>It’s 1968 Yea Forums
Should I see this film? Everyone I know is saying it’s shit but I enjoyed Spartacus and this is the same director.
>It’s 1968 Yea Forums
Should I see this film? Everyone I know is saying it’s shit but I enjoyed Spartacus and this is the same director.
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Yes. You will see nuances of it in Silent Running, which will be released in the future. And the same for Star Wars, which will be released much later.
So it’s going to be a trilogy?
>Everyone I know is saying it’s shit
Audiences loved it and it was one of the most well-received films of the year.
The whole "dude people hated [classic] when it came out" only applies to a handful of comedies or horror films that didn't hit the right audience at first, other than that it's a meme to make plebs feel good about liking crap that everyone shits on. You know, kind of like you enjoy TLJ.
im pretty sure I read that critics hated it at release.
>200th space odyssey thread
can we have a /kino/ please? im sick of the mainstream garbage on this brainlet board
people walked out and critics were mixed
>Upon release,2001polarized critical opinion, receiving both ecstatic praise and vehement derision, with many New York-based critics especially harsh. Kubrick called them "dogmatically atheistic and materialistic and earthbound.
Critics hated literally everything that came out unless is was unpopular and massively pretentious and arty farty, or talked about race relations, or was complete Oscar bait. Look at Siskel and Ebert. Complete fucking hacks.
I've almost definitely seen more kinos than you and 2001 is still my favorite
Hear from the guy himself
>Kubrick: The four critics you mention all work for New York publications. The reviews across America and around the world have been ninety-five percent enthusiastic. Some were more perceptive than others, of course, but even those who praised the film on relatively superficial grounds were able to get something of its message. New York was the only really hostile city. Perhaps there is a certain element of the lumpen literati that is so dogmatically atheist and materialist and Earth-bound that is finds the grandeur of space and the myriad mysteries of cosmic intelligence anathema. But film critics, fortunately, rarely have any effect on the general public; houses everywhere are packed and the film is well on its way to becoming the greatest moneymaker in MGM’s history. Perhaps this sounds like a crass way to evaluate one’s work, but I think that, especially with a film that is so obviously different, record audience attendance means people are saying the right things to one another after they see it—and isn’t this really what it’s all about?
Every time someone says "dude classic was hated at its release" they're talking about people from cunty literary scenes that no one but their heirs care about. It was the highest grossing film of the year, and praised in festivals in a way that such films rarely were. 2001 was an event, it was widely adored, young boomers would watch it, then watch again, then watch again high.
fellini accidentally forgot to turn off the camera and filmed his balls while in the bath? 4 out of 4 stars, a life changing example of true art
Acting like a director wouldn’t embellish the reception of his film.
Holy fucking based
>I’ve passively consumed more films then you like the middlebrow monkey I am therefore my opinion is correct
A monkey watches, a man thinks faggot.
Yes because Yea Forums likes it.
>Everyone I know is saying it’s shit
Were any of those people from Yea Forums? No? Then they don't matter.
What's your top 5
He might have done that, but that would be dumb, since it's not like people wouldn't have read the newspapers and figured out for themselves. And I mean, the source of the Wikipedia passage one of you mentioned literally had only this as evidence of critics disliking it:
>It certainly didn’t when it first played in America. Star Keir Dullea says that during the New York premiere, 250 people walked out; in L.A., Rock Hudson not only left early but “was heard to mutter, ‘What is this bullshit?’”
>The film received mixed reviews, with many New York-based critics especially harsh. (Kubrick called them “dogmatically atheistic and materialistic and earthbound.”) However, The Hollywood Reporter gave it a full-page rave.
I mean, that's a hack writer picking up a few stances of people disliking it and trying to make it into a generalization for a film that took millions to the cinema, because saying that such a critically acclaimed film was hated at first makes a nice clickbait. I'll believe Stanley's words over a 4-paragraph article with this depth of research any time.
>Everyone I know is saying it’s shit
Get new friends, if you think this is shit, you're a mental midget, maybe Avengers is more for you.
Mr. Deeds
Jack & Jill
Anger Management
Grown Ups
The Cobbler
The premiere version is also quite different from the final cut. Around 20 minutes was cut including an opening segment of real life scientist interviews among other things.