Burr officially separated from Nia. What's next for his career?
Burr officially separated from Nia. What's next for his career?
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He's going to continue to be a liberal weenie faggot larping as a 'real american'
He'll continue to virtue signal until he is forgotten.
poor bill.
Yearned to be a husband and a father for 50 years, then ended up getting cucked by an ape.
Lol bill finally transformed into a pure boomer. Look at him.
Oh hell yeah
Good for him. Now he can put all this behind him and make a non-retarded choice of woman.
>Drumset back in the house
>Cleo back in the house
>Buying a helicopter instead of renting now
>Got a shotgun
Yeah, i'm thinking Burrkino is back on the menu!
where's your source?
I think they're memeing because some ig post of nia's reveals bills kid to be slightly darker then what you'd expect
Post it.
oh, I see. maybe that's just what happens when you mix a dark woman with, as Burr once put it, someone one step away from albino.
Slightly darker or completely black with a fro and not a single physical Burr trait whatsoever?
hey, they both have legs.
I can't imagine being so obsessed with a comedian for anything but his jokes.
Yeah, that niglet may have a white great-great-great-grandparent, that's about it.
theres zero cream in that coffee. Billy got cucked, i believe it now
imagine trying to pass yourself off as some redpilled know-it-all smartass and then you end up marrying some black bitch named NIA
imagine being this retarded
alright party's over which one of you fags was it?
Imagine getting cucked by a comedian because he makes you laugh and think but he doesnt agree with your politics
What would a nigger ginger hybrid look like anyway
It's a double nigger
I just don't get why a white person would do this to themselves. There is no way you can feel a connection to a kid that shares zero physical traits with you.
which of your unique traits do you want your child to have, specifically? where is the line?
he REALLY loves his daughter (if you know what i am saying)
We don't hate Burr, we feel sorry for him. I hope he's not letting some jokes on an anonymous board make him self-conscious.
>bill fucks a dark as the night sky black woman
>kid is dark as fuck
For people who talk about genetics a lot you clearly lack a lot of knowledge.
blake griffin
Well I'm not an Irish subhuman, so I'd want my kids, especially if they were girls, to inherit my blonde hair and green eyes. I guess if you were teased about your puffy, red clown hair as a kid then you might not feel like passing it down.
Maybe he'll pull a woody allen and fuck her when she's of age.
Bill Burr jammed a turkey baster smothered in Patrice O'Neal's cum up Nia's cunt. It explains everything. Bill loved Patrice so much, he wanted to clone him.
This is the only acceptable scenario.
>woman who is probably 95+% african+100% pasty as fuck potato nigger=baby no less than 85% african
Never seen a mixed race child that dark, billy boy fucked up signing the birth certificate.
yeah but he's still funny. his bits are so memorable, love you bill.
>bright and sunny
>light skin
>sunlight blocked
>overcast skin
that baby is white hope he gets divorced anyway tho
iirc she's in her mid 40s or some shit, they probably adopted
which is somehow even worse
>that baby is white
Fuuuck I can still remember when it was slightly funny.
my strong chin
my chiseled jaw
my broad chest and shoulders
my strong eyebrows
my beautiful lion's mane
are you getting the picture?
Looks 100% American to me!
I feel bad for thinking this but I kind of hope Bill really does get divorced and starts drinking again, he's much funnier when he's unhappy.
Nia is super dark though. She is no Beyonce.
Yeah, you’re a bad person. Not even meming
I know, it's a horrible thing to write.
my friend's mom was black, her dad was white, she came out completely white appearing. everyone just thought she was white aside from some thick lips.
lol, incels with no idea how genetics work.
>cuck cope
We all saw the videos Bill paid for, where Nia had sex with black guys
he looks like he has cancer
he wont talk shit about the mother of his child
Probably driving 18 wheelers
Every year he’s turning more and more into Hillbilly Burr
Isnt cloe dead by now
oh god that hair... how unfortunate
imagine you married mrs. butterworth, i always imagined he married a better than average looking black woman. NOPE. married a fat old mom looking black woman.
wtf is that on Bill's face?
a buy back of all the shit she made him sell
please be true
if it's true all is right in he world, he either rises like a phoneix or wallows in misery
regardless Toll Status: Paid
i could hardly breathe reading this. my fuckin sides. omg i thought i might die there for a minute
Jesus christ hahahahahahahahahahahaha
I don't get it, why would you do this
That doesn't mean shit when your kid turns into loser who lurks Yea Forums like me.
>implying you have any of those