IT'S ONLY Rome thread
for the love of god mommy please let me suckle boobies I've had such a bad day
this series literally made mommy fucking and sis fucking look like a good idea, i mean....
>you will never live the carefree life of a roman patrician with a host of willing slaves at your disposal, using them to sate your lust for your own mother
>tfw your will never fuck your sister and make her have a crisis of conscience
>tfw you will never become a chad emperor and go down in history as one of the most important people of all time
Wait when did he bang his sister?
atia was the real villain
>YWN get to be Mark Antony and fuck German sluts in the kitchen
What, how the hell did you forget that part?
Also, I forgot how good that guy playing Octavian was at the role.
like bull
reminder that there are at least a few hundred thousand cases in our history where a male successfully assfucked his 8+/10 mother on a weekly basis, and you're definitely not one of them
Attia was so fucking hot sometimes
Why did you want to make me feel this way?
>sudden flashback of being 12 with old vlc player and "Rome101" and replaying scene with the fat guy walking across the street over and over again in order to get to the scene after
can any scene top this?
easy, the torpedo-tits girl in the tub
meh. he didn't get to play videogames
i need to fuck
I'm here for Cleopatra. Monitoring this thread, don't let me down.
in real life was octavian a sociopath?
Octavia was so fucking hot
>rome's helen of troy is the main character
>Implying that mommy fucking isn't a great idea
post on /gif/ then post here for free (you)s pls
Kill yourself motherfucker
They never should've switched the actor, I thought the first guy was consistently better than the second
it might be the purest and strongest form of love
>anything named tub girl
They wanted to show a big Octavian
Reminder the second season is fucked because the writers realized they were going to be cancelled so they rushed through the Egypt story line. Rome was originally going to be 5 seasons
lol totally forgot about that shit
Octavian was a giga-Chad.
Am I misremembering or was there tons of weird gay shit in Rome too?
Patrician post
And what of good solonius?
I miss old Octavian.
The recast one was way more autistic than the old one. There was something endearing about old Octavian. None so with recast one.
Have a things for this deformed baby face Livia actress, she has a really nice body.
There were no gays in rome
i need to have sex or it's gonna be a problem soon
And she’ll slap you. Hot.
Have you penetrated anyone?
I gave this show a try. Pretty fucking meh, don't see why it is so popular here. Stopped at the part where Pompey arrives in Egypt. They didn't even film any battles.
>tfw still no torpedo tits webm
based octavia bro
Bet you thought game of thrones was wowsers epic zomg
I was going through the hight of puberty and was obsessed with ancient rome when this show originally aired. I expected something like history channel but ended up with political intrigue, buddy cop legionaries and more nudity than my frail body could handle
Why do people keep posting Spartacus trash in Rome threads?
only americans like these nonsensical shows
No, not really
Because they're faggots, user
maybe you should not visit an american website then
how yaa feel
my belly got full i got that meal
how ya feel how ya feel
what you feelin
i got bigger i used to be little
That scene where all the Roman girls watch varro doggystyle cuck a slave girl is still pure boner kino
why did she have to suffer ? all she wanted was someone who loved her
why won't she be my gf bros
Here you go
>why does the world obsess over what americans are doing
going to be a rude awakening when our empire crumbles (for you)
I cannot wait.
she looks so much like my ex-gf's sister. god i should've fucked the slut when i had the chance..
why did mark antony marry octavia instead of atia?
what the fuck
Vast majority of "evidence" of gays in ancient Rome or Greece was falsely interpreted on purpose by gay intellectuals at the time.
but then you'll be bored, who will you think of all day?
>gay intellectuals
There’s only 2 Spartacus posts
The same actress plays Mike's daughter in law in Better Call Saul
>In another timeline, Game of Thrones died for Rome
how do I make the hop over lads?
>might be
M/S is unadulterated beauty. Pure as the driven snow, theres no deceit, no malice just pure love and the Unbreakable Bond.
>I'll take dry water for twelve hundred Alex
Just rewatched this for the 5th time, my god the second season is so fucking great. Getting canceled was the best thing for them, every single episode is a goddamned masterpiece. It's like the "rushed" seasons of game of thrones but the exact opposite, everything is so well done and satisfying. James Purefoy is a fucking god in season 2, probably my favorite performance of all time. From his "Why so quiet?" In the first episode to "now that.. is an exit" and his goddamn fucking SOBS in the final episode it is true acting kino for true fucking Romans.
>I was far away...
>believing in made up shit like turing doings
>i should've fucked the slut when i had the chance..
I am convinced that if I had a sister I would've at least tried to fuck her from the moment she hit puberty. How in the hell isn't incest between brother and sister more common, is it just very well hidden?
Because you grow up hating your sister and all the stupid girly things she does. It's a different kind of love. Plus, they treat you differently from other guys.
rape-o loser lmao
presumably, people with low enough impulse-control to fuck their siblings would be out getting the dumbest bitch willing to sleep with the pregnant instead
Because you fucking faggot, if you try to have sex with your sister, and she's not in to it, she'll tell your parents and your life is fucked from there on.
My ex once told me when she was drunk in graphic detail that she used to fuck her little brother (four years younger) all the time when they were kids up until she hit like 14-15. Like literally suck his dick, sit on his dick, full penetration, everything. She said they never talked about it and she hoped he didn't remember and felt horrendous about it because she was older and felt like she had abused him. I couldn't really properly get across to her how fucking jealous I was and how, if he remembered it (of course he fucking does) he likely remembers it fondly. Shit, if I'd had like 7 or 8 years of being fucked by my older sister it would be masturbation fuel for the rest of my life.
or he might feel horribly violated and be fucked up with women forever
Now that she's your ex report her
>my perverted sex fantasies apply to real world circumstances with absolutely no harmful consequences!
God I totally agree with you though
Nah, he's happily married, gets on well with his family and is a pretty sound guy. I still hang out with him, he's pretty together.
For what?
>one picture of polly walker
I came here expecting to see Polly's fat tits. What the fuck is this bait and switch shit thread?
>tfw ywn be a slave
it looks so comfy bros
don't care lol
not everyone is low test like you
Based Oedipusposter
It's a deleted scene, they double team Cleopatra in Alexandria
fagfag here.
Bedrooms and Hallways
5 at best
what's having sex with a middle aged woman like
I live a better life than kings did so I'm good
no you wouldn't
t incest fag with a hot older sister, I'd never bang her
older sisters are, for whatever reason, my particular incest fetish, however
Pathetic. Why wouldn't you want to live like a king but also get to go down in history? Hell, I'd rather have a shit life but be remembered than be comfy and forgotten.
It's hard to grasp but you really don't view sisters the way you do other women. I have two younger sisters and I just don't see them with any attraction whatsoever, it's absent. Probably helps that I wouldn't be attracted to either of them even if they weren't my sisters, but there you go.
I don't have a hard on for being a major player in history, I care about living a self fulfilling life in this age than one back then.
Do foot massages count as sex?
There are studies that suggests incest avoidance is purely cultural.
If that's true then why do i want to fuck my mom?
Checkmate atheists
yikes, why are white boys like this?
Didn't women use to shave in ancient rome, why does she have a bush?
I'm an alatinx indigenes
Mature women are supposed to be hairy.
>Complaining about bush.
user, there's nothing hotter.
commies from the frankfurt school thought the same
Two very smart anons here
Why is her acting so fucking shitty in Better Call Saul when it seemed adequate in Rome?
The director was better in rome
I'm surprised this is still alive, what happened to the mods?
>being a Roman house slave is now preferable to being a wagie in McD
What a time to be alive
>Didn't women use to shave in ancient rome
>why does she have a bush
From the murals left over in bathhouses and brothels trimming the bush would movie in and out of fashion over time. Shaving, however, wasn't very prevalent in the Mediterranean but Egyptians and Persians both did. Especially Egyptians who would shave off everything excluding a beard on men (sometimes) and long hair on women (if it was straight, otherwise it was a wig.)
But again, fashions would change and change back. All we know for sure is they had the technology and occasionally the will but good luck nailing down a specific "ancient bush" timeline beyond generalities.
Seeing as you're a pusy hair historian, what people during what time period had the most pusy hair? And is there any historically-themed porn depicting this period?
since when did Octavian lust after his own mom? Is Yea Forums projecting cause I dont remember that part at all.
odds are you'd be one of those slaves
You are a slave today
Why did they use Celto-Germans to play Romans?
because it was a BBC-HBO co-production. if it was made today, half of the "romans" would be played by black actors.
The show made it seem he was sexually repressed due to the overt sexuality of his mother. You know, banging strange men all the time and her not caring about showing her naked body to her teenage son.
>HBO crap
>it is smut
wew who knew
We'll all get our own thing out of it I guess. Myself I'd have thrashed her with the buckle end of my belt until she was a shivering welted ruin of fear .
Now I don't mean to question you user, but why would that repress someone sexually? Wouldn't that open them up more, seeing other people be so.. 'free' with it?
No, because it wasn't normal. So his feelings of sexuality towards his mother turns into anger and bitterness.
Hence why he likes "to hurt women" in the show. They were probably trying to link it to his real life views of female purity and claim it was because he was actually a sexually repressed freak.
You know how they must always subvert morality.
I'm sorry you think so little of /ourbasedandredpilledguy/ John Milius, user.
crazy if true
>Why did they use Celto-Germans to play Romans?
Ironically thats how the Empire fell, it put Celts in the government.
believe it or not animals have evolved to hate their siblings so they are encouraged to go out their circle to find a mate to reproduce. This prevents inbreeding
it's common for siblings to experiment with each other sexually, but they generally don't "fall in love" and have kids.
>that big ass
Not in some time domina, my cock is starting to lose all feeling from my flagellelations
>she was sitting in that bath to let the horse drover's semen seep out of her
>now it's on her skin and in the air
>octavian identifies her mother with the smell of semen
Reminder that washing is NOT adultery
haha yeah totally
siblings are too genetically similar to be attractive or something
Your dad is more likely to bang your sister than you are
It's hot until it's your own mom/sis
Her tits were so nice.
I'm an only child, but I'd imagine having a little sister who truly was in love with you
I could imagine in reality it being very dangerous. Still hot though.
>go to sleep halfway through Rome thread
>wake up and it's still alive
It is a good day.
This fucker needs to be the reaction image for more of those kinds of posts. I see so many of those on these fucking boards
Except a shaved woman
That's hotter than a nasty hairy mess
>ywn be a Roman teenage boy fucking older Roman women and impregnating slaves with reckless abandon
Reminds me of that one dude who nailed that hot chick in Spartacus.