

Is this how all of you alt right betabuck soi boys react when someone pushes your shit in?

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Feeling lonely tonight, user? Need some replies?

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if he shaved the back it would have been fine, what a retard

>i'm not gonna give it back
>gives it back before he kills you

>posting a vid this ancient
I remember watching this shit live, lol. Some website you go on post this, or something?

What the fuck

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british tranny

/pol/ haters
>haha look we took his hat off
>haha I killed a mosque full of muslims xD

we already know pol is based though, why are you trying to get us to like them more

>tim pool
>alt right
I don't think you know what those words mean, OP.

this culture war shit is never going to end is it

>haha I blame any and all negative events that occur in the world on an internet imageboard
>haha I'm totally mentally fit and not at all deranged haha

There's something seriously unreasonable about wearing a beanie all the time.

they're both /pol/
millennial matt is just another nazi shitheel who got radicalized in 2016 and dislikes tim pool for being too "centrist"

leftists love and defend trannies, blacks, feminists, illegal aliens and commies

they will never be cool, bro

Most of these leftists don't.

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>calling liberals nazi
nibba, you're the radicalized one; stop visiting far left web pages, take a few walks, etc

modern leftists are literal fascists

I think you mean they're violent, censorious, totalitarian, etc. They've always been that way. It's a mistake to equate that with fascism.

Oh, I thought they were communists. Or Socialists. Or whatever the current buzzword is.

Millennial Matt is more right wing than Tim Pool though

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God bless Antifa.

>'we already know pol is based though, why are you trying to get us to like them more'

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Nazi, fascist, racist, etc are the current most popular buzzwords, have been for decades.

holy shit the shaking in his voice when hes trying to sound tough LMAOOOOO

Tim Pool is a communist.

damn right, they are driving people to the right

They were most likely already leaning right.

*mixes up milkshake with concrete*
*gets pozzed*
Yup...time to get to work :)

>gives it back
What a pussy lmao

nah, he's just a classic liberal
misguided sure, but not a commie

dude howd u get this picture? I never even posted it anywhere this was a selfie just for me
least i look good


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hes a nigger too, not even kidding

whoever Tim is, he was about to kick his ass

he's not pro anything but being a shitposting autist

tim looks like someone who doesn't know how to fight

that Tim guy looks like that one guy who'll pretend to be drunk and try to suck your dick if you're ever in a room alone with him

>tim pool
>alt right
time to dilate your open wound

they're for state-run industry. that's pretty much fascism.

>terms I don't understand are buzzwords


I think it's far funnier that a guy (who I have no idea who he is) is willing to fist fight over someone gently pulling off his hat and handing it back immediately.

If Tim Pool was a bathtub he'd be Tin Pool.

What are some good Korean films?

>alt right betabuck
Since when is he that? Did he expose another "male feminist" as a pedo?

Why are lefties so cringe?

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I'm disappointed in the quality of this b8

>nazi shitheel
That's a good thing

Why are right wingers so afraid of *milkshakes*?

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>/pol/ coordinated airstrikes with the Russian military and blew up muslim terrorist camps
wtf, I love /pol/ now

Those are all the same thing.
Left wingers are collectivists and authoritarian.

I'll remember that trip.

Also, why are leftists all bad posters? They are the ones who make off-topic posts, they are the ones who do the spamming, they are the ones who make retarded posts and are unable to stay on-topic?

As I said before, far leftism isn't a valid political ideology. It isn't a valid position to hold. Its a mental disorder and because these views are genetically ingrained, and they all behave like a cult, its impossible to save some of them, while anti-cult deprogramming tactics may save a few of the more reasonable ones.

See this picture? This was used to shame people, but only leftists believe that acting this way is heroic. They don't care about contributing to discussions, they just want to spam, and be enraged, spamming like neurotic losers. I don't know why Yea Forums is ground zero for this shit. It must be because you must be mentally ill to enjoy western television these days. Its all ugly.

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I agree they are turning people to the right

I think you're confused, the guy who took his hat off is the nazi, and the Tim is a enlightened centrist

>I posted it again.

rent free

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simbolically bankrupt, some say "the leaft can't meme" it goes depper than that down to a semiologic level

Tim Pool is alt-right now?

On what planet is Tim pool alt right? He's a Bernie bro?

Sometimes I think people just post shit here to troll.

He's a fence sitting pussy

Everyone who isn't a commie is alt-right now days.

What a sad post. I'm sorry about your life OP.

It's pretty cringe actually.

literally who? Someone bring me up to date

i have to assume he's doing the extreme fence sitting cause he somehow got a big audience appealing to
>im a democrat but THESE democrats are crazy!
which can target a lot of people. All of his videos are pro-Trump bait, a lot of retard subjects but he's making money off it. I wouldn't be surprised if his lazy researching is going to /pol/, finding something possibly interesting, and watering it wayyyy down to appeal to the lowest common denominator of "moderate"ness. Tim's getting paid though i guess

The anti fa faggots after getting mad at people filming them and acting like the fags they always act like. That they attacked a gay gook version of Tim pool because he was filming them. It was so bad that even CNn spoke out about it.
There was a big backlash today on the media against antifa and the response from them was the usual calling everyone Nazis and fascists

some very moderate e-celeb on youtube got DESTROYED and nazi alt righters SNOWFLAKES are SEETHING, and this was like MONTHS ago

You missed the part where he got destroyed by a nazi though. This shit doesn't even make sense.

>pro-Trump bait,
So the truth?

But seriously all he's doing Is filming. The people with the problem are the far left.

>gay gook version of Tim pool

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idk, if the goal is keeping americans destroying their own society, its working

Well how else should I describe Andy ngo?

Gay gook Tim Pool with a monotomnus voice.

Because the people who throw them are insane cultists who will be joining the mudslimes they love so much in throwing acid next. They're already putting concrete mix into the milkshakes which can cause chemical burns.

Pool mostly just points out fake news and hypocrisy which there is no shortage of material. He mostly goes after the left because they are the worst offenders. But what kind of mental disorder does one have to have to consider him alt right or even right at all. He calls himself a fence sitter moderate.

>mfw antifa ends pride month with gay bashing an asian journalist and all the left wingers clapped and cheered

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Why are lefties so afraid of "words"?

Well now that fag month is over it's legal to hunt fags again.

>if I pull that off would you die?

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>It would be extremely humiliating

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It is pretty hilarious to watch. He gets so fucking angry over a Beenie even after dude is like “it’s just a prank bro”. Pool is pretty fresh though, he reckt Jack Dorsey and Dorsey’s lawyer at the same time. Unfortunately it meant nothing because censorship only got much worse right after.

yeah unless you're like a 16 year old kid. every motherfucker knows you're a bald self conscious cunt if you wear a hat 24/7. fuck sake lmao

I wear a hat 24/7 and I have a full head of hair. A lot of people assume I’m bald though.

>I wear a hat 24/7

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white men are over
why even go to these marches if you're not prepared to kill some niggas?

Honesty even most lefties are some with antifa. Only people who stop support them are those trannies and furries who list their gender pronouns on Twitter.

He's bald you wouldn't understand what bad men deal with.

>white men
tim pool is a manlet hapa

Stop with the insults.

t. fascist

I still think that mosque shooting was an isreali false flag. The shooters manifesto never once mentioned the Jewish question and their role in mass immigration to the west. He named the symptoms but not the root cause, it was very suspect.

>he reckt Jack Dorsey and Dorsey’s lawyer at the same time
only a retard would believe this unironically. tim pool is such a mentally neutered idiot that he managed to get the ADL off his back. that takes some serious limp dick.

>im a democrat but THESE democrats are crazy!
Honestly man when you compare both sides you have Trump on one side and you have the entire Democrats Establishment on the other. Trump will be gone in 2 to 5 years and his political bravado will go with him. But the Democrats are going full party aoc and sjw one only needs to see the debates this week.

So I don't understand do you hate him because you think he's /pol/ or not /pol/ enough?

The left always ends up eating their own. Always.

If he got the adl of his back that's pretty effective.

That was a time when it wasn't filled with tripple chin teenagers who rage about their virginity all day long.

How did he not? He publicly pointed out several lies, and contradictions in their policy. Dorsey’s lawyer was even stumped half the interview.

Don't forget the Democrats have the demographic trends on their side, this shit is ogre

You're lucky wine sucks balls or else I would have your nigger tripcode hanging from a tree with a pitchfork up your ass nigger. U still liking that dyke Kstew forever?

Bet this homie plays video games on his ecksbawks one very day

post some comfy webms or youtube links of antifa getting btfo

I still think that eventually the GOP will become the Hispanic party.

no dumbass, it means he begged and grovelled like a little shitheel cuck and he's so ineffective even in his own lane that they stopped giving a shit. centrists just kvetch and refuse to take a stand. they should fuck off
>unironically believing a mainstream media shill would allow someone to trash a globalist technocrat publicly
nobody capable of "recking" anyone like jack dorsey will ever be invited on a show like jew rogan. you get your political takes from some shit tier people.

literally who?

Unfortunately a lot of normies support antifa. The right is done, after Trumps next 4 years the Dems will take over again, Jack our taxes, force us to pay for illegals, completely rig all our elections, we are so fucked.

Wasn't they another antifa protest today?

Why doesn't Timothy just wear a baseball cap? It would be more aesthetic and his dome wouldn't be so hot all the time. He might even get those follicles to breath a little and sprout some hair.

Why would you wear a hat 24/7? No one looks good in a hat. At the least, no one looks better wearing a hat than when they are not wearing one. Unless you are balding bad.

He disagrees with the far left on some things so he's an alt-right nazi

It’s insane that all it took to destroy a country and send the people into complete chaos is just call everyone you dislike a racist. The facts don’t even matter, if your black, RACIST, black wife RACIST, not liberal enough RACIST. Then you get backed by (((them))))

It just feels right.

you talk like a faggot meme even though i agree with everything you just wrote

Name one example of Pool begging and groveling during that interview. He spoke politely at points, that’s about it.

I went from voting for Obama twice to thinking that maybe Hitler wasn't too bad in the course of 24 months.

answer me shills
will antifa kill themselves when trump kills himself in 2020?
will tranny shills finally end it?

>implying that killing a mosque full of those robed motherfuckers is not based
you can't even pretend it wasn't

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im talking about him whining about the ADL treatment. begging like a little doggy until they finally took him off the website as a muh racist bigot nazi homophone.

you can pull it off if you are alpha

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I was specifically talking about the Interview. What happened with the ADL? I never heard anything about that.


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You realize that wasn't antifa right?
it was a guy famous from HWNDU for trying to make shai lebeuf to say 'hitler did nothign wrong"

hes alt-right and all right

that's a spic. "white hispanic" if I'm generous
t. arbiter of whiteness

Balding cucklord deserves it. The virgin cope vs the chad embrace.

One happened yesterday, and it was very calm, only violence i saw was the asian dude getting milkshakes and punched. But i can't wait until the election really kicks off (and the cherry on top, Trump wins) so i can see comfy political violence from my comfy country.

Now everyone that sees him has to take his hat.

>at a protest where violence could erupt at any moment
>someone touches your head

I'm with Tim on this one. I probably would've punched the guy.

No. I think the Mosque shooter was far funnier, supreme bantz.

Based /pol/ and its based humor.

He looks based.

....or he's a white guy that went out in the sun and got tanned, that happens when people go out of their house
you know that

Politics are so cringe why do people care so much about this shit.

not without war

>Unless you are balding bad.
He is

these are the people who are crying about antifa doing terrorism when they throw milkshakes

i thought he looked pathetic on joe rogan
>you are censoring people, breaking consitution, destroying free speech!!!
>it's a private company, we make rules of our service and make people follow them, it's not our fault rightwingers act like monkeys
pathetic beta male got cucked by some mestizo women

>alt-right and all right
There is nothing wrong with that

He looks like my former middle school History teacher.

t. Reddit

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punch me baldy manlet LMAO

I would have ran off with his beanie

Projecting. I gave up on civil discourse long time ago. Let them throw their milkshakes while based stickman bashes in their skulls.


Anyway, look at his facial features. Sorry, but he’s right.

nice edit

Wow, this just isn't on topic at all!

lol ok

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Tim pool is based
Yeah he should just embrace the baldness though

Did you even watch the interview. Tim had a rebuttal to every point they made and several examples of how they weren’t following their own rules. Die in a fire leftist faggot.

>mestizo women
She's a loo in the poo but I'd sniff her poo greul.

90% of the interview was
“Hey you banned this people for fake reasons”
“Umm we will look into it”

I member he started a thread on pol after this and I told him he was a retard for not biting the bullet and shaving (bald myself) he admitted I was right but now he still wears the fucking thing everywhere. I get secondhand embarrassment

Defeat baldness and become a hoss.

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What? That interview was an on air rape. All that the leftshit cocksucker Dorsey and his trained monkey had was: 'W-w-we have to look into it' and 'Whatever, dude'.
Shame that Pool didn't bring up the VerifiedHate shitshow, they would both run away back to their Resist HQ to heal in their safe space and to throw Starbucks milkshakes at the construction workers from the top of their walled off mansion to calm themselves.

>The virgin retreat vs the chad embrace

>Is this how all of you alt right betabuck soi boys react when someone pushes your shit in?

We generally cry about it on Yea Forums instead because we're far too cowardly to place ourselves in such situations in the exterior world.

Fuck is this what /pol/ is like? I hope most of you angry backwards fucks are larping or 14 because an adult who seriously rants about blacks, jews and right wing conspiracy theories has to be the saddest form of human. Grow up, you retards sound like flat earthers.

Son of Donkey Lips?

He isn't tanned at all, he's red faced because he's a fat fuck.

People who get swept up in partisan politics are the same people who watch celebrity gossip and this thread is proof of that.

>alt-right youtuber
>ethnicity - hapa. white father/asian mother

pure coincidence!

>alt-right youtuber
>political beliefs - left-leaning liberal

His father is Korean

Whose father?

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Just shave that thing off

Holy shit, stop being defensive as fuck, it's super noticeable. I LIKE /pol/. I fucking lvoed that Shia Labeouf shit you guys pulled off, but you guys have to stop losing your cool everytime anyone so much as lightly banters you.

Learn to playfully deflect. Instead of posting your dumbass post, you should've just said something like "Why does he need a hat? To cover his hair?"

Stop getting riled up by elementary level shit. This has been a Public Service Announcement.

Are you saying this like it's supposed to be a good thing or a bad thing?

Is this what millennials consider "getting your shit pushed in"?
Remember when entire continents were burned into the ground for ideologies?

This is embarassing.
Millennial activism is a massive joke.

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>the last few oldfags clinging to the times when /pol/ wasn't a shit heap neo nazi dumpsterfire helped ruskies bomb isis years ago while newfag reddit invaders who are too afraid to say NIGGER anywhere else on the web act like they had a hand in that even though some of them weren't even alive when old/pol/ got shit like that done

bro that looks pretty beta lmao

Kramer has been an open trip for years. You fags' r/The_Donald is really showing off.

This is a anti /pol/ post written by a leftist you dumb fuck.

Tim Pool is a grifter who profits from polbait. It's a capitalist country and he can do whatever he wants. But he should atleast be honest about his real opinions instead of peddling the same "I'm muh centrist" bullshit.

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Going in my maga cringe folder


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Quick-setting concrete actually has caustic properties, and can cause major chemical burns.