What the fuck happened to Joseph Gordon Levitt? He was all over the place 6 yeas ago and he just disappeared

What the fuck happened to Joseph Gordon Levitt? He was all over the place 6 yeas ago and he just disappeared.

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The rumours were true.

What rumors?

he got da pozz

what rumors?

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being really abusive to male escorts

Aren't we all?

He is gay and due to that he outright refuses to have scenes with females, so he missed on a lot of roles

cocaine addiction

>wwhhat ever happen to Jason Gordon Reddit?
probably making faggy indie music with Jason Schwartzman and passing hepatitis to male prostitutes
who gives a fuck

"I'm regular Joe"

Isn't Don Juan or whatever, which he directed, about a straight sex addict?

I guess it's his idea of what straight people are like.

Don Jon
The Walk
Premium Rush
His recent movies haven't been the most remarkable.

all those are based

Better question, what the fuck happened to Davey?


No Joe, most of us like to abuse female hookers

He ugly

They finally got the hothead outta there


he's just a shit actor that was only good at a very specific type of role, a whiny 20something year old that can't hold down a girl. he isn't good at anything else

His 3rd rock money ran out so he had to act for a while.

He sacrificed himself to prevent future Bruce Willis from murdering Emily Blunt's psychokinetic kid.

Wasn't supposed to be Seymor in a Little Shop reboot?

He took the bogpill

he was great as a male prositute in mysterious skin

He is Brie Larson now

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he made them sign NDA.
tied them up
sexually abused them
then injected them with aids

holy shit I just looked it up, it’s true. another actor I liked revealed to be a degenerate

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