Danny Boyle has refused to cut Oasis scene despite requests from American distributors

>Danny Boyle has refused to cut Oasis scene despite requests from American distributors

>In "Yesterday", the pivotal moment in which failed thirty-four year old singer-songwriter Jack Malik first discovers that the Beatles never existed starts with a five minute scene about the rock group Oasis. When Jack is about to bomb yet another open mic performance, he decides to bust out a version of Oasis' oft-covered 1995 mega-hit "Wonderwall" - to no avail. Disappointed at the flat response to what is usually a show-saving mass sing-a-long number, Jack walks off stage dejected and blames it on his own lack of talent.

>Post-show, his best friend Ellie mentions she loved the last song and inquires if he had written it himself. An upset Jack assumes she's mocking him and tells her to "piss off" before realizing she was being genuine - she didn't know "Wonderwall". Jack then becomes incredulous: "What do you mean you never heard that before? We all saw Oasis at Reading! Are you mad?". When she proclaims to have never heard of Oasis, Jack plays the choruses to several of their songs on his acoustic guitar to jog her memory - "Don't Look Back in Anger", "Live Forever", "Champagne Supernova", but Ellie is unmoved.

>Jack then races home and does a Google search for "Oasis" which turns up nothing. Incredibly confused, he then searches for the band that Oasis were famously compared to during their rise to fame - The Beatles - only to find that they never existed.

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Mmm yes a very sneedian choice
Quite sneedy my dear

>This expositional scene was one of the first big belly laugh moments of the film in early showings. It reportedly aroused positive response from audience members, particularly in England, where Manchester-based Oasis was the biggest musical and cultural phenomenon of the mid-1990s. Here, the Beatles-influenced, Manchester-based band racked up eight #1 hits (though "Wonderwall" would only peak at #2) before their demise in 2009, received years of tabloid coverage revolving around the exploits and squabbles of Liam and Noel Gallagher, and an ever-growing following of younger fans which now fuels the post-Oasis solo careers of the two brothers.

>However, the sequence had the opposite effect. At it's Tribeca Film Festival screening in New York City, it elicited practically no reaction at all, save for what some reported as "confused murmuring" in audience. Early test screenings in both large and small markets across America, too, found that many participants did not find the scene funny and were confused over its purpose. When queried, the vast majority of these respondents stated they were totally unfamiliar with the song "Wonderwall", much less the band Oasis itself and their other songs included in the sequence. Additionally, multiple responses were unsure whether Oasis and these songs were real or a fictional part of the film's universe.

This doesn’t happen in the movie.

>Representatives from the film's American distributors, Universal Pictures, were reportedly "incredibly displeased" about this portion of the film, which was derided as "extraneous" and "needlessly challenging" for American audiences. Last minute demands for director Danny Boyle and his team of producers to entirely eliminate and reshoot the scene for the American cut were steadfastly ignored, much to Universal's chagrin. Sources on the inside say that tensions between the creative team and it's financers have only continued to grow and the film's move from a September to June opening was in part due to fears of a stateside flop as "Yesterday" receives mixed reviews.

who cares
this movie looks dumb, and the idea of a pajeet being the hero of anything is rediculous

Oasis is a literal meme half-hit wonder band
nobody outside of england has ever heard them or their music except maybe wonderwall

am I fucking tripping or didn't I see a trailer for this years ago

Depends on how old you are. I’m 36 and both Wonderwall and Champagne Supernova got lots of radio/MTV play in the mid 90s. It was just that one album though.

Forgot to say I’m from the US.

Holy shit! This thread again? How many tines today?

I cannot think of a more cringe inducing premise for a movie.

>Bruh, what if people forgot about the BEATLES!? THE GREATEST BAND OF ALL TIME! Wouldn't that be just nuts! Someone could take all of their songs and be an instant superstar in the modern era! Well maybe not because of all these retards with shit taste in music. God I hate this generation, I wish I grew up in the '60s

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I think we’ve all had similar fantasies though. Like what if you ended up back in time and wrote a hit pop song or used your knowledge of the future to pitch a stolen screenplay.

it hasnt been posted today

This movie looks so fucking gay

a song or two for the one after got a decent amount play but the full album came out and everyone realized it sucked

Don't Look Back in Anger did get some play over here too, didn't it?

I didn't like this movie the first time I saw it when it was called "The Invention of Lying"

Never heard of any of these except Wonderwall which I only know as meme song but don't think I've actually listened to in full

By what moronic logic do you think The Beatles and "the Wonderwall band" in the same setting? Makes no sense at all. What next? The Rolling Stones and "I'm Just a Teenage Dirtbag Baby"???

Can you please put a trip so i can filter your fucking shilling ass faggotry?

It’s as cringy as Ready Player One and every “MUH 80s” references in movies.

I get knocked down but I get up again you're never gonna keep me down

I literally can't stop thinking about Oasis.

literally who

over me

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I miss some of the tunes of that era

>Not saying "over street"
you had one job

I didn't make a movie off my superstar jerk off fantasy though.

I was born and raised in Philly and I know all four of those Oasis songs. They're not exactly obscure for anyone who grew up in the 90s and listened to rock radio and watched MTV. More we were mildly curious at first and then became very annoyed by them.

Shit-colored flowers of yellow and brown
Falling over your heads
Look for the girl with the poo on her dress
And she's gone.

Pajeet in the street with feces.


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pretty good

The invention of lying is worse.