How do you feel about tv commercials?

How do you feel about tv commercials?

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I have become very cautious about asbestos.

They fund the networks I watch, so I don't care.

Jewish propaganda sandwiched between more jewish propaganda.

Hate them but I don't watch live TV.

They're all awful and are now almost completely propaganda

the entire point of advertising is to influence you that's been the case as long as ads have existed

You mean YouTube commercials?

Never watch them

if i'm watch the telly I've always turned over when adverts come on to anything else. Done this since I was a kid and i've grown up very good with money and never been too swayed by brands, maybe that's why.

Do you suffer from mesothelioma!?

Search sites keep your cookies forever and will predict when you will need something. It's worse than being in your head, they have your life and habits at their finger tips.

I meant political propaganda

Thats weird because I keep getting wallet ads and im broke

seems like your search history life is doing better than you. kek

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This fucking meme.

>thinking about needing to vacuum my room because I skipped last week
>Get ads for vacuums on Amazon even though I've never mentioned it to anyone via text or phone call nor do I even need a new vacuum because mine works just fine

>Been shopping for houses, go to one that needs new floors and mention it a few times (but in person to the realtor and some guys at work who buy and fix up houses)
>Get ads for flooring online

I don't believe in conspiracies but this shot is getting weird. Is it just predictive programming or something? A deep learning AI that is getting a little too good at its job?

You googled floors.

tv commericals? what are those?

Nope, never did. I don't really have a reason too because I didn't even like that place.

Yes you did, all it takes is to go on amazon, google, bing, or any of the million search bars and put something in. It is then trapped in your cookies and turned into personal ads. It's funny that you don't even remember doing it, that's how you know the companies are successfully doing their jobs.

The ads are conditioning your desires preemptively
If humans ever did develop any kind of tech that could psychically control somebody you know damn well that this is the first way it'd be put to use

Confimation bias. Think about all the other times you get ads for shit you're not interested at all for.

People are retarded and don't even remember doing obvious shit on websites or apps that they know sell advertising data then act surprised when advertisers use said data.

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Commercials are propaganda designed to make you buy shit you don't need.

But I don't expect Americans to understand given that political adverts are legal in your country and considered perfectly normal.

I don't think so. I would remember looking into flooring, which would be odd because I would just call my dad and have him help me lay tile out instead of shitty laminate flooring which was what the ad was for.

I get that the ads are targeted based of shit you have looked up. I just wonder how those programs interpolate from there. I've searched for surge protectors and uninterruptible power supplies and then gotten ads for those. That makes sense. But shit I've never looked up or even sent text messages about, to see ads about that kind of stuff is weird. I mean, can anyone explain the vacuum thing? I got those ads today, after telling no-one that I needed to vacuum or looking up vacuums (because mine is fine). Why would I get ads for them? There is an aspect of confirmation bias, but why today of all days (Sunday, the day I normally vacuum)? Most of the ads I see are targeted to me because of what I've looked up before, but I've never shopped for vacuums online.

If you look up anything even tangentially related to cleaning or buying a new home or moving or whatever, it can pop up.

Literal brainwashing

>he doesn't use adnauseam



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I haven’t played magic: the gathering in almost 2 decades. I was keeping a diary on Microsoft Word, and typed the phrase into the word document and saved it. Again, not interested in the game, never searched or spoken about it whatsoever in years. Guess what my first google ads are? That’s right, Magic. How could they know what I was typing into a supposedly private document?

Fuck the data mining kikes. I would literally murder those responsible, and you can include THAT in your little data mining dossier you fucking glownigger privacy violaters and vile like marketers.

>Keep getting ads for dating pages for mothers who are widowed

new generations are becoming too aware for them. makes me wonder where the fuck they can possibly go with that model into the future when the boomers are gone

they're shit
they're too loud compared to what's being aired
they replay the same ones too much

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The based version of this is when I see a meme that started on Yea Forums get popular on Twitter/mainstream shit. It's so funny because they hate everything about this place yet all their jokes they think are so great come from here. We've known this for awhile it's just always amusing to watch it happen in real time.

Hate them they're the reason I don't watch tv

>this shot is getting weird
the same device you used to type this has a microphone that is always on

Awwwww, punkin...

This. I never get ads for fart porn or white supremacist literature and that’s like 90% of what I search for

Do you have a wiretap, AKA Alexa actively listening on any device like a retard?

Hulu actually got me to pay extra for their ad free experience solely because of one commercial they play over and over again and I think that was their goal.

What would I tell someone who I knew was living with HIV?

>Boohoo I have a consumer need and the solution has never been easier to access as it literally targets me to help solve my problems

Ads are really fucking helpful. Google only show you ads that you are interested in. How is it a bad thing to be sent helpful information?

>paying to watch commercials
I get you want to watch the office or whatever the fuck but give me a fucking break huluniggers

I vacuum on sundays too, so I'm guessing that's not a coincidence and a lot of people vacuum on sunday. They research that shit. I bet more vacuum cleaners are sold on sundays/mondays than any other days.

buncha commie talk in here

no joke I saw an ad for a show that was like the bachelor but everyones a faggot or lesbian or tranny like it actually exists now not just in some /pol/ troll thread

You didn't notice this shit 5 years ago when every single episode of contest shows like Chopped had a faggot or dyke contestant despite them making up less than 4% of the population?

well yeah, but like the ultimate peak of the degeneracy that was always theorized was when it crept into a dating type show that had fags and trannys humping each other on camera

>paying an extra premium on top of his base premium so he isn't forced to sit through ads
good goy. :^)

I almost never watch live TV anymore so I never think about them.

>And then one day, for no reason at all, people voted Hitler into power

If you're spending all your time searching for stuff, they think you're a basement dwelling slob that could use a vacuum.

I watch them

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That wasn't said at all
>Someone disagrees with my political stance
Reee Reee Nazi /pol/ REEE!

True, I use Google everything on my phone since Google made it. Google keyboard, chrome, their messaging app. But still, this is stuff I never looked in to. Never typed it or searched it. 9 times out of 10 it is stuff I looked at, or at least tangentially related. But that 1/10 time where it's something I had on the mind but never researched is a weird feeling.

I think that's probably correct. Algorithms and programming that just so happens to sync up perfectly with your life. But if it's already this good, it's going to be spooky as fuck as the years go on. Soon you'll be getting ads for stuff you will need, not stuff you need right now. Eventually you're going to get ads for car parts and then go out to drive to work and realize your car won't start because you need those car parts. Or you see ads for pants and then put on a pair from your closet and see they've got a big hole in the crotch. If anything it's kind of a testament to how capitalism pushes innovation. These programs were basically written to sell you shit, and they're so good at what they do they might eventually predict the future.

>go to america
>every second commercial is either a drug commercial or a legal compensation commercial

you know that's the reason you won't sell your property as high as its real value, right? Put on some parquet/wooden flooring

If you have a smartphone or any of the people around you have smartphones, it will pick up your conversations and use that for ads

The internet itself has alive for a couple years now. There is already a cybernetic zog AI overmind and many smaller "nerve centers".

If you don't see that you'a dumb goy that's never gonna make it.

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don't we all in some way? maybe mesothelioma is the friends we made along the way?

But it is.

>That wasn't said at all
Then why don't you tell me what this "political propaganda" you're bemoaning looks like. Go ahead, I'll wait.

Lads, I have a question about creepy internet ads. Last week, I was driving around my friend's neighborhood, and I drove past some guy riding pic related. I've never seen one before, never searched the internet for one (wouldn't even know what to search for), I didn't say anything to anyone about it after I saw it. I literally just drove past this thing for a split second, silently thought to myself "huh, that's quite onions" and then went on with my day.
But then later that evening I was using my phone, and EVERY ad was for this stupid thing. How in the fuck???

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well its not like they can do it themselves

You might live in an area rolling out 5g, line your hats with tinfoil.

Those things have bluetooth connectivity, it probably connected to your phone and marked you as a potential customer or something. Probably does that to everyone who passes within range. Shady marketing move desu.

I 100% believe this is true, but not just for ads. One time i was watching a movie or a show that i can't remember, and they made a joke about mark whalberg's brother, donnie. The movie/show didn't even feature donnie or mark in any way and when i paused it to google the guy because i didn't even know he had a brother, i swear to god, i typed "do" on google and it suggested "donnie whalberg". I never once googled that guy, or even mark. That's some shit right there

It's quite ingenious, it leads to things like how they can, for example, predict you need a new starter if you google things about cars not starting.
However, there is still some confirmation basis. The sheer amount of shit google flings at the wall, probably tens of billions of ads a day, some of it will eventually stick.

I live in the middle of nowhere, I bet we barely have any g's, let alone 5 of them.
That's significantly less creepy than the theories I was coming up with.

Well duh, it says that they do that in the fine print.
The point is if you dont say it, how do they figure ir out.

>Privacy's been dead for years because we can't risk it. The only privacy that's left is the
inside of your head. Maybe that's enough.
Reminder that even that privacy will be gone soon, thanks to Yea Forums's hero Elon Musk

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Advertisers are the scum of the earth.

I’m in advertising and I hate it. I hate the mentality that “the more annoying the more in sticks in their heads!”
Remember the next time you watch an uncontrollably stupid ad. It’s on purpose

>Well duh, it says that they do that in the fine print.
Really? Can you show where?

for you

>there are people on this board who still see ads

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