*ruins your franchise*
Not, but seriously, who's to blame for this?
*ruins your franchise*
Not, but seriously, who's to blame for this?
Other urls found in this thread:
george for getting butthurt but even more so zoomers who watched them
Kathleen Kennedy.
Disney bought Star Wars because they wanted another brand for Boys (besides Marvel).
Kathleen Kennedy decides Star Wars needed to be “equal” and “for Boys AND Girls” (aka for Girls only). Kathleen turned a gender neutral franchise and made it for little girls and wine aunts.
>for little girls and wine aunts
She's much older than that. Like 70-something.
If you're a grown adult who gives even a tiny fuck about Star Wars
you're to blame, you fucking loser
All the retards that pay to see movies made by soulless kikes
KK for being completely incompetent
JJ for making a shitty fan fiction tier mystery box piece of shit rehash movie to start off the trilogy
Lucas for selling to Disney
God for allowing this to happen
Who indeed...
srsly though it took only 2 movies to run such a powerful franchise to the ground
not even prequels menaged to do that
i love starwars
In fact the prequels have stood the test of time to a large degree. Despite the hate they have a huge following, and many people are realizing they're better than they originally gave them credit for.
the big problem with the prequels was the phantom menace witch truly is a boring cringefest and the critics.
The last good Star Wars movie was screened in 1980.
this is true. I needed 3 tries to fully watch it. the other 2 movies are okay atleast.
Not as good as the original trilogy, but not as bad as the sequel shitfest
Whiny fanboys for forcing GL to sell it.
GL for bending over backwards to fanboys and picking Disney of all studios (WB would have paid more)
GL for naming KK his successor knowing that she would fuck up aka Phase One of his Miss Me Yet plan.
KK for being inept agenda pusher. She used to be a fine producer but woke shit has gone to her head and now we have this mess
KK for creating useless Diversity Hire Group that doesn't do shit but insult fans on twitter (Pablo)
KK and Iger for hiring turbo hack JJ to re-start the franchise
Iger for not reigning KK in in general for he's another woke cunt
JJ for creating bland af characters, casting ugly actors, rehashing OT look and plot, bringing back OT characters as cash grab without giving them anything of note to do, mystery box BS that didn't commit to any idea and thus opened the door for TLJ clusterfuck
fanboys and normalfags for falling for JJ's shit and contributing to fuckin 2 billion boxoffice
KK for hiring Rian Johnson to do something bold after recycle bin that was TFA
Ruin Roundhead for mistaking bold with taking a dump
KK and Iger for bringing back turbo hack that started this chain reaction of disaster and catasrophe
Geeks&Gamers and other YTfags whose attacks on KK and Ruin only made LFL double down on PC BS (see JJ adding more woke characters to TROS overblown cast)
george lucas, women and soimales
Kathleen Kennedy
She's nowhere near smart enough let alone "good at" being a producer to run star wars as an IP or film series
After that it's JJ Abrams who threw out the professional screenwriter and put his own "stamp" on it, which of course translates to hacky fanservice, bad sci-fi, lensflare, and mystery boxes with no payoff
It was already fucked when Johnson came in. He's a bad writer with a wretched philosophy, but it's more a question of who let him in the door to write the film, which is Kenneddy again.
G&G and the other YouTubers only went after them after they went after the fandom with hacks like Colbert (who was kindly invited to celebration despite calling everyone sexist). Yeah, the YouTube crowd is monetizing nerd rage and nick picking. That doesn’t mean that they are responsible for the double down. There bias was always going to lead them to that choice.
Man I think Rise of Skywalker is going to be the first star wars I watch in theaters instead of downloading online, just because I want to see how bad they fuck it up.
The prequels had good video games and cool side stories in books and comics. Regardless of how you feel about AotC, the setting of the Clone Wars gave many writers potential to tell so many cool stories in all sorts of media.
The universe in the Sequel trilogy not only sucks but it offers nothing. There are no cool Jedi or Sith. Every soldier looks lame. The ships look lame. The battles are the worst. It is a worst and uglier version of the OT. Not to mention Disney has a tight grip on post sequel continuity that is still being made up as it goes along. And even post-RotJ stuff like Cuck Wendig’s books suck.
And to top it all off they gave EA their video game license who only care about making Slot Machine Simulators to sell to kids.
[citation needed]
Tbh I liked them. You guys are over reacting
Hey guys wouldn't it be funny if to troll Disney we all went to go see this movie in theaters multiple times so they're surprised by all the money they make? lol.
>Man I can't wait until Rise of Skywalker comes out so I can write an essay comparing the sequel trilogy to the prequel trilogy
problem with YTers is that they are giving LFL they precious alt-right/nazis/Ruskiebots excuse for TLJ and by extend ST hate. YTers hijacked the narrative and LFL turned it to its advantage. Look at Kelly Marie Tran BS. She didn't leave social media cause of nazis but cause shipperfags thrashed the fuck out of her for cucking storm pilot and finnrey. everyone who ever glannced at her twitter account could see that. so LFL invented nazi excuse as always to justify why rose is back. typical white woke savior shit. they are saving poor asian girl by keeping her on board, though minimized, suck it alt0right and russkiebots. point being, LFL cucked YTers not the other way around.
Are you married? Do you have a daughter? I've noticed men who are exceedingly worried about having a good relationship with females tend to exhibit this cucked, delusional, stockholm syndrome.
"I'm gonna give Disney my money to watch a sure-dumpster fire". yeah, I think shilling is back on the menu, bois.
You fucking retard, they're getting praise because the sequels are garbage amd nostalgia is kicking in
The prequels are pure anti star wars garbage you fucking mongrel
You should be put down like the degenerate nigger dog you are
not that poster nor a fan of the new movies but god forbid someone have their own opinion right. you're the real cuck, think for yourself once in a while you fucking mongloid
the retard audience
> mfw this faggy o'nig is probably twelve
It’s definitely “YOU” user !!! What da heck (ㆀ˘・з・˘)
>GL for bending over backwards to fanboys and picking Disney of all studios (WB would have paid more)
I wonder if Warner, Sony, or Columbia would do a better job at it. And the more I think, the more I come to the conclusion that, no matter how bad they fucked up, it would still not be as bad as what we have now. In regards to Star Wars as a franchise, this is literally the worst and most nightmarish timeline. Worse than this only if we had remakes of the classics with a cast of diverse teenagers who don't know how to act.
>remakes of the classics with a cast of diverse teenagers who don't know how to act
give it ten years
I was thinking that too, I really want to see how bad it is.
BUT, I still have morals, so I will watch a cam.
The new trilogy is too aware of itself and the SW phenomenom. It's going against what made star ars what it is.
GL with the prequels didn't do that, he went to tell his story straight up, which it's still has a SW magic to it, regardless how bad those movies are.
WB wouldn't play it safe. they want to replicate the relevance and stature of TDK but made mistake of giving it to director that didn't have the goods (snyder) for that kind of ambition. so it really depends on whom they would have picked. ambition is a fine thing but you need good execution to count.
I'm watching only a leak. disney won't make any money off me. ruined sw plus hired d&d. fuck off mouse.
RLM for suggesting that JJ Abrams would direct a better Star Wars movie than Lucas
Corporate America, specifically Disney. Their whole aproach to the franchise is wrong and that exceedes both Ryan and JJ. Heck it even exceedes KK. Disney wanted another Marvel like IP capable to capitalize on the existing SW fanbase while bringing in a new fanbase. To do this they took the JJ aproach to Star Trek. Namely, updated visuals for the universe + some fanservice to bring in the old fans. And that´s where everything went wrong.
If Disney had choosen to please the nostalgia fags with an unnecesary second conclusion or sequel to the OT they would have succeded. If we can analyze the visual aesthetic of the OT so can they.
If on the other hand they would decided to do an entirely new thing without relying on the OT and the prequels they would have also succeded. If ReyLo story was not related to Luke and Han in any way it would be better. (The script would still need work to actually be good but it would not suck that much)
The problem is they tried to do both. So you have a new unrecognizable aesthetic that forces characters to act out of character and a group of new characters that just don´t live up to the legendary iconic ones. Literally the worst of 2 worlds. Offcourse they don´t care because parents are still going to take their kids to see the movies because they want to bond with their sons and daughters. They don´t care about the stuff fans care. And they are the majority. From a business POV that is good enough.
Only original fans that care about the story, universe legacy and consistency loss here (and on any other similar IP.) It´s a bad time for fans to actually care about IPs. A great time to shallowlly care for political reasons though.
Yup JJ is a hack but Disney only gave LucasFilm 3 years to release the fistfuck awakens. Alien 3 scenario
Gen Xers. They wanted muh OT again so this is what we got after they cried about the prequels.
jews, women, retards
>female construction manager
This is probably the most egregious
(((who))) indeed?
you mean Jews
If george wrote the story and abrams directed then the prequels would have been better. George cant direct, hes notoriously awful. Mike was still stupid for saying that, but not in the context of the point he was making
yes, they have at least 2 movies in ST that don't gel and it would have been better if they didn't bring OT characters since the only thing they do with them is killing them off.
also, if they want to be like Marvel they should start with casting pretty-faced ripped chads cause 99% of their Nu cast (both Saga and spin-offs) doesn't cut the mustard. that's what ladies want to see, not mary sue powah.
Stay mad tranny, the prequels are flawless masterpieces
Feminists don't understand real women, just like we don't understand normies and chads. I have read many woman books from the time I was a dumb teenager who thought women were human beings, and the story is always "there's a female MC, and two fit dudes, one rich/nice and the other free spirited/douchey fighting over her". That's what women like, and that's what they buy.
They think that picking male oriented stories, about a guy taking over space governments, saving the world, and fighting evil, and simply replace the MC with a girl will empower women and kill femininity as a concept, but that is not how it works, girls will just go back to the franchises that really pander to then. Nu-Star Wars is aimed at a ghost demographic, something that doesn't exist. Right now it lives only because of nostalgiafags too blind to see shit is ruined, and s0yb0ys who would defend it to hell and beyond because it panders to their politics. The first demographic will wake up and move on, and the second will soon do the same and move to destroy other franchises.
Star Wars days are counted.
But don't say that shit out loud, or else we will have our cherished movies raped in front of our eyes, just like the OTfags.
RLM doesn't want George writing it
Same as China.
>Chen Tao, a project manager and longtime Star Wars aficionado who runs the fan forum Star Wars China, told Sixth Tone that the franchise has failed to live up to expectations in China because it arrived late to the market: Many potential viewers, upon hearing that a recently released film is actually the seventh or eighth in a series, feel they have too much catching up to do.
>Other factors, according to Chen, include Chinese audiences’ preference for physically attractive protagonists and stories rooted in reality. He points out that, for example, superhero films from Marvel — a Disney cash cow that has enjoyed great success in China — feature recognizable settings, such as New York and even China, and are filled with larger-than-life leads who meet the public’s aesthetic standards. The Star Wars characters, meanwhile, look ordinary by comparison.
>“These actors aren’t very beautiful, which may deter a lot of Chinese from seeing the recent films,” said Chen. “We fans often joke that if Finn were played by Will Smith, Chinese people might be more inclined to watch it — because he’s very handsome.”
>le reddit
>The new trilogy is too aware of itself and the SW phenomenom. It's going against what made star ars what it is.
>GL with the prequels didn't do that, he went to tell his story straight up, which it's still has a SW magic to it, regardless how bad those movies are.
Both the OT and PT are sincere. Disney Star Wars is not. Ironically, everyone and everything behind the films is the opposite. George Lucas had autismal unselfawareness, but Lucasfilms under Disney is lousy with woke gyno-zealots
>unnecesary second conclusion
the word you're looking for is "epiphone"
WB could still fuck it up quite a bit. Just look at their current franchises are doing poorly(Harry Potter, DCEU, Godzilla). Sony probably wouldn't be able to contend for buying it in the first place.
All of those thing and they shit on their old fanbase.
How are people supposed to voice their displeasure and criticism. Hollywood makes movies for hollywood now. They can’t except people hate wokness so they just blame anyone that complains.
Dave Filoni sucks also.
The Clone Wars is all Lucas. Filoni is soley responsible Star Wars Rebels, Forces of Destiny and Resistance
I don't like how specific the titles are. Like The Last Jedi is Rey, Skywalker refers to Kylo. It's just a small thing but it makes the series feel so constrained. Like OK you've got A New Hope which clearly refers to Luke, but then you've got Empire Strikes Back, which refers to the Empire as a whole, and Return of the Jedi, which refers to the Jedi as a whole. They're titles for big movies about big things in which the main characters are involved. Whereas the new titles are for small movies that are about the main characters.
It just bugs me.
Kathleen Kennedy
JJ Abrams
Rian Johnston
The storygroup
The Clickbait Hacks trying to argue that only the alt right Russian bots are the ones who hate the films
Maybe RLM to a lesser extent.
The mouse ofc. Practically every decision they made with ip was bad.
>Non of them have had a real dick inside them
>Rey will be a Skywalker
Damn it. I liked the “anyone can be a hero” message from the last movie
>the mess that is tlj having any cohesive message
You're aware that the Prequels is Star Wars with Hyper-Autism
You must be 18 to post here
It's Kylo tho
George Lucas is to blame. He knew exactly what he was doing when he sold Star Wars to Disney.
It's crazy how it at each step along the way it's continued to get more and more fucked. It's like instead of course correcting they just stepped on the gas.
Tbh its when they decided to make EU not cannon. So many great stories they could have told.
This is the truth you don’t want to hear. Star Wars is for children, something Lucas has specifically stated before. If you are an adult and you like science fiction, you should be concerning yourself with science fiction made for adults instead of being retarded man-children and getting mad about something that is for babies.
Especially since they've put out awful, unmemorable garbage since except for the few times they end up stealing from the EU well.
Responding to your own post for support again?
These women actually did well at there jobs
Yeah I find it weird for people to place the blame on them when there's likely even more people to blame.
>Kathleen Kennedy
>JJ Abrams (marginally)
>Rian Johnson
>The film press.
Gareth Edwards and Ron Howard dindu nuffin.
Is Rian Johnson /our guy/?
He did crash the franchise with no survivors.
Well, he did say that Vice Admiral Holdo was flirting with Poe.
I'm not a fan of Star Wars. I download and watched the first two movies when I was kid and loved the characters and spaceships (I was into aliens at the time), but I hated everything else. I even consider the second movie the worst shit I watched in my childhood. So, take that in consideration while reading my opinion.
What really surprised me is how much people hated it. You don't expect amazing plots and characters from a big budget, but I'm pretty sure the fans, and I'm talking about the retards who keep their toys in the box, would love this shit if it was the classic cookie-cutter story.
What the fuck is this helicopter bullshit? Lightsabers are a concentrated beam of energy that can cut through shit. Apparently they cannot pass through other lightsabers either, which isn't really logically consistent but whatever, we get sword duels out of it so it is great. Never in my wildest imagination would I have expected or wanted it to generate lift when spun.
>t lives only because
Star Wars is dead.
The theatres are empty
The toys unbought
The only one buying anything star wars related are mothers who think it's all cool and hip for the boys and even they started to not buy it because they hate the females in the movie and the guys are all either ugly old or outright unabashed faggots(every man in the new series who isn't cg or from the original are all three)
Disney is doing what it's doing with the captain marvel money laundering scheme and the ww and aquaman flops.
Buying thier own tickets to keep a complete failure from looking horrible in the eyes of the public.
>the guys are all either ugly old or outright unabashed faggots(every man in the new series who isn't cg or from the original are all three)
Poe was based until he was branded a hothead by some faggot in purple hair.
>no young and handsome Jedi main character
He was fucking trash from the moment he opened his goddamned mouth.
The first FIRST thing that little faggot did was make a horrifyingly bad joke in an attempt to "lighten the mood" when fagboy mc cryptojew in his darth vader shit costume caught him.
He lost anything resembling credibility when that shit happened and he never gained it back. Not once. Not ever.
And he only got worse in the next film...sorry...money laundering scheme.
He made a Marvel quip 5 minutes into the first scene of TFA.
The original trilogy and prequels (even rogue one) felt like the events taking place could/would have far reaching life changing impact on all the inhabitants in the galaxy from the biggest to the smallest most insignificant. The sequel trilogy especially TLJ, feels like 12 people in an argument that will not make any significant impact on the worlds around them or everyday lives yet the characters seem to think they are the center of the universe, but nobody even responds to Princess Leia’s distress call. nobody of importance is interested or has time for that she keeps going on. It feels like a lecture in some first year humanities class at university, by a crazy prof who still thinks they are in the 60’s and everybody cringes while doing enough to get through the class and forget about it forever. The struggle is meaningless and boring
>He made a Marvel quip 5 minutes into the first scene of TFA.
That doesn't make him a hothead.
If anything, JJ fucked up by removing him from the movie after the crash. If he piloted the Falcon, most people wouldn't have problems with Rey because she'd just be a mechanic.
Nah Disney wanted the giant female market to be more into Star Wars. From a business point of view that's fine, why not try to make the biggest franchise in history even more profitable? The biggest issue was that they didn't hire competent writers and directors to push the female angle effectively without being contrived.
It isn't the fact that it is trying to be feminist that makes it bad. It is the lack of cohesive creative vision, empty nostalgia-baiting and poorly-conceived, terrible ideas.
>That doesn't make him a hothead.
I wasn't arguing that. I was saying he was never based because people in Star Wars don't make Marvel quips.
Go to a late night showing and buy tickets to a better movie, then go see it
or just watch the better movie you payed for and be happier 120 minutes later
>I was saying he was never based because people in Star Wars don't make Marvel quips.
>"You were right about one thing, Master. The negotiations were short."
>"No, I call it aggressive negotiations."
>"What an incredible smell you've discovered!"
>"Aww, you cannot get your ship out!"
>"Great, Chewie! Great! Always thinkin' with your stomach!"
This is bullshit. KK got her contract renewed right after this
Be quiet, kid. You have to be over the age of 18 to post here.
They were in the middle of making Episode 9. If they fired her, and Rise underperforms or flops, people including her can point Iger firing her as the reason it flopped. Keeping her on board means she'd have to take the credit or blame for how well it does.
Yeah, even the destruction of multiple planets in TFA just felt fucking hollow to me.
Tell me, apologist. How many prequel films won an Oscar?
And how many Oscars did ANH win?
..........I thought so.
These aren't Marvel quips. The style is different. All of these are jabs between friends and you can accept the characters saying them without it breaking your immersion. Poe just starts acting like a cringey retard in front of Kylo and basically breaks the 4th wall.
The last guy to talk shit to Vader got choked out like a bitch, but Poe just gets a free pass even though we later learn that Kylo has anger management issues?
Maybe you'll just accuse me of changign goalposts here, but the mood of the quips is very different.
Dumb dipshits that are gluttonous for anything Star Wars.
>If george wrote the story and abrams directed then the prequels would have been better.
Yeah, no. Did you watch TFA, user? I don't want to watch a film with cheap camera tricks like when a child learns how to use instagram filters for the first time. How many snap zoom effects and helicopter shots are we gonna see in Episode 9?
>Poe just starts acting like a cringey retard in front of Kylo and basically breaks the 4th wall.
It fit to a certain extent. Plus, Kylo isn't exactly a full dark sider in any of these movies, so that kind of throws a wrench into things.
>Apparently they cannot pass through other lightsabers either
>which isn't really logically consistent but whatever
Lightsabers are plasma encased by an electromagnetic field and two different fields of similar frequency would still repel as long as they were not exact.
I hate that I know this
Black Panther won an oscar. What's your point?
I was okay with Poe doing the "who talks first" bit, but it did feel a bit too self-aware for Star Wars. The worst bit was the prank call in TLJ.
George should have made 7 8 9 and Disney 1 2 3.
At the end of the day the prequels were only terrible moment-to-moment (ie acting, special effects, etc) whereas the overarching story and worldbuilding were interesting enough that other related media (games, both clone wars series, etc) were able to be successful.
Whereas the sequels have the surface appearance of quality Disney is known for, but under the surface the actual story taking place is such bland, directionless garbage it can’t even sustain itself, much less an extended universe
For costume design, which Suicide Squad also won.
>The worst bit was the prank call in TLJ.
Yeah. That whole movie was a disaster.
Tried to watch it twice and never got past the casino.
Lucas for turning the keys over to that idiot Kennedy.
...what the fuck?
It began in 1920, "men" voted with their penises, giving women the right to vote, giving up their grandchildren's future for some quick pussy.
>god forbid someone have their own opinion (that happens, by an astonishing coincidence, to mirror the opinion of the entire corporate press)
I dont understand what the fuck women like. They dont like lotr but they do like got. Even though got is way more edgy. So fuck women, lucas, kennedy, disney, and the nerds who spend alot of time talking about star wars
> rent free
What women do you know that don't like LotR? Every girl I know likes LotR, many as much or more as the guys
Ostensibly, the entire galactic government gets destroyed and totally collapses. But nobody even seems that worried about it.
It actually is one of the things I have the hardest time with in these new movies. That event essentially de-escalates the stakes. They go right out of the gate and do the thing with the biggest consequence first. Like, what's left at stake after the destruction of the entire Republic Senate? Five guys sharing an x-wing out in a field somewhere? Who cares?
All you have left to be invested in is a handful of people in the Falcon. It would be like if in a James Bond movie the villain nukes England off the map, and the rest of the film and subsequent films it's about the villain tracking down and trying to kill Bond. Again, after that point, what the fuck does it matter? Bond should just kill himself in that scenario. So to should the leaders of the Resistance. They blew it already.
My sister and cousin and gf. But thats a small sample size. But womens taste makes no fucking sense to me. My gf will watch slashers that violent as all fuck. And she freaked out when i watched eraserhead with her.
>Ostensibly, the entire galactic government gets destroyed and totally collapses. But nobody even seems that worried about it.
The worldbuilding in these movies are non-existent. If Leia communicated with a shit ton of fleets around the galaxy, that would have done wonders for the story.
The problem is that the prequels and EU taught you that the Galactic Republic is the most important thing ever when it was barely even a factor in the OT
like "the Republic" is mentioned twice in the entirety of the OT, both in passing by Obiwan and Tarkin.
The entire point of the war was to defeat the empire and restore the republic. Otherwise everyone would have been better off staying at home.
>Restore the Republic
again, something taken from the EU. The restoration of the Republic is never mentioned in the OT, the only goal of the Rebel Alliance is to defeat the Empire. What they want to do afterwards is never stated
You just can't separate the franchise from the films anymore like most fanboys.
Whoever decided running with a New Empire and New New New Death Star and New Emperor and New Edgevader and New Rebellion was a good idea to start off a whole new trilogy with
I kept saying it way back with TFA, this is an awful start to an episodic saga, basically a shitty soft reboot of the OT
>the only goal of the Rebel Alliance is to defeat the Empire.
That makes them no better than terrorists.
I don't know about that user you responded to, but I only watched the main films and I still feel like Abrams destroying multiple planets and the Republic a real try-hard scene. There's no real weight to it.
Or maybe it's a fairy tale in space concerned with more metaphysical ideas like the eternal battle between good and evil on both a cosmic and personal level and the inane trivia wookieepedia bullshit like how the space congress enacted its space taxes never actually mattered?
Just like how Leia's home planet that we've never seen before is blown up, Leia looks sad in the moment but the planet being destroyed is never mentioned again in the rest of the trilogy and it never even affects Leia on a personal level?
Even TLJ has a couple of throwaway lines about the Republic being destroyed and the chaos that's ensuing. For a plot device just to get the politics out of Star Wars I don't mind it.
There should still be a sense of something larger at stake. The effect of focusing so sharply on this tiny conflict is that it makes an enormous galaxy feel small and flimsy. Good and evil, sure. But what are they fighting for? why should I care if the bad guys win? You don't what bad to win, obviously, but what do the people stand to lose if they do?
In the original films, you get that if the good guys fail, the tyranny of the empire will persist. But if the Resistance dies off, then what? What? They already lost the government. What else is there to threaten? It all just becomes ships blowing each other up. There's no sense of consequence to any of it.
usually people that dont like LotR are people that "hate nerds and nerd things" or people that just hadnt watched it
I thought he said that because he grew up with Ben so he wasn’t too threatened
Yes, Abrams' scene is vastly more hollow than that.
Alderaan was one planet and its only connection is "Leia's home planet". We also don't see anything followed up on it. But it still had a direct connection to Leia.
Hosnian System's planets being destroyed is just saying "see, this is more powerful than the Death Star! Really!" But we've seen the Death Star destroy planets before. Doing it Times 5 is meaningless. Even putting a crowd scene where they're witnessing their eventual demise doesn't really add anything to it.
We're also told that no one was listening to Leia's warnings which means people caring about what happened to the New Republic dropped to less than zero.
>But what are they fighting for? why should I care if the bad guys win? You don't what bad to win, obviously, but what do the people stand to lose if they do?
You know this is exactly what TLJ was fucking about, right? That this was, literally and unironically, the point of the film? Did you miss all of the cynical and grumpy characters criticizing the cyclical, endless nature of Star Wars and that we should all just give up because the franchise, by its very definition, is about endless warfare? The movie rejects these characters' cynicism and shows that inaction is what lets evil triumph. DJ is exposed as a selfish coward willing to throw anyone under the bus to save his own skin while Luke finally comes to his senses and becomes stronger than ever, reaching true Nirvana as he becomes one with the Force and a living God who will inspire a new generation of Jedi to rise.
The entire idea is that no matter how absolutely overwhelming the odds against you are, no matter how inevitable the triumph of evil seems, you have a duty to stand against evil so you may preserve the important lessons of the past to pass on to build a better future. That's the point of broom boy.
That you think there's no "point" to fighting injustice unless you are guaranteed a reward says more about your own cynicism and self-interested nature imho.
>You know this is exactly what TLJ was fucking about, right?
An incoherent message?
>star wars is about endless warfare
Holy shit zoomer hell get me out
No, it's a message that was very clearly received by people who can judge a Star Wars movie beyond inane criticisms like their Space republic not getting enough exposition or LUKE WAS SAD AND THAT MADE ME FEEL BAD
Like, these themes are all very obvious and clearly stated by the film. It's not subtle. Just because you were too busy sperging out and saying "this is reddit, this is memes" throughout doesn't mean they weren't there
>luke was ok in new star wars
This is how everybody knows you're not a fan of the originals. All you saw were flashy swords.
Is it not? By virtue of there being more Star Wars properties, doesn't there have to be more wars set in the Stars?
Or are you calling me a zoomer because of the Prequel Retcon that Return of the Jedi was supposed to be the permanent triumph over all evil where Space Jesus fulfilled some vague prophecy?
So what was that big final battle in the desert on TLJ about again; I forget.
>I was okay with Poe doing the "who talks first"
That was dumb af, stop posting forever.
Poe is a filler character, he didn't even have a backstory in TFA.
>all K names
What the fuck?
I can tell you that I think about Luke Skywalker as a character more often and with more insight than you ever have. Your criticism begins and ends with NO LUKE WOULD NEVER MAKE A MISTAKE BECAUSE HE'S THE PERFECT HERO AND THAT'S ALL HE IS, and that him sparing Vader at the end of the Return of the Jedi was a permanent vanquishing of any evil temptation that remained in his soul.
Because you are either a brainlet or a child.
You stop posting forever
Kylo is the Skywalker and that message is retarded, fuck off.
Wow, pretty accurate
I see you admit that brainlets and children are smarter than you.
Notice how you have not presented any actual arguments or opinions, just said "no u"
>No, it's a message that was very clearly received by people who can judge a Star Wars movie beyond inane criticisms like their Space republic not getting enough exposition or LUKE WAS SAD AND THAT MADE ME FEEL BAD
It was clearly received by the imaginary people in your head? And posting in caps makes you look desperately needy.
It didn't fit at all and Kylo not being full Dark side has nothing to do with anything, especially since Poe doesn't know that.
JJ should've blown Poo's ugly face up in TFA like he was supposed to.
Says the guy who thinks writing in caps and claiming he thought about Luke with more insight than other anons is any sign of a good argument.
>It was clearly received by the imaginary people in your head
The critics that universally lavished praise on the film and discussed these ideas at length in the discourse surrounding the movie?
but let me guess Disney paid them off or it was some conspiracy by the jews/sjws/whatever to shill for the movie based on ideology? Because the movie HAS to be bad because not muh Luke, muh hyperspace physics, and I think Kelly Marie Tran is ugly and I don't want ugly people in my movies so film bad.
In TLJ she supposedly does, she says something along the lines if send out one last message, say it’s personally from Leia Organa, then the last 2 resistance communications people that are left comeback and confirm that all messages have been received, but no one is answering. Then Leia is all downcast and hunched over because she knows nobody cares about their skirmish anymore.
I typed up an argument and the response was "haha no it was bad xD", so I'm not the one guilty of setting the tone of arguing in bad faith and not even bothering to respond to the actual content of the argument
t. cucked Pooshitter
>The critics that universally lavished praise on the film and discussed these ideas at length in the discourse surrounding the movie?
Holy shit, having to resort to clickbait "critics" that were claiming TLJ was insightful, is that an even bigger sign of desperation?
>but let me guess Disney paid them off or it was some conspiracy by the jews/sjws/whatever to shill for the movie based on ideology? Because the movie HAS to be bad because not muh Luke, muh hyperspace physics, and I think Kelly Marie Tran is ugly and I don't want ugly people in my movies so film bad.
Are you admitting you're the one who made those kinds of posts? Makes sense, I've heard of people indirectly connected to Lucasfilm doing falseflags.
Go back to watching MCU films
You mean you typed up an "argument" where you claimed to think about Luke a lot, and then mistakenly thought all-caps meant "strong argument".
Not thinking the themes were executed well is entirely separate from denying their existence. You can not like the movie while still acknowledging the point it's trying to make.
You are saying that there is absolutely no thematic intent in anything that's happening in the movie (even though it is not subtle, Yoda and Poe literally have moments that read like the THIS IS WHAT THE PAPER WILL BE ABOUT thesis statements) because you have some irrational hatred of the film and refuse to debate its merits or lack thereof in good faith. Yet you accuse others of being dishonest by using the falseflag/shill deflection.
tl;dr HAVE SEX
Go back to being irrelevant and cucked and unpopular like your fave Pee Cuckeron
Says the MCU fan
If you had an argument to begin with you wouldn't have to cry, post about thesis statements and then resort to the "have sex" phrase like a shill would.
Yeah because when I saw return of the jedi all I wanted was to see divorce, depression, sons killing fathers, main characters dying and giving up, and more planets blowing up. If you think any of this should follow Return of the Jedi you're just autistic and can't comprehend emotions or themes.
>Galexies Edge is a failure because of muh ENTERTAINMENT! Not enough professional actors at the park!
Its a failure because no one in the world gives a fuck about the new films
have sex
>first off your move will be
>to which i will counter with
Do you often talk to yourself?
Let that be a lesson, if your opponent posts "Have Sex", you've officially won the argument.
I don't like MCU, I'm not even the person you responded to. Doesn't chnage the fact that Poe is shit and irrelevant and so are you for liking him. Fuck off, cuck.
You're an MCU fan, you don't get to call anyone a cuck.
DIElate lol xd
You might have won the argument (in your mind), but you are still a virgin who should HAVE SEX
>tfa and tlj are deep and stuff
holy shit based i was only pretending to be retarded poster
You realize the trilogy isn't over, right? The happy end and resolutions don't come until the end. Kylo is the main character and his conflicts are related to his family heavily so there will most likely be some sort of resolution with that.
It is the Skywalker saga afterall. If you think they are just going to focus on the Resistance defeating evil big bad Kylo then you haven't been paying attention at all.
I'm not an MCU fan, I wasn't even the person you responded to.
Poeshitters really are the fucking worst. No arguments, shit taste, and can't even fucking read to boot. Yuck.
You must be really mad that your fave is ugly and unpopular and only exists as gaybait because SJW want to see him fuck the fat uggo Finn.
How upset is this Star Wars shill now? Probably assmad level.
>lol we just killed and raped and depressed the fuck out of all your characters but don't worry the happy ending can still happen
You're an idiot or a zoomer.
Have sex
>I'm not an MCU fan, I wasn't even the person you responded to.
Two lies in one sentence! How did you post that with a straight face?
>where is the happy ending in the middle of the story?
How do you live with such shit taste and inability to read? Your fave is so fucking irrelevant he is the sidekick of the comic relief sidekick Finn.
>middle of a story
No I already saw episodes 4-6 the story already ended what you're watching is just fanfic.
>lol we just killed and raped and depressed the fuck out of all your characters
It's called conflict, dumb boomer.
>the happy ending can still happen
Yes, glad to see you are figuring it out finally.
>How do you live with such shit taste and inability to read?
Why, you asking for advice, MCU fan?
>Your fave is so fucking irrelevant he is the sidekick of the comic relief sidekick Finn.
Yeah, so?
Nice non-argument, fat boomer.
What conflict? Bad writing?
>can't read
>muh fave is shit so what?
the absolute state of poe-fags. I don't know who is worse them or Finncucks.
>It's bad writing if I feel sad
Are you gonna cry again? Sounds like you're upset that everyone put holes in all your arguments so you're making Have Sex posts and pre-approved arguments to shill the Sequel Trilogy.
>I feel sad
Sounds like Star Wars shills can't figure out emotions from posts.
Seems unbelievable that people on this very board take these subnormals seriously. Saying something that stupid and meaning it should unironically get you the death penalty.
why are all of you picking on the new sequels zoomer? It's clearly just a little retard leave it alone
Here, let me break it down for you since you are dumb and can't read.
One of the core themes of Star Wars is family. The OT had it with Luke, Leia, Vader.
The PT had it with Anakin, his mommy issues, his budding family with Padme, his relationship with Obi-Wan.
The ST main character/Skywalker is Kylo Ren. He has family issues that will be solved by the end of the trilogy in some way. His relationship with his parents, with Luke, with his grandfather. And you are not a true SW fan if you honestly think it isn't going to end on a sad note for this family.
Does this hurt your brain too much?
>Illiterate MCU fan creates more strawmen
So the conflict is bad writing, and shills demanding people go see Episode 9 by making poor arguments?
I only came into this thread about 4 posts ago, but keep crying boomcuck.
I think the ST is garbage for the most part btw. Only worthwhile thing is Kylo Ren.
This whole post reads like
>reeeee my childhood heroes had failures and suffered real loss and that ruins my fantasy and now I'm sad and I mask that sadness with impotent anger
So you're a shill, but you're the Reylo shill. While the other guy is the Star Wars shill?
No, the conflict is closely related to family as I have clearly presented.
I'm not a shill, I'm not even going to see IX if it's not satisfactory. I'm spoiling it before that. I don't care if you see it, but I have to see your ugly posts with my perfect eyes so I'm here to tell you you are dumb and to shut the fuck up.
So... he was right that you want to watch movies with main characters dying and giving up?
I'm not a shill, I don't care if you see this movie.
I do like Kylo and Reylo, is that supposed to be a bad thing to care about the only good thing this trilogy has to offer?
Yeah shill, I'm really convinced that your aggressive defense of the sequel trilogy isn't shilling
No, I want characters to suffer genuine hardships so that when they succeed there is actual meaning to their triumph
>b-b-but they already did that in the OT!
Luke winning at 25 didn't guarantee a lifetime of infinite success in anything he would ever attempt nor did it mean he had entirely conquered his temptations
>main characters
Kylo is the main character, but don't worry I'm sure he'll make peace with his failure of a family by the end of IX to please low IQ boomers like you.
You're okay with bad writing so that you can jerk off to the idea of characters being failures?
no, but don't you see, if you don't think literally EVERYTHING in Disney Wars is the absolute worst you're just a cuck shill who can't accept other opinions.
Would Return of the Jedi's ending have meant anything if the heroes didn't monumentally fuck up in Empire?
>i-i don't believe you
That's nice.
you're at least self aware enough to know what you're doing right?
You're saying that
is a cuck shill who can't accept other opinions? That's harsh.
The prequels and the EU are star wars you retarded mongrel
>han being in carbonite and luke getting robot hand is comparable to luke giving up and then fucking up and dying alongside han getting killed by his son after divorcing leia who dies in real life
If you can't see the difference in tone that's just autism. I'm sorry there's no room for debate, this user is autistic everybody.
A for effort but the greentext stutter gives you away, shill.
No, he's just a shill who comes into Star Wars threads to try to push back by making multiple incoherent posts in order to autosage the thread. It happens often.
*if you think it is
Han didn't divorce Leia and he didn't just dump her because he didn't love her, it was trauma due to losing their son. Han goes back to her and gives his life believing in his son's redemption, showing how far he's come from the selfish smuggler he was all those years ago.
Luke ultimately realizes the error of his ways, atones, and becomes more powerful than you can possibly imagine.
>and becomes more powerful than you can possibly imagine.
A Force Hologram?
Thank you, I accept your surrender.
It's like talking to somebody on the writing staff desperately trying to defend their work to the producer this is either really fun bait or real autism.
A pure being, an idealized representation of himself made of the Force itself that ultimately carried out the lessons Yoda taught him:
>Wars not make one great
>A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense, *never* for attack
>Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter
in doing so, he finally atones for what he's done, saves what's left of the Resistance and achieves Nirvana by becoming one with the Force, standing as a beacon of hope that will inspire the next generation of Jedi
But who cares about what Yoda said in ESB? The prequels and EU told me that being a Jedi is how great you are at committing mass murder. Luke should have killed stormtroopers with his lightsaber.
Notice how many times he had to resort to saying "Have Sex", it's his way of surrending multiple times.
Surrender your virginity by having sex
go look up who buys the toys faggot. It ain't little girls.
or did you forget why this franchise was such a massive cash cow to begin with?
Here, I spoiled the ending of IX for illiterate boomers who can't see this coming from a mile away.
So Mr. Writer Staff, how do you defend Luke trying to kill his nephew when he was willing to die on the chance that his father would save him from Sheeeeeeeeve? Why wasn't Leia or Han upset with Luke trying to kill their son when he hadn't actually done anything yet?
Sounds like a fancy way of saying he Force Ghosted himself and then died.
>they even confirmed that twins are somehow hereditary for Skywalkers
They didn't write the pig slop, Rian Johnson did. If anything, they're the saving grace of the pig slop because they helped make it presentable.
someone post the headline edit
"Meet the women who ruin star wars"
Phantom Menace's fight scene was kino tho.
But JJ camera work it's horrible
Wasn't there an old leak saying they were casting for a young child?
I know a recent one said supposedly Kylo has a force vision of Rey and a young child running towards him. Probably their kid from the future.
>believing in leaks
I just think it's interesting that a lot of the leaks involve Reylo endgame and them having a child.
Seems boomer incels are the only ones who don't get the hint.
There's no distinct visuals. Nothing stands out. The camera just whirls around to keep your attention.
fucking summerfaggot
>So Mr. Writer Staff, how do you defend Luke trying to kill his nephew when he was willing to die on the chance that his father would save him from Sheeeeeeeeve?
Luke in RotJ is young and idealistic, no one is in danger by him attempting to save Vader. The Rebels would have destroyed the Death Star and killed them all anyways. Luke in TLJ is the master of the New Jedi Order and the restoration of the Jedi entirely depends on him; he had watched the prequels and seen how the Jedi were destroyed from within by one of their own, and in Ben he saw the *exact same thing* happening all again that would lead to the deaths of billions. In a brief moment of weakness, he considered an evil act for the perceived greater good
also, you are ignoring that Luke tried to murder Vader (again, he freaked out when people he cared about were threatened but ultimately did the right thing) and that Luke made no active attempt to harm Ben. Did he consider it? Yes. But you people act like he actually took a swing at the kid.
But like I said earlier, your entire argument boils down to MUH PERFECT CHILDHOOD HERO COULD NEVER DO THAT so you're just going to keep shitpost and ignore my entire post.
It could happen. Not that user, but my only complaint is how long Luke fucked off for.
Typing in all caps doesn't make your argument any more convincing.
Yeah it was so gay when Obiwan let Vader kill him, what a fucking pussy lmao pacifism and nonviolence is gay
manchildren and young boys made star wars the cultural force and massive cash cow it is...or at least once was. Anyone who can't see this isn't intelligent enough to manage a burger king, much less a mutli billion dollar franchise
>luke in Rotj is young and idealistic
No stopped reading there, you're thinking of A New Hope. I don't think you actually saw the originals.
>Obi-Wan physically fought Vader and then sacrificed his life
>Luke remote Force Ghosted and Kylo and the First Order was too stupid to figure out he wasn't there
>This is comparable guys!
He's fucking 21 dude. You're either really young or a boomer lacking any self-awareness if you think you had the world figured out at that age
Maybe they should have made Snoke be a surviving Tarkin. Everyone likes him and he manhandles females in both the movie and the show, which of course is the ultimate act of misogynist evil, perfect for a villain in NuWars' feminist agenda. Of course it would completely go against A New Hope wherein literally the last shot before the Death Star blows up is of him still on the Death Star, but the Sequels haven't really been bothered about not fucking up other OT stuff so why not?
>Can't argue
>Resorts to calling someone a boomer
Sounds like he's right that you didn't watch the originals.
I'm sure will enjoy it.
You really think that people stop growing at 21, and there is absolutely nothing that can change in someone's worldview between 21 and 60?
Not that user, but Luke was always a retarded. Even in RoTJ, he starts out supposedly an all-wise Jedi in a robe but then he almost gets fried by Vader and almost kills him out of anger. Even trying to save Vader a the end was him being painfully idealistic and not understanding things fully.
I can totally believe that idealistic retard really thought Ben was going to be the perfect Skywalker protege and didn't want to believe he had issues. Luke was never the smartest person and Leia was too self-assured. Unironically Han was the most level-headed of the bunch so it's no wonder he was the only one who came close to reaching Ben.
>People don't stop growing at 21, please accept bad writing as development!
The state of shills.
stopped reading. who gives a fuck about raisin number 2.
>Han and Leia getting divorced is the same thing as literally bringing a side character back from the dead
This reveals more about your own immaturity lmao
>It's bad because Luke made a mistake!
Again, this is you just saying that your perfect hero making a moral failing is bad writing. You just can't accept that's what your doing because you're blind to your own biases
>luke was always retarded
>not understanding things fully
So even though he's right and talks about having these views because he can sense the good in Vader and his thoughts you say he doesn't understand things fully and is just an idiot. This is proven wrong so what now?
You might not like it, but that user is right. Luke's next journey in life was becoming a mentor himself and of course he still had conflict and development to go through. It was definitely not going to be smooth sailing. He's never been a Master before, why would he immediately be an expert at it?
Especially when it's his own nephew, so personal feelings can get in the way clearly. Wanting to believe nothing was wrong with Ben, his Skywalker nephew who was always so powerful. It's not hard to grasp, you just don't want to because it hurts your brain.
I actually think it could have been executed a hell of a lot better and I don't think Luke would have fucked off for that long, but the idea is workable.
GL was the one who came up with the idea, btw. He had Han's son killing him and burning down Luke's temple. That's still intact.
I was talking about at the end when he wants to bring his dad back but Vader says "you already saved me" dumbass. That was Luke being STILL painfully idealistic and unrealistic to the very end.
And he is still young, he has a lot of life obstacles ahead of him and he's not just going to be perfect at them from the get-go.
Luke redeemed Vader in the end, yes. But pretending that it was a straight line getting there and Luke was a paragon of moral virtue the entire way is painfully dishonest.
>Luke takes a swing at the Emperor when provoked
>Engages in a duel with Vader even though he knows that's what the Emperor wants
>He eventually retreats and goes back to nonviolent resistance, but when Leia is threatened Luke takes the bait and spergs out
>Only finally relents and proclaims himself a Jedi after he's already cut off Vader's arm and beaten him within an inch of his life
What you people aren't getting is that Luke never actually took a swing at Ben and had he not woken up, he *would* have talked to Ben the way he did Vader. It's just that in this case, the temptation alone was enough to cause disaster.
>not accepting your father's death and wanting to bring your father on ship instead of leaving him to explode is being painfully idealistic and unrealistic
Try thinking just try it out and see how things look for a change.
White Slavers. Just ask George.
>any of this is comparable to killing your nephew in his sleep when he hasn't actually done anything
You're putting enough effort into it have a you
The Last Jedi was so bad that Rise of Skywalker is probably going to be the first time I actively boycott a movie. It's not worth giving Disney money just so I can participate in the threads when it comes out, I'll just watch whatever shitty camrips there will inevitably be instead.
Anakin died and Luke had to keep it a secret and build him a secret funeral-pyre. Watch the actual fucking movie, ugly boomer.
omg george is turning into jabba
based dyslexic poster
It was an instinct that he never intended to follow through on. It's not like it was premeditated.
It still wasn't okay, but that's what a mistake is.
based fake SW fan
>lol like just almost killing your nephew just sorta happens bro
you for you all day bro
>It still wasn't okay, but that's what a mistake is.
These people cannot accept Luke making a mistake. That's the crux of the issue. They'll kick and scream and deny that that's what it is, but they still can't come up with anything more substantial than "MY luke would NEVER do that!" because Luke Skywalker is superman who never falters or fails or makes poor choices in the heat of the moment.
>if you don't like TLJ you're not a fan
Kathleen is that you?
I never said it "just happens". Ben is a fucking anomaly. His power and Snoke skulking around in his head was something no one could have predicted and no one was prepared for, tragically. That's the fucking point.
What Luke did was fucked up. But Snoke being in Ben's head was already fucked up. The whole thing is fucked up. Are you dumb?
JJ is. The fact that he had no answers to the questions he put out killed the trilogy. You can't make an epic sci-fi saga up as you go along
>like just almost killing your nephew just sorta happens though
Luke was so devastated and wracked with guilt over what he did he became suicidal and gave up on the Force itself
You know what would have made it seem like "killing your nephew just sorta happens, bro"? If Luke just continued on as if nothing happened and his solution to almost killing Ben with a lightsaber was to just go kill him with a lightsaber.
>lol luke would never make a mistake
But everybody accepts that he still makes mistakes in Rotj the difference is the mistake of trying to kill the emporer when he antagonizes you vs nearly killing your nephew in his sleep because no reason
>implying Disney wasn't always planning to turn Star Wars into Space Twilight
>GL was the one who came up with the idea, btw.
So? I don't think much of the prequels other than it was clear he had a better vision than JJ and Rian.
>it's believable for luke to kill his nephew in his sleep
>lol like no really originals don't matter at all now these are disney star wars
Try harder becuase it's not working yet
Yet another strawman from the shill.
I'm calling you a fake fan for not watching the OT apparently, try to keep up boomer.
How to fix SW:
>wrap up this "trilogy" with absolute minimum damage, kill everyone who took part in it
>use George's general story for sequels
>don't let George anywhere near the script
>it's believable for luke to kill his nephew in his sleep
He didn't kill Ben. He made no active attempt to end his life. There was a temptation in a moment of great fear and pain, just like with Vader, but Luke relented, just like he did with Vader.
He didn't kill him. The whole point of the story and tragedy is that Luke is a fucking cunt shitter for doing that. Even Rey bops him over the head for it. No one is defending his actions. Are you retarded?
He made a mistake. A really fucked up mistake. And he died trying to correct it. I honestly don't understand your issue. It's not like luke or anyone was saying it was a-okay to try and kill his nephew.
>all this talk about luke
>not a single person gives a single shit about Rey
How will the shills defend this?
>attempted murder aint murder
Stupid and no he wasn't trying to kill Vader even when he gets worked up he disarms him and stops there that's also overlooking Vader attacking Luke vs Luke attacking his nephew in his sleep.
>no star wars movies
>franchise non existent for 10 years
>new star wars movies
>make a shitload of money
>get everyone talking about star wars again
>this somehow "ruins" the franchise according to brainlets
lmao stay mad manbabies
Women like series such as GoT because it allows them to play into their rape and power fantasies. Who do you think so many of them self insert into Dany? She's the perfect target for women bait because she gets to fuck Chad, against her will so she's not a slut of course, and rule her own country.
The real issue you have is that you don't want Luke to be able to make any real mistakes.
That is literally what you are arguing
>it's okay that he almost killed the Emperor cuz he was bad guy anyway
>he made an ACTUAL REAL mistake because he almost shanked his own sleeping nephew
It's the same kind of people who want Finn to be some grey character, but when you get an actual GREY character like Kylo who actually does bad things like kill his father, they throw a fit.
You just want a vanilla story where nothing REALLY bad actually happens.
Where was the attempt?
>he disarms him and stops there
He cuts his arm off and holds his sword to his throat you dumbass, he wanted to KILL Vader in that moment. If he didn't want to at all, why was the Emperor so fucking happy and why was Luke so scared of himself in that moment?
>Vader attacking Luke
Vader was not attacking Luke in that moment. Luke was not defending himself. He jumps out of the shadows and starts swinging.
>Luke did a fucked up thing
Not disagreeing, but keep going in circles brainlet.
I'm not that other retard in this thread trying to justify Luke's actions. There is no point to the story if what Luke did could be excused. It can't. That's the point.
They are two of the all time highest grossing movies. Cry more you incel losers when Rise of Skywalker also makes a ton of money
If Rise of Skywalker makes "just" $1.1 billion (with a huge chunk of it being domestic therefore studio gets more of the gross) Yea Forums will say it's a huge flop.
>two of the all time highest grossing movies
That the studio paid 4 billions for the privilege of making lmao
>alladin is will smiths best money maker therefore its his best movie
Yes genius logic for all.
The real issue is that you're still resorting to that same strawman.
t. obvious shills
Disney bought not only it's own tickets, but they bought the good reviews for it and the bad reviews if you think about it.
It's a massive flop and money laundering scheme.
No, I read you pretty clearly. Your entire argument hinges on the fact that you can't comprehend that your favorite character would do something that is ACTUALLY bad and ACTUALLY a mistake that is inexcusable even though that is the very definition of a mistake.
If it can be justified and excused, then it's not much of a mistake is it?
they all think theyre disney princesses
could you imagine? making the same post again and again for hours defending a bad movie? Well anons this user right here makes it happen he's here to defend the new star wars from you nazis based nuwars defense poster
See you in the next Star Wars thread
>If it can be justified and excused, then it's not much of a mistake is it?
The fuck kind of argument is that? If I didn't get enough sleep and hit somebody with my car, I can justify it, does that make it okay? What
Illiterate and mad.
That's not a mistake, it's an accident retard.
>angry illiterate Lukeshitters don't even know what words mean or the definition of the word mistake
This comes as a surprise to absolutely no one.
disney, particularly kathleen and jew jew
The Kike is strong in them
Ah, back when geek and nerddom where only for people with a true passion and not a social media signalling
See you in the next Star Wars thread, crybaby shill
GoT has a large social media presence so people(woman) can share and signal they like popular thing.
Read a book.
I already did, thanks, it was about how to tell when Disney Wars shills get desperate.
there have only ever been two good star wars films and another two OK ones. it is a mediocre franchise
Yancey a cute.
Nice NPC-style post, shill, but you're not fooling anyone