Propaganda aside. Is this worth watching?

Propaganda aside. Is this worth watching?

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>it's another thinly veiled /pol/ thread
Can someone put a bullet in this boards feeble mind?


It is both based and redpilled.

>muh /pol/
Trying to have a kino conversation, here.

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post height and jaw

so are you a jude and a fag too?

Post nose

>Trying to have a kino conversation
lmao who are you trying to fool retard? do you really think any productive film discourse is gunna come out of this thread?

Is this tranny porn? Anything involving nazis is likely tranny given the history

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Kino for this feels?

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Now you've done it OP

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they liked to have fun by fucking Aryan men and "killing" Jews

The user cries out in pain as he strikes you

Watch Jude Suess. It's objectively well made and relevant to the present. The Fein brothers tried to do the same thing Suess did with roads on YouTube.

I feel that the Jews' slaughter of animals at the end was the most memorable part of the film.


Is this even legal

Anything about the true history that homophobic russians erased?

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This shit is hilarious

its in black and white and bad quality. you can barely see anything

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looks like a nice fellow

Not really, only good for historical inquiry reasons.
Came here to say this, Jude Suss is actually a good movie on its own merits. The story isn't even really bad as far as basic morals go, if you can get past what it was used for.

these guys are based

Yea Forums is /pol/.

Go back to your hugbox on Reddit

Why do they always look like this

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Why do you lefties hang out on our site?

I can smell the newfag on you a mile away


it's incredibly boring, like most other nazi films, or any other films from that era desu.

In oh the pic spammer is back.



Not the first nor the last documentary about jewish control.

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I'm not a leftist I'm sick of these shitty political threads about Jews shitting up Yea Forums it's getting ridicilous

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From what I've understood, it was unpopular with German audiences. There's propaganda, and then there's awe inspiring propaganda. This is the former, and Triumph of the Will is the later.

>film and television board
>not mentioning jews
kek, good luck having 1 thread a day

/pol/ was created in 2011 you fucking newfag

This but in ironically.

The soul of it had always been here.

yeah, found the newfag who never lurked /new/

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It's up on YouTube. It shows how they do Kosher killings. Very gross and not for the squeamish.