What do you guys think of Casey Neistat
I never watched any vloggers before I found his Youtube channel and now I'm hooked
What do you guys think of Casey Neistat
I never watched any vloggers before I found his Youtube channel and now I'm hooked
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Fuck this disgusting goblin
I don't get it and I never will.
Wealthy piece of shit who enjoys displaying his wealth
well that just sounds like envy desu
I really enjoyed his blog when he was starting out in 2015 he just seemed like a random cool dude in NYC who could shoot and edit blogs with an artists touch.
I stopped watching when he really blew up and became Casey Neistat ™.
I wouldn't trade being rich if I had to be that ugly
casey nestat!!!!11
David Dobrik and Logan Paul are Kino
The only vlogger i follow is that faggot bald that travels to shitty ex-soviet countries
what's his name?
bald and bankrupt
He looks like Marty Feldman.
You're an ugly jew faggot, casey
>Bald and bankrupt
He picked himself up a hot russian slut and her mom and is banging them as he travels through these Slav hellhole
pretty funny
I think he's pretty based for scamming CNN out of $10 million. The less money they make the better.
I thought this goblin disappeared after the im with her shit, he atleast seemed to disappear from the discourse. Is this tard still shitting out garbage? He feels so manufactured.
Without memes and le jews, can someone tell me how the ugliest person on the planet could get thsi fucking big on youtube?
i thought he just does the i'm an ugly fucker with confidence story that some chicks will buy. btw i am also rich hehe.
Why do people watching this repulsive man?
I only watched 2 of his videos. He's into things I am not, so I wouldn't watch anymore than that.
Aww he's been brainwashed.
>(((I never watched any vloggers before I found his Youtube channel and now I'm hooked)))
That white circle HD reflection that’s in everyone’s eyes is fucking ghoulish
I've been watching him for the past month or so; did he actually go bankrupt? What's his deal? Does he just travel around in eastern Europe because it's cheap as shit and Youtube/Patreon feeds him?
I think he's a gigantic faggot and OP is a gigantic faggot for making a thread about a gigantic faggot.
literal retard with power
lmao at the video where he talks about why he always wears sunglasses and tries to play it off as part of his style
>fuck drumpf and materialism!
>here let me suck apples dick some more
Did he hook you with his nose?
He probably did but I'm not sure
I love his personality, him wading around these decrepit areas is comfy as fuck
jewish caveman
That shit fucking pisses me off. It's like all these wealthy vlogging kikes are in a blowjob POV video
Casey is fake as fuck and he's can only afford his lavish lifestyle because his super rich daddy owns a ton of land in New York.
Whenever I see his blog and I see him kick his door open, throw everything on the floor, take out his knife and gut a box open, I always imagine him in his apartment carefully setting up his camera on a tripod just so, then leaving his apartment, and re-enterting like he just got back from whatever it is he does all day with his 'i dont give a fuck' attitude. Then he checks the footage and probably does it two or three more times. When you imagine him setting up all the shots, multiple times, every day, like at a party, he'll go put his camera on a tripod to film himself at a party, you can get what a tremendous loser he is.
Oh, and he's literally a CNN shill. So I don't know what his videos are like now but I bet in a few months he'll be endorsing Hillary.
What's that hairstyle called?
>making money off cucks
(((casey))) is being smart
He looks a jew
Curly dark hair, exaggerated nose
Telltale signs of a jew
pic related
>now I'm hooked
With a nose like that I'm not surprised.
He's doesn't see his own survivor bias when it come to social/economic class. So he thinks anyone can have what he is having if you work at it, which is bullshit. He was lucky and fell upward to the privileged place he is in now.
I don't think he's a bad guy. He seems kind of chill. It's just that he's a naive dum dum that got very lucky.
No he has connections with CNN and Hillary
I can't wait for the salt when Trump wins again. The dem debates pretty much made that clear.
Ratty j*w who got his channel up via nepotism.
Casey honest to god gives me hope as an ugly man. Imagine having a face like that and still making money off of having it on camera 24/7.
A poster boy for Jewish nepotism
I need someone to unironically bogpill me on this hideous goblin. Who is he? How did he become so popular? What is his audience? What is his content?
How does this jew get free airplane tickets worth $10,000
He makes videos of himself going places, people watch, so other people give him free shit to feature said shit in those videos, and it just sort of spirals upwards
>super rich daddy owns a ton of land in New York.
Is there a source for this? I thought his dad just owned a small coffee shop
He's an (((influencer)))
He mentioned he worked for a company that went under
Probably explains why he has so much cash
yeah pretty much this. there was a magic in his early vlogs because:
1) he was relatively unknown
2) he was wealthy/successful enough to do cool shit, but not wealthy to the point of being contemptible
3) no one edited vlogs like he did, and the concept of vlogging in itself was new and exciting.
4) the daily upload schedule/grind made it really addicting to follow his life
since then he's gotten filthy rich, no longer prioritizes vlogging, and tons of other people put out great vlog content.
also hated his wife every time i learned more about her. princessy leech completely lacking creativity in her own brand.
btw is this candice or just a lookalike?
Trump is literally jewish
Why does this guy make poor incels so mad?
he doesn't come from a wealthy family and works really hard. still a cornball though, yeah.
He literally looks like a middle-aged base-head that lost his teeth to drug issues.
One of the most punchable faces in existence, this is caused by a combination of factors; the drooping, hooked nose, caveman brows and drug addict eyes, wacky jew hair and thin Tom Holland tier mouth, compounding into something truly detestable. His shtick of boarding around the city, ambient hip music, using drones to capture overhead shots and the "working man with tools" studio, scratchy sound cardboard box open - promote latest pretty looking technology video theme is so meticulously crafted to look effortless and free spirited that it comes off as completely artificial and sickly in a sort of cloying, saccharine sense.
did anything ever come out of that shitty app? did cnn waste their money?
it's called a ring light
i thought his wife's family was super rich and he was just a bum? this always made me confused how a 6/10 white female from a wealthy family would marry an ugly 2/10 jew bum
>it's just to avoid you guys seeing me looking at the camera screen all the time guys, has nothing to do with the fact that i'm hideous and make the video unwatchable
jealousy unironically. He's p uggo like them but unlike them lives the high life banging expensive escorts and groupies
yeah i hate him as well but don't be a hypocrite, i'd change places with him in a heart beat. i'd much rather be a cringeworthy fag walking around with a tripod and talking to myself all day making millions a year and buying whatever I want than being a wagecuck 9-5 making barely above min wage
why is he so disfigured? is it a birth defect? is he just fucking ugly?
He's a 3/10 there are lots of people like that
Yeah it's called being a jew.
woh there's ugly aryans? :OOOOO
I could ski down that nose
germans are more jewish than jews
Dude's a fuckin' kike, man. He's a rat.
far more successful than all you fat incels put together tho.
I was hoping I'd see some substance, maybe someone who stands out with something that ins't insane woke idpol or socialism. Was disappointed.
Hooked nose jew bastard
Notice how there are no kikes in this image actually doing anything.
why are you posting trannies? Keep in mind most nazis were trannies
Nailed it, user.
according to /pol/ the jews btfo germany p bad in WW2. Commanded their subhuman l;egions to literally rape germany to death and break its spirit for all time. And they didn't even suffer because the holohoax never happened etc.
He doesn't seem to have any jewish features. Maybe you'd make a better argument if you used someone who wasn't 99% European DNA.
ugly jew.
cope more tranny, you lost
Sure, but I don't strive for anything. Am literally perfectly fine with being a waste of life. My hedonistic apathy makes me better than you in literally every way. Go fucking cope, loser.
that's pretty based of him
>These are the goblins calling others ugly
Is this board self-hating uggos?
Ah, its the jew covering his people's tracks again with disinfo.
>Magnus Hirschfeld (14 May 1868 – 14 May 1935) was a German physician and sexologist educated primarily in Germany; he based his practice in Berlin-Charlottenburg. An outspoken advocate for sexual minorities, Hirschfeld founded the Scientific-Humanitarian Committee. Historian Dustin Goltz characterized this group as having carried out "the first advocacy for homosexual and transgender rights".[1]
>In 1930, Hirschfeld predicted that there was no future for people like himself in Germany, and he would have to move abroad.[51] In November 1930, Hirschfeld arrived in New York, ostensibly on a speaking tour about sex, but in fact to see if it was possible for him to settle in the United States.[49] Significantly, in his speeches on this American tour, Hirschfeld, when speaking in German, called for the legalization of homosexuality, but when speaking in English did not mention the subject of homosexuality, instead urging Americans to be more open-minded about heterosexual sex.[52] The New York Times described Hirschfeld as having come to America to "study the marriage question", while the German language New Yorker Volkszeitung newspaper described Hirschfeld as wanting to "discuss love's natural turns" - the phrase "love's natural turns" was Hirschfeld's way of presenting his theory that there was a wide spectrum of human sexuality, all of which were "natural".[53] Hirschfeld realized that most Americans did not want to hear about his theory of homosexuality as natural. Aware of a strong xenophobic tendency in the United States, where foreigners seen as trouble-makers were unwelcome, Hirschfeld tailored his message to American tastes.[54]
>Hirschfeld was born in Kolberg (now Kołobrzeg, Poland), in an Ashkenazi Jewish family
wtf I knew pol loved the BBC but this is ridiculous
do zoomers really determine who they like based on their political opinions?
The war is just beginning.
Deformed faggot that randomly appeared one day.
Still think of nothing or can think of anything he ever did other than having a face like an ugly foot.
As an incel neet I like to watch this couple and pretend Kara is my gf and we're traveling the world together, and Nate is my best bud tagging along.
David Dobrik is better
>letting your best bud fuck your gf
it doesn't though, it's just kikes marrying into 100% european lineages
Would pound that boipussy
Ah it's the JIDF shill spreading lies.
Nazi Germany was led by LGBTQ individuals. At least 40% of Wehrmacht/SS soldiers were Trans. It's important in pride month we remember this.
Your jewish lies will get you nowhere tranny.
Never happened. Pic related is the truth. Stay mad.
He puts together some kino certified vids
Why does pointing out what pol looks like IRL make me antifa?
lmao what other excuses do you have goblino
>homophobic to hate nazis
>anti-semitic to like nazis
what the FUCK am i supposed to do. FUCK
Never forget this is what they look like IRL
are these the lowest effort "political insult" posts that exist?
Just finding a group of retards on whatever side and posting their picture of how gay they look?
Why would i do that when i can post a funny face picture and make a snarky comment that borders along bait-ish irony. Both you niggas is faggots
Gays are p anti-israel/jewish, it's consistent and they're continuing the nazi tradition
>Jewish symbols banned from Pride Parade (Crosses and Islamic crescent moons were NOT)
>LGBT groups increasingly support boycotting Israel, no other state (even Russia) faces boycotts by LGBT groups
>LGBT group refuses to meet with Israeli gay youth
hello blazers
It's pretty much the only discourse pol has, and that includes leftypol.
It's why they're so easily manipulated by other more intelligent groups and end up shilling literal zionist cryptojews like Trump
You jews love to stroke your egos as sexual deviants and cultural subverters, it is everywhere.
>But there’s another question one could ask: Why all the bar and bat mitzvahs to begin with? Why should this groundbreaking, frankly activist show about a transgender woman’s journey be so deeply Jewish?
>The most striking feature of the new season, though, is a series of flashbacks that reach back much further than that 1994 weekend that meant so much in the first season. We’re talking Berlin, 1933, now, where we discover both a familial and cultural-historical origin for Maura Pfefferman. Maura’s mother, Rose, in the present of the show, is stashed away, nearly silent, in a home some distance from LA. But in Weimar Berlin, she was a teenager whose family turns out to have been intimately connected with the world’s most important prewar sexological thinker and activist, Magnus Hirschfeld.
>You may never have heard of Hirschfeld, but you’ve probably seen some of his books—on fire. At the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft (Institute for Sexual Science) that he founded in Berlin in 1919, Hirschfeld built up the most important library in Europe for sexological research, which was eventually ravaged and burned by Hitler’s youth brigades in May 1933. Before the cataclysm, Hirschfeld had pioneered the study of human sexuality as well as advocacy for sexual minorities. He surveyed thousands of people about their sexuality, long before Alfred Kinsey. He helped convince international celebrities, like Albert Einstein and Thomas Mann, to petition against the legal persecution of homosexuals in Germany. And, most relevant to Transparent, he coined the term “transsexual,” performed the first genital reassignment surgery, and gave what we would now call transgender people jobs at his institute.
>Did I mention he was Jewish?
Reminder this is from a preeminent jewish magazine.
What's semitic about him?
>TEL AVIV — I read the lists and saw the surveys proclaiming Tel Aviv to be the most gay-friendly place this side of the Emerald City. I’m paraphrasing here, but travel guides usually characterize Tel Aviv as gayer than a Neil Patrick Harris pool party.
>I’ve had the good fortune to visit plenty of LGBT-friendly utopias, and I couldn’t imagine Tel Aviv snatching the title, tiara, and sash away from locales such as San Francisco, Berlin, or Amsterdam as the place to go for gay.
>Well folks, it’s time to set out a plate and a fork, because I’m about to eat my words.
>Tel Aviv is, for lack of a better description, super gay. It could even be characterized as post-gay. Most urban centers have a concentrated epicenter affectionately called a gayborhood or a gay ghetto. Tel Aviv doesn’t need to bother with such a dated concept.
Some of his videos are okay. I like his pre-vlog 2010-2012 videos and his airline videos
t. zoom
>Posting literal jewish propaganda
bunch of kike lies. Most nazi leadership was gay and the homophobic (((russians))) covered this up
You seem really experienced with jewish gays.
Oh neat a blog
This is a jewish lie called pinkwashing.
Gays aren't having it and are continuing the nazi tradition of homosexuality + anti-semitism
yeah sorry I didn't post jewish media like you talking about how intolerant the nazis were when in truth they dreamed of the first rainbow nation
yeah i like any clever banter but when these retards get into picture posting battles it's always the same thing
like when one person tells someone COPE, then SEETHING, then DILATE
it's just so fucking gay and pointless at least make it funny or do something original. To cope myself i just assume they're retarded zoomer/boomers with sub 75 IQs
Why does the white nationalist community have a problem with homosexuality and general sexual degeneracy? I've noticed a lot of white nationalists end up being exposed as homosexuals and vice-versa. For instance a gay porn actor recently revealed he was a white nationalist and got arrested for selling drugs (Cameron Diggs). Another prominent white nationalists (Kevin Alfred Strom) was convicted for molesting young boys.
Some food for thought:
We're posting on a televion and film board so yeah, there is alot of exposure.
>Sarah Schulman, a writer and professor at the City University of New York, claims Israeli government public relations campaign exploits the idea of Israel being LGBT-friendly to promote public perception of Israel as a "modern democracy", a "safe and secured place for investment", and a "tourist destination with the sun and the sand
>Sara Schulman
So another kike providing a false narrative for her fellow jews, whats new.
Can't stand the guy.
I'm a /p/ fag. Used to really like Peter McKinnon's stuff, then he started to hang out with this faggot and his channel went to shit.
Exactly. The myth that Jews are gay friendly is just propaganda. Nazis were the actual gay tolerant ones as they were mainly LGBTQ themselves. Jews are homophobic.
this is a pretty good bit. Homos yet Nazis
I wish i could believe it as something other than gay nazi slander or moronic Homo conspiracy, but I'll mention this to my dad the next time he asks if i've heard of any new conspiracies. He asks me stuff after i've told him about shit days before Fox told him, now he takes stuff i make up as true
Keep swinging Moishe, maybe something will stick.
tranny nazis arent a conspiracy they're well established history. You learn of it anywhere outside of the west which hides the truth
>He picked himself up a hot russian slut and her mom
Talk about an upgrade from Harald Baldr.
Why does pointing out jewish lies make me jewish? Pinkwashing is a real thing, and its well established history that most nazis were gay
Keep up posting jew media links to try and prove me wrong though lmao
>no no goyim, what I meant was the Nazis loved gays, they didn't put them into camps. Just ignore that bit about jewish "intellectuals" being the sexual degenerates during the Weimar, even the articles written by jews.
Love their videos desu
If you don't watch Steve1989MREInfo, what's wrong with you?
This is some desperate tranny cope m8. It's not my fault you're using jewish sources to try and disprove me
The camps never existed. Nice try pushing the holohoax JIDF.
All of that stuff nazis did is just propaganda by the winner sof WW2
>its a conspiracy goy!
Avi, you dun goofed
prove to me these "camps" are real tranny
Correct, the jews push a false narrative. You posting more jew media sources proves nothing.
Most nazis were gay and there are pics to prove it.
This faggot shilled for Hillary during the previous election cycle and basically berated other youtubers if they didn't want to do the same. Also he made his biggest payday through a contract with CNN.
I watch the Chinese-American girl version
Most nazis were trannys. No amount of JIDF REEEEEING will change this
Dead meme Moishe
>That homosexuals were major victims of these crimes is mentioned in only a few of the standard histories of the period. And those historians who do mention the facts seem reluctant to dwell on the subject and turn quickly to the fate of other minorities in Nazi Germany. Yet tens, perhaps hundreds of thousands of homosexuals were interned in Nazi concentration camps. They were consigned to the lowest position in the camp hierarchy, and subjected to abuse by both guards and fellow prisoners; most of them perished.
Your fellow kikes desire to be victims and heap victimhood on themselves while demonizing the nazis had already undone your weak attempts.
dressing up to play women in performances or whatever is the opposite of gay you revisionist faggot
Google pinkwashing and tranny nazis. No amount of spamming jew sources will change the truth scholmo
He is literally a goblin demon.
Why do tranny JIDF think anyone cares about their propaganda? Gay nazis are a well known historical phenomena
The article says cross dressing, not transexualism. Read your own images Chaim. Crossdressing for comedy bits and entertainment is older than the Nazis.
Yeah, no. A tranny is a tranny. I don't care what new degenerate LGBTQIAAPABCDEFG+ labels you creatures use to justify your sinful lifestyles
Everyone can see you. You're haven't fooled anyone.
>it...it's different!
stop justifying your degeneracy, tranny
calm down tranny don't burst your fake vag
>he still is trying
>just a joke, haha right a joke. It's only gay if the penises touch
>fake holohoax pics
prove to me these evil nazi death camps existed
Tranny. Nazi.
How many Jazz threads did you reee in before your weak intellect decided to merely copy what we were saying. Its not our fault your fellow jews put a jew tranny as their model tranny to brainwash others.
And it failed so spectacularly!
jaz isn't a jew she's palestinian and was kidnapped by jews and humiliated to shame their enemy.
More jewish homophobia desu. It's revenge against the nazis, as they were mostly gay
Taken from his wikipedia article back in 2016. It's since been removed. Probably to make himself sound like a "rags to riches" success story.
why do you trannys assume everyone watches the same tranny degeneracy as you? I have no idea what you're talking about, resetera
this dude's going real hard with the tranny nazi troll replying doubling to nay-sayers in a vain attempt to push the meme, but it's alright
I cant even guess who this is supposed to really upset. It's pro-tranny, which is ridiculous, and pro-nazi yet maybe only disguised that way in order to be making fun of nazis, yet this is all so retarded it's not even worth thinking about
just let the mad man reply to himself like
Before this thread I never knew most nazis were LGBTQ but now I know the truth. Thanks based tranny nazi posting user
for a meme that totally doesn't bother anyone it sure does seem to rile up /pol/ every time it gets posted.
Avi please, you're insulting your fellow chosen
>bait replies
>get replies
>wow /pol/ is mad
seek help
stop being so naziphobic man
Supporting Israel is a good thing.
spamming a bunch of israeli website headlines and saying the holocaust is real is sure showing the JIDF, yeah
He's a kike
ITT Godwin's law
>all you fat incels
Lol nice projection
I haven't posted any headlines in this thread
maybe he's just a german
We are all pol. Yea Forums is /pol/.
Why do you chuds post the same pics over and over?
I love how this kike doesn't even deny Casey is ugly, he just tries to lash out at ZE GERMANS and thusly exposes he is a jew in the process. The jewish intellect is a fucking meme.
I only see lefties span the same pics over and over again.
I mean world domination sort of speaks for itself
>hilling literal zionist cryptojews like Trump
What're the problem with Zionism?
Hitler was a self-hating jew and a christian and an atheist and an occultist, a germaphobe with a scat fetish, a homosexual who married a woman, a white supremacist who loved Japanese people and shook hands with black athletes at the olympics, and he also killed six million jews and if any of this sounds contradictory or ridiculous you're a nazi.
The nazi tranny posters generally mock trannys and use homophobic language. Doesn't seem very leftist to me.
Meanwhile the nazi defenders cite jewish studies about alledged nazi homophobia. That seems p leftist to me
this but unironically.
Seething faglover
someone is insecure about their germanic hook nose I see
>Most nazis were trannys
Not really.
I agree it's a jewish lie that Hitler didn't like Jesse Owens. In fact according to Jesse Owens memoirs, he had to fight off Hitler's advances at the olympics.
>left/right wing dichotomy
Never trust a jew applying political labels
yah really.
Na he's a kike.
A fucking meme
agreed. Nazis were basically leftists for instance (i.e. LGBT identifying)
Huh? Only people defending trannies a lefties
I'm from China and we learned about how the nazis were largely trans in school. Why are amerimutts so reluctant to admit it?
This thing has 3 kids and a wife
Anons, we have no excuse
>tfw Trump is going to get even more votes this election
I didn't vote for either in 2016, but holy fucking shit the left have lost their goddamn minds.
>kikes falsely use political dichotomies
>proceeds to use a political dichotomy
you're like a toddler who copied a bad word he heard a man say
Politics reveal a person’s most foundational viewpoints on life. You’re a retard if you deny this.
nazi tranny posters calling out degeneracy
tranny nazi posters saying being trans is okay as long as "it's a joke" and citing jewish studies about supposed nazi intolerance
I'm from hungary and it's the same man. We were even an axis power and it's just common knowledge that most nazis were homosexual
Looks like the Arrow Cross missed one
Those were basically gay auxiliaries. It's a common joke here that they all banged each other.
This is why your people were put into camps Avi. You have it coming.