he did everything right edition
/RBMK/ Chernobyl General
Other urls found in this thread:
First for Akimfu
what is the point in these posts?
It's the same thing in every thread, you guys post the same pics, get lil boners over him, and maybe repeat tomorrow
Did that sum it up? Just gayness for gayness's sake
>check back on generals weeks after show ended
>it's nothing but waifufaggotry
I fucking hate you fags
I'm not gay. And we post him because he's cute. Is this your first day? IoI
You're gay in the traditional sense of the word, like a lamewad or someone who types lol at the end of a statement
It's just repetitive is all im saying, at least this pic is one i havent seen and is a pretty good reaction type image, but every Chernobyl thread has about 1/4 of the comments being unoriginal recycled Akimfu posting which is why i sympathize with the fags who say these threads blow. I like em cause i learn some new things every now and then
Smell my finger /RBMK/
Look, there's always those posts. Akimfu posting is not responsible for the downfall of /RBMK/. Bring something to the table, why don't you?
If you want variety, just ask for more pics.
3 is the most emotional episode.
Not to mention, the posting itself is not one-dimensional. There was lots of talk about the actor who plays the character like yesterday.
When did liquidators first enter control room 4 after the accident? How long did it take them to be able to get in there?
this is actually what happened IMHO
girlies post your favorite character
ill start
Akimov for me too.
We never got to see him in the locker room :__;
John River
Threadly reminder that Mr. Ignatenko looks better and cuter with long hair and a beard.
I still miss Sitnikov, bros.
Au contraire, user
Akimov, if you want me to run this little reactor experiment, there are two conditions: Firstly, I'm in charge, and when I'm not around, Fomin is. All you have to do is check the dosimeter, tell us we're doing a good job, and open your case of vodka when we have a good day. Second condition: My fee? You can keep it. All I want in return for my services is the right to send one of the Georgians to check the control rods. A male, a buck only. How and when is my business. Now if you don't like either of those conditions, you're on your own. So go ahead, check the dosimeter right here, or on the roof, or in the middle of the reactor core for all I care. But I've been in too many nuclear incidents with retarded Ukrainians to listen to any more suicidal ideas, OK?
wow those legasov tapes are actually incredible
He reminds me too much of young James Spader with that look, complete boner killer. But with this hair and beard, he is literally perfect.
>Gorbachev quoted saying that Chernobyl caused the fall of the Soviet Union
was he right?
That miner boss was pretty based. He would help you with the homework but he would bully you and call you stupid and lazy.
this chart fucking sucks
Someone post legasov holding the "dilate" sign
>thats my edit
thanks user
How could Toptunov sing at a time like this?
You post original stuff then whiner. Either contribute something better or stfu
There's happy cheerful energetic Legasov videos in the same channel. Compare that voice with the defeated, exhausted, barely alive voice from the tapes, it's as tragic as the firefighters rotting alive in the hospital.
God he was too fucking good for this world
fuck russians for fucking over his life
So how did mazin go from the hangover 3 to kino?
is it just the wonder of being interested in something and not having a corporate overlord looking over your shoulder?
They sure as hell didn't deserve Legasov.
Even in his native Tula they didn't even bother to put a memorial bust at his birth home until 2016.
He got the hero award they denied him twice, 6 years after his death.
It fell to an American channel that to restore his legacy to its rightful place.
Shame on Russians.
They aren't even bothering to translate the videos out there, foreigners are doing it.
He was well ahead of his time, too. A true visionary and brilliant mind.
He watched the BBC documentary
Russkies are drunk regards who worship men who treat them like shit and ignore actual decent men with integrity.
I was pretty surprised to find out he was Ted Cruz's freshman year roommate
At least their young generation is doing much better.
What the fuck
no fucking way
He's pretty savage with him on his twitter
God we live in the best timeline
Priceless! What a time to be alive!
Anyone got the Drake and Josh where it's something like
>dude did you put the control rods back in
>i was gonna
>well then do it
>Drake opens the door, looks, closes it
>his face goes red and he says "i see the problem"
I haven't seen it posted since the first thread I think.
Already interesting subject material and Johan Renck helped immeasurably.
Does anyone have the pic of Akimov with no face?
Wtf is wrong with you people?
I want to touch the elephant's foot
At least ordinary Russians are starting to care. I don't have the pic but they've been coming to his grave en masse to pay respects. Someone even left his favorite brand of cigarettes that they don't make anymore there.
When I was studying for exams last week I would listen to Legasov's tapes and fantasise that he was helping me study and explaining things to me.
>tfw his face was gone
You gotta listen to his 1983 vids where he does a little bit lecture about metal alloy processes in a very cheerful mood.
>yet another /rbmk/ thread
You're delusional.
source on this pic?
I've heard that it's an edit, I don't have a source
Post Boris'
garbage chart
I did. I wish I could be his student. And to think I wanted to do chemistry but chose not to.
It’s toptunov in the hospital flipped and edited
I did’t even realize he had a mustache until that scene. What was the point?
Answer me pls
probably mindless zoomers memed on by some hyping local streamer/youtuber faggot
I don't think they ever entered that room. At least I didn't see a single footage of them doing that. They were more worried about clearing the fucking roof in time than fucking around with shit they're not supposed to even look at.
He fucked it up royally prior to that so it was pretty much doomed and bound to happen, but Chernobyl accelerated it quite a bit and ruined the reputation of the peaceful atom and USSR's atomic development in general.
>They aren't even bothering to translate the videos out there
Telecon Documentary channel has subs
Can someone post the genderbent Vasily please?
i need "this user is delusional"
forgot to save it
no, but i'll take it
Delete this!
Wtf is this for real?
this one?
No, that is a fan edit. There isn't any footage or pictures of what the makeup department had for the final stage of ARS, Mazin said it was too much too show without pushing the line for the viewers.
thanks, yes
Read these comments and tell me Cold War is over.
Tell me that there is no state-sanctioned (or in this case - corporate, aimed to damage Russian nuclear industry) anti-Russian propaganda being made in western media, in form of films and TV shows like this one. Shows that despite being completely fictional and not being able to present a single fucking event from the Chernobyl catastrophe faithfully manages to stir people into a wave of racist, Russo-phobic rage. The only form of racism that is being tolerated, and even encouraged in the West today
Fuck you.
Shut the fuck up yms and go back to fucking dogs
And here is the target audience of said propaganda.
With the second picture depicting faithfully the average fan of this hit piece.
Africans never mass murdered people or blew up a nuclear powered plant. Russians deserve the hate.
Africans mass murdered each other plenty of times. They were just too incompetent to do it to anyone else. And if they had nuclear reactors you can bet your ass they'd manage to blow one up.
you have made lava?
Niggers are bad enough on their own
Kek look at the history of literally any African country you fucking retard. Not only did they massacre each other thousands of times but they also massacred outsiders.
stay mad
I'm a Russian and I know more than anyone that Legasov's generation, while producing many heroes, has generally fucked the country into the ground and the sooner they die the sooner things can actually start to get better.
What exactly killed the two main comrades so quickly? was it their helicopter flight above the core?
Plus the fact that they were there for months, longer than just about anybody.
Yeah im really sure we are getting hit pieces on a regime that no longer exists
>never mass murdered people
Too obvious of a bait
>or blew up a nuclear powered plant
I agree, lets hate nations based on the nuclear power plants they fucked up.
What's that? Fukushima plant was a collaboration between American and Japanese companies and governments?
Well shit, lets hate these disgusting cunts till the day we are lowered in our graves.
>well recorded incident, result of a giant shitcake made of a tsunami and an earthquake
>Three Mile Island Incident
>another well documented fuck up, nothing to hide
>product of the USSR incompetence, negligence, evidence and consequences still being covered up and denied to this day
>well recorded incident, result of a retarded decision to build a power plant in a earthquake-heavy area to save some shekels
>Three Mile Island Incident
>another well documented fuck up, in which no proper evacuation wasn't even organized for people affected by it and no one knew what to do for more than a day
>In fact, TMI Incident is what real life Legasov was talking about with Shcherbyna on their way to Chernobyl, using this an example of what NOT to do when a catastrophe happens
>But brainwashed western audience shouldn't know of such things, and therefore the whole segment was changed to "how the reactor works, ill throw you off a helicopter" nonsense
>Well recorded incident, with as shitton of truthful information available to public, if only one wishes to do the research.
>result of a general lack of knowledge about nuclear physics and chemistry during the reactor's creation
>Like any other nuclear incident has the classified files of extreme importance to national security, that are not available to the public, a trend which America started back when they were creating their first bomb
>was even organized*
The point is that his mustache is pathetic and it goes along with what everyone else is saying in the locker room: that he is just a boy.
Then again, the only 25-year old "boys" I know of are absolute virgins, which includes myself (26).
Who was this? Was he important? I can't tell.
Dont worry user, we're all gonna make it
based holodomor denier
You know, the thing that always bothered me about horrible, evil tyrant that went by the name of Stalin, is that - how the fuck did he manage to project his terrifying psychic powers to cause a famine in capitalist Poland alongside with soviet Ukraine?
Surely the power of free market and uncensored ideas would have protected the country from such vile sorcery, but it seems that it was just as affected as Ukraine.
Maybe there is more to it than curses and spells, maybe something to do with climate, geography or pests...
Nah, its probably just communist propaganda trying to invade my mind again, I should banish the thought and praise the Glorious Capitalism, its corporate culture and His holiness, Saint George Soros, protector of Free World (peace and blessings be upon him)
Slavskyshills leave
I haven't listened to the podcasts...Was that an issue for Akimov's make up in particular, or where there a few actors originally in gory sfx?
This is your mind on Capitalism.
>The problem's the roof
Commietards leave
Hey /RBMK/ what's up with Akimov's weird hand?
That was stalin generation dude. Stalin fucked it up real bsd, Kruschev tried to clean it up then Brezhnev came along and fubar's it back (not as bad as Stalin hut still bad) then Brezhnev went senile and it went in a free fall from there.
Did anyone watch 'the real Chernobyl' on sky?
Worth watching, they interview family members and stuff whilst talking about the show
The young generation seems decent. I've read about the cigarettes, how the hell did they find vintage cigs, wow.
I'll bring him a letter of gratitude along with a flower basket when I go to visit.
came here to post this
The younger generation is rejecting most of the memes about shitty things Russians do. I'm really happy about it. It's my parents and the older generations that are absolutely fucked.
stream here if anyones bored, might keep the threads a bit more alive
lots of clips from the show, some cool modern footage and interviews with the actual people
I got sunburnt last saturday and now I look like pic related. Am I gonna make it, bros?
>More than 3800 troops helped clear the roof
>mfw no face
Funny how it was Scherbina who was the manlet irl.
>how the hell did they find vintage cigs, wow
Things like this sometimes surface randomly, for example here is a pack of my grandfather's cigarettes (and his WW2 medal) dated 1976. I found a whole stash of these after I inherited his dacha, apparently he tried to hide them from my grandma, and then completely forgot about it.
They are not that bad either.
Why didn't you save her, bros?
Very nice. My family has a whole bunch of stuff that dates back to before the revolution but I can't really access it because you need special permission to take it out of Russia.
Stellan killed it, the historical inaccuracies don’t bother me anymore because people are realizing just how fucking great these two were and how they got unperson’d
gib webm where Legasov explains kino pls ;_;
Wow that's so cool. Did cigs last that long? So they are not great not terrible?
I'll draw a good realism portrait of Martyr Valery and bring a print copy of it along with the flowers. The original will go on my wall.
Oh yeah, I'm not going to get stuck on things like height. I do wish Mazin had given Legasov more of the kind of complexities he had irl though, because Harris is a brilliant actor and would have absolutely killed it.
Yeah. But i completely understand that they were pressed for time, and the family being all “when are you coming back home” is totally fair. Should have at least gotten some poetry he wrote, it sounds great and Harris can pull it off REEEEEEE
There was already the scene where he's sitting and writing in his notebook, should've made it that he was writing poetry, it would've added 2 minutes tops.
I know it fucking hurts
The worst cut was the elephants foot, that shit blue balled me and my friend as we watched it, just wanting ONE kino shot of it
Who's the dude in the beret?
Boris fucking Scherbina
I'm mad that they couldn't give me my tiny bit of fanservice and have Stellan put on the beret just once.
That’s boris and his /fa/ as fuck hat
Shame they didn’t include it
Boris, there's a few other shots of him with other caps too. He was quite /fa/shionable
Well, the only thing I have from pre-revolution times is a bunch of silver rubles from mid 19th century, pretty sure no permission is required for something like this.
The ones on the photo are more terrible than great because the pack was already opened and deformed, both smell and taste are mostly gone.
The packs that were still sealed are much better, they taste more like proper pipe tobacco than modern cigarettes.
>more hat pics
I have seen at least another. Maybe in that video where Legasov pets a dog, but I don't have any others right now unfortunately
Post a link to the vid pls
Thanks user! Excellent. I'm watching.
>ywn talk to Scherbina about your new TV and then laugh at Legasov's sex jokes
That's cool. I quit smoking in 2010.
It was all I could do not to start again after watching the Legasov vids where he was running around with the cigarette in his mouth.
do you think legasov would be here meaning with us bros?
God I can’t believe they ruined this mans life, he was so pure and fucking good
I still believe Mazin should've written his characters more resembling their historical counterparts. Chernobyl is great but for a show with a slogan like whats the cost of lies it has a bit too much dramatization for my taste
>made sex jokes about the reactor
>compared the reactor to a human body
You bet your ass he'd be posting Core-chan right alongside us.
Understandable. I think he made cuts that were necessary but it’s gotten more people interested in the true history, we may live to see the legasov tapes finally released in their entirety, which I think he would consider a win if he were still alive.
Love that pic and the whole video. Do you happen to have the color video clip of that flight? I have only the black&white version.
Legasov's family never did the "when are you coming home" thing, they were incredibly patient and when he went back again (on sheer sense of responsibility, he didn't even have to go) his wife didn't even have to try to talk him out of it, she knew better. They never asked when he was coming back
His kids were grown adults, both married with kids, wife was a chemistry professor with responsibilities, it's not like they were sitting at home waiting.
It almost feels like under-dramatization. Like if they'd made show Legasov 100% accurate to his irl counterpart and I'd never heard of him before, I'd say they're trying way too hard and a man so pure and talented in every way couldn't actually exist.
What the fuck is wrong with people
Who knows. In real life they hit a wire...
I only know the colour clip from the Mystery of Valery Legasov's Death video on youtube.
Yeah, the best reason is that it’s a historical drama. Like I said, it’s gotten people interested in the real history, I know I picked up voices after listening to the podcast. It’s a dramatization after all, I would have loved to see more shit with dyatlovs son, or Fomin and how sad he was, but it would have not fit the immediacy of the series. That said, it felt good discovering that shit and realizing just how much deeper this rabbit hole goes with just how fucky shit was around Chernobyl. But maybe I’m an autist who likes researching, who knows.
Sleep tight, pizza.
This, if they made legasov as perfect as he was irl I’d roll my eyes, no matter how real it was
Lies they weren't this fat
>starts the show by attributing to Legasov words he never said in his tapes
>tapes that were openly left to his journalist friend and published without any restrictions
>with most of concerns he expressed in them already being published in the most prestigious Soviet magazine "Kommunist" even before his death for everyone to read, including all of his Chernobyl-related criticisms that were universally accepted by Soviet academia
>whats the cost of lies
What did Mazin mean by this?
>bitches about capitalism with a bugs bunny reaction pic
What complexities did he have?
Do tell. I'd appreciate all the sources too (I have Russian reading/listening comprehension)
>roadside picnic
Why soviet aesthetic is so kino?
Apparently the cost of lies is about 50 millions of dollars per episode, I wonder who gave them.
Shitting shit on iiiit
Historical drama not documentary, that’s what
People keep forgetting that
Just to name a few
>was a poet and a photographer
>had a family which he loved very much and who waited for him patiently when he left for Chernobyl (it was actually his son who found him dead)
>actually lived really well (not in a shitty bachelor pad) and was highly respected before Chernobyl so this, coupled with the fact that he had a family, made his decision to do what he did carry even more weight
>was also a good Soviet communist and did not see the flaws in the system until the very end of his life
>also got far worse radiation sickness than is shown in the show, he would hide his dosimeter so that nobody could see just how much radiation he was subjecting him to and force him to go home for his own health, by the end of his life he was practically falling apart
Also just by the way he had a chow chow dog named Thomas Lyu instead of a cat.
Here are some good links btw, the Legasov scholars ITT should be able to help with some more.
And the Legasov tapes
Did him killing himself help publicize his finding or not? I agree that it wasn't accurate if he in fact didn't have to hide the tapes to get them to a journalist, but I think what's more important is his death raising international awareness, multiplying coverage of the story in the media. That's what matters.
I don't think so because his death attracted very little attention. You can find Legasov's obituary to this day and the info in it is very scant. In fact people made shitty rumors about his death such as that he killed himself because of a love affair.
because you never lived in it.
Excellent writeup mate.
Legasov says in the tapes that he told Scherbina how 3 Mile Island had 17 casualties and none of them died of radiation, they a died in traffic accidents in the panicked frenzy to flee.
Nah, mate. I literally live in this aesthetic, it's comfy as hell.
You live in the USSR? You should start betting on sports.
No hat but I like it
He has a really odd accent, I've never heard anything like it before.
Alright you fucks post irl pics of Valery and/or Boris or I PRESS A3-5
Let his smile calm your rage and bloodlust
Pure and good and wholesome can't stay in this wicked broken for too long.
All the vileness, wickedness, corruption and evil hurts them and they leave.
They ruined his life and kept spreading disgusting slander and spewing their venomous envy wrapped in hate behind his back, even years after he left the world of the living.
So wicked wad their envy.
If he's watching somewhere up above he must be smiling.
I live in USSR aesthetic, mate. Our nearby city is looking literally like Chernobyl from the show.
Damn right. I think he'd come up with better core-chan jokes too. He had a reputation for being impish and making hilarious jokes.
Are there more examples of his humour other than the one where he says radiation is an aphrodisiac?
Oh look it's the Angry Russian
Go learn English Dima
> 3
Shut up damn you
You made me cry fucking hell
Fucking zed posters
Ah I totally forgot. There's also piece of his poetry there.
I'm still in the rabbit hole.
I learned so much after the show touched my soul and got me searching for info. Being a diagnosed autist, I'm going through a shitton of Russian sources now.
And his photographs of storks.
Dyatlov is hot, Fomin is sad, bruk is a bear
I'm one of the Legasov scholars and didn't know he was a photographer.
His poetry talent was so great he considered going to literature school, showed his work to Konstantin fucking Simonov and asked for advice, Simonov told him to go for a traditional male profession.
He was also trained in classic music for years and loved going to classic music concerts. He had so many different talents.
And after graduating from the university, instead of getting a nice position and comfy life in Moscow like everyone else, he went to middle of fucking nowhere frozen tundra of Siberia to learn radiochemistry (and his wife followed him there too) spent years there pursuing deeper knowledge.
He was a brilliant mind ahead of his time and too pure and good for this broken world.
There's also these:
>taste of blood
What is it?
You degenerates don't know about Scherbina's boss cause he wasn't in the show.
Now tell me that dude isn't fucking every inch kino.
I don't even need to tell which one it should be obvious.
>when you manage to escape the Mad Queen only to end up in Chernobyl
Yeah, he loved taking photographs of birds.
God I'm so fucking sad that so little of Legasov's poetry and writing has been preserved. I'd give anything to see it all. Is there even anything other than those small fragments in the documentary?
>no hat
No thanks, I prefer Scherbina. I want to start wearing berets in my daily life so I can become a Chad like him.
I like Legasov's green hat better.
>that pic
His late widow wrote a 400 page book about him, she tells the private Legasov no one knew about according to an excerpt I've seen and gives examples.on how highly cultured he was, if I must wager a bet there must be some of his poetry in it too.
The book waslikited edition and currently out of print, nowhere to be found except for the Russian state library. Here's the info:
Title: Aкaдeмик Baлepий Aлeкceeвич Лeгacoв
Author: Mapгapитa Mихaйлoвнa Лeгacoвa (Margarita Mihailovna Legasova)
Publisher: Cпeктp, 2010 (Spektr)
ISBN: 590427033X, 9785904270339
If there's enough demand it can be reprinted and translated. Legasov has a cult in Russia now and they don't know about this book. Once the word gets out there it will be reprinted and become a national best seller (I'm willing to bet money on that).
Once it's out there selling like crazy it'll be ttanslated to all kinds of languages.
It's beautifully written and there's 400 pages of info about Legasov. Even the tint little excerpt I've seen was packed with things that gives you warm fuzzies (after the sad tearjerker part).
I have one like that except with a camo pattern instead of the green
Bruh I'm buying this right now.
Legasov had an autobiography, right?
if you find it link it
You can't, it's totally out of print, can't be bought anywhere (no pdf nothing) only Russian state library has it.
It is possible to contact the publisher and let them know there's a huge demand (if half the people visiting Legasov's grave buy it that qualifies as huge demand).
Here let me paste a teaser from the English translation of the excerpt:
"That day when the sculptor invited me to his workshop and showed me the completed work, Valery returned home in the form of his bronze sculpture. He often had to travel away on business trips, we tried to be patient and wait for his return, but on 27 April 1988 he was transported away, already lifeless, forever."
"Valery was a car enthusiast for the last 10 years of his life and loved driving at very high speeds. He had always wanted a private car and his first, which was also his last, was a GAZ-25 Volga which we bought in 1977 for 9500 roubles when he was a Candidate Member of the Academy of Sciences. The initial capital for the purchase was his quota from his State Prize received for his achievements in the field of chemistry. We usually celebrated New Year in the circle of our family, sometimes in a rest house. One of these days a pure bred chau chau puppy appeared in our family and it was assumed that it was my New Year’s gift. Ma LuThomas, as she was called, would recognize only Valery as his owner and loved being in our car. She was inseparable from him and died just after Valery’s death. He was also an adoring grandfather to Misha and Valerik and invented little poems for them and played charades.
As a boy he received a musical education and for many years was interested in listening and understanding classical music: Grieg, Sibelius, Shostakovich and Prokofiev. He was also fond of Schnitke. Over the years we bought tickets for many concerts in the Tschaikovsky Concert Hall of the Musical Conservatoire."
I'm glad they named his grandson after him too.
He'd be the one I'd save from the horror if I could.
I think it's just burned on top, so it makes weird contrast.
Here some more teaser from the Legasov tome:
"He became an Academician at the early age of 45 but some of the leading figures of Soviet science called him ‘A boy from the chemical suburbs’. However, he was interesting to work with and liked jokes, being famous as an amusing raconteur, although everyone knew that science was the principal interest of his life. His private family life was unknown to his colleagues.
For five years, 1964–69, we lived in a flat of 22 square metres at Nizhegorodskaya Street. Though we could use only communal transportation we often made trips together with our two little children to Kuskovo, Ostankino and Arkangelskoye. In Tsaritsino we enjoyed ski holidays. It now seems that these were the happiest times of our lives."
Those of you living in Russia can borrow it from the library system.
Better yet, spread the word about the existence of this golden tome so we get enough traction for a reprint.
The main reason it was printed in such a limited quantity was cause no one was interested. His poor widow tried to keep his legacy alive doing all that work and didn't live to see where it went now.
If I could I'd buy the publishing rights and build the temple of Martyr Valery with the millions of $ from the sales.
god he was SO fucking pure
I'd kill for her
Nothing will ever top this comedy
Mr. Hickey
Cuteness scale:
ignatenko > hickey
thems the facts
Where the pictures of the naked miners
Ignatenko is for marrying and introducing to your parents
Hickey is for violent anal sex in a public bathroom
Kill yourself
hickey looks disgusting though tbqhwyf
Imagine wanting to cover this magnificent chin and cute lil mouth with that whack as fuck textureless porcupine-ass beard
he looks cute in that shot, the beard ruins the boy next door look
It looks like it would be painful to touch that porcupine looking ass beard
I want to caress his dimples
Another subtle way for Hickey to cause you pain. Also his hair is better.
Not to mention it runs down his jaw like a Dominican Washington heights beard
Ok so they made pic related dye his head and face to play Akimov (for accuracy) But why did they not give a shit about Toptunov looking real?
Can some one please link the video of the entire control room and accident scenes all cut together uninterrupted?
Hickeyposting? In MY Chernobyl thread?
Was tops even white?
Why would they need to when all the wreckage is outside? The control room stopped being relevant when the reactor blew up
>being this turbo pleb
Hickey is beautiful.
Is that a mypillow?
Stop shootin Kroc senpai.
fucking cringe
seriously nigga?
Post more Sam pls
>me: being high on acid
>pic related
my last few braincells
>”the core! its gone”
>”hes delusional get him outta of here”
thank you!