© 2019 Disney

© 2019 Disney

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National Geographic is owned by Disney??

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Why does Bo Peep have such a big butt in this

Must be nice not to have to be creative when you can print money just by zombifying your intellectual property.

Does this mean Sneed could make a cameo in the MCU or star wars??

>Kylo is the face and main character of ST

As it should be.

just kill the Simpsons already

>implying that Sneed isn't getting his own sneednematic universe

shit's fucked

Farmer #2 : A Star Wars Story

(Formerly 2018)

Disney owns Mickey Mouse now?? What the fuck!

Looking at this is depressing. I miss the times when Fox and Lucasfilms were together. George should've made the sequel trilogy instead of selling it to Didney like a cowardly faggot.

>Disney owns Alien, Predator and Avatar
It just isn't right.

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This is genuinely horrifying...

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nothing about avp, avp2, the predator, Prometheus, alien covenant, alien 3, alien 4 was right either. these franchises ARE DEAD. they've been dead for decades. accept it.

Is that the Cheese man?

>Controlling interest in the magazine has been held by The Walt Disney Company since 2019.

dat dystopia

the only time a sneedpost made me chuckle

What if they threatened his life or the life of his family if he didn't sell. This is kazillions of dollars and massive social influence we are talking about

yes, and nothing changes.

>Toy Story
>Bo Peep instead of Woody on the poster

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