will hollywood ever burn to the ground including everyone in it?
Will hollywood ever burn to the ground including everyone in it?
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>le tin foil hat poster
what happens then?
every time i randomly check the news californias on fire but its never hollywood
Why did Isaac Kaplan prefer to be called Isaac Kappy?
>jews running hollywood can never be pedos and would not try to prevent people from outing them
>having sex with a 16 year means you're a pedophile
>jewish holy book doesn't tell jews that having sex with 3yo's is okay
>believing the word of a 16 year old roastie
I thought most Jews were atheists?
wherever they go
cope more, pedo
He died by suicide huh?
Like how Feldman nearly died by getting hit by a runaway truck?
shoo pedo roastie
talmud is not the torah. most jews ignore the torah (which is religious) but read the talmud (which is occultist)
They are. I'm jewish and never heard about the talmud until pol started spamming passages from it.
Don't even know 1 religious jew in my whole extended family.
wtf I believe Colombians now
Why are incels so obsessed with jews and shit
not necessary when they're caught in the act.
My waifu is Jewish ^_^
He died by suicide huh?
Like how Feldman nearly died by getting hit by a runaway truck?
Or how all of those hollywood celebs who could have been metooing left and right had thier shit slapped in the media from buying their kids into jewish owned schools?
Or how leaving neverland happened and they were saying michael jackson rapped those kids...when it's known by everyone that he was not only sold by his parents to the music industry back when the jackson 5 first started but he was castrated as a teen and his dick litterally didn't work anymore.
brb making aliyah
Gross, our poor cunnies are ugly, they all look like native americans (peruvians)
It's funny because Hitler had his 9 year old niece shit in his mouth. Which is why he got e. coli (pic related)
He died by suicide huh?
Like how Feldman nearly died by getting hit by a runaway truck?
>totally like you my fellow goyim, I swear!
forgot pic
Busted uggo.
wtf I #believeallwomen now!!!
>believing the word of a jew
He was accused of sexual harassment by a 28 year old woman. What a shit pic.
cry more roastie people are tired of your lies
I bet Woody is innocent
This fag was very obviously a schizo and off his shit. If you can't see that well congrats you're probably nuts too.
That said there are a lot of vile degenerates and pedos in Hollywood and itd be good if it dissipates someday.
Reminder the pedo poster is from pol
alleged stories on hitler means jews can rape children?
Also this is what he was accused of
>On November 9, 2017, former Mad Men writer Kater Gordon accused Weiner of making a comment at the office one night to the effect that she owed it to him "to see her naked." Weiner and Gordon had recently worked together on Season Four's "Waldorf Stories" in which a pair of co-workers strip while working on an assignment. Gordon has not publicly clarified whether she interpreted Weiner's comment as an inappropriate joke or a serious proposition. Gordon did not express discomfort to Weiner or file a complaint at the time, claiming she was afraid of hurting her career. Gordon married billionaire former Facebook employee Soleio Cuervo a few weeks after leaving the show. She says she turned down subsequent offers to write for other series because the series were all "salacious", which she chalked up to innuendo around her exit from the show and her relationship with Weiner more than her work on Mad Men. Gordon has not publicly pursued screenwriting or filmmaking since. She made the allegation against Weiner after sexual assaults in Hollywood came to light, saying it provided her a safe space to reveal her allegation and simultaneously to launch and promote her anti-sexual-harassment non-profit startup Modern Alliance. Weiner denies any memory of making the alleged comment. [27] [28]
>getting this mad over a joke
fucking roasties and the /pol/ incels that white knight them
No it just means jews are emulating der fuhrer.
fake and gay
Do you creatures ever get bored of crying about jews all day
she pleaded guilty and many others were found out
What draws schizos and conspiracy theorists to this site?
proofs on the rothschilds/clinton thing
>believing some random fag who got a knock on the door from Mqssad
Interesting theorem
did you even google the fucking name? it's no secret
no proofs then. Gotcha.
kys shill
kys shill
>google "smallville star rothschilds clintons"
>all of the top results say she didn't confess any of that
At least post a link to whatever /pol/-based gossip column you got that "news" from
I wish we had pedo death squads. Nothing more evil than destroying the mind of child.
user..you know Google is entirely untrustworthy when it comes to most things of worth correct?
It's controlled and search results are used to create a narrative for stupid fucks like you.
Remember that time Anton Yelchin ran over himself and everyone believed it.
>pedo death mobs created
>oops looks like we found out all alt right are pedos lol no we don't need proof what are you a pedo sympathizer??
>kill all alt rightards
Ezy peezy
>the fact the proof isn't there is evidence i'm right
April 7th?
delete this you fucking jew
>hey google it
>okay I googled it and got nothing
link something then you fucking retard
stop replying to this moron guys he is pretending to be from /pol/ he clearly is not, or if he is he is a /ptg/ redditard
Can someone redpill me on hollywood pedos without resorting to schizo-tier infographs
>google it
>okay, i found nothing
>lol google is a massive psyop why are you googling things XD
Not going to click on all of your links, but it's common knowledge that Google tailors everyone's results to keep them in a bubble and keep out things they don't want a searcher to see.
This is a fact.
Roman Polanski fled the country to avoid going to jail for life and no one dared extradite him despite the US federal government demanding it every now and again when they learned where he was shacked up. He still made Hollywood movies with A-Listers and everyone defends him despite drugging and raping a girl. Even female actors do.
People in glass houses sink ships.
Polanski is based and has made enough kino to make up for raping a thousand kids
Has Tom Hanks ever explained why he floods his social media with pics of childrens shoes and gloves? Especially young girl shoes... and we all saw the IG posr he made before Issac's murder.
based retards, go back to /x/ with your schizoposting
You didn't even fucking try, Polanski is still on the run.
Roman Polanski is still a fugitive, but they "voted" to expel him from the academy last year. Just means he doesn't get a vote on awards anymore, though.
jews are smart so that makes sense