What went so very wrong?

What went so very wrong?

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they tried to ape marvel with space shit
should've keep burton/nolan grounded tone. screw superman or other silly space/superpower characters. there are enough grounded ones to make solid movie withing earth boundaries

they didn't give Snyder full creative control

The audience couldn't appreciate Snyder's art.

Getting snyder to make a 5 film elseworld series and deciding to turn that into an MCU styled CU, production on JL shouldn't have started until BvS released, then they would have seen that audiences weren't on board with Snyder's DCU and they could have gotten someone in to do JL without having to butcher it months before release

>they gave Snyder too much control

>Endgame doesn't beat Avatar
>quick, distract with company wars!

tried to chase Marvel and have a superhero group before properly hashing out individual stories and characters

>Screw Superman
Fucking brainlet

I think they did scaled up things too fast. You have walking Gods like Supes among common humans like Batman, walking enigmas like The Flash and Wonder Woman (who we still didn't know how strong they were) and random nobodies like Cyborg and Aquaman (at least during JL) who won't show their power just yet.

Supes was also introduced as too powerful from the get-go. Could you imagine an Spider man movie with Spidey already being at 90% of his potential? That would be boring as fuck, and would leave no room for development.
How can DC develope movie Superman if he's already a God among men? And a very boring God at that.

they tried to build their universe before building up their ironman.

yeah screw him. boring overpowered character.
they should've continued nolan's apprach. no cgi overload, all grounded so could be taken as a proper action movie, not just capeshit

>nolan's apprach.
>no cgi overload,

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They fell for the cinematic universe meme.

show me scenes from TDK or TDKR that are obviously CGI heavy

WB and Tsujihara got nervous and dumped the plan that Snyder, Rovan, Nolan, etc worked on. Instead of taking the hits and making small corrections while building the audience that was along for the ride, they made drastic changes way too late to make something workable. Not to mention Tsujihara desperate to hit whatever quarterly he needed to get his bonus

grimdark bullshit with superman and a rushed shared universe.

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First they tried to be the MCU with Green Lantern. When that failed they decided to use the Nolan approach to Superman, that was kind of cool to me but a shit idea overall. Then they double down with SS and Dawn of Justice, they even tried to smooth things a little with SS but with was too late and the very late "humour" injetct into the film made things a mess. So they tried to copy Marvel once again in JL instead of having the dignity to finish Snyder's work before turning the page.

Now they kind of found their way into emulating the MCU with Aquachad and Shazam but its too late, its all a fucking mess with lots of lost opportunities

I think user meant something like fights with non-existent enemies, flying all around the area, shoting lasers or other stuff, not augmented reality.

the thing is that what made nolan's approach possible starting from Begins is that he was able to use CGI a lot to make batman work. Whether it was noticeable full cgi scenes is different. But his approach was to ground capeshit.

They front-loaded it with stuff that should have taken AT LEAST 5 years or 6 movies.

I think they tried to cram too many important villains and concepts in such a short time. Also Superman and Zod devastating Metropolis and killing dozes of thousands during their fight left a bad taste in people's mouth. Also, BvS should've never had Doomsday in it.


They tried to play catch up and do in one movie what Marvel did across a decade.

Unironically Snyder.

Look, credit where it's due. He can make a a comic book panel really work on screen. He is great with visuals. He would have been a perfect choice as a director of photography.

However, the man literally has contempt for the source material. He thinks Batman being "realistic" would mean him getting prison raped. He thinks that having the heroes in their costumes, talking to each other is inherently ridiculous. He doesn't believe in heroes inspiring others or using their powers and abilities for others is realistic because he's such a devotee of objectivism.

He was absolutely the wrong choice to head the line.

Something darker and grittier along the lines of Nolan's work could definitely have worked. But entrusting it to Snyder was the wrong idea to start with.

Rushing things certainly didn't help. But it all starts there.


except Nolan doesn't know how to direct fight scenes

Starting out with a Superman movie instead of a literal who hero like the MCU did. Until the MCU, Iron Man was like, a C-lister at best. Snyder and Whedon obviously didn't help things. They should've done something like Shazam! with a small budget first and then built up to the Justice League.

Nothing. Their movies are far better than Marvel's cartoony shit.