HoH: Christie
Veto: Sam
Noms: Ovi, Bimbo
Camp Director: Jackson
Banished: David
Power Winner: Ovi
Previously on /bb/:
HoH: Christie
Veto: Sam
Noms: Ovi, Bimbo
Camp Director: Jackson
Banished: David
Power Winner: Ovi
Previously on /bb/:
here we go!
holy fuck, when is he supposed to use this
lmao power wasted
Holy shit that’s a really good trap card
LMAO his power is going unused
all you had to do grodner is let kemi get backdoored
you fucked it up
so he can't use the power tonight, can he?
might as well use it just to disrupt sleep as a Fuck You
best part about this was twitter's response that Ovi got it and then what the power was
This is just the apps from last season.
holy fuck Ovi is so good at the game
and he also has a power
this brown god is coasting to jury
grod would rather keep the black furniture in the game than see her precious twist get used
>another power got flushed
ugh fuck these stupid twists that ruin an HoH
seems like it has to be used between original noms and veto, not after veto.
he's fucked.
Why didn't he sell himself out to the cool kids?
What does the power do? I wasn't listening.
yep. no reason he would be crying otherwise.
yeah except its via comp and not voted on by twigger
>backdoors the person with the power by accident in week 1
>Ovi wants to start a counter alliance after overhearing Nick
>Calls all the Chads and Stacys together to form his alliance
Ovi is delusional
Thank god the twist was a bust
I hate twists because they ruin the game
fuck production
She looks like she fucks only black men
>we will never see ovi breaking down in the DR begging production to let him use his power after the veto ceremony
>After the nomination ceremony, when the house is asleep, Ovi may use his nightmare power to wake everybody up and send them to another nomination ceremony. The HoH must choose two new noms. The original nominees will be safe for the week. No one will know that Ovi used it #BB21
quack pack
Ovi's arc is such a tragedy. jfc
You can wake the entire house up in the middle of the night and cause an immediate re-nom ceremony after noms are set, but before veto is played.
Ovi really gives off autistic vibes
Like seriously
ahh shit I forgot about the episode, guess I’ve gotta wait for it to be posted
the eviction is gonna be so kino
doesn't matter, he can't use it at this point and is getting voted out
this is hilarious
no wonder he was crying
reset your browser timezone and watch it in 7 min
>but before veto is played
they never said that
I would use this power at 4 AM right before veto players are picked. It would send the power alliance into an absolute panic.
>ovi got the power
>ovi tries to get himself an alliance
kemi try to fuck over ovi. poc ftl
Shit that is OP, too bad Ovi is going to get fucked.
i think they have shown every moment that kemi spoke before the veto comp
>Cliff plays up Texan angle
>deliberately mentions he likes to discuss politics
>petroleum engineer
>white male boomer
>literally never mentions politics besides decorating his cap for the last day of pride month
Did Cliff completely mist production into casting him as the "Trump-supporter" archetype?
He can still try to use it to form a group
omg i feel so bad for him
except no one likes him because he smells like shit and doesn't wash his hands
Context clues you ape. If he could use it after Veto, he wouldn't have been breaking down after the nom ceremony. not to mention how OP that would be if he could.
>change noms after veto
>the 2 new people on the block have no chance to save themselves and both just got backdoored.
it never said in the description that he had to use it before veto ceremony. POOVI SHITS ANOTHER DAY BOIS
when did she go mute? they have been editing this like she talks alot
>context clues
until its officially announced we dont know either way
grodner waiting until today to hold the ceremony, knowing he can only use the power at night, knowing if he can he'll use it tonight
we'll know tonight if the feeds go to puppies for an hour.
graveyard shift fags, keep us updated.
Kek fuck your powers grod. Don’t know why Christie would want to evict someone is proven to consider them a final five member in favor of kemi
the implication was that initial two noms would be safe so i do think it had to be used before POV
n-bombs power last season was similar
oh look they did have a reason to target her other than being black
>he thinks i cant use the power after the veto ceremony
Assuming that this shit is actually allowed, who goes up.
>Jackson, Ovi, Kat, Sam, Cliff save via powers/veto
Obviously Aquaman would be one of the noms, who would be the other.
>tfw this was tears of joy all along
Well, either Ovi can't use his power and goes (most likely scenario
Ovi can and they just put up Kemi and Cliff and vote Kemi out
he wont use it, grodner cant use it for him
the house is going to blindside him
it said after noms, not after veto
stop being retards
rn btw
real retard hours
just let them think what they want lol
it said after noms and said nothing about veto
you can use it after noms which means you can use it after veto because the veto takes place after noms.
>post yfw david taught ovi how to fake cry in the first two hours of being in the house
Cliff can't go up, he got veto'd off the block.
Her options are:
>Tommy, Aquaman, Nick, Jessica, Kemi, Nicole, Holly, Anal, and Bella
after veto is still after noms
oo i liked that outro music
gonna be after they go to bed if it can be used
I have it DVR’d I just realized
N bomb
he literally just confirmed he cant use it
New ending song sucks dick Desu.
they arent going to let someone get renomed without being able to save themselves in the veto
STOP BEING RETARDS. they arent going to run another veto
its probably tommy/nick. assuming he thinks the alliance he made with the other 4 is real
dont worry, grodner will break the rules and he will be safe
Cliff wasn't on the block if Ovi used his power so he can go up again
Jack sooooo hawwwwwwwwwwwwttt
the rules are whatever brings drama goyim
wtf pee wee herman has a new show on cable?
misted lol
Christie backdooring Ovi in week 1 > Angela backdooring Bayleigh
>original noms
That would be kind of kino though to be honest.
>Ovi uses his nightmare power
>Christie panics and noms Aquaman and Kemi
>They immediately go into a clutch Cornhole PoV
>Aquaman wins and Christie has a breakdown
>Noms Jessica in his place
>this all happens between the hours of 4 and 6 AM live on feeds
they wouldnt have a renom after veto that's be insanely unfair, they have to at least give the people a chance in veto. otherwise thatd be more powerful than a diamond veto
whoa alan cumming has a shitty cbs drama
not enough episode airtime for all this especially when grodball is gonna wanna show her showmances
do you know who grod is
Grodball worked to get Kemi off the block and Ovi in her place
Giving in would just mean Kemi gets sent home this week, with a chance christie goes crazy and puts up like jack/jackson
Grodball wants Kemi > Ovi
there are some real idiots in this thread if you think his power meant it can be used after veto
whose showmancing?
based peewee show saying happy people are mentally ill
>they wouldnt have a renom after veto that's be insanely unfair
i forgot Tommy and Christie know each other. they do a good job keeping that facade.
Veto ceremony and nomination ceremony must be the same thing, not established terms they've used for 17 years. I have a low IQ.
>insanely unfair
a guy went out because he couldnt navigate a dark maze
where is david's veto?
kat and michie had sex pre-feeds and nick/bella have exchanged "i love yous" along with nick touching her puss
I wish he could give his power to someone on the way out like they do in Survivor. I want to see this shit used, it sounds hilarious.
We BB13 now?
there were no noms, that's different
its veto meeting newfag
the bimbos have done an even better job
what a tangled web we weave
>alan cumming
He was based on The Good Wife. But this show looks like shit.
Glad Ovi can't use the power and is getting voted out without using it
that motherfucker lasts 5 weeks
why is cable so obsessed with making shows with autistic main characters
im actually surprised he didnt tell the chads about the power
quirky has a bangable body if you took her doggy style
>uses it 2 weeks after being voted out
can poovi come back from a battleback and still use the power?
>After the nomination ceremony, when the house is asleep, Ovi may use his nightmare power to wake everybody up and send them to another nomination ceremony. The HoH must choose two new noms. The original nominees will be safe for the week. No one will know that Ovi used it #BB21
holy fucking shit, its literally the bayleigh power again
the 10 person alliance was such a great idea for this season, they would have been fucked
probably, as long as it's the first 6 weeks. would be kino.
If Ovi can convince the other HGs that Kat has the power and therefore must be voted out...I will cheer for him.
groddog has been getting absolutely rekt with her twists over the past couple seasons its kind of incredible
i'm sure twitter will apologize
thats his only lifeline at this point other than a bimbo crazy spell so he might as well try it. everyone keeps telling him he's a pawn tho
You faggots enjoying the season so far?
>no coup d'etat to ruin the 1st week
This would actually be a good strat if he could pull it off right.
>Brigade accidentally backdoored the Saboteur
>Gr8ful accidentally backdoored somebody with OP power
season confirmed to be straightforward domination by chads
why add strong ass powers this fucking early?
now i know why christie was so fucking shook
is Sam eating pizza with milk? fucking disgustin
now that your first dogshit twist is gone, yeah.
its cum
that is gross lol
damn son, i never noticed her beak
nah, he sucks.
i'm more interested in the 8 cannibalizing themselves before final 8 than a dud like ovi staying
The saboteur's power was turning off the lights
TS Bryan Dennahy?
based and white person pilled
almost 2 slips in a row
if you were ovi what would you do?
What do you guys use to make the webms of the feeds? any monkey can do screencaps, but I want to evolve to a webm chad.
its been said multiple times in threads already. u were born to be a betafag it seems
go to christie and tell her about the power
>nick not waiting for every one to eat
please do I'm way to lazy for webms
i remember when the camera men werent faggots and they actually showed the girls getting changed
theres two more powers left
sweet summer child
why does he use a fork this way?
if that was the first power just imagine what the next 2 will be
why doesn't grodner just have a normal season with no twists? it would truly decide the best winner instead of bullshit twists that get people out on day 1
because if the show was on rails then she'd potentially be out of a job
this show after bb just made a frozen joke and apparently the main character is a faggot and his blonde sidekick is a ho
is there seriously another birthday song? they've sung it like every day so far
The thing is if he tells the full details of his power, it fucks over his marginal votes. So like sure, he can fuck Jack with the power if he wins HoH, but Jack would then just nom Nick and Bella or Nick and Jessica instead of Ovi and Kemi.
This would be the most useful for a showmance against the whole house, or (obviously) someone who can hold onto it until it's thinned out a bit in there. And he can lie by omission, but there needs to be a pro-Ovi mood in the house before just "I have a power" works
camera guys whatever, im sorry i assumed genders you fucking faggot
bb7. and will didnt win
I could have made the webms for you bro, but this aggrofag has chosen to berate and deny my attempt at being a productive member of the threads. I guess I will have to become an aborted webm maker. I could have given you so many webms, bro...
I make dope 0-effort webms faster than people post requests for them.
ShareX + custom ffmpeg scripts.
>Create hotkey "Start/Stop Recording using pre configured region"
>Enable "Save to File, Perform Actions" for the hotkey
>Setup the region of BBViewer maximized, and never move it.
>Use custom filenaming to identify BB time of captures
>Under Screen Recorder Options, use custom commands
>-y -f dshow -framerate 29.97 -i video="screen-capture-recorder" -an -c:v hevc_nvenc -r 29.97 -preset lossless -tune zerolatency -crf 0 "$output$"
>Disable all default actions, create new one called "Convert to WEBM"
>Use path to ffmpeg.exe
>-i %input -crf 32 -f webm -vf scale=1280:720 -fs 3M -lag-in-frames 16 -quality best -c:v libvpx -an -async 1 -y -b:v 1M %output
>Output filename extension: .webm
>Delete input file
If you have 5 minutes to set this up, you can be cool like me.
based, post more of her
its camera cat ladies until late night/early morning buddy
tommy cute
do you think someone like david even cares about the chance to get back in the game
based betafag
im not your buddy pal
sharex and webs for retards
RHAP shitting on the new outro music, i really liked it, felt more like the old music
yes. you fags seem to forget how much of a pain in the ass it is to get on these type of shows
no melissa just the closet fag and rob tonight
fuck kill marry
his manlet hands are too weak to hold a fork normally.
Thanks, webm chad. I will screencap your post get this set up tonight.
name a more disappointing player
wtf sam is my favorite player now
Also: This requires Nvidia NVENC. If you don't have an Nvidia card, change
>-c:v hevc_nvenc
>-c:v libx264
and it requires screen-capture-recorder, which you can google.
Also, it can only create webms about ~30 seconds max because it's tuned for a higher (for Yea Forums) bitrate. If you want 1-2 minute webms, create a second hotkey with a lower bitrate.
>1 minute
>-b:v 0.5M
>2 minutes
>-b:v 0.25M
good luck. I work fulltime so it'd be nice to have a weekday webm chad bro.
>doesn't bath
>wears the same clothes daily
>doesn't wash his hands
>socially awkward
>creeps everyone out
>wins a OP power, can't use it
>voted out week 1
soooo what was ovi's power?
removes the nominees and makes the hoh pick 2 new nominees instantly at night
cant renom
she's always got a vacant look on her face
sounds like you think more rationally than big brother houseguests
Sissy staring into space is cute
and he definitely had to have used it before the veto was used? that's hilarious
thousand cock stare
stop posting shit from hours ago
>overpowered power in week 1
>last 6 weeks
jesus christ grodner, you almost ruined the fucking season
I wanna fuck every Nicole they ever casted
she's clearly an npc. only exists to be impregnated by real humans
not definite no. production made the power and production can change the power. say what you will but ovi using it at 4 am tonight would be absolute kino.
im on hold on rhap what do i say
me too. im gonna talk about devin and ian mostly
it would be funny just because Ovi bothers everyone so much and they've spent a lot of time shitting on him
i have a devin question too, lets go
Nightmare Week 1: Ovi Won
Chaos Week 2: Holly Tommy Jackson Sam Jack
(sam is not in the alliance)
Panic Week 3: Analyse Nick Kemi Jessica Christie
jessica/kemi - analyse - nick/christie
oh yeah dude. and i guess that it wouldnt ever need to be revealed that he used it. who are renoms gonna be?
why is that chair sitting at the dinner table?
probs kemi and cliff, if they cant nom cliff again then kemi and maaaaaaybe jack
Tuesday edit would be fucking insane if this happened.
>have to show the plan flipping from Kemi to Ovi
>veto comp
>veto ceremony
>Ovi power
she'd have to either ruin her alliance by nominating Jack + Jackson/Sam, or ruin the "girl power" shit by nominating Nicole/Jess + Kemi.
5 noms week 1. christie would be fucked regardless.
not enough time
i would imagine, id ovi used the power it would be
>some dumbass 15 minute segment that doesn't matter like sam's back hair or something
>kemi flip to ovi
then wednesday night starts with the nightmare renom ceremony
nigga its 45 minutes long tf outta here
imagine the retard who thinks like this
as many as cody, he had meghan/jillian then meghan walked and he nommed alex and she won veto so he nommed paul who had the PENDANT OF PROTECTION and then he nommed christmas. what a shitshow
you forgot about veto
2 more nights....
ok then make the 15 minute sam back hair segment only 5 minutes instead
all that power wasted....
just to save kemi
veto comp was almost 7 hours, theyre gonna spend at least 20 minutes on that
>by a vote of 7-5......kat you have been evicted from the big brother house
>post yfw
>ovi wants someone to give him a pedicure
>post yfw ovi barges in on kat's exit interview
realistically, how could ovi get 7 votes?
who would vote to keep him over kat?
did ovi just officially become /our guy/?
no one. he's fucked.
i can really only see jessica, kemi, and nicole keep him.
this is unsettling pls delete
all the girls are voting him out and nick/bella wanna remain loyal to the alliance
if he was able to use his power to save himself it would've made for some great feeds
Gr8ful is a worse alliance name than FOUTTE
if the power is useless but he mists the house that Kat has the power, yes.
if he can use the power, it'll create great chaos, thus yes.
if he goes home convinced that everyone has his back, he's the pathetic poo boy we all thought he was, making him a fat faggot failure.
Three outcast girls (jess kemi nicole), nick bella sam, and christie breaking the tie is probably the path that would require the least amount of change in the house
>ovi wins the smell comp
the memes write themselves
jackson is voting ovi out
he's dead, jim
was too easy to predict
Holly literally doesn't give a fuck about what Ovi is saying
that makes two of us
they're trapped
>why won't ovi shut up
>i hope he just goes away
>maybe if i say one word replies he'll take a hint
>my feet hurt
Panarin to the Islanders. Lets fucking go boys
>she started this makeup 30+ minutes ago
>god I wish jackson was blowing my back out right now
>He talks, and talks, and talks, and says nothing
>he talks and talks and says nothing
holly about ovi
Isabella is super cute.
ovi needs to get kat paranoid as FUCK
once he watches the episode and sees all the shit talk about him ovi will be glad he got evicted
we got a devin mention on rhap that you guys?
he's literally too dumb to switch his game into manipulation. he thinks friendly conversation will win over everyone's hearts and they'll all want to keep the friendly Ovi around for a good time.
but if he was white, he would have been seen as cute and flirty, fucking whores
based user calling rhap
lmao accomplish what devin couldn't
i nearly fucking died when taran said jack and devin were both "big guys"
always with the hair
If this happens it’ll be because of jack not ovi
Based Kyle
does nick have a hair fetish??
kat is hotter than janelle
he's been touching everyones hair. maybe
No he clearly still expresses sexual attraction like a 6 year old.
girls like being touched and flirted with (if you're not an ugly poo boy). nick's on great terms with all the non-outcast girls because he does this all day.
Guys like the virgin king couldnt get away with this shit.
kat thinks jackson and aquaman wanting kemi out was a misunderstanding
any anons still on hold?
>post yfw the houseguests go to sleep and the feeds cut
based boomer eric wanting AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH back in the house
>Nick had to get a hair transplant
>now he has a subconscious urge to play with everyone else's organic hair
im gonna ask an ian question cuz kyle stole my devin angle
>ovi believes if one person comes out in support others will follow
is Ovi retarded?
those are some melons
Shes fucking obese
imaging my in between those
No she's not.
at least nobody has a pimple popping obsession this year. bayboon was disgusting
Nicole is sooooo hot.
why does he call her 'momma j'? ovi is so delusional that he thinks he can get the votes
BASED user
Yes she is lmao get some real taste in women
Big alliances never stay together, Ovi shoulda just shut the fuck up.
Dude she's a model.
married HGs with kids often get referred to as the parents of the house
>decide to stop watching rhap this year
>apparently anons call in and devinpost live there
still not watching
Yea a obese model. Jesus you dumb boy.
Jess has kids? Dropped.
>tfw rob didnt like my call
never stop hogposting
level six says hello
there was a devinpost and an ianpost, pretty decent
nothing wrong with a plus size woman
i try to let every one enjoy their waifu
>tfw i liked your call
what about Hoggposting?
i meant hoggposting lol
thanks bb they wont be taking 913 numbers anymore
Shes not plus size shes fucking obese. Jeez I wanna just smack some sense into you.
new thread
Wasnt a majority alliance, they played with horrible people.
christie is feeding ovi so much bullshit
>Ian swinging on the hammock
obese with 300 pounds and up
based nicole
it d-d-doesnt count