Which film franchise has the best life lessons?
Star Trek or Star Wars
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star wars is aryan spiritualism star trek is cosmopolitan materialism
Old wars > old Trek
Nu wars < nu Trek
there's like 3 or 4 good movies in both and the rest is trash that shouldn't exist.
watching film brainwashes you into impossible expectations from yourself and destroys your sense of identity, self and whatever future you could have had as a contributing member of your family.
That's why subversion meme is so real, you will never be Luke, or Riker, or go on a massive adventure while coming out of it as a strong willed and well developed individual. These things will just not happen to you and you'll convince yourself that watching these movies and film gets you closer to that dream but in reality it's as close as you'll ever get. I'm really sorry user but the manchild fantasy needs to stop and you need to get your life in order before thinking about traveling the stars on warp speed.
No need to apologize, my womanchild fantasy is to be Sarah Conner and I'm already traveling her speed by jeep and dismantling the internet. Cheers babe
This is when you know life has broken a man. His hopes and dreams are gone and shattered. Life chewed him up and spat him out. Don't end up like this guy kids.
born to early to explore the galaxy
born just in time to stuff your face and become a chubby thick boy
Nigga please...
both are shit
but to note about trek,
>ur people arent done "evolving" so we'll leave you here to dance around a fire and sing kumbaya
This nut is literally just leaving his own kin who's ancestors survived a catastrophic event to die on some rogue planet because they DEvolved through false information after generations of telephoned textbook old stories that were also telephoned back when they were all on earth? all believing in the notion that earth was destroyed and slave-labor through farming will do fuck all?
I never cared about ST and now I don't care about SW.
Here's my counterargument.
That's Discovery. We don't consider that Star Trek around here.
Sneed Wars
1-6 Star Wars is about controlling your emotions while at the same not to suppress them. Anakin did everything he was told until his emotions took him over completely. Luke gave into his emotions while not letting them blind him to what was important.
interesting. I like it.
Spoken like an hero
>Star Wars is about controlling your emotions while at the same not to suppress them
So Star Wars is about Spock's life story?
both are for faggots
STD is not Star Trek.
>life lessons
right? like praise this guy, my life is forever changed #blessed
Based and completely Blackpilled