Is Season 2 worth watching after Laura Palmer's killer is discovered...

Is Season 2 worth watching after Laura Palmer's killer is discovered? I've read that the majority of the rest of the season is soap opera shit. I want to get to watching Fire Walk With Me and The Return

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The return is shit. But yes, you should watch the rest because it picks up in the last few episodes and FWWM is some of the best TP.

No, and I say this as a big fan of the show. Watch the last two eps of S2, then FWWM, then The Return

It becomes a bit of a drag, but it's comfy twin peaks

Will I miss any important plot points if I skip to the last couple eps?

I laugh every time I get through the last two-thirds of season 2. The lodge wizards subplot could have been great, but it was surrounded in shit.

Just watch everything man, it's only 3 seasons and 2 movies.

Not really related to tp, but it's still david lynch:
Is mullholand drive on the same level of scariness as twin peaks or is it scarier, like a horror movie? I was pretty spooked to watch tp but it ended up not being half as scary as people said, but now i'm psyching myself out over mulholland drive, supposedly it too has some horror-like scenes.

just watch it :)
it's not scary.

Season 2 is really awful, I generally never suggest skipping anything, but literally it's fucking painfully bad and you will miss absolutely nothing just skipping to the final Lynch directed episodes

s2 was horrible, it honestly ruined s1 for me, im not a big lunch fan to begin with but come the fuck on. i dont get le ironic soap opera thing somehow

There's only one scene I'd qualify as horror-like, you don't need to worry.

The problem is season 2 was an unironic soap opera. Lynch didn't direct or write anything but the beginning and end

>pilot = dogshit
>s1 episodes 1 to 6 = good
>s1 episode 7 and s2 episodes 1 to 9 = kino
>s2 episodes 10 to 19 = dogshit
>s2 episodes 20 to 22 = kino
>s3 = kino

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>pilot = dogshit
opinion discarded. stopped reading there. end your life.

S2 has some decent moments amidst absolute dogshit. Fuck James and fuck the fake Japanese guy plot

Why did you not like the pilot but like the rest of season 1

Just skip all the scenea with the eye patch lady and james and you should be good to go.

Most of the episode had shitty acting by james, donna, mike, bobby (overacting and acting like a stereotypical bully from a high school drama for teens) and audrey (she was mooooordered *le sad face*), it had some iconic scenes like sarah and leland reacting to the news of their daughters death, but the pilot was a slog for me. the show becomes thrice as good afterwards, and the actors improve, even james.
forgive me for not liking the romeo on a motorcycle.

Season 3 (the new shits) sucked so bad, I forced my way to the halfway point, stopped, and read episode synopses on Wikipedia.

Season 2 was great, even after "the climax." It gets even weirder, totally worth wrapping up.

>didn't like the return
Not gonna make it.

After Laura’s killer is revealed I skipped towards the final episode. Didn’t feel lost or anything


Fuck yourself

season 2 was better than the return
search your feelings, you know it's true

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No, it's pointless shit like a neverending Packard Mill subplot, James Hurley brooding, and literal baby mama drama. When Lynch showed up for the last episodes he said "fuck this" and abruptly ended most of it with little explanation.


Windom Earle is inquestionably the best part of season two, simply because what enshrouds the Deleuzian representation of negation in “The Black Lodge” is by nature (W)indom (E)arle. We, the pure ample aspiration, the capital v-Viewer are held fantastically in a grip of pleasure as "solicitude", certainty as “knowingness” and “The Black Lodge” as ontological blockchain/godhead. TMFAP is absolute fact in opposition but the baroque villainy of WE's (and any Lovecraftian) the same sin to die “now” as on the path to Madness. The conditional “It” (DC) creates nothing in response, Earle's own humanity is reflected in his oeuvre of disguise-personalities. (performed) To WE (& the normative Cooper &Briggs) the Implacability of unsure sentiment is Earle’s selfenforcing principle, pleasure--simplicity. In Palmer, the reprised intelligences move towards psychosomatic transgression. WE's sickness is symptom & myth unlike the Palmer daughter his active agent is not important, but “normal” and yet pronouncedly considerable as such, bidding. “We a the, of not can he.” The subject of Earle is in an undiluted terrace viewed viewers become wrote wonders, noting nothing Indian anyhow in the Black Lodge (negation).

Then, there’s Earle, the something coupling with Lodge entities, (call it “force”, of what? of course: illusion. – by since And because of supremacy In ALL perceptions, (rare & cloistered the issue may be) what we then Now view as reality, IS,) [in WE's] subjection a full picture. In an open letter to Kenneth Welsh “Windom Earle” one asks to which if not to want introduction (Mark Frost) gigantic of up wrote run life, (MF) introduction, revelation, dreams, & value system, (MF,MF,DL,MF) ie. AS Windom Earle hAS in the Black Lodge. (the rudimentary transition in S2 of Windom A into form Windom B.) Perhaps to “comfyfags“ will greet these upon death, a paradoxical death for those who existence infects.

Bobby talking to his dad about his dream was the best scene in the show but too much of the season was crap especially every scene with the flamboyant guy

The Return had the highest highs and most consistent atmosphere of any season.
The fact that it's a middle finger to all the boomers who wanted more comfy shit makes it even better.

FWWM > The Return > Last Episode of original series > Pilot > Season 2 before killer reveal > Season 1 > Season 2 after Killer reveal > Kino

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Harold is Yea Forums


Mullholand Drive isn't scary... It is so worth watching

You're a retard, shut the fuck up

The pilot is one of the best episodes.

yeah watch it, it's a few more hours. big deal. it ain't great, but it can be funny. form your own opinion. but when you watch the movie get the cut scenes too (called the missing pieces), or find a copy with them spliced back in to the film. movie donna might be best girl.

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its the same as twin peaks. a couple of scenes that are horror

I think it's fine to skip but make sure you watch the last episode, maybe last two.
Honestly if it's your first time watching I would watch the whole thing anyway.

This. Last episode is fantastic

Season 2 is worth watching all the way through. Avoid Fire Walk with Me and The Return at all costs.