This shit has so much western appeal, it unironically has the potential to be the new GoT...

This shit has so much western appeal, it unironically has the potential to be the new GoT, it is only ins't because it is animated

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Other urls found in this thread:


Apparently this is pro fascism and anti-semetic and all the fags are upset about it.

Back to your containment board faggot

Would be awhile before normos are conditioned to some of the more abrasive anime tropes like ‘boy whose angst knows no limits or shame but manages to accomplish anything at all without maturing’

idk because you could read the main characters as either Aryans or Jews. It's easy to relate to for everyone.

why do you faglords insist that posting your East Asian cartoons here will make it kino?

>it is only ins't because it is animated
good, if it was live action it would've been awful

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We truly, at last, are the shingeki no kyojin

>Keep hearing about how the show is about the Jews
>Assume it's just people reading into things and over reacting
>It's LITERALLY about the Jews

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If you're reading them as anything other than jews/south koreans you're retarded.

>It only isn't because it's animated.

A-user I..

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The live action one is worse, because Japs can't act.

Is this show actually decent at all?


Unironically depends on how much anime has already melted your brain.

It's probably the best shounen type show out there, not that it's a very competitive market.

i have watched all seasons and watching it airing
holy fuck this anime is so fucking cringe
reddit entry level tier

Interesting. Can you elaborate on what specifically makes it reddit?

No I can’t you anime loving faggot

You tell me

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Also, Mikasa is supposed to be the only Asian in a world full of western races, so a cast of only Japs fits less.

Fascinating. So it's reddit, but you don't know why it's reddit. Perhaps we need to discuss your deeper issues here.

Why did the Manga fall off so hard after the basement chapter bros? Damn waste.

The narrative takes a flaming hot shit on itself after a certain point because the writer started trying too hard.

>imdb rating
>no. 5 on the list is a game of thrones episode
Are weebs actually this delusional?

I hate the Eldian and Marley shit and the assload of new characters that readers are supposed to care about, even though they're on the 'bad side.' Now evidently the rest of the world is attacking the island eventually. I've lost track of who's supposed to be the good guys

Clearly the Jews are the good guys.

Trust me, I hate anime and weebs too but SnK is on another level. It surpasses anything I've seen in years. You should watch it before knocking it because its truly a life changing experience to watch. A true 10/10 series


Other way around, this show is pro nationalistic and facist. The main country were formerly nationalistic Aryan conquerors.

its reddit because its popular, its reddit becuase its just as OP said just jap GOT

I think normies will freak out over the jewish references

Yeah yeah wait till it crosses the part with the basement

So it turns out all of the people inside the walls are:
>God's chosen people
>Apparently committed some grave sin in the past, for which they are being punished
>There was an attempt to exterminate all of them as a result
>The survivors were forced into internment camps, where they have to wear stars to identify themselves

Standards have plummetted. It's slightly above average at best, cheesy as fuck heavy handed Nip dreck at worst

>I need a story to be black and white with the good/bad guys

gas yourself


Commie nigger cope.

So even Japs recognize Jews as the master race.

Warner Brothers hired the new IT director to make a movie adaptation after they bought the rights

Extremely subtle.

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It's a story about what would happen if the Jews got into power after being "oppressed"

It's actually about the Japanese and Koreans

>it unironically has the potential to be the new GoT,
It had. Now it's just boring.

why the fuck would you make this into a movie and not a tv series though?

The bad guys are Jews/Americans that are punishing the German aryan country for conquering the world. Their punishment is to be shamed for being part of that race and being put into ghettos like the jews were. But its almost like a bizarro WW2 since the jews are the ones that are putting the Germans in camps instead.

The whole subject of the latest season was to not be ashamed for the history of your ancestors like how white people are being shamed today.

Heres a video go a South African girl crying because she sees the eldians relating to the white farmers in south africa getting killed for the heritage

Fuck off, I'm not going to like or subscribe to your channel.

I read the manga too tard

Both love inbreeding.

They probably plan to split it into multiple movies. If they can get some big names, actual high quality cgi, and avoid outrage marketing/sjw shit like casting a black Mikasa, then they could make a serious franchise

Yeah so it's junk now. Who cares, they should have ended this way sooner. Now I got 20 shit volumes in my house, I just stuffed them in a box under my bed closet, fuck this series.

The manga is peaking now though you pleb

It isn't popular because every episode is full of crying faggots. They could've cut the first season down to 10 episodes if they removed every scene with a character crying and being useless.

How will animeonlies react to the protagonist finally becoming truly based and redpilled?

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I don't get it.

Its start off pretty cool, but the Manga its based off of goes into BS powerlevels/bloodlines kind of shit like every shonen does. First seasons was a cool watch.

Best thing about the anime is that it has probably the best soundtrack of any anime that ive heard.

I watched the dub of that episode the Jap producers said to get tissues for, that redhead has an irritating voice.

Thought this was one of the most boring anime I ever watched and I was at like episode 14 or something. I didn't want anyone to say I didn't give it a chance because half of my friends thought it was greatest anime ever conceived. I don't understand what anyone likes about it.

actually this

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Floch is a little bitch but he becomes Eren's Goebbels

He is redpilled incarnate though and becomes Eren's right hand man after Eren goes full facism

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What's going on right now?

Kill yourself pleb, you could never appreciate art. Guarantee you like marvel movies.

wtf is that Eren?

>Is this show actually decent at all?

It fantastic.

A brawl with all the titans and Eren is about to activate human instrumentality

hardcore cringe

I don't like Marvel movies. Explain to me how this series is not the most boring shit. As much as I hate moeshit, I'd even rather watch that.

Paradis just got invaded by Marley. Reiner jobbing as usual

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how is the art still this ugly

I didn't think Grisha was a warrior. how did the marleyan warriors when to attack just in time the founding titan was stolen from the royal family.

Grisha killed the royal family the night after Bert broke down the walls


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>white people are opressed, just look at these mean tweet made by this actor/musician/politician
grow up, you will never know what true suffering is

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Dilate your axe wound tranny. White farmers are being tortured and killed for "crimes" their ancestors committed.


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>snk isn't overra...

>We must kill all of our enemies to ensure a future and freedom for Eldian children

Was it kino?

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fence sitter faggot

I've been more excited about the shit that has been happening in this series than any other show I've been watching with Yea Forums so yes.

Overrated garbage, fuck off back to Yea Forums.

based and redpilled: the female version

kinda cute

i grew up poor and thus am more oppressed and underprivileged than anyone who exists in a greater tax bracket. also, nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger

Why does the art look so uninspired and amateur? I swear the earlier chapters had better art.


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pic related is the fate of all slave dogs like yourself

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cringe, not reading

>a titan the size of texas

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Youre a fag with shit taste

Go and watch GoT you brainlet

Reminder that Titantfaggors are the new Narutards


>Trust me, I hate anime and weebs too but SnK is on another level
What the fuck kind of shit did you consume so far to say something outrageous as this?

I'm speaking from my heart here user. Yes.

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its not that interesting

if it was a live action show, it would be caught up to the manga in 2 seasons

the creator, i forgot his name, has already said snk is gonna end soon

no one is gonna waste money for only 3 seasons for the cost it would take to make meme-giants

Anime only huh?

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shitty jap live action doesnt count you fucking weeb, they cant act and only hurt the franchise

He obviously took inspiration from ww2 jews for the enslaved eldians but I doubt its 'jewish' propaganda, there are much more persistent themes in this show than anything the kikes care about

OH NO NO NO NO all those years of kike brainwashing in school vaporized in an instant by a zombie anime

He took his inspiration from the Nips enslaving Korea

First season's alright, mostly due to the unique premise and decent word building.
Season two kind of sucks.
First half of season three sucks
This latest season has been really enjoyable, but probably because it's nothing but reveal/payoff.

Post-basement manga is unironically great though.

Fuck no Eldians are going to win the war, fuck I want Marley to genocide them for good goddammit

>M*rley dog

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Eldians deserve worse

Gimme a super quick rundown on what happens, if it sounds fun I'll catch up.

Eren gives the Marley dogs a grim reminder of their own

Does he invades Marley?

I stopped watching the show when I started reading the manga and I stopped reading the manga after the big ape Titan throws murder baseballs at all the little cape wearing islanders. What have I missed?

Eren attacks Marley and retreats with the Scouting Corps then Marley invades Paradis

It can be summed up as "muh cruel world"

It's Eren. He's about to massacre thousands of innocent people and he just wants to rub it in Reiner's face first.

Clearly you didn't stop reading the manga after Zeke showed up because otherwise you wouldn't know to refer to them as "islanders".

Yes. It has moments that give me goosebumps overload. I'm talking goosebumps that match moments such as when Goku turns SS for the first time. When Levi attacks the Beast titan after his entire squad is wiped out, oh man. My entire body was numb.

Holy shit, lmao

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I've already read the manga and the smiling titan reveal in Grisha's backstory gave me goosebumps

Eren kills a bunch of people and gets multiple titan powers
Him and Zeke/Ape Titan team up
One of the "main cast" members gets shot killed and killed, pissing off a bunch of people
Zeke straight up died, but then didn't because Ymir (the original titan or whatever) or some shit saved him.
Everyone about to attack the Island now, which btw, if you didn't know, the story had taken place on just like a Madagascarian sized island this whole time until post-basement. Anyways the world is scared of Erin and what he could do.
Haven't read the past few chapters though, waiting for July's to binge a few.


Looks like standard fare convoluted anime shit

Sure I did, I just don't remember anything about it and don't care to look it back up right now. But honestly, what reason do I have to lie?

>I hate anime therefore you should take my advice on what anime to watch
You're retarded. Do everyone a favor and stop spamming SnK threads on Yea Forums you deranged mong

It starts out as a standard shonen (albeit an especially edgy/bloody one), but there's an actual plot and themes which is pretty surprising for an anime show.

I remember seeing this on shitflix it was not that good pretty shit if I do say so and who cares if its a meraphore for the jews or whatever

The high points are really high but it's fucking retarded if you think about the plot with any amount of logic. why would they send the titans to a concentration camp if they were just planing on killing them? Makes literally zero sense.

Don't people start hating the main character later on in the series?

>why would they send the titans to a concentration camp
I believe they address this in the manga.

they were work camps.

You are denying oppression like in South Africa and general hate towards one race because of muh suffering. Fuck off

It's god-awful.
No. The writing is atrocious.

>why would they send them to a concentration camp if they were just planing on killing them? Makes literally zero sense.

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They use the Eldians as hostages to be able to control their power and use them as a weapon to defeat other nations. They keep them relatively safe in the ghetto as long as they promise to fight for them

damn. the big H was one sexy bastard

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Whats with all the recent AoT shilling

I mean not that capeshiters or gotfags are any better but theres enough trash as it is no need to add AoT to the list

Season 3 reached it's climax a few weeks ago and ended today

Their ancestors committed no crimes.

this dude makes these threads every sunday night bitch

>ended today
But... but.... to be continued ;_;

There are commonly understood meanings for the use of quotation marks over a word you should probably learn.

Season 3 ended, season 4 is coming next year

Can't wait for season 4 to be honest fuck western jewish media

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There's one particularly obsessed spaz who spams threads about it on Yea Forums

this is just a fraction of his autism

vehemently based

One of the main character is a german jew

literally all me

I don't care what any of you tasteless fucks have to say, the OST is pure kino.

stop posting anytime

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At the moment, the message seems to be that it doesn't matter who's ancestors did what.
That either side's telling of history could be right, but it doesn't excuse extreme retribution a generation or more later.
That the actions of the present overshadow any of the past.

what the fuck is wrong with Sawano's track titles

The creator overtly and openly used aSoIaF as inspiration, specifically for the tone and added drama of knowing nothing is sacred in a continuing serialized narrative. This was on purpose.


Sub or dub?

Un ironically always wanted to watch this

I only watch shoujo anime, will I like this

The main city is literally a memory-wiped containment city for a race that the fascist big bads are trying to wipe out to slowly die out in.

Why didn't D&D do that?

it's a conflict that rings true to any group of people. If you don't get it it's because you're a kike

Probably not, it's mainly for shonen audiences.

But it is the Utena of shounenshit


All dubs suck

Attack on sneed.

Sneedgeki no Chuckjin

Why can't people be both proud and ashamed for the oast? Acknoledge the sins without erasing history? Why is it ever 8 or 80?

I know you post sneed on every thread on the catalog but this one was pretty uninspired
This one is more like it

if you don't think the burlington bar would explode with YAAAAAAAASSSSSSS MIKASA SLAAAAAAAAAAY you're delusional, fatties love this kinda of shit
it would be the new GoT, if it was live action

It's entertaining and well made for its big moments but otherwise inconsistent with characters constantly acting like retards to move the plot forward, contrivance after contrivance for the sake of drama and bordline asspulls that end every conflict.
Think the latter seasons of Game of Thrones, enjoyable but dumb and hollow

>Hollywood does a live adaptation
>Guillermo Del Toro directs
>Dane Dehaan as Eren
>Hayley Kiyoko as Mikasa
>Alexander Ludwig as Armin
Guaranteed kino


There's actually a character named Sneed in the manga

Nah, the core idea of
>isolated nation surrounded by superpowered enemies
pretty much only appeals to Japan. They keep doing this setting over and over again because that's their situation, that's what they're obsessed with. Nobody else can really relate.

sub 100 IQ post

You didn't notice it did you. Now you will, almost every Japanese setting is exactly that.

OP here
I never said it was the best thing ever, i just said i t has massive western appeal just like mcdonalds
Is mcd the best food ever? No

Is Dawn of the Dead a Japanese setting?


>Nobody else can really relate.
I can. There is more to this world than just BURGER. Not that you would know.

>There is more to this world than just BURGER
For now.

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You can literally take that thot AND FUCK YOUR OWN FACE!

>caps to show tonal shift through text


>There's a titan coming towards the wall, it must be over 3 football fields in length!

Shut the fuck up

>I want hollywood to ruin another series

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Hollywood has no idea how to adapt anime unfortunately.

So fucking true.
I got through the whole first season and enjoyed it reasonably enough.
The crying becomes obscenely frequent in season 2, I only got through 4 or 5 episodes and haven't bothered to resume.
If all these characters stopped crying in every goddamn scene perhaps they could successfully fight off the titans.
They go extremely overboard with the crying, even by anime standards.

I think he's quoting Tropic Thunder

It's just japshit that's how they like it, lots of emo shit

You shouldn't have stopped, episode 6 is one of the greatest episodes of any show ever

>retarded YA chinese cartoon for incels
please die


anime is allowed on every board newfriend

Andres Muschietti already directs the Hollywood adaptation.


Well as far as I'm aware, Japan usually doesn't either

No it doesn't. What the fuck are you talking about?

>i swear the earlier chapters had better art.
Are you legally blind?

>your average western capeshit fan

Too much lore, and too B & R to be adapted into a hollywood film of cookie cutter good vs evil. It would also look really ugly


Yo let's talk AoT xD

>I’ve lost track of who’s the good guy
That’s the point

What's with the funny sounding city names? What the hell kind of city name is Marley? Fucking ESL japs

You know Warner Bros. is making a movie out of it, right? Andy Muschietti is directing it after IT 2.


I haven't really been watching the dub because I want the episodes as soon as I can get them, and the dub takes longer.
I have been wonder if it is any good though. Sure, dubs usually aren't as good, but in this case it is a show where the characters are canonically definitely not speaking Japanese, so that's got to be one point in favor of a dub right there.

Hunter times Hunter is the only mature anime out there. SNK is shit compared to it.

>boohoo ima nigger born in the most powerful country in the world
>bohoo i could've lived in some random west african shithole instead with muh brudas

Mikasa and Jean's VA drag it to early 2000s level of dub cringe. Also Ashly Burch plays Sasha.

It's hard to believe that the Marleys were able to hold on to the titans they had for the past century.

They had to keep those powers inside of Eldians, and make sure to transfer them at least every 13 years, otherwise they'd loose them and also risk a monster popping up randomly inside one of their cities to go on a rampage.
And holding someone with titan power against their will would be really tricky. Even tied down and gagged, if they can struggle against their restraints enough to draw blood then they're out. And sedatives? Gotta be oral, because you don't want to risk breaking the skin with an injection.
So either they managed to keep them in a coma their whole short lives, or managed to ensure the loyalty of a handful of Eldian successors (which we have seen they can be somehow crazy good at).
And either way, they've had to have been really careful during transfers.