and there isnt torture porn anymore.
As an incel, the only reason i watched it was too see the MC and the women suffer, should i watch season 3 or stop on 2? I dont want to see them win
They're already struggling to stretch it out and they said they're striving for 10 seasons which is ridiculous. It's becoming shittier and shittier and will probably be cancelled after season 4/5.
wait, so what happens to all the other women? The ones who can't breed?
Right, it's totally irresponsible for a 12 year old girl to be raped by her father.
maybe she should have picked a better dad
POWERFUL metaphor
I'm shaking
yeah honestly if you compare it to Islam and Sharia Law, libs will flip out and call you intolerant
Because the only people who watch this show are on Reddit and Chapo.
yeah because that happens so often
The vast majority of the time abortions happen is because of women being irresponsible sluts
>I keep hearing this show is like what's happening in America
Do the people that tell you that have purple hair?
Eh, I don't think your average twatter lefty understands this. These are the same people who will take to the streets protesting "racism" when a center-right government here in Quebec takes a stand against the niqab, but will watch this show and start comparing Gilead to Trump's America.
Did you by any chance skip biology class in school? It usually takes both a male and female to get pregnant.
Yikes sweety 99% of abortion’s are out of “convenience” compared to the 1 percent of rape and incest. UnIronically kill yourself
No lib is actually claiming otherwise.
The idea is, we're sliding towards that, when we should be going in the opposite direction.
But if you point THAT out to Reps, they throw a fit.
Point out how everyone hates sharia law, but fundamentalist evangelicals want basically the same thing, and everyone loses their minds
The father is the one who acted monstrously and should be punished, not the kid. Abortion is never justified.
That's how all women should be so they would shut the fuck up
Yeah the .01% of abortions
Explain something to me:
Women only ovulate for four days out of the month
And then when they're pregnant, they're out of comission for nine solid months.
Men, on the other hand, can get any number of women pregnant literally all the time, and never stop being fertile from puberty until death. A woman can only mother a certain number of children, while a man can father potentially hundreds and hundreds.
So why do we hold the women responsible for unwanted pregnancies?
What's sad is that you're probably a male that's getting worked up about this
But the same people/feminists who get riled up by this show, which depicts a totalitarian Christian state, will also cry racism and right-wing bigotry when anyone expresses concern about fundamentalist Muslim culture being imported here to the west.
I find it comical how much of apologists they are for them. I keep telling them that Muslims are what you claim conservatives/libertarians are.
Problem is, the kid is going to be a genetic incest freak baby. You're punishing the kid just for being born. AND the mother for having to carry it to term.
Simple: no one has the right to kill a child. Also, men are rightfully compelled to pay child support for their offspring.
A women chooses to open herb legs and accept it. A man is a man.
why are leftists always the first ones to campaign against executing men who do this?
No. You are the one delivering a death sentence. All human beings have an inherent right to life. Abortion fundamentally violates it.
>we're sliding towards that
No we're not
>fundamentalist evangelicals
Fundies have no power anymore unless you're in some hick town
Well, when fundamentalist muslims become prominant members of the government and start passing laws that curtail the rights of everyone, maybe we'll start to give a shit.
how the hell is she supposed to start[/spoiler] my ketchup bottles?
>So why do we hold the women responsible for unwanted pregnancies?
Because they have more control over the pregnancy process.
Rape is a thing.
What are the Waterfords doing to June exactly?
Are they like.. making her the face of the rebellion? So Waterford can get the credit of crushing her eventually? Also Serena is an addict.
Probably because it's on Hulu
And the child is innocent in that case as well. Punish the criminal, not the kid.
Some MP in Britain gave a big speech about "Religious Extremists" in Birmingham protesting LBGT propaganda in schools. This cunt is yelling about those Muslims protesting outside of schools but refuses to identify them because she's Labour and they need those brown fucks votes. It's ironic, I really do think
I admit, I just find it funny that you all would fight SO hard for a fetus, care for it so much. Then once it's born, perhaps female, it's a future disgusting roastie that deserve severy bad thing that happens to her for being a slut, and it's fine if her life is ruined by being forced to give birth.
Why does a fetus matter and a person can go fuck themselves?
So you're saying a bundle of cells conceived in sin is *more* worthy to live their life than the mother who got raped and her life and livlihood destroyed?
Because that's what you're saying right now.
Abortion should be illegal for whites but legal for non-whites.
>why is the man not responsible?
>a man is a man.
amazing logic , my friend.
You are retarded.
Fuck off i wanted oryx and crake movie
>tfw they wouldnt do the pedo shit
It's not a kid yet.
And the mother is still being punished for something she doesn't deserve.
>irrelevant non-argument tangent that has nothing to do with abortion
Stay on topic
I'm saying it's a solved matter of science that each individual's life begins at conception and abortion is the act of intentionally destroying that person's body.
Don’t really have much political insight but this is bullshit. If anything, women have more power to speak their minds than ever.
If they really want to win they should stop acting like they’re losing.
Both the life of the mother and her child must be peotected. They are both living himan beings worthy of dignity and respect. In the case of assault, I dont think anyone would hold it against the mother if she gave it up for adoption.
Yeah, but that’s a low bar. I avoided the show for the first few seasons because the book was such trash, but a friend finally convinced me to watch it and it’s quite good.
>So why do we hold the women responsible for unwanted pregnancies?
We only hold them responsible long enough for them to have the kid, then when its born hoooo SHIT do we fuck over the guys in child support. Seriously look up literally any case about how much a guy has to pay in child support, even if she did something like poke a hole in the condom or of you're truly cucked like the French its not even your kid, you'll be paying out whatever amount the judge feels the child 'needs to have a healthy life' for the rest of that kids childhood. America is absolutely brutal to unwed fathers, and in the event he had 'potentially hundreds' of kids he'd be paying for all of them.
>of you're truly cucked like the French its not even your kid,
Or Michigan.
>we're sliding towards that
imagine actually believing this
>but muh evangelicals
literally irrelevant
>I'm saying it's a solved matter of science that each individual's life begins at conception
The POTENTIAL for life begins at conception, but miscarriages and intubated pregnancies happen all the time.
Nobody can agree on exactly when Human life begins, but the common school of thought goes that we can all agree it ENDS; when the brain ceases functioning, and/or the person loses the capacity for thought and self-awareness.
Therefore, it's only logical to assume that life begins when the capacity for thought begins.
That doesn't happen until the brain forms and continuous activity begins, and that doesn't happen until the fetus is between 20 and 24 weeks old, which is already a good two to three months AFTER any doctor would be willing to perform an abortion, unless the mother's life is in immediate danger.
>It's not a kid yet.
>No, you see, you have to go through a magical tunnel in order to be 'alive', having a heartbeat and brain and nervous system means nothing!
Whoa, then maybe the guy should keep it in his pants then. Maybe he should stop asking for it!
Also, maybe that's a stronger case in favor of abortion. Save the mother from carrying to term, save the father from child support. Everyone wins!
Is that series good?
are trees not alive?
A baby doesn't get those things until long after a doctor will perform an abortion
Trees aren't people.
No it's life upon conception. It meets all the requirements (metabolism, reproduction of its own cells, etc.)
If I took that off would she die?
A tree is alive, as is a zygote. And it has unique human DNA. You're ending an innocent humans life.
>but miscarriages and intubated pregnancies happen all the time.
And people just have strokes or heart attacks all the time, what the fuck? It's a medical condition that causes loss of life, just like SIDS.
>but the common school of thought goes that we can all agree it ENDS;
Well, no, in that case vegetative people would be instantly removed from life support regardless of what anyone says, but in reality you can prolong that for as long as you like. Death is ALL functions ceasing, you can be on a hospital bed without the ability to breath on your own and still be considered alive. "We can all agree" is demonstrably false by the Schivo incident.
>Therefore, it's only logical to assume that life begins when the capacity for thought begins.
Also incorrect, or we would just kill babies in their first weeks and it wouldn't count? They literally can't remember anything or have any sort of thought until their brains develop. They don't have the capacity to hold memories yet, even.
>A baby doesn't get those things until long after a doctor will perform an abortion
Then what's all the fuss with a heartbeat bill?
The irony is the leading actress is in a REAL cult. She's a lifelong Scientologist.
>Whoa, then maybe the guy should keep it in his pants then. Maybe he should stop asking for it!
A tree is alive, as is a zygote. And it has unique human DNA. You're ending an innocent humans life.
>but the common school of thought goes that we can all agree it ENDS; when the brain ceases functioning,
Question, if a person loses the ability to think and brain functions, but so long as they're kept on life support and given a special nutrient that brain will recover and they'll eventually be able to walk and talk and move and eat and do everything all on their own and make a full recovery, wouldn't it still be murder to pull the plug? The patient will get better, they'll walk again and move of their own accord eventually, but you're cutting that off before that recovery can happen. The potential for complex thought is there, it just needs to form, so how can you justify killing that person early?
>Whoa, then maybe the guy should keep it in his pants then. Maybe he should stop asking for it!
He probably should?
>Also, maybe that's a stronger case in favor of abortion.
Yet strangely all these 'men who want to control women's bodies' don't seem to care about that part, huh.
>And people just have strokes or heart attacks all the time
You're right, and clearly if G-D wanted these people to live He wouldn't have sent them fatal medical events on the first place. Clearly all doctors are immoral pretenders playing G-D and averting His will, we should criminalize all medicine.
Because we have bigger issues, like creeping shariah Christianity.
You're missing the point.
It's about autonomy, not necessarily consciousness.
A zygote and early-stage fetus can't exist outside the mother, therefore is not considered separate from the mother. It's a lump of genetic material no more or less autonomous or aware than, say, the beard I shaved this morning.
A fetus becomes a separate person when it can survive independently outside the mother, and that can't happen until it's developed the necessary brain function to do so, and THAT doesn't happen until 24 weeks of gestation.
White male christian lawmakers imposing their will on lower-class women.
That's literally it.
It has zero basis in science.
Its not, and this season is so boring
>Yet strangely all these 'men who want to control women's bodies' don't seem to care about that part, huh.
It's funny, because anti-abortion lawmakers make their wives and mistresses have abortions literally all the time.
It's a ploy to control the lower class. Nothing more.
>A zygote and early-stage fetus can't exist outside the mother, therefore is not considered separate from the mother.
This and V for Vendetta are meant to be analogies for the Middle East.
>loose noose
>hands tied in front
>passed out 3 seconds in
>dude just lift her up lmao
That's not how you hang people. God, women are retarded.
When we're capable of making something like that for people, then hell yeah, go nuts!
Until then, the autonomy rests with the mother.
It's its own person upon conception because it has its own unique set of DNA, just like the mother. If your life was dependent on someone else giving you a kidney, and you get a kidney transplant - you two are not suddenly the same person because your life depends on their organs supporting your body.
>It's about autonomy, not necessarily consciousness.
That's literally the opposite of what you said.
>A zygote and early-stage fetus can't exist outside the mother
And that's why I brought up life support.
>therefore is not considered separate from the mother.
Except in legal terms? Like double homicide? Or just, in general? Nobody says 'You have a really big tumor!' they say 'you're having a baby!' When it is spoken of in medical terms its always as its own entity.
> It's a lump of genetic material no more or less autonomous or aware than, say, the beard I shaved this morning.
I didn't realize your beard was going to form into a mini-you, or maybe it did and that's the only person you can get to make sense of this argument. Saying its just random material ignores the context and usage of that material.
>A fetus becomes a separate person when it can survive independently outside the mother
So then no babies ever could be considered people. Have you ever seen a baby? It can't survive six minutes on its own. Also can't form rational thought or memories, and coincidentally is a lump of genetic material.
>, and that can't happen until it's developed the necessary brain function to do so,
Better let it get those, then? Those seem important.
There is only one book of source material and they covered it all in the first season. The main character had her chance to escape twice and she keeps going back for muh resistance
That's a retarded argument and you know it
That's the result of the Original Sin which imbued Adam and Eve with the ability to cast judgement and deem things good or evil, not God's Will. He chose to willingly separate from interfering after he sent his avatar to die on the cross to cleanse the original sin of people, heart attacks and all that are the cause of choices, he's not picking anyone off or he'd just shove us all back in Eden.
you guys replying to this is totally missing the point
okay, in the 0.01% case scenario, is abortion okay?
if so, it clearly isn't murder and you could logically stretch the where it's still "okay"
if not; uh oh, rapebabies...
Friendly reminder that not all Islam is fundamentalist Islam, not all pregnancies should be carried to term because childbirth is one of the most dangerous and life altering experiences any person can go through, and if you don't support social programs to keep children out of poverty regardless of any other circumstance then you're not pro-life, just pro-fetus.
This is basically what it boils down too, it's a sexual fantasy, not a critique on "Patriarchy" or religion or any of the other shit that gets claimed.
You just said a doctor won't abort when a baby has a heartbeat, so, basis in science or no here? Pick a lane.
>The idea is, we're sliding towards that, when we should be going in the opposite direction.
No. The youth are gradually sliding back towards the right wing because we've had decadent liberalism for the past several years and people are fed up with it. If there's any threat of a conservative dystopia, it's only because we've been skirting through the edge of a left wing dystopia for years now and anyone with a fucking brain has lost their taste for it for life. Think about that. You retards have turned an entire generation against everything you believe and it's only going to get worse because the American left has demonstrated that they'd rather double down than learn from their mistakes.
do you all watch this to be brain washed through the feels or for the keks
Gonna need you to qoute scripture on that bit of convenient kikery friendo.
>God has a plan for everyone and everything
>he's also a total non-interventionist and everything that happens to you is your fault
this show makes my wife horny as fuck whenever I see her watching this shit on amazon prime i just now im gonna have sex
that beign said tfw no rori gilmore sex slave gf
This is such a meme.
>okay, in the 0.01% case scenario, is abortion okay?
No? Blame the rapist, not the baby. Baby didn't deserve to get killed because the dad is a piece of shit.
>if so, it clearly isn't murder and you could logically stretch the where it's still "okay"
Okay but it is? Its still killing a baby.
That does indeed suck and should never happen, but if we killed kids because their parents were shitty people who hurt other people we'd have a lot more issues morally.
You gonna take care of it after the mother dumps her fetus in an incubation bag and skips town?
How do they eat?
I keep thinking people that says abortion is murder - is lying either to themselves or others
Or are of dubious morals
If you truly believe it is actual murder, like if there was a place downtown where they guillotined unwanted 3 year-old (as you see this thing just about equal to abortion), and you are not taking a more active role in stopping it
Not doing anything more than maybe voting for the conservationist party, you are a pretty shitty person
>That's literally the opposite of what you said.
It's not.
Capacity for thought and self-awareness have nothing to do with forming memories or being sapient. It's about survival instinct and reacting to external stimuli, something babies can do since birth.
>they say 'you're having a baby!
Exactly. They don't say "You've had a baby!" because the baby isn't a baby yet. It's on its way. It's becoming a baby.
>I didn't realize your beard was going to form into a mini-you
It doesn't have to. You're conflating what *is* with what *can be*.
Zygotes *CAN BE* babies, but they ARE NOT babies. I can put 10 dollars into a trust fund, and in few decades, it'll become $10,000. That doesn't mean I can buy a new car with that $10.
>So then no babies ever could be considered people.
The fuck you talking about? Of course they can. That's the entire goddamn point of reproduction!
>Gonna need you to qoute scripture on that bit of convenient kikery friendo.
Uh, sure?
>When the LORD God said, "See, the man has become like one of us, knowing good and evil; and now, he might reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life, and eat, and live forever"
>When the LORD smelled the pleasing aroma, He said in His heart, "Never again will I curse the ground because of man, even though every inclination of his heart is evil from his youth. And never again will I destroy all living creatures as I have done.
Now tell me what church attendance and religious belief among zoomers looks like :^)
Every brainlet with your retarded opinion should be forced to adopt a child whenever you spout your inane drivel.
Imagine believing they are "killing kids" over at the abortion clinics, and doing nothing active in stopping such heinous actions.
Don't even believe you believe what you are saying
Why are babies born upside down, are they Australian?
I said heartbeat AND a central nervous system AND a brain.
No. Because for all I know you pulled that out of your ass since you didn't actually provide any relevant references.
how do they eat??
Well, you see, aguing on the internet is more important than stopping baby killers.
If you think that bible has shit to do with people hating transgenders and not wanting their nations flooded with violent, uneducated immigrants then you're part of the problem. Conservatives people aren't interchangeable with religious people.
It's ridiculous. Women have no idea what really oppression is like. White guys have had to deal with women and black guys in the lead roles of movies and television shows, and even in some video games. If women could live one day experiencing this level of oppression, they would be begging to have their menstrual cycle back.
little shitposters m8 silenced by god's bias against age
all babies that die go to hell for the shitposts they're thinking about 24/7
The show is trying so hard to be a political statement that the writers forgot to write a story.
I discussed this in another thread and I still can't believe they teased that commander of the Eyes (the old man with white hair that was the boss of the driver) only to kill him in the next episode. He could be another antagonist and the other side of the coin to Fred, the religious old man who would show that if a bastard like Waterford is bad, a pious can be far worse. But they just killed him in the suicide bombing for some cheap shocking value.
Another problem is Fred and Serena. They were almost Disney villains during the second season.
I have no problem with politics in art two of my favorite writers are a fascist and a communist, but you need a good dose of the art thing in your work before the whole political stuff.
This is the 2nd I've seen, and I've only been on Yea Forums for an hour this morning, and now about 20 minutes tonight. That's more than enough.
>It's not.
>Therefore, it's only logical to assume that life begins when the capacity for thought begins.
Thank god for very easily scrolling.
>It's about survival instinct and reacting to external stimuli, something babies can do since birth.
If you poke a fetus it reacts even without a nervous system in it yet, capacity for survival ability =/= survival ability in general. A fetus probably would defend itself if it had finished forming, just like an unconscious person would block a punch if they were awake.
> They don't say "You've had a baby!"
Because that's present tense?
> It's becoming a baby.
I feel like you're going to flip when you realize what that means.
>It doesn't have to. You're conflating what *is* with what *can be*.
Same with literally every human being?
>Zygotes *CAN BE* babies,
That's comparing tadpoles to frogs, one WILL become the other if unimpeded and both are considered living beings even if their shapes do not resemble their later formations.
>That's the entire goddamn point of reproduction!
The entire point of reproduction is for those babies to SURVIVE and GROW
So lets do that.
>Conservatives people aren't interchangeable with religious people
What fantasy planet do you live on? Conservatives cling to the Bible like death.
I think it is funny to think people take it as a modern parable on society.
dae drumf not good and abortions good?
Whoa whoa whoa whoa, who said anything about that shit? We're arguing about abortion, which is demonstrably a religious wedge-issue.
You could just put them into google, but okay?
>Genesis 3:22 and 8:21
And just an extra
>Isaiah 54:9
"For to Me this is like the days of Noah, when I swore that the waters of Noah would never again cover the earth. So I have sworn that I will not be angry with you or rebuke you.
You're reaching hard to not look like a dumbass but it just keeps happening
Liquid diet through a straw prob
>30x less likely to die on the job
>4x less likely to commit suicide
>less likely to be murdered
>no military draft
>more likely to obtain child and property during a divorce
Women unironically do have it easier.
And the baby shouldn't be killed for it.
Excuse me, dead unbaptized babies go to purgatory.
If I where a doctor, I'dd just stop the heartbeat, then abort the baby
>Point out how everyone hates sharia law, but fundamentalist evangelicals want basically the same thing, and everyone loses their minds
oh yes all those evangelical suicide bombers
It's a life.
>Everyone wins
except the baby
>If you poke a fetus it reacts even without a nervous system in it yet
It's almost like you don't fundentally understand what a nervous system is and you operate entirely on religious propaganda.
You do realize, that people can dislike abortion without it being some ebul religion strawman thing correct?
People like to do that because that is the only organization that can't be talked down with barely thought out pseudo logic.
Anyway, abortions are pushed by people who want to cause soft genocide of certain groups, lower population overall, and for that sweet sweet stemcells for wealthy people to live a few extra years or extend their youth.
Same for the forced circumcision.
That brutal torture of young boys to harvest foreskin stemcells is big business.
>The idea is, we're sliding towards that, when we should be going in the opposite direction.
ROFL, god damn you people are delusional
> A fetus probably would defend itself if it had finished forming, just like an unconscious person would block a punch if they were awake.
Hahahahaha. Holy shit
If you aren't already writing an ironic satire comedy act, you should be. This is good stuff.
It has unique human DNA and it's scientifically alive. You're ending an innocent human life when you have an abortion.
>4x less likely to commit suicide
This may be biological
>and doing nothing active in stopping such heinous actions.
Voted for Trump so he could appoint more judges to overturn Roe V Wade, which seemed like the most effective way to stop it long term. Now, short term would be to attack a clinic or something, but that would do very little in the long term and would mean I was a felon, which means I couldn't vote again, so, its best to just do what I could to get the people I thought could do the longest lasting change.
>we're sliding towards that
Literally how? Because MSNBC screeched that Kavenaugh, a judge who has stated Roe is settled law, is somehow gonna do a 180 and outlaw abortion?
They're all biological when it comes down to it. Only the left will say it's due to social structures.
Literal roastie propaganda
First of all, it's not my job to defend your argument for you. Do it right or don't do it at all. Secondly, it sounded like Genesis but I wasn't gonna make a fool of myself if it wasn't, but now I get to point out:
>cite Genesis as origin of God's non-intervention policy
>ignore every other instance of the old testament where God meddles in human affairs
And what laws are those?
You can scroll, but can you read?
>Capacity for thought and self-awareness have nothing to do with forming memories or being sapient.
>If you poke a fetus it reacts even without a nervous system in it yet,
No it doesn't.
>That's comparing tadpoles to frogs
You're even more retarded than I thought.
Tadpoles can exist independently.
Zygotes cannot.
>The entire point of reproduction is for those babies to SURVIVE and GROW
>So lets do that.
Yes! Lets! But see, that's the REAL problem
All this talk about whether or not a fetus is alive and is a baby, it's all a misdirect. Because the people putting these anti-abortion laws into effect, they don't actually care one way or the other. Alabama, Arkansas, Mississippi, Georgia, all these states that have enacted abortion bans also happen to have the lowest standard of post-natal care in the US, and the least in the way of legal provisions for expectant or new mothers, while also having the strongest laws against profilactics and birth control. If these states ACTUALLY cared about babies, they'd also enact laws to either prevent babies, or help them after they're born, but we don't have any of that.
Because there's an infertility crisis and every woman who can still have children is important tool to use for the population to reproduce.
>somehow do a 180
I mean yeah, that exactly how politics work. Especially lately. You do what your party tells you to do.
she could have just dug her fingers between the noose so the pressure would be on her fingers and not her esophagus
Not even worth our time......
>oh yes all those evangelical suicide bombers
This is ironic, right.
You're not really pretending like you don't know about religious nutjobs bombing abortion clinics and targeting doctors who perform abortions, right?
It's got its own unique sequence of human DNA, and its scientifically alive upon conception. You're ending an innocent human life during an abortion.
And the right to live is more important than the right to live a comfortable life.
>Total deaths include both ideologically and non-ideologically motivated killings
Ah yes, great work, ADL.
Oh, okay. Then they should rape those myopic cunts to preserve the species.
so are all the men in this future homos and virgins?
who do normal guys fuck if all the women are locked up in prison just getting inseminated with vials?
>First of all, it's not my job to defend your argument for you.
Then you should have sat down and just accepted it because you only looked like you were reaching when you said 'nu uh! You didn't say which one'?
> Do it right or don't do it at all.
I'd argue the same with you, but unfortunately you seem pretty keen on preach, don't practice, or you'd kill yourself.
>Secondly, it sounded like Genesis but I wasn't gonna make a fool of myself if it wasn't,
>I didn't know but I could have checked, and I didn't so you would! Now who looks stupid?
>cite Genesis as origin of God's non-intervention policy
Cited gensis as beginning of free will you absolutely stupid motherfucker Noah was ages after that.
>ignore every other instance of the old testament where God meddles in human affairs
If he's meddling in it, like Job, then it's not exactly a planned choice which was the response to this , now is it? Now sit down or try to make a real argument.
it's over-exaggerated SJW porn. Only a total faggot would watch it.
>bombings are OK as long as you don't kill yourself
Or are you going to unironically argue that Christian terrorists have never bombed an abortion clinic or one federal building in Oklahoma?
>You do what your party tells you to do
So you missed where he isn't an elected politician but rather a judge? Who doesn't have a political party? You're seriously suggesting that he'll reverse his entire legal history cause some party asks him to?
Not to mention a party that itself is split on Roe cause the younger generation doesn't give a fuck about abortion.
And how often does that occur compared to attacks by Muzzies?
>killing babies is only morally repugnant to religious people
A great argument for religion.
Larpers get out
Your brain is layers of fucked up when you believe in the Christian God from the Bible, but think browsing Yea Forums is an alright passtime
>we're the same thing as women that can be legally tortured for existing and killed like feral animals with zero repercussions
This is what they're doing to fetuses.
Tumors have unique human DNA and are scientifically alive. Why is treating cancer OK?
>The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) is an international Jewish non-governmental organization
Way, WAY WAY more.
Excuse me but what for even a second makes you think trying to save souls from the fires of Hell is inherently un-Christian?
>abortions are demonized by religious zealots AND retarded conspiracy theorist
You say that like it makes it OK somehow to subvert human will by moralistically outlawing a legitimate medical procedure. Unless you believe abortion is morally wrong every time in all situations (you're wrong), then you're admitting that there are SOME scenarios where abortion is necessary which means you can't criminalize it.
>No it doesn't.
Of course it does, it doesn't feel pain yet but to imply nothing would happen is to imply there are no living cells on the damn thing forming, come the fuck on.
>Tadpoles can exist independently. Zygotes cannot.
It wasn't about independant automation, I already bitchslapped that argument here which you tried really hard to ignore, it was about the idea that a visually different state of being does no change the progression of what that being will become.
>Yes! Lets! But see, that's the REAL problem
Oh boy.
> it's all a misdirect.
I should have known.
"No no! You see! You don't actually care about that!"
Bitch I'm not even going to bother fighting the rest of this bullshit if you're not going to even try to pretend people believing forming babies don't deserve to die are all just making it up to fuck with people.
Also medicaid exists in all those states, the post-natal issues have a lot more to do with doctors leaving to find high paying jobs. We DO pay for babies, even to poor people.
>Maternity care and childbirth are covered by Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP). These state-based programs cover pregnant women and their children below certain income levels.
Is that really all you do on this site?
The ADL is just one big shitposting org.
>nobody's ever lied to get a job they want
You're dumb.
Thank you Paetra
Yes. Would you like to hear the good word or not?
>if you believe in X you should be forced to do X
You're underestimating how many conservatives aren't religious. Probably because you're a teenager who gets most of his impressions from Hollywood instead of actual human beings. As evident by those zoomers who are getting sick of trannies shitting up our culture without any help from Jesus.
>we're arguing about abortion
I'm not. Read.
>demonstrably a religious wedge-issue
Not really. People might use their religion to fortify their stance, but again, you're a moron if you think the bible has anything to do with America's aversion to what a lot of them interpret as child murder. You can say they're wrong, but you'd be wrong to reduce it down to "muh god said so."
Imagine actually believing the souls of sinners go to hell, and all you do to save them is post weak rethorics on Yea Forums
Wish I could cope like that
>No? Blame the rapist, not the baby. Baby didn't deserve to get killed because the dad is a piece of shit.
the baby is half him and is carrying rapist genes.
Only libtards ignore the science and pretend society defines who we are.
ADL, proof that Israel is so influential that they have designated groups dedicated to denying Israel has so much influence
Now you want it both ways. Either God kills perfectly healthy people for no reason but his own, or God leaves free-will to the people and doesn't meddle. And yeah, subverting other people's will with giant floods or big fish or arbitrarily nuking cities because they're exercising they're free will or randomly killing them with a cancer they didn't even know they had is meddling. Which is it?
What does white supremacy have to do with christian radicalism?
If anything your graph shows that religion really isn't the problem. If you can even call 313 killings spaced out over nine years a significant problem.
People say that in response to stricter abortion laws.
Handmaiden’s Tale is about a dystopian future where women are oppressed beyond any metric we’ve ever seen. There’s not yet a real life equivalent to it, but people seem to think that stricter abortion laws is the first step towards it. Think of how that whole stint with the Patriot act made people quote Orwell for a long time.
I don’t exactly know why, because I’ve never studied the book and I don’t keep up with abortion laws because there’s no way to have that argument in constructive way.
>the baby is half him and is carrying rapist genes.
We're all carrying rapist genes, you think knights cuddled the ladies of the conquered villages warmly? I mean we'd have to remove everyone related to Genghis Khan.
It doesn't have potential for personhood and human thought, and is also an unnatural development.
All religious extremism is wrong you dipshit.
>Saudi Arabia
Way more developed than the US.
Also the US is reliant on all their oil but neither Iran nor Saudis are reliant on the US to buy their oil.
>if you christian then why u on 4chins jejejejeje
Why have I seen this shit argument being posted so often
First you want to claim that it doesn't happen... Then several people provide proof that it does happen, so you backpedal and try to move the goalpost to frequency.
Do you just really like way that straws feel in your hand?
I already bitchslapped that argument here which you tried really hard to ignore
I actually didn't see it, but I'll address that now.
>Question, if a person loses the ability to think and brain functions, but so long as they're kept on life support and given a special nutrient that brain will recover and they'll eventually be able to walk and talk and move and eat and do everything all on their own and make a full recovery, wouldn't it still be murder to pull the plug?
Yes, it WOULD be murder to pull the plug. But there's a big difference between a zygote and a brain-dead individual, and that is that someone who is brain-dead was, at one point, self-aware, and can become self-aware again. They HAD autonomy, therefore, it's immoral to remove it from them. Zygotes never had autonomy to begin with. That's the difference.
>Also medicaid exists in all those states
It does. But the politicians who are strongly in favor of anti-abortion laws are ALSO strongly in favor of stripping down and/or eliminating medicare and medicaid, and any effort to expand or enhance it is suddenly "COMMUNISM!"
Why is that?
user you seem to be the only one coping here. Reverting to an edgy teen with just a single post. It's a pretty mind-boggling thing to see. That said, "rhetoric" is often used as a catch-all buzzword, as you're doing now, to pretend that ancient knowledge is wrong simply because it's born from things you find fantastical, and ancient. You should consider reading a few more books before deciding to comment back to me, especially the Bible.
>implying the patriot act didn’t destroy our freedoms
Because it's so obvious?
And a pretty easy attack on peoples character
Hello Muhammad, nice to see you here but your comment is irrelevant to this discussion
I’m not, just making a comparison.
>twisting someone's words to suit your argument
Classic conservitard.
I'm not a politician or legal expert so I don't know what would be the best abortion law as if it's effective to ban it or not, but I think we can all agree that a woman who is literally willing to kill her own child that she conceived, her own flesh and blood, is the scummiest most evil creature on the planet. Like, a foetus is a human life when it's at it's most vulnerable and weakest point, and a mother is supposed to unconditionally love and nurture her own child. Even animals understand this concept. For a mother to literally want to kill the one being she's supposed to love and care for more than anyone else in the world, at it's most vulnerable and weakest point, is the most disgusting, obscene ad inhuman thing I can possibly imagine. I can't even imagine what kind of scumbag of a """"person"""" would be willing to scrape out their own baby child and cut it to bits, but not only do millions of women in America do this, they believe it's a human right. Any woman who has an abortion is the biggest scumbag of a human on the planet.
>inb4 abortion for rape or genetic defects
Yeah okay. But we all know that most abortions aren't for that reason and are because a woman had unprotected sexual with chad that she regretted or was too stupid to remember to take her birth control pills
1. You are a shitty Christian&/Person
2. You are a Larper
3. ??? Please tell me
>Either God kills perfectly healthy people for no reason but his own
>or God leaves free-will to the people and doesn't meddle.
He doesn't leave them alone though? He just doesn't force them to do anything.
> And yeah, subverting other people's will with giant floods or big fish or arbitrarily nuking cities because they're exercising they're free will
So then if he could control them, wouldn't he just make them not do that? This implies he doesn't have a plan, or if he does it can be defied and broken, which is your original point, modern medicine is either in alignment with or defiance of God's will, but its still our choice.
>r randomly killing them with a cancer they didn't even know they had is meddling
Is it God's will you got cancer, or that guy letting loose radiation in defiance of God's will? He didn't insta-Strike Sodom after all.
>Which is it?
I told you, its free will that causes it, Old Testament god previously fought against it but upon removal of Original Sin with the blood of christ he accepted them, or do you actually have an example post resurrection here? Outside of the end of time, I mean.
>It doesn't have potential for personhood and human thought
Neither does every fetus.
>and is also an unnatural development
So is incest and rape.
Not an argument, incel.
>tfw can't suspend disbelief in almost any of these dystopian shows because the logic of the world just doesn't make sense
Handmaids tale, Man in the High Castle, list goes on. Sorry
I agree.
People who say this obviously have never watched the show.
The Gilead (bad guys) ALWAYS WIN.
any plot is crushed
any escape attempt is foiled
anyone attempting any kind of rebellion is hanged on the wall.
The Patriarchy wins EVERY TIME!
>Of course it does, it doesn't feel pain yet but to imply nothing would happen is to imply there are no living cells on the damn thing forming
You know moss and grass are nothing but living adult cells, right? Why don't they react when you poke them I wonder.
It's because they don't have a nervous system to respond to external stimuli :^)
Incest and rape occur throughout nature and can create genetically operable offspring with their own personhood and capacity for human thought. Fetuses do have the potential for human thought and personhood, unless they are going to die.
They're pretty fucking bad. I walked in on an episode and thought "well that's a bit dramatic, isn't it?" only to be met with more drama upon more drama. This is literal drama porn. It's made so morons that love drama can sit there and masturbate their idiot brains.
I love these threads where guys who break at least 4 of the sacred commandments every day go against yet another rule of their rule book by judging others.
It's almost like they selectively trot that shit out only to desperately excuse their own behavior
>incest and rape
>and that is that someone who is brain-dead was, at one point, self-aware,
Interesting, so it doesn't matter that they LOST the ability to become self aware or do anything towards their survival, your only qualifier is that they had it before? I genuinely don't know how you wrapped your argument into that one, what kind of sense could this possibly make to you?
>They HAD autonomy, therefore, it's immoral to remove it from them
But they don't right now, it's been removed already, they have no autonomy in this case. The question is whether its immoral to work towards giving it to them, because they cannot themselves and will not get it without direct intervention, care and eventually retraining the lost knowledge. They don't have any more choice or autonomy in this present moment than a zygote does, but both will almost certainly recover them should they be cared for. I genuinely don't see how you think the idea they had it before should grant them a special exception from someone who hasn't had the chance to regain it, even though their situations are one to one. It just sounds like a really arbitrary qualifier that has no connection to the rest of the event used solely because, well, there's no other answer.
> But the politicians who are strongly in favor of anti-abortion laws are ALSO strongly in favor of stripping down and/or eliminating medicare and medicaid, and any effort to expand or enhance it is suddenly "COMMUNISM!"
Loopholes for exploitation? I haven't seen a politician try to strip away one that protects babies yet, but I haven't seen everything. Can I agree with you that anyone who does is a piece of shit, republican or no?
>a woman who is literally willing to kill her own child that she conceived, her own flesh and blood, is the scummiest most evil creature on the planet.
What if that child was concieved in error, or under duress, or in less than ideal circumstances?
>Even animals understand this concept.
Almost every animal has been observed eating thier own young. Most rodents use it as an adaptation tactic.
>For a mother to literally want to kill the one being she's supposed to love and care for more than anyone else in the world, at it's most vulnerable and weakest point, is the most disgusting, obscene ad inhuman thing I can possibly imagine.
More inhumane than giving her a baby she's willing to kill to begin with?
More inhumane than forcing that woman to raise a child under less-than-ideal circumstances, against either her or the child's will?
>a woman had unprotected sexual with chad that she regretted or was too stupid to remember to take her birth control pills
It takes two to tango, bro. The dude can't wear a condom? Or just flat not have sex to begin with if circumstances are dubious?
>I'm not
We are. Go find a different thread to bitch about Muslim rapefugees or circumcision, I'm sure there's one up.
>I'm not religious but...
So what I'm hearing is you have even less of a basis to defend criminalizing abortion. At least christards get their "sincerely held religious beliefs" defense despite it being flimsy at best.
If I rip out those rings, would they die?
user, it's 100% viable for humans right now.
We don't have to wait.
It can be used at this second.
Hell, we don't even need natural eggs anymore.
We can make them in a lab.
Eggs can be made from male cells as a matter of fact.
So we have eggs
We have working wombs
Also single heterosexual male fathers are better parents then single mothers and any LGBTQA combination you can imagine
Abortion is no longer an issue.
It's a failed political talking point used by women who have less then nothing going for them then the fact that they can theoretically carry children with enough drugs and a donor egg and using that as a way to create power for themselves.
That shit is over.
Women have been rendered scientifically obsolete by these developments.
By the by, the attempt to make synthetic sperm has failed miserably.
I’m so tired of listening to baby dick faggot. This shits gotta stop
Since when does science give say in morality?
>only people are responsible for cancer
So you do just want it both ways. OK, glad to clear that up. Your God doesn't exist.
are you writing this way on purpose.
Is this some kinda joke. You're on Yea Forums how can you be acting like this
Is that funkman?
>>only people are responsible for cancer
I genuinely don't know how you reached the bottom response but missed the very first response, that's an impressive bit of gymnastics.
>your only qualifier is that they had it before? I genuinely don't know how you wrapped your argument into that one, what kind of sense could this possibly make to you?
Not my arguement, I'm just reporting it.
>Can I agree with you that anyone who does is a piece of shit, republican or no?
Yes, absolutely.
just reply to this post if you think women are retarded
>Crane hangings
woah i didnt know whites were THIS based in this alternative universe
Autonomy was when she chose to have sex without protection. Now she lives with the consequences of her autonomy.
Ethics and morality can only define what a human should or should not do. It can't define what is or is not human. That's science's job.
Here is some video for that moron of a plant that is clearly a sapient being because it reacts to being touched.
Gardeners are basically abortion doctors, right.
So what I'm hearing is abortion is OK if the fetus is not going to survive prior to or after birth?
Unless, because of the sheer fucked nature of the fetus it becomes a threat to the mother's life? You are pro-life after all, you wouldn't let an innocent woman die because the word "abortion" makes you feel icky would you?
And now we're back all the way around to "What if she was raped?"
Science says it's a living human. It has human DNA, not a tree, frog, or fish. It has unique DNA. It is alive, as it can die. Science calls abortionists murderers. It's that simple.
Margaret Atwood legitimately hates men. Every book she’s done is this bizarre feminist drivel. She is skilled as a writer though. I can’t take that from her. I don’t know who the guy that pissed her off was but all men have been suffering since by her logic.
Science defines a zygote as human and alive.
So we ban in it all cases besides rape? Acceptable compromise?
Once again they chose one of the ugliest actress ever and we’re supposed to believe she’s attractive
You clearly don't work in the medical field. A lot of these people have lost the ability to respond normally, and when given a tool that allows signs of sapience they can use practically, will demonstrate such. Good job smart guy.
Or what if she was a dragon? Or bigfoot? Or what if my house turned into a candycane and a genie came out and granted fucking wishes?
>Not my arguement, I'm just reporting it.
Then maybe read the link first
>The biggest pro of life support is that it sustains life for a longer period of time, allowing for hope and solutions.
So, you know... even if its not certain, it sustains the being long enough to continue to grow, only babies have a much better rate of it?
>Some patients pull through and make a full recovery and others don't, but people involved in these situations typically feel that they have a chance.
Your original point of miscarriages or accidental death
>People against life support point to situations where it is clear that there are no chances of recovery and life support only prolongs the dying process.
This is not the case in most pregnancies.
>While people who are in supoort of life support say that it is morally wrong to let someone die,
> those against it argue that it is morally wrong to keep someone alive without their consent, possibly prolonging their suffering.
What do you know, you're in just the situation where eventually they will be given consent to take their own lives if they choose!
>There are other considerations as well, such as what constitutes a judicious use of medical resources.
This is just asking if its costing a hospital too much, though this doesn't come up much in America since we don't have national healthcare and Medicaid hasn't yet had a situation like this.
In other words, keep the babies on life support please, vast majority will soon gain autonomous functionality!
>It has human DNA,
Having DNA means nothing. Being able to "die" means nothing.
You shed, on average, about nine pounds of skin cells every year. Your skin has your DNA. It was alive, now it's dead. Does that make you a murderer every single day you're alive?
Then we have to define rape, and THEN you have to prove that it was, indeed, rape that conceived the child, and that's harder than you might think.
>I genuinely don't know how you reached the bottom response but missed the very first response
The part where I said you just want it both ways? Like "God has a plan for everyone and everything bad that happens is rooted in human decision making therefore God never subverts human will"? I genuinely don't know how you reached the greentext and but missed the substance of my problem with your argument.
If the fetus is going to kill the mother somehow then that's when an abortion is acceptable because she's defending her own life. But if the fetus has any chance at survival (and the mother is safe) then you shouldn't end its life.
All of you, have sex
This raped 3rd trimester abortion meme needs to die. You fucked up and don’t want to deal with the consequences so you kill your baby. Its nothing more or less than your selfishness
I always thought this shit was a period piece but now I'm hearing its like a sci-fi dystopia thing?
Politics don't bother me one way or the other. Is it worth checking out?
That plant has a nervous system, but good job moving the goal posts.
>still not understanding what a nervous system is for
There should be a threshold of basic factual understanding before you're allowed to vote on complex issues.
Having DNA is what defines you as a human, and dead skin is not technically
alive anymore and also dies of natural causes.
> fetus
> no agency
> did not choose to be in position
> epitomizes "innocence"
> woman
> has agency
> makes decisions with potential repercussions
> can be responsible and irresponsible
Totally the same thing man, good job.
I support abortions, but they won't be from my tax money.
>The part where I said you just want it both ways? L
Okay now you somehow skipped everything, how the fuck did you do that? Lord preserve him, okay.
>Either God kills perfectly healthy people for no reason but his own
In response to
>Only people are responsible for cancer
>God has a plan for everyone
Wait how the fuck, no we gotta go all the way back for this one,>If he's meddling in it, like Job, then it's not exactly a planned choice
You see how far back you've been getting this wrong? I'm not even gonna go past this, you fix this broken part then we talk.
So you're admitting that abortion is right and permissable under certain circumstances and therefore cannot be criminalized. Thank you.
Gotcha. Sounds difficult. Best start murdering babies right away.
>I admit, I just find it funny that you all would fight SO hard for a child, care for it so much. Then once it's born, perhaps female, it's a future person who hit someone with a car after drinking that deserves every bad thing that happens to her for being an irresponsible driver, and it's fine if her life is ruined by killing someone
I'm saying it's only ok in a situation where a mother is defending her life.
Suck on this (you) faggot
>God meddling is not God's plan, see: Job
And I don't even think you know what you're arguing anymore. And again, it doesn't matter because sometimes bad things happen for no reason, and it's nothing to do with God's plan because your God doesn't exist.
There's a couple genocides going on in the world right now. You're not there stopping those either. Makes you a pretty shitty person.
>So you're admitting that abortion is right and permissable under certain circumstances and therefore cannot be criminalized.
He said in defense of her life, or as we peons call it, self defense. You know, that thing that lets you commit a certain M word if you believe your life is in mortal danger. You know the word, its a criminal act to do it in any other case, and you just accepted that.
Thank you.
The problem is, you're missing the base assumption that differentiates vegetables from zygotes, and that is individual intent.
The person on life support was, at one point autonomous, and medical ethics dictates that we can assume that someone who was once healthy would like to become healthy again. They had autonomy once, they no longer have it through circumstances outside anyone's control, so we can only assume they want it again.
Zygotes don't have autonomy and never did. They have exactly as much decision making power as a ham sandwich, and always have. Yes, they WILL, eventually, but that's flawed logic, because under it, you can't kill *anything*. I can't slaughter that pig for my sandwitch because its descendants might one day evolve to have the autonomy to object to that.
Zygotes aren't alive and never were.
I'm retarded for not bringing this up earlier, but here, the medical definition of "Alive"
>1. Vitality, the essential condition of being alive; the state of existence characterized by such functions as metabolism, growth, reproduction, adaptation, and response to stimuli.
All things zygotes do not possess.
Intellectually dishonest.
What fantasy planet do you live on? Liberals guzzle cum like water.
You're still advocating abortion :^)
If abortion is murder then why are they actually different words? Are they both medical procedures too?
1st book is pretty decent, a bit rushed at the end but immersive and believable. 2nd and 3rd get shitted up by Atwood's stronk wamen narrative. Recommend reading the first and fucking the rest off, ending on a cliffhanger > unsatisfying conclusion.
reddit niggers are a thing
It's more comparable to Muslim countries like Saudi Arabia, Iran, and certainly any ISIS territory
He didn't say that, he said it's nowhere near the main reason and women are selfish shitheads, and he's right. You're the one being dishonest here, you actual piece of shit.
Zygotes do possess all the traits needed to be defined as alive. They're single celled organisms.
They're also uniquely human thanks to their DNA seqeuence. It's alive, and it's human - so an abortion would end an innocent human's life.
user, if women were used as breeder sows then we damned sure wouldn't be using over the hill fugsters like her or the entire cast.
Keeping them as A wife?
We'd have harems of young fertile women and send the older and or barren or ugly or gay/trans women out to the fields or death camps.
This is shlick fantasy for women who desperately want the old 1950's wife fantasy thing IRL and to be owned by powerful men but feel guilty about it and are blaming men and constructing an elaborate fantasy society where they have no choice but to live their deepest fantasies out and have something to bitch and moan and fight against and drama built in.
It's the perfect little masturbation fantasy for them.
I'm advocating self defense, not killing out of convenience.
I watch this show because it gives me a boner. I genuinely want the world to be more like Gilead. I'm not religious, but I do believe, 100%, that all women should be locked up in chains and enslaved.
Simple as.
>The person on life support was, at one point autonomous,
Right, you mentioned this, but its a completely arbitrary event in the current event because, due to these reasons, they are no longer. If they could still be considered "Alive" and that killing them would be murder, then the present state of autonomy, survival ability or conscious choices does not dictate if something is alive or not.
>and medical ethics dictates that we can assume that someone who was once healthy would like to become healthy
Same for, at time of examination, the fetus?
>They had autonomy once, they no longer have it through circumstances outside anyone's control, so we can only assume they want it again.
Again, take away the first four letters and there is no difference, you're placing all the emphasis on an event that has no bearing on their present state of being, only their future state of being.
>Yes, they WILL, eventually, but that's flawed logic, because under it, you can't kill *anything*.
Now that's a flawed argument out of desperation if I ever saw one, no matter how long you wait, that pig will never, ever, have the ability to autonomously react, and if it starts to develop that then yes, its now morally wrong to kill it. You wouldn't give a talking pig the same rules as a regular one, so if you had reason to believe that pig was going to start talking how could you justify killing it? Now imagine that pigs a person, and here's why your argument falls apart, because we don't have to wonder if one day it might evolve, it probably will just happen. There's no way to justify this incredibly arbitrarily and meaningless qualifier when it has no bearing on the present situation or state of being, period.
>All things zygotes do not possess.
Ah yes, Zygots have no metabolism, growth, reproduction of cells, or adaptation, and their cells don't respond to stimuli.
>implying mitch mcconnell in his shit fuck state isnt totally influenced by evangelicals.
>implying all these 3 private jet owning Televangelist's arent doing well
>If abortion is murder then why are they actually different words?
Murder? Who said Murder? I meant Manslaughter, waaiiiit a minute...
think before you post lmfao
>creeping shariah Christianity.
I'm more worried about left-wing fascism
muh tiny lil fishform babies
>hey had autonomy once, they no longer have it through circumstances outside anyone's control,
You know most vegetative states brought on by trauma are the cause of outside events, like someone hitting you in a car crash, so the whole 'outside of anyone's control' might not even factor in, someone being reckless might have put you into this situation beyond your control and now you have to hope that someone outside will continue to see you as a person despite your state of being currently reduced to a, how did you put it, ham sandwich? But its still only morally right to save you because you had a choice to do something before ending up in this situation?
> 1.1 percent of the total U.S. population
wHy CoMe MuSlImS dOnT KiLl MoRe PeOpLe As WhItE sUpReMaCiStS
you people are the ones talking in broad strokes. no liberal is contesting that fact.
>"I'll let you in on a secret. The term pre-embryo has been embraced wholeheartedly by IVF practitioners for reasons that are political, not scientific. The new term is used to provide the illusion that there is something profoundly different between what we nonmedical biologists still call a six-day-old embryo and what we and everyone else call a sixteen-day-old embryo.
"The term pre-embryo is useful in the political arena -- where decisions are made about whether to allow early embryo (now called pre-embryo) experimentation -- as well as in the confines of a doctor's office, where it can be used to allay moral concerns that might be expressed by IVF patients. 'Don't worry,' a doctor might say, 'it's only pre-embryos that we're manipulating or freezing. They won't turn into real human embryos until after we've put them back into your body.'"
Holy shit, Princeton outing political schemes in the medical field.
muh unthinking unfeeling babbies.
get a fucking life lol
>(((Handmaids Tale)))
>Like goyim what if women weren't allowed to be polygamous hypergamous sluts? Like wouldn't that be so terrible?
Garbage through and through.
me bashing your head in and eating your meat and then skinning your face and stitching it over my own occurs in nature. so is it ok for me to fucking do it?
Sure, just don't be surprised when someone else stronger then you does the same to you.
heres your (you) retard
Lol 350 deaths in over a decade.
That's like a day in a mudslime country.
Because if they don't haggle over nomenclature you're going to get up-in-arms christfags screaming about IVF doctors playing God.
like when people have an abortion? lol
>nutjobs bombing abortion clinics and targeting doctors who perform abortions, right?
That's justified.
If you end an innocent humans life then you will go to prison. I think rapists should go to prison or be put on death row too. But it is not the child's fault it's alive.
>I'm advocating
Abortion. The word you're looking for is abortion.
>lel gotcha baby killer XD
Is manslaughter a medical procedure then?
That's morally subjective. Was it to your advantage? Was I about to hurt you and end your bloodline? Let's pretend you're just doing it so simply no reason whatsoever, you're a mentally unstable psychopath, very clearly so. This is far out of the norm and is indeed unnatural in the continuation of human life. We've raped and committed incest in order to procreate as long as we've been a species, though. In fact, it's how women developed the ability to forget about one man and go with the better, because a more aggressive man who was either smarter or stronger would come along and take what he wanted/needed. Psychopathy is a chemical unbalance that is considered in the realm of unnatural strictly due to its rarity. Incest and rape are not. Apples and orages, mong.
Blowing up abortion clinics is justified. I also find it funny your lefties have to go back 25 years to find anything close. It also wasn't religious it was retaliation for Waco
Both perpetrators should go to prison if they are ending an innocent humans life.
the correct side of roe v wade won. get bent bitch
>fundamentalist evangelicals want basically the same
>Is manslaughter a medical procedure then?
No but Malpractice is-waaaaiiitt a minute! Or I guess we could call it mengeling-sorry, Mangling. Whyever did I get those mixed up? I must be off today.
He didn't actually say any of that while also posting one study to """prove""" the point you assume he's trying to make which is, by definition, intellectually dishonest. One self-report study doesn't actually prove anything, which you would know if you actually had any working knowledge of science.
For now
Sure, I advocate for abortion only if the mothers life is in danger. I have no problem with that particularly unique scenario.
Is this a
I'm not.
>self-report study
>about reasons why they're doing it
>conflating reasons with science
Wanna know how I know you're an actual moron?
> I'm more worried about left-wing fascism
The scariest part is how it is rapidly creeping up on us and retards like the fucks ITT still sit around and bitch about the evangelicals that haven't been relevant in a decade.
That doesn't mean it was the morally correct decision. Congrats on your ability to end innocent human lives tho, you should be so proud.
Yes, that is the specific term for killing a fetus, but killing in self defense rolls off the tongue better than aborting in self defense.
>board populated by actual pedophiles gets self righteous and moralfaggy about abortion
Wait a second, Muslims killed more. Where is the homocaust, or fort Hood, or the san Bernardino shootings for starters?
I'm sure that's exactly what the hijackers were telling themselves on 9/11 too :^)
insurance companies dont pay out for the possible potential of a human life after an accident. the US government didnt care that they were drafting men with so much potential life left. NO ONE FUCKING CARES
>every thread is literally all the same couple of people
Well when you put it like that it just makes far too much sense.
Yeah it just about calling people nigger.
>Yea Forums is one person
But all the other MPs called that one a shitter and the big time feminist one went there and abused them to their face, it was hilarious. The muslim parents are being BTFO by the school/police and state, they're barred from outside their own kids school.
top kek
You're on a board full of unironic pedoshits, niggers, accept it.
And Muslims regard then as heros.
>chooses to open herb legs
>herb legs
I knew you guys were intellectuals
supreme court judges are smarter than you, me and everyone in this thread. the whole point of the supreme court is to make the correct decision. are you stupid?
Yeah? And? This thread didn't discuss any of it until you threw it out there, you pedo-obsessed retard.
>have to go back 25 years
When did that nice white Christian fellow shoot up that synagogue again?
Oh well then if they decide to overturn it....
Based /pol/troon baiter, guys like you make these threads entertaining. Thanks m8
this. watched it with my gf and she said "wow thank god women are in charge"
>doesn't even know the weaknesses of a self-reporting study, let alone why a self-reporting abortion study could be fundamentally skewed
I bet you can't actually tell me why I am, but see above to find out why you are :^)
imagine if that mask had a dildo gag on the other end haha
i trust in the highest court. but they arent going to make that decision based on what some faggot retards like you think about it.
Not him, but I'll humor you LMFAO LMFAO
I consider myself a liberal. I am nonreligious, pro-environmentalism, idc about abortions. Guess what? I dont want a bunch of fucking stinky muslims coming here. I dont want right wing Christian fundamentalists to have power, and I dont want their stinky explodey fucking cousins here either.
Guess what? Trannies are mentally ill. They should not be encouraged and promoting children to transition is abuse. The entire tranny argument is entirely devoid of logic and is utterly in denial of biological science and it sickens me that the left is moving so fucking far left that they have become fucking science deniers. Cutting your goddamn dick off is NOT something a healthy normal person does.
>Yeah? And?
I'm pointing out the hypocrisy that a board that frequently posts about cunny and underage children gets all moralfaggy about abortion. Statistically, there are a lot of pedos ITT.
>every post in this thread calling bombing civilians "justified"
How's it feel to be just as bad as Muslim zealots?
>appeal to authority
The morally just decision is not to end innocent human lives. They can believe what they want but they would never convince me otherwise, even if I discussed it with them.
Yes, a self-reported study on -their- reasons. They are telling -their- reasons for why -they- are doing it. This isn't like lying about dick size, Nimrod. It's a self-reported study for why they them*selves* are getting an abortion or why they would opt for abortion. How else do you think this study would play out?
Okay? There's 109 unique posters in this thread alone. Maybe you should prove they're all pedo posters before being an idiot.
>prove highest court in the land is fallible by undoing settled law
>"Just trust us, we definitely got it right this time ;)"
This roastie is getting toasty
what the fuck are you talking about dude? trannys dont have anything to do with handmaids tale. thats not what this thread is about
>Maybe you should prove they're all pedo posters before being an idiot.
Maybe you should stop being such a newnigger.
Keep acting like you're morally right while browsing a board that always posts about sexualizing children, you denial ridden fag.
>you lurk Yea Forums
>therefore you are pedo
>nobody would lie about why they're getting an abortion
Not only is this retarded, the 2 most reported reasons are so vague as to not even exclude people who were victims of rape. Which you might not want to disclose to some random dipshit with a clipboard standing outside the clinic badgering you on one of the hardest days of your life. It literally proves nothing. Discounting how many people didn't bother to give a reason because they didn't want to participate in the study, maybe grow a brain instead of cherrypicking arguments.
Supreme Court judges are typically consistent ideologically (or have been up until recently). The judges then were right-leaning libertarian, and it was mostly fundamentalists that questioned their decision.
its morally just solely based on your opinion. some people think life is suffering, and an unwanted life is not worth living.
Source is ADL, might as well be info wars as far as reliability
>It literally proves nothing
>74% of women said this
>all of them are lying
You're some kind of special stupid.
so you are saying right leaning libertarians legalized abortion?
And now we're going in circles.
>Same for, at time of examination, the fetus?
No. Because a fetus cannot want, because it's not yet alive.
>you're placing all the emphasis on an event that has no bearing on their present state of being
It has EVERY bearing on their present state of being! That's the entire point! You're being obtuse.
>You wouldn't give a talking pig the same rules as a regular one
You're making my argument for me now. That's how full-circle we've come.
>Zygots have no metabolism, growth, reproduction of cells, or adaptation, and their cells don't respond to stimuli.
They don't. That's correct. Congratulations.
Yes. Their main argument was literally "government leave me and my body alone". People seem to forget this.
>Boards are 1 person
Lurk more newfag there a lot of layers of meta shit you gots to go though
>twisting a person's words to fit your argument
Classic conservatard. I didn't say they were all lying, I said believing nobody is lying is comically naive. Way to skim over the part about "the top 2 responses don't actually exclude rape victims" or "there's no telling how many people don't respond to a self-report survey", but please keep pretending to have any scientific understanding of anything while clinging to data points that fit your premise.
Especially the "from my cold dead hands" crowd.
Tell that to the dead children you pro-death hypocrite.
>hurr other people do bad things therefore that excuses killing unborn children
Fuck of child murderer. How does it feel to be on the same plane as paedophiles and child rapists? You literally all deserve to be executed
>forcing a woman to give birth
Unless she was raped, nobody forced her to get pregnant. When you consent to sex you consent to the possibility you may get pregnant and have a child and love it and care for it. If you're too stupid to use birth control properly then that's on you. You don't get to murder your own child just because you're a trash scumbag filth that doesn't love your own child that you created. Women who have abortions are the scum of the earth, literally the lowest form of woman possible. They are on par with rapists and paedophiles
There's a reason the vast majority of men would not want to marry a woman they know has had an abortion in the past
The story is literally written by a woman that was inspired with how Iran turned from a secular western country with equality for women to the islamic extremist republic it is now where women are treated like property in just a couple of years time.
They are basically basing it in the US since the US is also a secular place right now with religious fundamentalists and equality for women so it's easy to adapt the events of Iran to happen in the US.
This doesn't mean it is a crticism of US politics at all though. It's criticism of Islam, passivity of the common folk letting it slowly getting worse and religious fundamentalists getting more and more extreme over time.
That decision should be left up to the one who will be living it. It's not morally just for you to decide if someone else should live or die when they are innocent of wrongdoing.
I think everything is going to be okay.
>any scientific understanding
You keep saying this about an opinion study. Stop it, you cringey fucking redditor. The fact of the matter is, when you're accepting reasons for acts on a massive scale, your margin for error is very low. Even if it was off by a whopping 14% (which would be astronomical and doesn't fit anywhere near the margin other studies of the same class receive) it would still be 60%, which is still a major number. Rape is so low on that totem pole it's actually funny to see used as an argument. Even in Georgia, special cases like rape are permissable for the abortion procedure as long as the doctor says it's necessary. You're dumb, and small, and most of all the only person being dishonest here.
What about men who force women they've had sex with to get abortions?
>Unless she was raped, nobody forced her to get pregnant
This is the most comical argument that only ever comes from men. Did you know trap babies go both ways and men can and will compromise a woman's birth control to keep her in a relationship? Or that old gem where a guy says he's definitely wearing a condom and then "accidentally" has it fall off before he realize he's creampied a bitch. How about a relationship where the couple want a baby together, when suddenly the man changes his mind and wants nothing to do with the pregnant woman or a future child. His skipping town is abortion in all but name and leaving his ex to single-motherhood, but it's all the woman's fault she wanted a normal family she can't have anymore, right?
The show is getting better every season as the main story (the war, history, politics) are slowly drip feeded to the audience as background events which is superior storytelling and makes this show worth watching.