Imagine being this much of a pussy

Imagine being this much of a pussy.

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What did Rian Johnson do to make him cry?

imagine 30 years of your life being an octopus man in a kids movie

He screened the final product.

>thinking his life wasnt a joke before this point

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Literally nothing. He's just a pussy trying to pander to incels.

I'm sure he did other stuff too.

More like Admiral Fagbar amirite?

As if being a 60 yr old man in a retarded alien costume isn't enough of a humiliation

I could understand him being a bit disappointed, but crying? Yikes

t. Disney shills

>30 years


Why are americans such motherfucking pussies? this isn't even banter this is just a joke that he was literaly in too. What's supposed to be the ptoblem?

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I don't particularly care about this, but if it helps me further my own agenda then I will welcome it.


People who are uncomfortable with others expressing emotion are people who have a problem with it and refuse to let themselves feel emotion.

In short, you're the pussy.

And you know it to be true.

Star Wars was never good and always for soigoys.

fuck off rian

Why did Disney jews pay $4B for something that was never good?

To sell toys to children

based rian dabbing on boomer conventionfags
George is the only one in star wars universe/fandom who deserves to escape unscathed
everyone else deserves what they are getting and then some

I can understand Mark Hamill getting emotional about the treatment of Luke but Ackbar is barely a character.

I hope the old lad now in his 70s will stop acting in childish banalities

>the character of admiral ackbar should be handled with respect
Fucking delusional. You're a boomer in a rubber fish costume. You're a glorified extra. Get a grip. I'm so sick of this insistence that these children's movies need to be treated with reverance as if they're biblical text and not outsized toy commercials.

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we've removed the ability to have offensive comedy unless its leveled at wh*toid m*n. and its not even comedy just straight insults