How did china become the worlds top film market?
How did china become the worlds top film market?
By sheer volume.
Me in the tank top
By being bigger.
Now I have to go to China and sink my fat bbc into thicc chinese bitches.
Are there any sexy as fuck Chinese girls who're angry at their daddy and want to get back at him or looking for side dick?
There are a few, user. But you must search hard.
because they have highly efficient economy and a functioning government.
Me working the security cam
i thought the gay was illegal in china
giv milkies
how do average girls feel when they see this?
commitment to quality
>1.5 billion people suddenly have enough money to go to the movies
Idk it’s a true mystery
>1.5 billion people
>barely out produce 330 million
Do you know what efficiency means?
>a functioning government
God love how he gassed that slut
absolute madchild
He's a chink shill. He's been spamming this shit on /pol/ for the last week.
"efficiency" is a bugperson word. funny how you nigger anglos call the chinks insects. you are a disgrace.
China was literally worse than Africa and India, when their government was first came to power. Now they are set to overtake to US in economic hegemony.
Yep. more so than the American regime
basedest lad in the land
Plus travel the world on guided tours acted like retards. Fuck them.
yeah that'll lower your social credit reeaaaaal quick
I wonder what exactly he was expecting.
asian women are so hot even the 3/10s are 5/10s for me
>honorary aryan takes care of jew
>suddenly 'malfunctioned'
yeah the operators were watching
I love that clip so much, fucker gets what he deserves
based and dengpilled
holy shit chinks don't fuck around
this dude died dont post that kind of thing here
>According to local media, the boy was not hurt in the incident and was rescued after the elevator short-circuited
>Do you know what efficiency means?
does it mean having more than four times the population yet less than a quarter of the national debt
a real human bean and a real hero
nope, just brought greato shamu to his family
>"He [the father] says that his son cannot yet urinate that high, he doesn't believe it, and his son won't admit it, says he didn't do it,"
>pees on buttons
>malfunctions elevator
>initiates freefall to his death
>Now they are set to overtake to US in economic hegemony.
By what measure?
>his son cannot yet urinate that high
Pisslets BTFO
Holy fucking based. The Chinks' proper hatred for niggers is based
>he believes the fraudulent GDP numbers China publishes
LMAOOO @ ur life.
Turkmenistan has one fifteenth of China's debt. Does that make it better than China or the US?
wtf lol
>In 2008, IMAX extended their brand into traditional theaters with the introduction of Digital IMAX, a lower-cost system that uses two 2K digital projectors to project on a 1.90:1 aspect ratio screen. This lower-cost option, which allowed for the conversion of existing multiplex theater auditoriums, helped IMAX to grow from 299 screens worldwide at the end of 2007 to over 1,000 screens by the end of 2015.[16][17] As of September 2017, there were 1,302 IMAX theatres located in 75 countries, of which 1,203 were in commercial multiplexes.[18]
Both Fox and Cameron stressed that IMAX was the only way to experience Avatar and tickets cost 160 yuan ($25) where as a normal movie ticket costs 60 yuan (~$10)
Who is this made for?
No bra and clothing that shows of your giant tits are fucking hot
They are a barely fed barely litterate race of well manipulated slaves. Old american south beat a nigger slaves. Not old europe and modern middle class slaves that are the working class.
They also have a "fuck you I got mine nigga" mindset that does not bode well for their contries future.
They can't even eat their own food for fucks sake. They have to buy and beg for american made foods and items becuase that indicates both being well made and being quality.
what the fuck am I seeing
>"The child needs to be taught a lesson, the father too. Look at their parents' response. His family is disgusting," one user wrote.
>"[The father] says that his son cannot yet urinate that high, he doesn't believe it, and his son won't admit it, says he didn't do it," a reporter told the newspaper.
see Chinese millenials have already started to outspend their american counterparts
Make sense to me. American millennials are now like 50% spics and nigs, who are too stupid to hold down a job.
Yea Forums
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By having the largest middle class of any country and a below shit tier domestic film industry.
Break it down per capita and let me know which side has the much larger number.
>have population 0.4% the size of china
>is having a national debt 1/15th the size a good thing
no, you utter fucking brainlet, it is not
PRCIDF pls go
>that guy
>that black car
Idiots like you.
Also a way to show WE NO LIKE NIGGERS HERE IN CHINA!!! to the retards in their country and across the globe.
Which is hilarous considering that chinese dudes are all about the african pussy.
And black dudes are being cucked and their wives girlfriends and daughters are getting RICED left and right.
In not even two generations there will be tens of thousands of blasians running arouind africa.
one fifteenth per capita retard
sweet bliss
>muh per capita
its the total economic output that matters, when its comes to economic hegemony. This why Singapore sucks up to US, despite having higher per capita income.
USIDF pls go
>comparing per capita to total national debt
>call others retards
here's the wake up call: US national debt is 115% of GDP
china's is 15%
tip: you're not going to win this argument on these grounds
>tens of thousands of blasians
that's not a lot, considering how fast african population is growing they will disappear just as fast as they appeared
educated black men like me. I know the oriental girl is superior- this is just my way of accepting it.
>she fell for the foot brake meme
I exist entirely to see Chinese wembs
OK, if you don't want to use GDP to compare the countries we can use infrastructure that doesn't try to eat you.
Bet you american pigs can't do this
I love it when some Chinese faggot starts calling me "IMBECILE!!" when I say something he knows right but doesn't like. It's like his bug brain is shortfusing kek
I need to see more
>four times the population yet less than a quarter of the national debt
sure fuckin sounds like external debt per capita with extra steps to me
what the fuck
Why did it collapse under her? Don't people walk on it all day?
He didn't fly so good!
>Why did it collapse under her?
Because safety standards are roundeye propaganda
>if you don't want to use GDP to compare the countries
But I did see I don't why US regime propagandists don't want to acknowledge the economic reality of china and US
What the fuck
Get this hothead outta here
>Protagonist fucking dies horribly in the first minute of the film
Any kinos for this?
Did the delorian appear right then?
I meant GDP per capita but I'm in a pretty heated argument in another thread so I didn't have time to proofread.
>good at maths, but bad at ethical decisions
Holocaust Kenya in 3,2,1
>not a single fire extinguisher in a work environment dealing with high heat
>all they could do was beat the poor dude on fire
China webms morbidly fascinate me.
Was it nerve gas pocket?
nice bost
He killed all the bees too, didn't he?
Why do chinks and retards fall for these fake viral videos
>china has 45 nuclear reactors
How long until chink chernobyl?
He was a retarded puppet ape who was put into power by international banks to keep the chinese as a self destructive slave race.
That's it.
He was in all ways a retarded emperor who was spoken too by jewish communists.
You have any concept as to how much of their rich deep history they fucking destroyed?
And the chinese pop is growing just as fast.
It's also on the verge of a massive civil war and many are getting out while the getting is good and setting up shop in africa.
The growth of blasians in africa will be exponential.
Fucktons of huge brilliant noble savages running around.
>I meant GDP per capita
but GDP per capits is useless when it comes global economic hegemony. I don't why supporters of the US regime keep ignoring this fact
Memes aside, I really think this country has a curse on it, be it from God or themselves
they are adapting
>nobody helps you when ur on fire
>nobody helps a child run over by a truck multiple times
>no citizens arrest
truly this is worst time line
nice try, Chang. When it comes to global economic hegemony, you go by nominal GDP, not PPP. No one gives a fuck about your cost of living when we're talking about international capital.
It's not useless. China's population is nearly 5X larger than America's. If they need 5x the population for their gross GDP to match America's it means the average Chinese is about 80% poorer than the average American. Keep in mind these gains are coming when China is "catching up" to the rest of the first world after being dirt poor for the last century+ and this growth won't continue forever.
There have been readings that chinese population has stopped growing though, Africa will outnumber everyone else. It's all according to population growth cycles. There will be more pure blooded africans on earth than every other race put together. I am done discussing this with a person orgasming about dysfunctional mutt societies.
No, indeed we can not do that. Because we posses souls and chinks do not.
>US regime propagandists
go back to /trannypol/ you overzealous rebelling child
>that's it I'll kill myself together with everyone on board but at least the thief got what he deserved
Why does this matter when virtually none of those africans will actually leave their countries?
Too high. If he had kept hist body and legs straight may have survived with a broken leg or two, possibly a pelvic fracture. Bt as it were he landed on his pelvis, lower back and back. Likely broke his back. You can see bruising on his back when he is later seen floating.
One less bug breeder.
>When it comes to global economic hegemony, you go by nominal GDP,
That's I said they are "set to" overtake the US economy. The economic power of young chinese is already ahead of their US counterparts. Once the white boomers die off US will be a land of brown hordes like Brazil
Again. per capita wealth does not matter when it comes global hegemony. Only total GDP does. The average Qatari national is richer than the average american but the Qatari govt doesn't have the same economic influence that the US regime does
Have you been living under a rock? There are millions of them coming to Europe. Heck, a few hundred were illegally shipped to US border.
fascinating and frightening how literally no one gives a shit
But Europe and U.S. are becoming national socialists. I'm talking about the long term.
Somebody got cucked by the big white cock.
Isn't it funny how everyone is enjoying and being shocked by the thread? Why aren't you enjoying it user?
Chinks riding by on scooters like just another day. Fucking apathetic China!
Europe is already being flooded by African refugees because it's a (((humanitarian crisis))). That shit is only going to get worse as Africa's population continues to explode and the Jews clamp down even harder on white countries.
>Europe and U.S. are becoming national socialists
lol despite /pol/ propaganda, young westerners are more socialist than ever before and more open to immigration.
Long term? All I see is a brazil caste society or even worse, South Africa in the future.
>a country with near zero building regulations, cheap land, and extremely cheap labor has cheap houses
I think you're confusing africans for middle easterners.
They have to convince and in some cases force africans to leave africa and go to western countries to prop up the failed slavery system that is modern slash and burn capitalism.
I am enjoying it, chinese webms give me a wider arrange of emotions than just fun though
it's like I'm transported to a bizzarro world and that's fascinating
>cheap land, and extremely cheap labor has cheap houses
lol wut. China has some of the most expensive housing markets in world. US millennials are just broke and brown
Most of these are staged to make China look bad.
>fascinating and frightening how literally no one gives a shit
And you think they would anywhere else? It's capitalism baby.
>Antifa armed with milkshakes are the real threat!
Tian men square winnie the pooh
>"he was only pretending to be sucked into an escalator"
There is a good slice of charcoal colored africans in those "middle-easterners".
Me saying millions coming and will be coming is not an exaggeration, argue and delude yourself however you want.
Why the fuck are their escalators such shit?
There are over 2 billion of them. Why would they give a fuck?
>implying half of Yea Forums doesn't walk around with skidmark undies
its honestly the weirdest thing to see another country not hold life as sacred in the same sense we do
That's a german falseflag to solidify their leadership and protect themselves from lonewolves. They had an earlier one on how they "arrested" "special forces" "neo-nazis".
>the citizens who don't want to be genocided and replaced by foreigners must be stopped
>ignore the (((politicians))) and unelected bureaucrats flooding their countries with millions of Africans and Muslims in an attempt to gain total control and permanently stop their opponents from ever having political power
Jesus Christ Raimi
I laughed way too loud at this one.
Nah I've actually seen this happening multiple times in my western country and white knights drop in in no time
>The Guardian
Looks the JIDF poster has shown up
How the fuck do their trucks go awol so often and why do all their cars just combust like that?
Frankly, the excessive carnage is just a tad bit overdone. I think he went too far in some places
>Throwing the kid
as bad as africa in some ways
She burns 4 u
>Peter, don't worry about me. I'm fine. It'll pass.
Honestly Raimi's Chinese version of Spiderman 2 is fucking top kino.
this lad has some top banter
probably has to do with a combination of how cramped their roads are, how shit their traffic and traffic light systems are, less standards of driving for license and very cheap and shit road infrastructure where everything around you crumbles and falls. Then maybe the fact too that they're asians.
Plus I'm sure the brake pads on that truck should have been replaced 10K miles ago but maintenance would put a dent in profits and the Chinese insectoids can't have that.
>bugmen not being human
WTF is this real??
Why didn't he ride the bike sideways?
Great point. Man that poor frog. They can't even be bothered to kill the things they eat before they eat them.or even do it quick. Tons of vids where they purposely torture a dog they'll eat in boiling water instead of just ending it easy and quick. How can a race be so heartless yet wear clothes and expressions that make them seem decentish? Closest thing to a Jew that's not a Jew.
China needs to take over the world
Bugmen > jewish subversion
Yes sadly. There's a sound version on /gif/ where women are crying and the woman with her face disfigured is gurgling her throat, attempting to talk and scream and even sounds like she cries. Truly a cursed country. And many wealthy elites in the US and other countries express admiration to China's cold sense of not caring for anyone not in Government or higher position for more money. As horrible as their history is, I bet their dynasty's were somewhat more controlled than when everything got destroyed by Chink commies and turned it into what it is today.
fuck china fuck chinks
Chink driving videos are my favorite
>that one where the car runs over a whole family and leaves a 3 year old wandering around like a shellshock victim
Why don't they just put her out of her misery?
If you pay very close attention, he did. None of the cyclists got hurt. Always blew my mind to find that out.
>none of the cyclists got hurt
You can see one get smashed by the sign that is knocked down, then the fiery truck runs him over
No wonder Hong Kong doesnt want to go near the mainland. Being under Brit control for so long must have given them some sort of humanity
That's what it looks like, but it's all an optical illusion. Play it back frame by frame, the bodies the truck runs over were already there.
It's been pretty well known for years.
Those aren't even bodies, they're just motorcycles.
There were, I shit you not, only 3 dead. And 3 with minor injuries.
Chinese people readily go into debt to buy shit, it's scary how easily Chinese nationals can get fucking huge loans with little vetting.
I'd insert another webm but I've already posted every Chink webm I've got. Cheers lad. Unironically hope you move to a better country though, harsh insults aside. Or somehow have a revolution against your leaders and change it to be somewhat caring of it's own citizens. Cheers.
A revolution is what got them into this mess to begin with.
The great revolution was contrived and helped crafted by jews. Really.
They destroyed themselves for minor growth.
Now they are in the middle of a full monarchy and there will be a full on civil war.
And it will be the most horrifying thing anyone will ever see.
I only want to save the thicc Chinese bitches and bring them to america where we will protect them.
The rest can all kill each other for all I can say.
>Dey's gonna pay me fity thousan yooann fo dis moviee! Sheeit! I's gonna be rich!
Jesus. A father purposely plunging him and his two young children into a ditch because china is that much more painful. This webm is like art and is sad and sums it all up perfect.
The future you chose Jamal