Hey Uncle Jackie, you ever have weird, unwanted thoughts about me?

Hey Uncle Jackie, you ever have weird, unwanted thoughts about me?

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Loli fags get off my board!

I don wan no trabble

Not UNwanted, no...

The laziness of this shows background artstyle really pisses me off.

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>Jackie why do I keep finding milk stains on my undies?!

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>leave Jackie chan to me

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that's quite funny

Yea Forums what would you do with unencumbered access to the Book of Ages?

The lazily drawn backgrounds were my favorite part of the show. They're almost like a representation of Chinese infrastructure and production. They look alright from a distance and nothing seems wrong with them at a glance but if you look close enough you can see how bad of a job they did because they cut some corners.


Ok you listen up. Flightplan from big agency list me, Uncle and Tohru here but only one of you! First one to talk get to stay on the plane, rest of you gonna have very bad day! Tell me about Jade!

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I mean it gave them more leeway to have higher quality character animation and fun Jackie Chan style action scenes so whatever works.



Uncle have weird unwanted thought of u not study

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I'm gonna bite your dick off and there's nothing you can do about it!

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No. Inexcusable. From an early age, colouring inside the fucking lines is lesson 1.

Don't worry Jackie, Azula tried to jump my bones too.

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The makers of this show really ran the gamut on fetish stuff with Jade.

>Good evening, Mr. Chan, why don't you have a seat over there?
>Ooooh bad day bad day bad day!

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