/ART/ - Arthouse/Experimental General

Let's try to get over 100 replies next time edition

Really, you got to be kidding me.
>Favorite Orson Welles film?
>Favorite animated arthouse film?

Previous threads:

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Other urls found in this thread:

torrentz2.eu/search?f=La maman et la putain

Orson Welles film: The Trial

>Favorite Orson Welles Film?
Mine is personally Othello.
>Favorite animated arthouse film?
Angel's Egg like some people mentioned in first thread.

What would Welles think of the current state of anime?

>Favorite Orson Welles film?
Transformers: The Movie

>Favorite animated arthouse film?
Transformers: The Movie

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He would appear in a Studio Ghibli movie I would think but other than that I don't think he would give a shit about it.

>Orson film
The last 10 minutes of Lady From Shanghai
Royal Space Force or Robot Carnival

I could've seen Welles doing some collaboration with Satoshi Kon. He would love something like Paprika or Millennium Actress.


Based Quads. I wish that would've happened.

It also just occurred to me that the "Rosebud" mystery is the greatest resolved mystery in all of fiction when everything else has been a complete let down.

Citizen Kane is the ultimate pleb filter. I mean this unironically

>Favorite Orson Welles film?
Transformers the Movie or one of his wine commercials
>Favorite animated arthouse film?

Name me a better mystery that had a good conclusion. You can't.

It would be difficult that's for damn sure.

Watching some kino right now lads, why are you all not doing the same?

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Compulsion as an actor. Fat fuck doesn't even show up until the last 20 minutes and gets top billing. The Other Side of the Wind or The Third Man for director.
This one - youtube.com/watch?v=0Xb6SBrjP1c

oh, apparently he didn't direct the third man, well fuck my asshole

>best Welles movie

>best arthouse animation
It's Such a Beautiful Day and, World of Tomorrow and Angel's Egg.
I considered Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence arthouse but I'm not sure, it is a very deep psychological crime thriller, but don't know if it qualifies as arthouse.

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>Favorite Orson Welles film?
F for Fake. I also really liked The Other Side of the Wind.
>Favorite animated arthouse film?
Western - Asparagus
Japan - The End of Evangelion

RIP Suzan Pitt

>Favorite animated arthouse film?
Fantastic Planet.
I haven't seen that many animated arthouse, so give me some recs.

Fritz The Cat and My Life as a Courgette

Already posted above but Suzan Pitt shorts like Joy Street and Asparagus

If you like anime: Belladonna of Sadness or anything by Satoshi Kon

I Hate Darren Aronofsky

>Favorite Orson Welles film?
Either Chimes at Midnight or F for Fake, I don't know.
>Favorite animated arthouse film?
I don't know any


moobies xd

Saving this thread with all survivors

how old r u guys?

how long have u been watchin art movies?

what made u began watch art over mainstream?

how many animes have u seen?

how many b-horrors?

how many top tier, a-budget, action films?

whats your fav ideology?

how many kids do u have?

do u consider yourself intellectual, if so why?

how can the current state of hollywood be fixed so that each studio goes back the old style of accepting losses on bigger budget experimental films?

whos your fav actress?

what makes good acting and why isn't jim carrey good actor?

>Orson Welles
pick one

>Welles isn't arthouse

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What are you trying to say with this comment?


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What does /ART/ think of Frantisek Vlacil?

Every film accepted as arthouse is leftist. Really makes you think. Really makes you think about the basedgraphics of film watchers.

Great director. Valley of the Bees, Marketa Lazarová, Adelheid and Shadows of a Hot Summer are all great.

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This seems painful to me. I have seen Satantango and that one was pretty great but Jeanne Dielman really looks like a pointless exercise.

nolan anyone?

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It's a feminist film about the repressed life of a housewife under Patriarchy.

It's now lot better with Goldman Sachs telling you to work your life, go childless and go on hormones and pretend to be a man.

Man, leftists, I tell you.

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durrrr duhhhhhhh *bumps into a wall*

> Favorite Orson
Magnificent Ambersons or F For Fake.
> Favorite anime-
I don't watch.

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>this is what he got out of that film
/pol/tards everyone

t. seething leftoid unable to grasph why Big Banks, Big Capital, State are using him and his ideology as a battering ram in 2019 against right and conservatives.

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lol please get some air

Not before you explain to me why Goldman Sachs and US State Department both spread feminism, marxism and the big gay

>one decent thread on the entire board
>/pol/ still insists on shitting it up with their autism
every time

MWAAAHHH......the French ... champagne

> Pretending Dielman was unpolitical exercise
So I take it with this deflection that you can't answer the questions?

Guess this is the only thing you can expect from the hour where all the euros are either asleep or at work and it's just the burger neets left online.

I'm Norwegian though. I still see no working political and economical theory why the state, the capital, and the left all have aligned interests manifesting in for example identity politics.

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For me, it's pretentious garbage.

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Don't you have some work to do?

The Tragedy of Man

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Despite how the popular consciousness thinks it was about the sled, and how Welles personally thought that having a person's issues stem from one element was stupid, I actually thought the whole thing was handled well given that Kane's issues clearly stemmed from more than not having Rosebud with him, and the film itself says that there is no easy answer to why things turned out the way they did for him.

But to be true to the thread's questions:
>Touch of Evil
It just plain aged well on a technical level even if its handling of race didn't (with the subtext surrounding racism in the story being messed with by having Charlton Heston in brownface). Look at the way it's paced and how the camera is used and tell me it doesn't come off as more modern in its stylings than many films from the same era or after. Plus, it's got Welles putting in a memorable performance to compensate for Heston not really doing much more than what he needed with his part, along with an iconic final scene.

>Favorite animated arthouse film?
Still going through my list since I don't watch enough animation in general to provide an informed opinion.

No, like all /pol/tards he's an embarrassing pleb unable to actually discuss anything other than bottom of the barrel capeshit so he needs to shit up the thread with muh conspiracy theories.

Probably either underage or a neet.

> Conspiracy theories no real!
Then why was Harry Dexter White a Communist Agent writing "Morgenthau" plan in US Treasury?

Why did FDR administration send a cable to Portugal about immediate attack on Japan when they knew Japan had access to Portugal diplomat cables?

Oh those pesky tinfoil hats haha I for one don't question anything and am a good boy.

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You do realize that the sled was only a symbol of the innocence he lost since his youth, not a physical object, right?

Rosebud was anal.

But they threw the sled in the oven at the end!

This man deserves a lot more respect. Radley Metzger made Erotica arousing and appealing to look at. Sex in it's purest form as art.

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>rabid /pol/ poster appears
>thread dies
who'd seen that coming

Sweety this thread was page 8 before I dropped my post here

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These types of threads are slow.

>Magnificent Ambersons

Despite the ending and the cuts? It's too much of a butchered movie to work for me. That new ending alone literally drove me so mad that it had me shouting profanities at the screen in anger.

Yes, despite the production issues.

> New ending
Wait what are we talking about? I watched it years ago, is there a new cut?

>>Favorite Orson Welles film?
F for fake

>>Favorite animated arthouse film?
A what now?

>A what now?
embarrassing pleb

I'm talking about how they completely re-shot the ending so it would end on a happy note. Orson's original cut had had the Ambersons family get completely destroyed without any last minute salvation. That was the entire point of the movie that the story was building up to, and the new happy ending complete it.

Lars Von Trier

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Oh yeah I had read about that. Thing is I head-canoned it in, kek.

Opinions on Luchino Visconti? What are your favourite films by him? The Leopard and Rocco and His Brothers were great. Ludwig was also quite interesting.
What about him?

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pseud code for gay

dancer in the dark is great

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Antichrist I think is his masterpiece.

I think Dogville, Riget and Breaking the Waves were better. Dogville was really funny. Antichrist is extremely self serious work imo, i prefer his films with dose of humor. The House That Jack Built was also really good.

He would probably be Asukafag


Which one?

1993. Not that much a traditional mistery, but we get to experience the same feeling that drove Jeff Bridges character, to act the way that he did in the movie.

Nice. I haven't seen that one yet. Peter Weir is really good.

>Favorite Orson Welles film?
Touch of Evil
>Favorite animated arthouse film?
Perfect Blue counts as arthouse?

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is Paul Masson good wine? I never have sampled it

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>Favorite Welles
So far Magnificent Ambersons. I'm only at Macbeth though, It's All True is so underrated by the way.
>Favorite animated arthouse film?
That's tough. A Scanner Darkly, Angel's Egg, and Evangelion 3.0 are all up there for me.

V interesting point about the Hollywood safety net that's become so everpresent. I'll shill this whenever I can, but if you're interested on hearing about a major opportunity to subvert this that got squashed, check out Francis Ford Coppola's short "The Dream Studio" documentary about the making of One from the Heart. You can see it here: youtube.com/watch?v=MmkiD766ITY

Favorite Welles film is still Citizen Kane. Othello is probably second fave.

Favorite animated film is probably perfect blue.

Visconti had perhaps the best eye in film. Right up there with Ophüls and Kubrick. Every frame in his stuff is like a painting. Even films of his that aren't super interesting in terms of plot like Senso are breathtaking for the visual style alone. I really loved Death in Venice and Rocco and his brothers.

If you have not already, I recommend you see 1860 by Alessandro Blasetti. Big influence on Visconti in my understanding

Yes, he had a great eye, especially his period pieces are really interesting in terms of visuals.

I haven't seen that one, i will check it out. Thanks.


I enjoyed the dress kino of Leopard, but I haven't watched anything else. Ludwig seems very interesting though

> A history of Ludwig, king of Bavaria, from his crowning in 1864 until his death in 1886.

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Anybody else has a dislike for directors that mainly just adapt literature? Seems kind of lazy to me. Schlöndorff is the same

See the second quote.

>favourite Welles film
Touch of Evil
>favourite animated arthouse film
The stopmotion film of Trout Mask Replica I did with my toys when I was a kid

You all wish you were as arthouse as me!

I frogot to paste image and I can't be fucked again.

Rip quote.

His period pieces have great set design and costumes. They are visual treats. Ludwig is really good, quite long and it feels a bit theatrical but definitely worth a watch.
I couldn't care less, especially if their films are good.

>I couldn't care less, especially if their films are good.

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post video

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Name of the film?

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>Favorite Orson Welles
Touch of Evil
>Favorite animated
anyway why is Eating Raoul on criterion? i didn't really saw someting unique in it. Recommend me some arthouse/indie comedies

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>anyway why is Eating Raoul on criterion? i didn't really saw someting unique in it.
Armageddon is also on criterion. It's not like criterion only releases fantastic films. I haven't seen Eating Raoul so i can't say whether it's good or bad.
>Recommend me some arthouse/indie comedies
Happy End (1967)


is Alita Battle Angel good or is it incel film

Not /ART/

Bumping a bump

What is your favorite 2018/2019 arthouse film?

Burning and Long Day’s Journey Into Night so far.

2018 - You Were Never Really Here
Haven't seen a single 2019 movie except The Beach Bum. It's meh but has some nice moments.

Image Book hands down.


doesn't really look like arthouse

The chimes at midnight

I know, it doesn't victimize the lower classes that leftists pretend to care for so it can't be arthouse.

get help

Nuestro tiempo

>Nuestro Tiempo
Very weird film, i haven't finished it. I will one day but it's just so strange that the director is playing the main character and he is a cuck and his real life wife is playing the wife in the film. Just bizzare.

That's a weird definition of arthouse you have there. Also Donnybrook is really unpleasant film, i liked A Prayer Before Dawn much more.

Need to get around to watching NT sometime, how does it compare to PTL?

I was being very sardonic.

Sunset by a pretty wide margin. Can't believe that no one is talking about this film

Super strange film but maybe a necessary one. I was not expecting to ever hear carpet crawlers in a movie ever, that is for sure

More of a straightforward narrative than PTL, for sure. Still quite a few mind-bending elements at play. It really is tough to describe. I am not sure which of the two I prefer, still

The director is unironically a confirmed cuck. Couldn't believe it when I saw the film last year

Are you in a state of being perpetually triggered by lefties or something?

Only DVD rip online, shame there is no bluray.
It honestly seemed like some kind of self therapy.

Welles is based enough to admit that he likes Neon Genesis Evangelion for being the closest thing to arthouse films, and hate Miyazaki flicks because they're soulless. He'd see Miyazaki as another rich liberal.

I think he would've hated Satoshi Kon, mostly because Kon flicks are moralistic and angry at Japanese Society. He'd probably thing that Millenium Actress and Paprika would've worked better as Hitchcock thrillers.

Where should I start with Max Ophuls?

An Elephant Sitting Still
Sorry to Bother You
First Reformed (technically 2017 but qualified for 2018 Oscars)

>page 9
Im not an /art/fag but I think this thread deserved to be saved.Please keep the good discussion up,and sorry about the /pol/fag,just dont answer his posts

I started with Letter from an Unknown Woman. That or The Earrings of Madame De... would be a good start imo.

Good taste, Elephant and Sorry were great, haven't heard of Insect, what is it?

Not him but it's the newest Švankmajer film.

Ah, that looked like shit desu.

It's alright especially if you are a fan of his. But definitely not his best film.

Shamelessly shilling our newly reactivated discord filmclub.


Please consider joining if you think you would be interested in discussing Liverpool or other films by Lisandro Alonso.

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> Joining to a discussion server monitored by ADL, SPCL and other leftist speech restriction organizations

Literal honeypot.

No problem, something tells me you wouldn't enjoy yourself anyway.

I've seen both La Libertad and Liverpool since they're big chapo traphouse yung socialist memes, didn't really speak to me.

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Not even /the scene/ from La Libertad?

You would have to remind me, I had both on 2.5x fast forward.

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Consider giving it a rewatch at normal speed, that will help you appreciate its brilliance.

> Letterboxdcore on normal speed

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It's mubicore you pleb and the scene I was referring to is when he takes a shit near the start of the film

Is this good? What should i watch this or Gozu?

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The answer to both.

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> mubi

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>Max Ophuls
La Ronde


The House That Jack Built was based as hell

surprised to see best girl still updating and reviewing @users/55884

Give me a movie to watch

What type of film?

I guess I like movies with detectives the most, but I just wanna watch something different and weird instead of the usual pleb stuff I watch

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Cure (1997) or Zed and Two Noughts

Finished watching Eros + Massacre. Beautiful film, though I wouldn't recommend it to those unfamiliar with Japanese Avant-garde, and it also requires knowing who is Sakae Ōsugi before watching.

Hte only problem is the run time, 3.5 hours, and that some of the scenes in the present are obnoxious, specifically because of Wada, who keeps blurting platitudes. If the script was more polished - and this guy was removed, the film would have been so much better.
I wonder if the short 2.5 hours version is better, because there's a lot you can cut in the future part of the film that wouldn't be missed by anyone. Megumi feels somewhat out of place and redundant, and so does the director she's seen with.
It's one of the most beautiful films I saw it terms of how the shots are framed and the camera work, but dammit it's too long, the parts in the future feeling too unfocused.

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That shot looks fucking great, already sold

Thanks, I’ll check those out too

Don't legitimize bad behavior. If the spacing's wrong, move along.

Have you seen other Yoshida's films?

shut the fuck up

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Wich board of Yea Forums would Orson Wells post in ?
I'd says Yea Forums /pol/ and /ck/
Citizen Kane

Miyazaki is conservative by Japanese standards

Miyazaki would literally sign the S.W.E.A.T. pledge

Wuthering Heights and Affair in the Snow, though it was years ago so my memories of them are somewhat murky. Why?

The rest of the trilogy is also quite good. Heroic Purgatory and Coup d'Etat. Woman of the Lake, The Affair and Confessions Among Actresses are also good.


I found some in mybparents basement, but it was a gift set in carafes not proper bottles. So I don't know if those store the wine corectly. It probrably went bad years ago.


Cold War

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And that's why you arthouse elitists will never be taken seriously.
The moment a movie doesn't engage or denounce with the vilest aspect of human behavior you automatically disqualify it. Your view of the medium is incredibly limited ironically.

High Life

It was pretty cool but I mostly enjoyed it as a good trip with nice lights. Didn't understand much, I found Saul Fia more interesting. Still bretty gud tho.
Nobody's talking about it because nobody has seen it. I screened it several times for very few people.

This guy doesn't speak for all of us, u knob. I'm pretentious as fuck but most Miyazakis are solid 4/5 in my book

page 10 emergency bump

Seeing it in a theater with the 3D really made it so much better than it would have been just watching a rip of it.

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Jerry Lewis was a genius.

Ingmar Bergman turns my penis into the big penis

this.Robert Pattinson is such a great actor. I love Good Times.

Suspiria the original

Touch of Evil
Wizards (Bakshi)

I love Wizards. Fire and Ice is also great.

The Prince of Egypt is an animated masterpiece.

Fanny & Alexander?

No. I am colour Yellow

Yea Forums /News/ /ck/

>favorite animated arthouse film?
la planete sauvage

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And still she shat on him for been a demanding "misogynist" with iron-hands

That's a good one.

Thought this was gonna be just another jap horror. Was pleasantly surprised that it was much more than that. Also based tsukamoto plays the main character.

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What's interesting about this is that a bunch of other people pretty much contradict what she says. I trust Willem Dafoe and Stellan Skarsgard far more than her and Nicole Kidman.

Saw Pasolini's "The Gospel According to Matthew" and it's pretty much kino of the highest order. Where should I go from here? Salo? Decameron? Yeah I'm an indecisive fuck.

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Decameron for sure

What are some arthouse fantasy movies?

What’s the name of that Passolini’s film referenced in Cosmos (2015)? I read it but forget


thoughts on the "new hollywood" movement? would american cinema be in a greater place had it never burnt out?
do you like cassavetes?
i'll give you my thoughts on alonso here since i lost my meme discord from 3 years ago
i've seen every film except his last one and i think he's hit and miss. i love his long takes and his cinematography but some of his stuff just goes on for far too long or loses it's focus. he's just far tooy inconsistent imo. his films are super serious but then he puts in some surreal message out of nowhere (his first film was supposed to end with the main character laughing at the camera, revealing it was just a film. that one film where the guy is just wandering around the theater has this weird realism thing going on but then it just turns surrealist towards the end)
i think his first film is the best.

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>thoughts on the "new hollywood" movement?
It literally saved Hollywood for another half-century

Have you guys watched the biopic with Dafoe? It's quite good actually

Need a link to a good quality Out 1 by Reviette, i only have a dvd quality one, the same for the mother and the whore.

Can you help me friends???

Canterbury Tales is fun

post your top 5 and an email


>thoughts on the "new hollywood" movement? would american cinema be in a greater place had it never burnt out?
Cassavetes had nothing to do with "new Hollywood", which was worthless. Evil garbage, all of it. Plagiarism, patronage, snobbery, child rape, cocaine addiction, more snobbery, gangsterism up to and including actual Mafia connections, and bloated, forgettable movies by self-mythologizing dickheads.


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>Favorite animated arthouse film?

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You must be cool at parties, user

you must not like new hollywood
what's your take on cassavetes?

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Cassavetes was one of the great filmmakers of all time.

Not at Roman Polanski's parties, which is the kind you must want to attend if you value that foul shit.

You stop there, it's essentially the greatest film of all time

That's a huge statement there bucko

so this is acid

excellent arthouse film

best new wave?

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Your favourite Auteur?

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about to watch this. what am i in for?

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>Bane completely covered in shadows

>Batman becomes a statue of Marduk by the end of the film
somehow appropriate

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I appreciate more about this trilogy now than I did when it first came out. The first film is Boschian, the second is pure Camp (in the sense that the serious tone begins to break down but without wavering), and the third entry is purely Moral. It reminds of Sontag's notion of three sensibilities or approaches to art.

>watch all silents on at least x2 speed
>sound films on x1.5 max, usually in one half of my laptop screen while I work in the other half
>sometimes watch two films or even three films simultaneously, with some on accelerated speeds
>read a plot summary afterward if I missed most of the film
Consistently can watch 8+ features a day using these tricks. What strategies do you use to increase your film count?

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>I appreciate more about this trilogy now than I did when it first came out.
wow sorry about this sentence

Actually Marduk was Bel as well... so he turns up in the best Apocryphal tale during the time of Daniel.

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>film count
I’m not autistic

You could argue that there's a secular allusion to Daniel in the lion's den. But the ending is funny because in this case, Daniel's legacy is the role of Bel/Marduk

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>so-called enemy of the banks
>"hurr durr leftoid"

Under the silver lake

Want to draw attention to this short as transcendental

Avoid this discord, its ran by a some polish fag who only circlejerks with his likeminded friends

Try this.
torrentz2.eu/search?f=La maman et la putain
I think Mother is only DVD quality, try some of these.

And for this, House of Morgan will liberate her under the banner of feminism so she can work, have no family, adopt a kid and turn it into a tranny.

Leftists are a specimen that's for sure.

Yes, beating Trumpfags in the street is really showing it up to Citigroup.

Beating up cucks who support someone that's all about fellating bankers? Sounds good to me.

I have seen Audition yesterday, it was decent. Not that brutal, it was surprisingly restrained. I'm not sure what the point of it all was but i enjoyed most of it.

Takishi Miike might be the most based director alive right besides Sam Raimi and Harmony Korine.

I have only seen Audition and Blade of the Immortal. What else should i watch? I have Gozu and Graveyard of Honor on my computer.

Ichi The Killer, Dead or Alive 2, and the happiness of the katakuris

>Favorite Orson Welles film?

The Third Man.

Attached: The third man.jpg (710x540, 97K)

Dancer is his best film.
Wrong. It’s mediocre.
One of the worst films of the past decade.

Cool, thanks.

No problem

Another bump

Not the French one that's for sure.

I seriously hope this was satire.

Chimes at Midnight
Do Švankmajer films count? If not then Kafka's "A Country Doctor".
Also, anybody else here re-purpose Czech/Polish posters for films that don't have really good posters? Conspirators has all shit posters, and [pic related] was so perfect.

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Where to start with him?

haha oops that was supposed to go on d2g

>Sunset by a pretty wide margin. Can't believe that no one is talking about this film
I HATED Son of Saul, I found that style of filming the back of the actor super irritating.
I dont want to repeat that experience.

I think most people started at "Alice" as kids and were creeped out. "Conspirators of Pleasure" is highly degenerate and honest to God my personal pick. "Lesson Faust" is highly rated. Go to his IMDB and take your pick really, except maybe "Insects". I haven't seen it yet but people that typically love Švankmajer hated it and wish he hadn't gone out on that picture.

not that same user but Faust. I love his version

Son of Saul's gimmick gets tired in 3 minutes.


I haven't seen the film but the interviews with the director are interesting. Seems like he dislikes cinema today and is very particular about what he shows and how he presents things.

was Phantom Thread a 2018 film?
I wanted to say The Other Side of the Wind, which I liked it, but I havent seen it again since it was released
so.... Good Time? It hasnt been a great year I guess...

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Phantom Thread was 2017. Good Time was also 2017. Check out Burning and Cold War if you haven't seen them.

Very cool that this thread is still up! Hopefully we can have an ongoing arthouse generel on Yea Forums for once. Keep it up OP!!
Who is the one highly regarded director that you find completely overrated?
>for me, it's Roberto Rossellini.
I think the writing in his films is so bad that even his style and direction cannot save it. I truly don't understand how his films with Bergman get so much praise when her characters are always written terribly

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Woody Allen, i like his films so not completely overrated but most of his films are just good or watchable. Nothing that great and his neurotic jewish persona is really repetitive and annoying. I liked Love and Death and Hannah and her Sisters from him the most.

>Who is the one highly regarded director that you find completely overrated?
Oh so many.

> Woody Allen
He's just vapid literature references for genuinely thick rich people.

> Brian de Palma
Just bad at making films. Genre trash. Everything sucks.

> Wong Kar-Wai
He's astonishing at visuals, but his films are very shallow and the characters very bland. Doesn't really know how to write.

> Sion Sono
Le real life anime meme director. People like him because he's outrageous.

> Roman Polanski
Mediocre genre flicks disguised as something more. Consistently contemptful view of humanity.

> Cronenberg
Le silly bodyhorror man. Can't write, can't direct and his "scary" elements just come across as silly. The Fly is his only good movie.

> Paul Verhoeven
Le satire man. Obvious, silly, very unintelligent and unnuanced. Shouldn't make films at all.

Jesus Christ just stop posting

I have to say i disagree with everything except for Allen.

Maybe if you stopped valuing sloppy genre filmmaking as anything more.

based retard exposing his shit taste

>Le silly bodyhorror man
Yeah? And?

Well, De Palma, Polanski, Cronenberg and Verhoeven are not only sloppy genre filmmakers. That's quite a misconception.

Yeah, Stromboli was tough to take, I can't believe that movie is well regarded by so many.

Wong Kar-Wai is not a sloppy genre filmmaker

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Does Cure count?

I found it artsy in a way.


De Palma for me works as a guilty pleasure. The ridiculousness is there but he somehow kept it in check and kept it fun for the most part.
Verhoeven should've just gone into porn. His stuff goes way too far. It feels inhuman desu


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alri lads

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>Verhoeven should've just gone into porn. His stuff goes way too far. It feels inhuman desu
Why are you on Yea Forums?

>I'm pretentious as fuck

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Eh Verhoeven's stuff isn't that extreme. There are directors who are far more out there.

Verhoeven and de Palma are two extremely based directors. Disliking them because some of their films look goofy makes you a tryhard pleb. Body Double is a solid 4.5/5


Stop pretending to like arthouse, you faggots. Real arthouse is watching on man's prolapsed anus for 10 hours.

>Would american cinema be in a greater place had it never burnt out?
Again I gotta shill 'The Dream Studio". If you're interested in what New Hollywood would have been if not for the giant PR fallout, seriously check it out: youtube.com/watch?v=MmkiD766ITY

ayo dis my entire server
how dat make u feel wh*toids?

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I think you have singlehandedly discovered the worst way to watch movies.

I would think his post is a joke but I genuinely can't tell anymore.
I've been seeing the "watching movies at a faster speed" meme so much on Yea Forums I'm beginning to think there are actually people who do that

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I have a friend who does that with podcasts because he maintains like a literal schedule of them that he always has to listen to every episode perfectly chronologically.

I just don't understand, having seen a lot of movies does not count when you barely actually watch them.

Yeah, well, it may "count" for people who give a shit about that in the first place.
I guess it's the difference between being genuinely into cinema and..wanting to appear as such? For what reason, God knows

completism autistry fuelled by anxiety and xbox achievements


fucking kill yourseld American pig fuck

Is it better than Memories of Murder?

>Who is the one highly regarded director that you find completely overrated?

Antonioni --zzzzzz why do the characters have no motivation
Lars von Troll --half baked and over stuffed philosophy
Bela Tarr --zzzzzz did they invent colored film in Hungary yet?
Kiarostami --get out of that fucking car
Resnais --same shit looping for 2 hours
Fassbinder --be more melodramatic
Kubric --genre slut
PTA --frankly I just don't get what's good about his movies
Hitchcock --soulless and meaningless
Almodovar --

This but unironic, and I'm not even being ironic.

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retard with ADD detected

>Nothing that great and his neurotic jewish persona is really repetitive and annoying

I have a similar personality and I feel the same way about his movies. About 15-20 minutes before the film is over I really start anticipating the end of the movie and already feel like I got what I wanted out of it.

So who do you like?

nah MoM is the GOAT

please don't ever come back to this thread

I wasn't talking about him.

De Palma, Verhoeven and Polanski are though.

I don't care about any of the three but Elle was nice surprise.

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What's sloppy about them?

Hubbert was astonishing, but the last third falls apart, and Verhoevens vulgar sarcasm means the relationship between her and her rapist becomes indecipherable and meaningless. Also the juvenile cuckholding stuff with her son should just be beneath him. It might be novel in it's brazen abandonment of typical morality, but in the end it turns meaningless.

It was fun tough. 7/10.

Poor sound, abundance of very boring shots, abundance of boring Hollywood storytelling, boring editing.

The problem is essentially that most of their films are just a typical genre film with a novel idea or a twist, rather than letting that idea govern the whole audiovisual experience, leading to most scenes in the film just being kinda bland and you're waiting for the fun bit, very much like watching a Dario Argento film.

Maybe "sloppy" is the wrong word (Kitano and Kaurismäki would be sloppy), but they're just kinda bland in everything but having the creative spark and belong completely in "movie town" rather than any type of reality. They're amazingly inauthentic.

>Also the juvenile cuckholding stuff with her son should just be beneath him
I was laughing so hard in the hospital scene lel

how new

I don't follow Yea Forums jokes cuz Yea Forums sucks ass

That was a bit amusing, but then it ends with him keeping the baby, he and his gf has a great relationship now, and no one mentions his friend obviously being the father. That's just sloppy storytelling, even if he's trying to be edgy funny.

When was this released? Never seen anything like it

I have to say, I agree completely with this list. I’ll add a few more.
>Paul Thomas Anderson
The films say nothing, it’s basically a kid rattling the crib, trying to be provocative but not understanding that you can’t make a film centered only around that.
>Martin Scorsese
Equivalent of a grandfather with dementia uttering the same stories over and over again.
>David Fincher
Just no, when I see his name, I immediately think of the film belonging in the bargain bin. No zeal or zest, just bleh.

Shrieking autism

Chapo Trap House Election Night 2018

Not the same user, but I'm also looking for Out 1. I just watched Celine and Julie a couple of nights ago and loved it, want more Rivette

The Long Goodbye
Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me
The Blues Brothers
The American Friend

flick at airmail.cc

So many of its images are already seared in my brain: a handheld camera bouncing and juddering as it chases the heroes through a Chinese aqueduct; a man speeding away on a motorboat as a blown-out sky vibrates behind him; a fist-fight in a Korean noodle house seems to envelope the camera in a blur of motion. I’ve seen Blackhat dismissed by plebs as silly or dramatically flat. It isn’t, but I rather think that misses the point. You don’t face up to a film like this look to pick apart its dialogue or story, even if you think they’ll withstand the scrutiny. When a rush of images this exquisite are upon you the only appropriate response is to give yourself over to them. Mann has pushed the action movie into the realm of abstract expressionism alright. Simply stand back and luxuriate in the beauty.

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>trying to be provocative but not understanding that you can’t make a film centered only around that
What's provocative in his films?
>Equivalent of a grandfather with dementia uttering the same stories over and over again.
Yes. After Hours, Goodfellas, Silence and Kundun are all the same film.

I posted a torrent for it in the response to that user, try that one.

rent free

Body Double is based. Basic Instinct was one of the most unpleasant films ive ever forced myself to sit tbrough.
I don't see much of a connection between the two. One genuinely seems to enjoy the art of filmmaking and the other is like a coldly calculating pornographer
