Alright lads, the thing is in here with us right now. The only way to prove you are human is to post your singles. Post them now.
Alright lads, the thing is in here with us right now. The only way to prove you are human is to post your singles...
Only other setting in which The Thing could work is somewhere deep out in the desert.
I can assure you I'm human
I an human
Nothing to be afraid of
Traps arent gay
Think everyone here is human, no need to worry fellow race brothers.
It could totally take place on a space station but I'm pretty sure that movie was already made
Or a deep sea oil rig
Really anywhere isolated
I'm a person.
I’m fine
This is pure nonsense. Doesn't prove a thing.
Fuck off faggot
The movie is literally perfect. Please dont put that out there into the universe, we dont need another.
Into the oven you go
I think the Tuunbaq is of more concern Mr. MacReady
haha imagine if the thing assimilated me and turned me into a giant mutant penis
Who has the flamer thrower?
You're being paranoid. Nothing to be afraid of.
I hope I'm the thing so I can kill all you dipshits
Leave postmodern degeneracy to me.
Hey guys! Who wants to go to Mars with me? I
No you're not, go fuck yourself.
Based thingposter
definitely human no issue here
This is bullshit. You say singles, but what about trips?
He kind of looks like that character on his shirt except he has worse hair and a better jaw/cheek bones
im totally cool
This is dumb. I've got nothing to hide.
I thought you'd say that; we'll do you last.
I am totally a human.
No, we will do YOU last
Please don't, boys. I didn't mean to roll dubs. It was just a coincidence. It was a mistake. Point those flamethrowers the other way. I'm tied to a chair nigga. I'll suck your dicks. Both you guys. Just don't do this
oh god oh fuck.
Heh, good thing it ain't me.
Hey fellow humans, we have a “thing” here!
this is stupid, we're all humans here we need to worry about whats outside
hey fellas
Press buton receive bacon
GTFO or I will spray your with my benis freak!
I am a simple human. I cannot get.
Well high there sugar.
Can you guys give me some privacy while I go to the bathroom?
Leave it to me
that’s zachary charles hill and dude has the weirdest hair i’ve ever seen. When it’s grown out to his shoulders it looks excellent, but when it’s like that or shaved bald he has one of the worst hairlines i’ve ever seen
Leave this to me.
Wonder what the thing smells like.. Ha ha.
I ain’t afraid of no THANGS!
my hapa queen
Holy shit this is incredible
Of course I don't have trips, I'm one of you!
needs coloring
will be 10/10
I'm good, Mac.
This test is so stupid.
Ain’t nothing but a thang, man
It'll say anything to get us to believe it
who did the dog infect?
who sabotaged the blood bank?
who killed fuchs?
was childs and/or macready infected at the end?
Smells human to me.
he's delusional, take him to the infirmary
>who did the dog infect?
>who sabotaged the blood bank?
>who killed fuchs?
Killed himself
>was childs and/or macready infected at the end?
Childs most likely
It ain't me!
It ain’t me
what's going on here?
>Captain Ron
You're my nigger
Hello fellow humans
wassup everybody
Aww, c'mon! This is bullshit and you know it, OP!
Plot holes because movie is old, back in my day we did not give a fuck, but if you really need to know, it was all Norris, that chubby bastard was into everything. He picked up the keys when windows dropped them in the storage room. The ending was left to the viewers imagination.
Why even bother testing me. You guys know I'm human.
Hahaha you will all bow before me
I know you gentlemen have been through a lot, but when you find the time, I'd rather not spend the rest of this winter TIED TO THIS FUCKING COUCH.
real human bean reporting in
Nothing wrong with me
Let’s split up
I'm totally human and would never even dare lie on Yea Forums.
me too haha
Lol wtf? I'm not the thing!
shitty dubs thread is shitty
If i am the thing i will morph as a clown and kill CIA.
Hello I’m a thing
not a thing
Ok pal no dubs here
>tfw mutated immunity to fire
N-no, i'm totally not that horrible thing!
I'm a ayy.
Bend over so i can probe you.
This, but non-ironically.
What a disgraceful way to get people to reply to your thread.
This is horseshit, how do we know this even works?
Im not a thing guys and if you come with me to this secluded spot Ill prove it.
This is some silly shit, it proves nothing.
My friends, don't worry. We will all be safe.
Why didn't doc get infected?
His limbs were biten off
Hello fellow humans! Boy I sure love African Americans!
>they aren't labeled
What was Carpenter trying to tell us?
the blood samples were labeled you fuckwit
Haha us humans right? What’re we like? Haha
this is bullshit. untie me.
its is I, Hugh Mann, the jew man.
do it user, I wanna see it too.
Am I Human
Easy now McReady...
though I can hide my cold gaze and you can shake my hand and feel flesh gripping yours and maybe you can even sense our lifestyles are probably comparable: I simply am not there.
How do you do, fellow humans?
This is so crazy. Aliens dont exist!
This is nonsence. It wont prove a thing
At the end was Childs a thing?
Seems to me it has indeed proven a thing.
None of us is the Tning but I appreciate your daily testing.
I wish I was part of the thing I'm so lonely oh my god
Human here.
Yay! I am!!!
I am totally a human bean. Trust me.
100% human here. CUT ME LOOSE
This is non-sense
Doesn't prove anything
Hello gentlemen.
some men were made to be women.
she a cute.
This roll dictates ending canon
Are Democrats a thing?