>why watch fireworks when I can see Stranger Things instead?

Are you going to watch it as soon as it comes out, Yea Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:

yes and sneed

of course

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gotta admit she looks good there

like a deer in the headlights. what a stupid autistic bitch.

That guy behind her is fucking thicc as fuck

Does season 2 get any better?

>Based Steven and sheriff are the only characters that stand out in that season
>Find the kids, especially Dusty to be annoying
>Don't care about Max, although her brother has potential to be an interesting character

This show is great, looking forward to it.

Inspiring. I acted out like this at a funeral a week ago. If she can make millions being socially awkward, so can I!

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I'll probably start it, but I'm also planning to go out and watch Far From Home that day.


>Reddit Things


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That monster looks like the inside of a taco bell toilet.

>it’s not my fault you don’t like girls
what did he mean by this

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>"that" episode is not referenced in any way in season 3
So it's good?


the first season was absolute shit. I have no desire to watch the second or third.

>the first season was absolute shit.
joyless contrarian spotted.

Capeshit nigger, imagine watching nu spiderman unironically. Redditnigger

Watch Dark instead.

>Second sequels are never this good. Rare is a third chapter this compelling, this affecting, and this integral. If anything, it’s traditionally when creators begin to shrug and stumble around, frantically reworking old ideas just to lug the damn thing across the finish line. That’s just not the case for the Duffers, whose writing and enduring vision suggests a creative team athletic enough for at least another lap. In lesser hands, we’d feel wary of adding any more chapters, especially given how this season poetically wraps up, but the Duffers have earned that trust.

>Stranger Things 3 is a testament to that. It’s their unlikely opus, one that’s as awe-inspiring as it is mystifying. Because, on paper, this entire season shouldn’t work. It should feel too silly, too over-the-top, too out of its element … but it’s not. It’s succinct, it’s compact, it’s sharper than ever — arguably as sharp as it gets when it comes to event television — and there’s no denying the level of trust that comes from that kind of execution. To close with a fitting analogy, the Duffers are at the head of their campaign, and we’d be all the wiser to hang around the basement, and see what they roll next.

Pretty high praise. I'll just have to see.

Anyone catch in the Observer review...they state that there is a post-credit sequence which sets up the S4 storyline and they also refer to S4 as the "final season" I don't know if they are just speculating or what.

Somebody post based Steve.

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Stranger Things is an amalgamation of the shittiest writing imaginable, strung together by cliches and half baked mysteries.

At the end of every episode I would make a little summary of what I just watched in my head. The first episode summary was something like, "there's a science place and there's something dangerous that kills people. There's a kid and government people trying to find the kid." That's it. That's the whole first episode. It took them 45 minutes just to say that. It didn't help that it was essentially just a ripoff of Elfen Lied, that meme anime that nobody likes.

Each episode I watched would have a complete non-summary like that, "Winona Ryder covered her house in christmas lights and cried because she thinks her son is still there-- this was the most exciting moment in the episode, everything else was just characters wheel-spinning and having non-conversations, as if the whole episode is stalling for time."

If you like stranger things it tells me that you've probably never seen or read a good mystery story in your life, and you enjoy long, drawn out conversations that don't propel the story or develop characters.

>professional critics like thing

ah yes, "DAE the 1980s???" the show. can someone please explain this trash to me?

holy shit, I actually just looked up Elfen Lied just to see if anyone still remembers that shitty anime, and the creators of Stranger Things actually admit to being "inspired" by it. Funny. Usually things "inspire" you to create your own things. What they did was tantamount to plagiarism.

Did they bring back the diversity city kids again?

No, nothing about that episode is referenced at all.


I liked the first season, but I won't watch anymore because of the forced black shit.

I want Will to have a blond blue-eyed boyfriend.

fuck off, tranny

Steve looks cool as hell even when he loses fights

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Based Steve

Noah Schnapp is insanely handsome.

post the spoilers already

its the shoes

eh? is it confirmed will will crush on mike this season?

Can confirm bought the shoes myself and wear them as often as possible

Probably won't watch at all. S1 is decent but vastly overrated, S2 was terrible start to finish. I grew up in the 80s so I don't need to pretend to get my nostalgia fix, I can just remember.

Is millie floppy brown gonna fart in one of the episodes? If so I'm binging

Can't wait for it to come out and it's the shittiest season by far so shills like this get exposed.

>here's a popular thing I don't like
>I must show my dislike for it by replacing one of the words in its title with Reddit

In all seriousness, it doesn't get more reddit than that.


They should have released it early here in Canada. What am I supposed to do tomorrow on Canada day bros?

of course

>Based in early 80s
>Small town has secret science facility
>Kids start going missing
>Science facility is opening doorway to other dimension, allowing a monster to come into our world and eat kids
>One group of friends begin looking for missing friend
>Missing friend is alive in other dimension
>Missing kids mom is going crazy looking for him
>An orphan girl escapes from the science facility- she was being used to open the doorways because of her special ESP powers and Telekenisis ability somehow
>She befriends the group of friends, they hide her away from science facility
>End of season she helps open a doorway to save the missing friend, acts like she dies in battle with the monster and sheriff actually adopts her and hides her in his secret rape cabin in the woods

Second season
>Nothing happens other than the retarded kid with no teeth finds the monsters offspring in a garbage can and raises it in an aquarium as a pet

3rd season is going to suck even worse. This show is the walking dead 2.0.

>critic score

>What am I supposed to do tomorrow on Canada day bros?
be poor like always

S3 Goat shit?

It sounds like they learned their lesson

I only watch it for winona

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Sorry but WInona hit the wall a long time ago. She hasn't been hot since Alien 5.


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A Star Was Born reminded me of this moment

How this possible?

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It’s a bit late in the game to still shill like RT matters, isn’t it?

Finn ad lib that line

how do I pirate, anons

Shes not hot. Shes cute

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>let’s make an entire season where the kids have to wear short shorts the entire time

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The black kid looks like he is 20 kek

>how do I pirate, anons
get a job and buy netflix!

>season 1 was mediocre
loved by critics
>season 2 was bad
loved by critics
>season 3 isn't out yet
loved by critics

hmmm...sensing a pattern yet?

Bob dies

I bet they force the red head white girl to fuck the nog this time

I simply like movie settings in 70s/80s/early 90s

>stranger things
>super 8
>the goonies

Just feels comfy. Any more you can recommend?


Can Mike BE more Jewish?

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>I bet they force the red head white girl to fuck the nog this time
She is crying in the trailer because the black bf dies at the end.

Rumor has it she offered herself to this Jewnig and they have sex whenever they are together now.

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>The Wedding singer (adam sandler set in 80s)
>Hot tub time machine (John Cusack set in 80s)

Yeah, they hooked them up in the end of S2. Just another reason to never come back to this shitshow.

Kill yourself retarded pedofag shitting up every st thread

>every pic of Eleven is a pedo post
shut the fuck up idiot

She ages like shit even for a jewish woman standard

>even for a jewish woman standard
What are you talking about? She's not Jewish.

>stranger meme
>RT score
>RT score for a TV show

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The one where she meets the multi culti crew ?

I dunno but fuck jannies and fuck niggers

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Well fuck me then. Her skull screams she's of the tribe

>literally 2 points worse than the shitshow of season 2
lmao, how can anyone even take RT seriously?

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What is going on here?

Dumb fucks actually listen to those Shills. Pick and choose eh

Noah is a beta orbiting KEK

lol what a faggot

nigga, you actually expect ME to read ALL OF THAT by (you)?

>so can I
Except you're not a woman, let alone an attractive woman.

he's starting to look like an alien



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No last season was shit, the kids are fucking annoying, and the whole 'must drop 80s reference in every scene' is pretty cringe and played out desu, also the story is pretty generic. Will take a pass

she still cute tho

Chad grabbing the titty

I must watch it to support the based wagie-bater.

who's Yea Forums favourite character?

I'm hoping this season will have some comfy 80’s summer vibes with based Billy banging mommies

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that has to be shopped right? wtf is wrong with that kid

Season 2 was fucking shit so no I won't

What were they doing?

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Chad thot patroller
Virgin beta orbiter

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Thots only get more obsessed when the guy gives them no attention

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That's funny, anything that reminds me of the goonies is unwatchable.

Based Finn pumped and dumped Gabriella on set

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what is the context

Other than a female captive getting loose, I don't really see how it's in any way comparable to Elfen Lied.

They’re pairing him with another Latino on ghsotbusters
Why do they have to steal our white boys?

>mfw my hair grows in like this
On the plus side i'm never going bald.

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Is that even female?

Wtf was she at a baylor/texas football game?

It's the same.

>lab scene followed by outdoors in normieland
That's paper-thin, dude.

She's clearly looking for the man she was accompanying. That's quite the fuck me shirt she has on.

The show creators admitted Elfen Lied was an influence. Your argument is moot.

She has cantaloupes for titties. She's hot

I literally don't remember a single thing that happened in Stranger Things S2, it's like I didn't even watch it. I can remember S1 pretty well.

imagine if when you were in middle and high school every awkward thing you did and tried to hide was recorded and shown to the world and then people made fun of you. that's what being a child actor is like.

fuck shes hot

yes we know drake likes em young and that he likes her and is a pedo lol


>he doesn't have netflix in the year 2019

Just how poor are you?

Where all the based Steve posters?

Only if you look like this

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Imagine being this gay.

>Mutter things
No thanks ill stick to anime

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This kid is growing up to be an incel
Can’t wait for the day when he shoot up everyone in the premiere

>beta orbiter
>having the audacity to cop a feel for a photo
Autistic or sociopathic.

I would literally rape her

Kek BTFO and friendzone pilled.

He would be an alpha if he could pull it off and if the girl liked it.
Now he just looks like a tryhard loser

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>ywn be blessed with gaunt, sunken cheeks that make all age groups of women flood their panties

I hope you fags are ashamed of yourselves.

She is hot as fuck though

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Too busy having sex

not even gonna bother pirating it

What a cursed webbum. WHY DOES HE KEEP TRYING

I'm sure they have plenty of banknotes to wipe their tears with.


That announcer sounds like he's about to nut talking about her.

Steve becomes even more of a bro, Sticc Sister and Junkie Brother hook up, a Paki chick who nobody likes shows up and is immediately forgotten, Bob tragically dies, Nazi Punching Sheriff adopts Eleven, and that's all I remember. The season closes on a school dance that I remember being kind of cute.

No, his sexuality isn’t really touched on this season according to critics. He’s just struggling to grow up with everyone else.

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i barely made it through 3 episodes of season 2

does it get better or should i continue pretending the show ended with season 1?

I think he is. Or he's damn close.

>> "It’s not my fault you don’t like girls,” Mike chastises Will in an emotional, rainy moment in the Wheeler garage."

He saw a few WMBF stats

Drake BTFO’d

have you seen the woman who was almost raped by ghosts from space

A funny mirror between this webm and that

From the spoilers I've seen he was clearly trying to lose his virginity.

Poor Eleven doesn't stand a chance tbqh

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The virging Finn vs the Stacy MBB

>she will never dislocate your jaw with a pipe wrench

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The virgin stomp

>Poor Eleven doesn't stand a chance tbqh
I'm sure she could make Mike cum just by using her power

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Is English not your first language? Beta is debatable, grabbing a girls tits at 14 n the Jimmy Fallon show isn't orbiting

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Billy is the new S1 Steve, we all love to hate him.
But right now, I think I will feel sorry for him when he mixes with that eldritch abomination.
Even then, even if he is a motherfucking a-hole, it's because of his dad.
At least he ain't no Bowers.

that kid is gayer than a turbo twinkie

Don't really see how this negates my point. Will isn't interested in dating like the other boys are and Mike finds it annoying that he just wants to do dorky shit all day.

But I can tell that you're a homolust enthusiast so you'll insist that it's because "Will totally wants to fug Mike!"

Can't wait to waste an entire day to watch this just to be disappointed.

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The Duffers are TV Russos.
Imagine if they collab...

>There is THREE versions of the same character doing different things
If GOT is hard to follow for normies then Dark is impossible to follow.

>waste an entire day
It's only 8 episodes long. You can be dissapointed in as little as under 1/3 of a day.

Mille thread now.

didn't read lol

The fuck is that kid doing on the right?

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Teen ballet boy


>tfw no sweet naive xman gf that just wants to make you happy and could do the most outrageous shit with her mind

It's not fair bros

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Chad Noah vs Gay twink Finn

she shows of more cleavage there then in any of her movies


What did he mean by this?

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>getting stood up by Moby


I don't know I was too distracted by that guy on the rights nose.

>the smile on his face after getting spanked
What a slut

Stop sexualizing minor

there is nothing gay about slapping your lads ass

Who slap who? I’m not gonna watch but I want to know

It’s all fun and game until someone accidentally pop a boner

Oh, boy. We know it ain’t that easy.

critics gave season 2 a 94% when it was trash

theyre literally nothing but hype shills

why do you have this saved on your computer

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She's shooting a scene from a movie in public. Holy fuck, you goddamn plebs.

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me too

Dios mio, el ayuwoki!

I’m glad Millie hasn’t destroyed the innocence of this kid yet

>a Paki chick who nobody likes shows up and is immediately forgotten
This was honestly so badly done that it really marred the entire show, did no one stop to wonder why an abducted baby that was raised in a lab in the USA would have a british accent? Couldn't that retarded pajeet fucking SOUND like an abducted baby that was raised in lab in the fucking USA would sound like? Isn't accents something actors do or are the pooinloo genes just too strong to overcome for the filthy foul smelling lower apes of india?

Dumb fucking frogposter

Ginger girl is going to die this season, black kid accidentally spoiled it

Doesn’t it even matter? She did nothing

Nice rare froggo, can I save it?

How did he accidentally spoil it? Is there a video of it?

He said in a interview that Lucas specifically will grieve this season, and with Ginger girls brother being the new villain I think it’s easy to put 2 and 2 together, plus everybody that has seen it is praising the ginger girl’s acting this season so she’s going to be huge factor plot wise

Maybe she moves away or something.
Calling it now, she is not dying.

>introduced pointless character to get blacked
>kill her off in the next season
Lmao, literally a plot device

Will is the kid that’s moving away, she’s dying, it’s why they’re playing up her friendship with 11, so when she dies 11 will go Super Saiyan to kill the monster

The best thing she did was a pill&bear photoshoot with Finn

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They're not killing a kid especially if it isn't the final season, you'll see.

Jew Mommy is just too much for me sometimes

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One of the taglines this season is "we're not kids anymore" which they've been spamming it on their social medias non-stop.
I think they're trying to warm us up to the idea of killing a teen character, that and the more intense makeout scene of Mike and El

Could some /o/fag tell me if some college bum in 1980s America can really afford a 7 Series Bimmer

Do you not remember the house party scene in season 1? He's a rich kid

I don't remember much user

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Imagine being this guy at the club

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More like a (((contractual))) obligation.
Wouldn’t be surprised if at least one interracial (read: BMxF) couple is a requirement to put you show on Netflix.

The Virgin Finn is hover handing both whilst The Chad Noah has his hand on Sadie stomach

That could be her right arm to be fair

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I don't get it. Is it because he's gay or that she's fugly?

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Hahaha just imagine Finn bullying you in the club and making you his bitch

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No, but she IS trying

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Don’t insult my psychic cat girl anime you fucking prick

Look at here He's playing the endgame mate, giving to much attention to the hoes only makes you less desirable

watched Elfenlied twice back in my teens, never watched stranger things, probably never will. What are the parallels?

For a movie, cant you see Fassbender?

Or more likely
>Finns agent: Jesus can you stop acting like an autistic fuckwad who hates her for the last week of this promo tour? The only reason housewives and teenage girls even watch this shit is for Mileven so for five fucking minutes can you pretend to like her while the cameras are on?

Cute, they're clearly boyfriends


I’m not the other user but I think it’s a mix of both.
Both of them become socially retarded when they have to deal with each other, which is understandable

Good lord is that nigger ugly as shit

Yeah his face just screams "I eat dick"

I still need to finish the last 2 or 3 episodes of season 2, the part where the Indian bitch and her diversity gang come in had me snoring.

i'll never understand the power that episode has over autists.
move the fuck on man lol

I'm sorry I don't put up with shit television as well as you do

You must not have seen MBB and the redhead girl thirst for him on IG in recent months, plus on his YouTube he confirmed he wasn’t gay and has had gf’s