Soon bros

soon bros

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Only brainlets don't see how republicans are the good guys.

This but unironically. Fuck Trump and fuck the GOP. Conservatism is a surrender to our animal instincts and a betrayal of higher rationality. Buttigieg or Warren 2020. SUCK a FUCKing DICK.

>make us 'feeling blue'

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awful thread laddies, but only because this board is for tv related threads

I get free shit if Democrats win right? I definitely know who I'm voting for.

Reminder that democrats want to turn america blue not by representing the majority of americans, but by importing pablos for mexico


You get free shit if you need it. When you find a job, you get cut off. Reminder that rates of welfare abuse are statistically extremely low.

Once the Mexicans are spread across the US then every state will be permanently blue

I'd vote them ONY if media do 180 turn and start mocking their president as much as they mock Trump now. Also a total direction change, enough of SJW agenda pushing in movies and TV just in spite of republicans.

This. 135IQ here.

Did you even watch the Democratic debate? The candidates talking were so far left all you had to do to win was to keep quiet

no fuck you little guy

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Mexicans are in Montana now too?

Yang will give you $1k a month

You're right that they've been (at least publicly) pushed to the left, but the assertion made in has no basis in fact.

>Rent now starts at a minimum of $1k a month

Well done.

pls sit on my face mommy Tulsi

Start holding your breath that will turn you blue

Yang talked had his microphone muted (nice going btw) and he won a bunch of votes in online polls

Oh wow All those Twitter polls

>climate change not real
>climate change natural
>climate change good 4 tree

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Explain why Trump is bad so I can laugh at you.

clean it up, janny

If your "higher rationality" is being turned towards a project of self-abnegation (as most woke white leftism is), then you should consider the possibility that you're being hoodwinked by people that wish you ill will and are taking advantage of your better impulses.

"free" yeah le ebil cooperations are definitely going to pay for it and not you with your own taxes. Idiot.


So that's your entire basis of disliking Republicans? You're a tree hugging faggot?

Well I mean you're borrowing it from your own children, but kinda

>how do we stop climate change?
>tax people and give out free shit

Climate Change is good because it will wipe out leftist cities on the coasts. Meanwhile, it won't matter to me because I'll be dead and whites will be extinct.

woah EBIC bait my friend :)

And then bye bye constitution!

>republicans BAD
>democrats BAD
Imagine living in a country where you have to choose a side as it mattered when the true goverment are corporations

>There are good guys in American politics

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You are aware that fox news, the biggest mainstream news network in the USA, is a right wing propaganda channel?

>but the assertion made in (You) has no basis in fact.
Democrats are open borders advocates
Instead of attempting to find common ground with people that voted for Trump this year they went even further to the left.
What does that tell you? When instead of trying to appeal to more American voters they instead do the opposite and push them away even more
They're banking on all those illegal voters, which is also why no Democrat is in favor of voter IDs

POC need reparations. No college debt. Free heatlhcare.

Say it with me.





You literally need trees to breath, bro

It's more probable that his microphone just stopped working. You're acting like """the elite""" doesn't want the country to hear about UBI. In reality, even if Yang's message got out to everyone in the country, UBI would still have only fringe support. Hell, Yang has been on talk shows in the last week or two. Colbert had him on. Silencing him at the debate wouldn't have served any purpose - and if they were going to go silencing people, they'd have done it to more disruptive candidates.
>and he won a bunch of votes in online polls
Every post-debate poll I've seen firmly cemented Harris as the victor.

His foreign policies are bad, his environmental policies are bad, his relaxing of corporate regulations are bad, the Supreme Court justices he's nominated have been bad, and so on.

The higher rationality I'm referring to is, in absolute short, the rejection of xenophobia and the embrace of aggression (that primarily comes into play during foreign policy). Evolution gave us a powerful incentive to be instinctively xenophobic and aggressive, and many conservatives let those instincts control them and dictate their views and decisions rather than approaching situations with a colder, less emotional logic.

Democrats support increased immigration, not "open borders". That still doesn't explain the jump that describes where Democrats support immigration because they want more control.

You actually don't, most oxygen comes from tiny sea plants

>the media is actually right-wing cause Fox!!

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>muh grimate grange

And you are aware that every mainstream news network outside of Fox is full of leftards, right?

>m-muh planet before the people
what a zoomer take

I don't watch news, fed up of SJW agenda in movies.

>Reminder that rates of welfare abuse are statistically extremely low.
X Doubt