Practical effects that still look great today

Practical effects that still look great today

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How is that a practical effect?

still not blue enough cameron

its a mirror

You're okay, OP.

How did they do that

Every single practical effect in the Heisei Godzilla movies. They’ve aged like fine wine.

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the bars were water

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looks like the bars are painted in in post, maybe alpha masked. The effect on his face looks painted in like roger rabbit.

The Scorpion King effects were ok at the time. They are still ok today. They haven't gotten any worse since they came out so I guess they are pretty good all things considered.

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Terminator is kind of fucked up when you think about it

>Kyle Reese goes back in time to save humanity, literally the most important mission you could ever be on
>he does not know that he is John Connor's father, he would assume that she met the father some time after 1985
>but he fucks Sarah anyway... like bro, could you focus on saving humanity please

>also John Connor sends Reece from the future and John KNOWS that this is his father
>he sends him back knowing and expecting this guy to fuck his mom
>he also reportedly spent years working / fighting with Reece, kind of weird knowing that this guy will fuck your mom someday...

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Nahhh let me fix it for you

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Looks better then the fake ass looking effects in 1982.

They used claymation

As a kid, I couldn’t be convinced that Jabba wasn’t real.

That puppet is still unmatched in terms of believability.

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He talked like a retard though.

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trying too hard

what should he have done, not send him?
So he gets erased?
Sending his dad also assures that the mission is a succsess because that's historic destiny, no matter what kind of amateur Reese is.
General Connor will probably only have a hard time explaining sending a looser low rank fuck up to his peers and staff. Only thing he can say is dude trust me

I will never not be mad

Yah. Great stuff. I really was trying too hard dissing that trash.

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zoomie gonna zoom

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I watched it for the first time just a couple of years ago, the effects scared the shit out of me. Nothing beats the haunting scream when the guy is kneeling, but that was mostly excellent sound

I get it. You're jaded because you view it through nostalgia goggles. The movie was good and is good I'll give it that. The effects aged like a women though. Its only popular for its effects as it was one of the last supposedly good practical effects movies. Its just ok at best though.

I think part of why old people think the efects are good also has to do with seeing the movie so many times on antiquated fuzzy technology like tube TVs, VHS, ect. The movie probably looked better 25-30 years ago on analog technology or whatever. On a modern digital screen it doesn't hold up as well as some claim.

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only millennials are retarded enough to eat CGI horseshit
zoomers would rather just play videogames since they look exactly the same and are actually enjoyable

>Taking this much time to make bait

Holy shit zoomer, nobody's biting. Literally use that energy to go out and have sex, like holy shit kek

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>trashpost responses
Put your reading glasses on grandpas. Take a good look at the hideous rubber head here and explain why you think its anything special. Halloween world sells higher quality masks for $20 these days.

>>but he fucks Sarah anyway... like bro, could you focus on saving humanity please
literally a woman's criticism

>Me on the right.

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Wrong and wrong, look it up, it was actually one of the first uses of cgi in movies. Also one of the first times hollywood used SGI machines

That scene was especially made fun of when it came out.

Zoom zoom

very bad effects, gtfo kid

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the dinosaur Rex in Jurassic park

i dont get why they did this

Is that video game-tier shit the actual fil....never mind. It is.

T2 was so ahead of its time. It looks better than movies that come out today. Imagine it being 1992 and seeing it. It was a got dang phenomenon.

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a man walks into a bar


WRONG it was a puppet made of liquid metal

They used trick cameras

Where did they get all the clay to build something that big?

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i don't get it

they used Kai PowerGoo

Also wrong, dumbass. The actor himself actually phased through the prison bars because their special effects guy was unavailable that day. Crazy devotion to acting am I right?


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In Avengers: Endgame, they couldn't make the CGI for Tony's sacrifice convincing enough, so Robert Downey Jr. actually invented the Infinity Stones, built his own nanobot Iron Man suit, and snapped his fingers while wielding the stones. In Far From Home, his zombie makes a cameo.

Can someone explain to me why they still cant make cgi guts look real?
Is it the lighting they cant properly recreate yet?

Unironically one of the better King adaptations.

Lmao these movies look like shit and you know it

I got to see it in theatres last year, since I was only like 3 when it came out.

Was amazing.

Sounds like the plot to Hot Tub Time Machine

Based and gojirapilled

The amount of specular highlights never matches the lighting. It could be realistically rendered if the backgrounds were real but since they aren't, there's a mismatch between the actor and the CGI on/behind him. Bad speculars is the lesser of two evils.

If they do too much better people would start questioning deepfakes.

>clearly a rubber mask
I never actually paid much attention to the detail before. That is definitely a cheesy rubber mask.

It's the lighting that sells it, not the material, you insufferable faggot.

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It's all a matter of perspective.

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1991. Looks awesome to this day.

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cgi before it started getting contracted out to pajeets

Did they run out of budget for the gun?

You’re objectively wrong, stop it.

What are (((they))) up to?

Was never used but this was the original design for green goblin

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It's even more fucked up if you think about the ending. The point was only to save the timeline as it is. John Connor already won in the future and that was the main goal. For Sarah and everyone else in 1984 nuclear war is still coming and there is nothing she can do to change that. (Until T2 retcon.)

And then they went for the shitty plastic mask... damn.


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more importantly how does he decide if he should tell him or not. I mean if John knows reece is his dad, shouldn't he at least mention it just to be on the safe side. I mean if something goes slightly wrong and they don't end up fucking then its basically mission failed anyway right?

imagine being that one guy in the test audience that absolutely loved the practical effects only to have all the faggots surrounding you say they didn't like it. And then knowing that you just witnessed a masterpiece that you will never get to see ever again and neither will the rest of humanity all thanks to the faggots who you shared a cinema with. Does user know if its at all feasible to track down the actual members of the test audience? It would interesting to hear what they actually have to say about it. How they explain themselves to all the ACUTAL fans of the original. I wonder how many of them had even seen it? (i definitely wont track any of them down and shoot them though)

in my accent i read that as "homo buggered ya mum"

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Just look around you. The unicorn and the lion.

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all practical effects, amazingly realistic too

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Sounds like you don't have a healthy relationship with your father

>insert joke about Whoopi Goldberg

This image has remarkable meme potential, as an aside.

i remember a movie called young sherlock holmes. they got shotted with some sort of dart and shit started jumping out at them. the effects were insane. it's an old movie too.

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>a black guy walks into a bar
>its part of the door to his jail cell lmao

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Seeing the CGI version of him in the Special Editions and later releases kills me a little bit inside, how could Lucas not realize how cool the mystery behind his appearance was with the buildup for two movies instead of adding in that shitty deleted scene that originally had a human?

It was just a joke, I was on medication!


considering niggers always have and always will nig, i wonder just how much her fellow niggys bullied the shit out of her as a child with a name as ridiculous as whoopi lmao
>whoopi is nig speak for sex
>that joke in the little rascals where the nigglet says hey look my moms here and the white kid shrugs and says "oh whoopee"
>every time she says something u can sarcastically say whoopee

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why did that man spit at her?

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I remember seeing this in the Making Of Jurassic Park as a kid but never actually saw that movie, is it any good?
That little scene is just so cool.

Eh, since we have have good and bad examples of a tech at any time, there is no such thing as ahead of time. Because you can always mess up the effect no matter how mature it is.

it's not a bad movie at all. loved it. in fact i guess it's time for a re-watch.

>>but he fucks Sarah anyway... like bro, could you focus on saving humanity please
Dude are fucking kidding me right now. Are you fucking around? He's in the fucking past. He's fighting a Terminator, alone, with a bunch of backwards yokels cramping his style. He's probably going to die. Of course he is going to get some of that sweet, sweet pussy.

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Memes aside I always loved the doctor's reaction to realizing Sarah was right about everything, I wonder how much guilt he had in the end.

hehe he spit out of his pee pee

In 3 it's revealed he took therapy and came to the realization that he was hallucinating, and that she wasn't right. Up until the T-800 arrives and he runs away in terror.

What if John Conner's father isn't Kyle Reese at all, but actually the guy that cancels on Sarah?

Sarah never mentions to John about her casual dating at the time BECAUSE THERE WAS A FUCKING TERMINATOR AFTER HER and A MAN FROM THE FUTURE DIED SAVING HER she was a little preoccupied right?

It doesn't matter whether her and Kyle fuck or not, because he's already been conceived

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Silberman really was a fucking asshole.

Although I have no interest in later installments, I would appreciate a canon story element in which the character is revealed to have survived judgment day and subsequently apologies to John or some other relevant person, that he was wrong all along.

>>he also reportedly spent years working / fighting with Reece, kind of weird knowing that this guy will fuck your mom someday...
Too bad they didn't ask him about it in Genesys

Oh wait they did. The cyborg John said he wanted to make a happy trio.

No. The photo taken by the Hispanic boy confirmed it.

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>You see that helicopter going under a freeway overpass? That's a helicopter going under a freeway overpass.

Not her real name, never was. "Whoopi Goldberg" is a stage name meant to evoke both blacknew and jewiness (you have to play nice with the jews to get anywhere in show business). She adopted this stage name as flight from her real name, which is the most white-bread name imaginable. Her real name is the whitest name you've (n)ever heard. It's so white, I have to put it in blackface to call attention to how white it is. Wanna know her real name, user?

Caryn Elaine Johnson

>Caryn Elaine Johnson
better than deshakwa neshaboo or whatever nog nogs are naming their kids these days. fun fact: nog nog is the filipino word for nigger and its not acutally derived from nig nog (not even a flipfag just thought i would share something new i learnt yesterday). Its acutally derived from a different word in their language which means "burnt". I cant remember what it was.

this movie is shit but the special effects are amazing, the new JPs look like shit.

I agree. I absolutely cringe at how horrible the dinosaurs look now.

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I hate jews so fucking much i might transform as a Mel Gibson soon.Fucking jews.

Oh is this that episode of X-Files where Mulder is a prisoner in Russia?

>that image

God is dead and we killed him.

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From basically best effects ever seen on screen to ps4 game. Impressive.

How did they make it fly? i'm presuming stop motion but it didn't look shit like all other stop motion.

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Opinion discarded.

Naw, they are fine.

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Watch T2 for the first time recently, was mind blown of the effects that they had in the film. Thought T-1000 was fucking cool

The Spaceballs version was better

>Snapping a T-Rex

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that just confirms the timeloop, but doesn't mean Sarah isn't pregnant before meeting Kyle

Connor saved and trained Reeves from his teens, so not sending Reeves would imply that not just John would cease to exist, but in consequence Reeves would die in his youth because Jonh would not be there to help him. John knows from the get go that Reeves is his father, but considering his past, he is already used to time travel shenanigans.

>but he fucks Sarah anyway... like bro, could you focus on saving humanity please
It was an emotional moment, retard. Also, most likely John bullshited Reeves by telling him to not focus on details, as "things have predeterminated paths", and how Reeves gives zero fucks about hiding his identity. Either that, or Reeves was too uneducated to know anything about time travel, since he was born after the judgment day.

Still can't believe Robert Patrick went through those bars. Imagine the amount of dedication one must have for the craft.

That was CGI, retard.

I remember that movie.

The effects were at the same time good and annoying to look at. How could they make stuff so pretty, but still make the monsters move at a different framerate than the actors? Was that so hard to match?

Retard, Kyle Reese WAS John Connor.

He went back in time to fuck his mother. How else would he have a photo of her?

Actually it wasn't. There's behind the scenes footage of him actually doing it. Just a great method actor.
Arnold was really lowered into the lava as well.

iiiiiit's cold outside, ah been runnin for miles

>he also reportedly spent years working / fighting with Reece, kind of weird knowing that this guy will fuck your mom someday...

If you weren't such a faggot you'd know there's nothing weird about this at all. I wish I could fight alongside my dad in his prime. I bet your dad doesn't even hug you.

I watched the Shin Godzilla a few days ago, and god damn, this was fucking great. Godzilla actually feels like a threat, and the human components of the movie almost are indeed great. All the politics surrounding the atack of a giant monster in a modern day scenario is just fucking great, and make the forced family drama on the western one seems pitiful. The purple ray scene on Tokyo have so much emotional weight to it, that made me feel the tension of it even tough the CG was crap.

Why did you guys kept shilling the western one when this is much better?

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>Why did you guys kept shilling the western one
Pays better.
t. shill
But yes, Shin Gojira was patrician and a true pleb filter.

>trick cameras
You try to take a picture and it squirts water in your face?

>Imagine it being 1992 and seeing it.

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Just saw I Am Mother.
The beginning,with the little girl growing up is so sweet. ;_;

Other than Arny,he was the only actor in all three movies.
And the only character(different actor)in the 3 movies and the tv show.

Dear God


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Don't let this user fool you. The Heisei movies after Godzilla vs Biollante (1989) look like garbage with lifeless editing and television level lighting. Skip from 1989 to Godzilla 2000 (1999).

>Watch T2 for the first time recently
That blows my mind.




>fight alongside my dad in his prime.
This guy gets it.

James Cameron is a perfectionist. The cast of The Abyss nearly died underwater and he didn't give a shit, he continued to shoot the scenes.

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>THE BATTLE. Human troops in desperate combat with the Machines for possession of the dead Earth. The humans are a ragtag guerrilla army, made up mostly of troops from Southern Hemisphere countries... Africans, SouthAmericans, Australians. The survivors of the nuclear war between the Northern Hemisphere super-powers. This is the reality of the post-Apocalyptic world. North of the equator we all die. We hear radio chatter in Spanish, interspersed with Swahili and other African languages. The occasional Aussie unit can be heard.

How does it feel to know that is was more than likely that Sarah was either BLACKED, SPICCED OR EMU'D and that john connor was a 56% mutt.

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How is that potential apocalyptic future different from the actual present in America now?

I for one welcome our robot overlords.


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The Heisei movies are mindnumbingly dull, but some of the effects were good. GvMGII was just gorgeous eye candy.

stop motion with live action ALWAYS looks fucking shit, not even zoomer

>How to kill a movie with Jew magic

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>not even zoomer

Imagine not being a zoomer yet having the opinions of one. There's no hope for you.

>Me trying to talk to girls

Lord of the rings-
The orc makeup and costumes
The forced perspective stuff in the shire to make the hobbits seem smaller while sitting at the same table/in the same wagon seat.
The minas tirith model

It will forever be the pinnacle for me of amazing effects and visuals.

Jackson already knew about good effects when he was still filming WW2 scenes in his backyard as a kid.

it was the last effect they did - they pushed his head through the bars. he still has terrible scars from this.

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what's spiderman doing in prison?

Great film, always watch it when it's on TV.

I have seen animated rule 34 on blue and it looks much better that this.

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Did Sarah tell John that Reese is his father? I forgot

fucking dinos from JP1 will always be top tier

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pretty ambitious trying some general greivous shit 60 something years ago.

they creamed his skin real good and pushed him through the bars
ed harris almost drowned

this thing had mindblowing effects

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great nostalgia, thanks fren

Fury Road had some great things in it

obviously the first john Connor didn't have reesse as a father

so they went with the design that couldn't emote at all instead

Not as scary for children and better for toys.


would smash her prehistoric pus

who is this goddess?

Jesus christ. Zoom harder faggot.

imaging being an obsessed practicalfag...

le mad poster lmao xd

>when he gets arrowed

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The dude who canceled was James Cameron's voice. J.C.

Sarah running towards the elevator and Arny stepping out of it is still the best nightmare scene ever filmed.

>Marijuana Pepsi Vandyck

> pool's closed

They can only make a lighting impression and it is never 100% accurate unless everything is CGI. Usually when working on a set it is ideal to shoot a hdri so you have your lighting all over, but on a set this is impossible cause you'll have a lot of noise; camera's, open ends, roofing of the studio etc. It would take a lot more work to clean these out so what they do is make their own hdri digitally (or at least that is what we do) but it is never a 100% percent. Another factor is post where the cgi is blended into the RL, it can look good on one screen but completely unblended on the other due to color depth etc. Somehow it also ages horribly, not sure why that seems to happen perhaps technology.

I remember that movie more for Caroline Munro. I suspect it's where my fetish for that particular dress style comes from.

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Being this attractive shouldn't be legal.

It was too damn expensive to match, they move the puppet and take a picture, doubling the frames means double the work and resources.

>in exchange for making a man out of the merchant's son, he got her and 400 gold coins
>ywn be offered that deal

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