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Webm Thread
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Why didn't they just hyperspeed through the ship?
F_ _ _ N _ _ _ _ _ _
>killing 50,000 innocent crews
>polluting the atmosphere with space debris
>possibly with radioactive elements
This was just as stupid as what they did in TLJ.
i thought he was deep throating a burrito or something.
anyway if you're a decent looking man like him why do this with an old woman and not an attractive younger woman?
Why didn't the niggers just hyperspace ram the policemen?
it really is. I'm not sure why people liked rogue one. beyond cinemetography it has nothing to offer, and they go and throw in chinese monks into the star wars universe.. weird.
No it wasn't.
Rogue on
>Ship disabled
>Pushing it like a tug boat in a specific spot
>Its is a rare one off event that most likely would be hard to repeat.
>no special situation
>Just ram it and bring up the issue why didn't they do it before.
The rebels are terrorists, they just won so they get to be the heroes.
maybe she has nice looking feet or a tasty aroma
not that guy but it's still stupid as fuck. they didnt have fighters? guns? forcefields/shields? they should have had all of those things at their disposal.
I have a bunch of south african stuff since my 2nd wife is a Rhodesian who after the farm invasions was in south africa for 8 years before heading to North America.
I just cant imagine that with her age and looks.
I seem to recall that ship was crippled vie EMP and both ships were trying to block a small area so were packed together in a unusual fashion.
your wife would be permanently hard-line redpilled i imagine. Sounds comfy.
>post em
Yes, she is more conservative then me, and I am rather conservative.
weird. but the makeup works well. if i ever make a live action anime i will remember this.
feet age like wine especially if fungus is involved
>the makeup
it's not just that
you can't pee through a boner, im calling fake on this one.
no thankyou.
is she over 18? thats the important part. the rest could probably be replicated on any girl with her facial proportions using makeup and face/acting training if so.
my mother is south african and my father grew up in rhodesia, so I have an interest in the history
That was a good documentary though
what movie is this from ?
>is she over 18?
no, 16
> the rest could probably be replicated on any girl
good luck with that
the smaller ship would break first
le cringe
Just because weight isn't a thing in space doesn't mean mass isn't.
That tiny ass ship wouldn't be able to push that big ass ship like that
Are you talking angle-wise or as a physical impossibility? Because either way you're wrong, and erect pisses are one of the most glorious experiences on Earth.
The movie is called Stander
Very good film.
will blurb out the rest next post
You never had a engineering degree have you?
Depends on the engines user. Moving mass is just requires Newtons, and size does not indicate the ability to produce Newtons
why dont south africans speak up about the genocide more?
I guess its something like super saiyan that you have to achieve the first time through rage
Why are they sleeping in their travel-stained button downs and suspenders?
because no one believes them. Because people's only view of SA is what the "media" shows them, how beautiful it is, and MUH SAFARI N SHIET.
People don't know what its actually like there. Its a shithole, and only getting worse
the lighting is really good here
>my mother is south african and my father grew up in rhodesia, so I have an interest in the history
>That was a good documentary though
It is a good documentary.
Wife Mom is south African (old dutch family) and father dad came to Africa in the whole groundnut fiasco.
She was born technically in Zambia (they were on vacation at Victoria Falls) and had a farm, in 2000 in the whole farm invasions they had to flee and ended up in South Africa. She finished her schooling at a south African Afrikaans speaking school,
She graduated high school when Thabo Mbeki left and they realized Zuma was coming into power and decided it was time to move again, Met her and a month later we married. Now have 4 kids.
Rogue one visually gave an indication that the star destroyer's shields were down and the ship was disabled.
TLJ didn't
it's not that hard
No one really believes it THAT bad user.
Relaxing the pelvic floor muscles to urinate while errect, requires intense concentration. I can do it but it can be quite painful.
How did you let it get to this stage?
by the way you're not alone. overseas if i try to tell the truth about australia to people they say something like "i heard australians are racist, now i know its true" though all i did was tell them the exact truth, like that i was bullied my whole school life for being white.
why dont you guys all move out if its that bad? i always think,the rich whites must have moved a decade ago.
Fun fact. here in australia our government proposed a plan to import the south african whites here due to the genocide. the media and the non whites shouted them down and called them racist for it. the cowards havent mentioned it since.
you cant pee fully aroused, but you can pee with a boner if the flap hasn't switched valves yet
go there and then tell me its not THAT bad. When every house has a 8ft brick wall around it with broken glass on the top PLUS bars on all the windows and doors, its a shit country. period
I'm canadian born, so there was nothing that I did to let it get that bad. To answer your question though, (((they))) had a hand in it
>inb4 pol
>inb4 SA and Israel were allies
The wife and I do not live in south africa. Live in the states. (but when we married I was down in Mexico farming)
Hell you can see the pick-ups edited in with the original takes
they did. But some are still stubborn and either live in denial or live in all white gated communities so they don't have to face the outside.
My mothers side still lives there and won't move
Sorry if I wasn't clear, I know it that bad, just that people do not think it that bad.
The last holdout of the wife family moved to Zambia not long ago. (to be fair, Zambia for now is mostly a good place to farm for him.)
>just that people do not think it that bad.
like I said, its because people are purposely not shown anything that can be remotely construed as negative.
yes, my uncle was telling me about it when I was in SA a few years back. The Zambian Govt wanted the whites to go up there and farm
Nice loop BTW
Yep, the rule is that they will let whites lease land and farm for market, but half of the farm has to be planted with Maize.
thus you can grow tobacco in half and sell to Japan Tobacco, and the other half (maize) goes to the local markets and now Zambia can feed itself.
"Marjo Gortner stars in a very special episode of Trapper John, MD."
been a while since I sat down and did some fresh webms
Bilquis was white?
I am not sure what is more frustrating.
Get 3.01 megs after processing, or 3.00 but it still too big for Yea Forums.
>fading out just as the glorious bush becomes visible
fucking garbage. the original art style looked better
I can't believe the jannies always get so upset at this webm, it's hilarious
>the adventures of the white man who just started paying attention.jpg
>johnson had no idea what he was doing when he started shooting
color me surprised
where is the jumpscare
night all
What is this?
Hong Kong 90210
reminds me of
This is completely wrong.
Why does she look so retarded.
no one posted this one yet?
How come the rebel ship didn't fall apart if it was pushing on the star destroyer hard enough to destroy another star destroyer? Why wouldnt the star destroyer being pushed just move ahead using it's gigantic engines?
damn roasties
what a clear example of "her smile and optimism: gone"
also, what a slut, double also, what a fag
Fight Back To School
y i k e s
Lol is this real?
Logically the star destroyer has much larger engines, so if the rebel ship would push it fast enough to smash another ship why couldnt the star destroyer just counteract the pushing or move out of the way?
Also if the rebel ship is pushing the star destroyer hard enough to smash through another star destroyer why doesnt it go through the star destroyer? It has a tiny surface area.
It's war, bruh. Not really a time to think about the environment.
>Logically the star destroyer has much larger engines, so if the rebel ship would push it fast enough to smash another ship why couldnt the star destroyer just counteract the pushing or move out of the way?
The ship in question was crippled earlier
haha, I fucking love that movie.
I do this all the time it's easy, just bend your torso forward and your dick is aiming down hands free. Sometimes im the toilet on my phone and I see some bait post with a sexy picture and I get a boner and I can still pee. (I pee sitting down when I poop you can't convince me anything is wrong with that )
>when her weight starts with a 1---
damn it q, youre gonna get fired
If you wake up with a boner you can. If you are having sex you can't just pull out and pee, but saying peeing with a boner is impossible is wrong.
What about the ship that was crashed into? Surely a tiny ship couldn't keep up with a ship many times it's size?
The fuck are you going to do, shit and then stand up to piss? Does anyone actually do that?
Yep, the movie is good 1990s triller.
Q molest woman
She reports him.
Q kills himself
Q wife miscarries
Q wife plan is to ruin the womans life, kill her, and take her husband
The only thing that would make it better would be if
she wins
has anyone ever seen Cobra?
the smaller ship parts was pressure chemical welded by elite rebel craftsman using the most advanced nano quantum materals.
The other ships were the cheapest parts available put together with gum adhesives because governments always use the lowest bidder.
like pushing cardboard with a diamond
since you are not in water, a bigger ship will not go faster. A ship in water is limited (1.34 * square root ((length of waterline in feet) = max speed in knots.
However in space it just simply mass and newtons. A small ship with powerful engines and small mass can push a bigger ship around.
Why do women always make a big deal out of masturbating? Like yeah you got horny, just get it over with already. Takes like 45 seconds
Am I weird, or just seeems like a chore to get it out of your system
It was a little weird, but not lore breaking. The ship was disabled.
ok you've convinced me... the next car i get will be AWD and some off roading tires
do americans really do this?
since europoor food sucks, perhaps you ought to take some notes
Imagine being Arnold in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Jamie Curtis, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your tight body and horrific androgynous monster face. I would totally have sex with you, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is fuck another 16 year old in his dressing room. Like seriously imagine having to be Arnold and not only sit in that chair while Jamie Lee Curtis flaunts her disgusting body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her stretchmarks and leathery skin, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while she perfected that dance. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking visage but her haughty attitude as everyone on set tells her she's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, JAMIE LEE CURTIS LOOKS LIKE *THAT*?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her mannish fucking gremlin face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of blondes and supermodels and later alleged rape victims for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Austria. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her dimpled stomach as she sucks it in to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in her "statuesque (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for with personal trainers in the previous months. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before the studio security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Arnold. You're not going to lose your future political career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.
>superior mutt cuisine
who made dbz look terrible and where is the blood
What movie is this, please?
>hey these undead dudes are coming to town to try and kill us
>we'll fake them out by being in a different room
>but if that doesn't work we need to be ready to haul ass
Ship was EMPed before that
lel context
The Stat Destroyer was hit by ion bombs or cannons, it was inert
Monster is called Jianshi, hopping vampire/zombie.
women are cringier than most men now
>she see's OP's penis for the first time.
It was justified stupid.
>Y-Wings lower shields
>Hammerhead pushes disabled star destroyers into the other one
>physics magic occurs
It's no more stupid than Lando ordering all the Alliance ships to bumrush the star destroyers in ROJ
Is that star destroyer that gets hit made out of legos?
So many movies now, the effects are so bad, sure like 'graphics' vise they look good, but nothing seems to have any weight or structural integrity.
hope it works
>Met her and a month later we married
You go fast, but happy to hear you have 4 kids.
And people actually say Rogue One is a good movie
What's going on here?
Superb film, I always wondered if it counts as furry.
>When you hire Gray's Anatomy writers to do 1970s science fiction
Did you end up becoming a degenerate who faps to anthropomorphic wolves and foxes and shit? No? Then it doesn't.
>faps to anthropomorphic wolves and foxes
I do not fap, but I find some of them arousing
Congrats, you're a fucking furry.
wow this is so fucking stupid.
Vintage opener my friend
do burgers really talk like that?
Absolutely. It's hilarious at first, but the more you listen to them jabber on the more depressing it gets. Then it gets really annoying.
It's probably his wife you tard
I don't know, I have yet to visit the Estados Unidos
its the same girl?
>She will never tell you these things
>ending a question with a full stop
You can tell with shit like this that she spends hours and hours and hours practicing in the mirror.
Wish she would practice in front of me tbqhwyf
I'm obsessed with the bosch theme song
based Jaime/NATM poster
Unironically have sex.
Now that was podracing.
Watched it for the first time the other week actually. Shame we'll never get a truly uncut version with all the blood and gore intact.
Today is Liv Tyler's 42nd birthday. Say something nice about her!
Why are yuropeons like this? Jesus.
So is the whole show like this?
Yo this is my first time trying to make one of these. Was this done correctly?
Scale it down to 720p or so and crop the black bars from the side
imagine being an undead king of the old realms of Man and falling for the pillow trick
kek. what movie?
Rampage 2008
How much do you think charges to appear in a movie?
Based DOAposter
Fuck I love that movie
kek at the cgi bra
its a masterpiece
They let him sleep on that deckchair for the night
Damn straight
Sexy? Fuck yeah, but my mind goes to "how does a fart escape?"
He pays you
It shouldn't shear right through the other ship, the force required to push it that quickly would crush one or both ships
You're not supposed to do that, can get urine into places it isn't supposed to be and fuck up your sperm production
>fellow Americans think we have it bad that people come across the border, and fill millions of jobs for shit wages that Americans would never want to do. They also bring incredible food culture
>Forgets that Europe is literally above fucking AFRICA and THE MIDDLE EAST
That isnt what i meant. The bigger sgip should accelerate faster because it has bigger engines. The small ship is pushing a big ship so it is slowed down.
girls don't fart my summer child
Suspenders? Is this some sort of weird Hobbit fetish or something?
yup, it's amazing
>sense ring miles away
>can't sense that it's NOT right in front of you
how do you make good looking webms
do you need the 50gb source
one of the best intros out there, fits like a glove, instant mood
which flick?
I thought he was just trying to eat a sandwhich
Good source definitely helps but it's about finding the balance between dimensions, bitrate and filesize
rampage, I think.
What film is it?
>sense ring miles away
>have to ask a retard cripple for directions
If you have an mp4 source clip cut to what you need, what do you use to turn it into a webm? I find some programs get huge filesize quickly even they're even over 10 seconds long
Biel detected
They can't sense it like that unless it is worn.
15~ sec long webms look better at 480 resolution or less
If you use something like Webm for Retards you can set the max filesize and leave the bitrate blank, the converter will set it automatically
true kino
SA police raid on I believe drug smugglers
girls locker room: omg PE is so boring
boys locker room:
That'll do, sick of having to guess what will be 2.99MB or 3.99MB
Rapid end of colonial rule. European powers left like black fathers and the black majority in the countries had little education or governmental experience. Was destined for disaster
>mfw he says Buenos Aires was an inside job
I go by the policy if that you can know if the woman is marriage material (and that she likes you) in about 4-5 dates.
>pushes a SD on a tiny surface area with enough force to push through another SD like a knife, yet doesn't go through it
>a tiny ship with its engines can push its own mass plus the SD's mass faster than a lone SD can push itself out of the way with its much more massive engines
>somehow the flat fucking edge of a SD goes through another SD (same metals, thicknesses, etc) like a knife through butter
SA police dealing with bank robbers.
Rock and Rule
Killing this thread
Yes, it very useful if used sparely, a self bumping thread is great.
Americans are good at small talk.
I bought it on amazon, it fits the show.
Pretty interesting movie desu
The bigger ship was crippled earlier as a dozen anons have pointed out.
What is this from?
Well done Mr. Reese
Person of Interest
Person of Interest
anything above a 4-7 gb source can do it.
The nature of webms is finding the balance between how long it is and quality. Also darker scenes and scenes with less movement you can squeeze more bitrate. while some special effects (like some lightening effects) will eat bitrate like a american at a buffet.
20 bucks a pop
Person of Interest
New thread
whats this from
Imagine getting taken out by a turbomanlet
one of the worst webm threads ever