How did Seinfeld get away with this?
Serious question
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damn, how did they mock a white prison gang and get away with it?
Twitter didn't exist back then.
jerry ipad
The writers was a Jew. Jason Alexander and Larry David used to clash all the time because Larry David was willing to poke fun at his own kind but Jason found it offensive.
Explain this then
Jerry Seinfeld aquire large touch screen Apple device.
If Seinfeld were set in Portland instead of New York and also set in the mid 2000s and also starred a cast 10 years younger than the original cast.
What a stupid image.
>And the Jews... steal our money through their Zionist Occupied Government...
Jerry get Arts degree
George get job at vape shop
Elaine write romance novels for dykes and homosexuals
Kramer get YouTube prank channel
Newman is a janny on an imageboard.
Kramer makes his and jerry's apartment an Airbnb
Kramer borrows Jerrys car to be an Uber driver.
"That makes 20 bucks Jerry"
"But it's MY car!"
Jerrys new date knows Newmans wifi password.
kramer gets a gofundme
newman dox racist kramer
I see this idea get posted all the posted, but what would be the actual joke or the punchline of that episode?
>Black pride
>Asian pride
>Jewish pride
>Gay pride
>White pride
Newman casts weird stuff on Jerry's tv in the middle of the night. Jerry thinks his tv is haunted
is this what it's like to have a room temperature IQ?
You would know
People weren’t pussies back then
jery get ipad
youre not gonna open with that are you?
@OP they got away with it because jerry seinfeld and larry david are jews so its okay for them to make jew jokes.
just like how mel brooks makes tons of jew and hitler jokes, he stormed the beaches of normandy so he gets a free pass
Jewish owned media
unironically, it was a different time, literally
It was a different time.
it was post rodney king
>what is historical precedent
christ imagine just throwing out the entire history of why people have a problem with white pride because you want to throw a temper tantrum that you arent getting equal attention. why not celebrate your national origin? Oh wait youre an american and your national origin is free refills and urban sprawl i guess you truly have nothing to celebrate
is Black a nationality?
Fucking retard
comedy was allowed at the time
>be German
>take pride in being German
>imagine just throwing out the entire history
Which is ironic because you're strongly implying that ethnic conflict is somehow a unique pursuit of whites and not an absolute constant throughout all of human history.
Modern day communists are actually retarded. Fascists only exist as a response to your overreaching policies. If you are smart you would realize that you created this.
don't forget Jerry "separate but equal" Seinfeld
>Jewish pride
Have you even met any Jews? They all hate themselves.
They are white and they are also jewish. They deserve every ounce of hate they get
They all hate the dirty, stupid fucking goyim more though.
Italian pride is fine
Irish pride is fine
Russian pride is fine
English pride is fine
Stop kvetching you feeble minded retarded
post height and jaw
oy vey what faggot? when have you seen people kvetching at Russians for national pride?
Seinfeld got away with a lot of stuff early on when no one was watching. George slipped in a “Jesus!” a couple times (you really have to listen for it) and called Jerry a jerkoff once, and as far as I know those are verboten in prime time sitcoms even now.
I would crush your head and jaw in with a hammer
>Italian pride is fine
>Irish pride is fine
>Russian pride is fine
>English pride is fine
Are you a time traveler from the late nineties? Someone should get you up to speed, because things are a little different now.
did I strike a nerve there fatty?
>when have you seen people kvetching at Russians
Are you serious?
>Someone should get you up to speed, because things are a little different now.
When have you seen someone kvetch at Russians or Irish for displaying pride? Stop trying to force your victim narrative in places it simply doesn't exist
imagine being this racist
Try me mossad. I'm taller, stronger, and better armed. Try to come to my house moshe
>for national pride
Convenient how you cut that quote off isn't it you dishonest little kike?
I like how it basically comes back to the paper bag test. it's okay to be proud just check your privilege.
ya boiling fat man
kys kike
Kikes don't care about national pride
Your pic has literally nothing to do with people kvetching at Irish for Irish pride you feeble minded retarded.
Jesus Christ is the True Son of God and you will boil in a vat of excrement for rejecting your Lord and Savior
ya seething fat boy
>jerry get ipad
>Kramer has pro
You will boil traitor.
ya fuming fatty
Oy very
Oy vey
Open borders for Israel
>George lives with parents
>they get smart tv and wireless sound system
>he was watching series all day streaming from his computer
>watches porn at night
>forgets to unpair the audio
English pride is unironically considered racist now
ya fucking kike
Are you seriously from twenty years ago? Making a show of genuine English pride in England would run the risk of genuine criminal charges (i.e. the events surrounding the EDL). The Italians are being smeared top to bottom in the media for having the audacity to elect "far-right" parties that favor supporting the natives over the foreign denizens washing up on their shores. It's a similar story across central Europe where entire nations are branded racist for having some semblance of ethnic unity and pride. In the German speaking world it's outright verboten and Scandinavia is a similar story.
Id still fuck flannel elaine
It's almost like white people subjugated half the globe.
That's was your white pride time. Theres no such thing as "white" anyways
it was a differant time
Serious question, how did Seinfeld get away with this one?
It was back when people stopped taking shit that didn't matter so seriously.
Seinfeld, David, and Brooks aren't Israeli though.
No that would be those who get offended at white pride.
Is that what you call uplifting savages.
>when have you seen people kvetching at Russian
Last two years
>entire history of why people have a problem with white pride
What history?
"Irish pride" is literally just a bunch of green t-shirts and an excuse to get shitfaced.
the entire episode was them making fun of white nationalists
But thats subtly inclusive shit, shitskins who live in europe are part of those pride, none of it is actually white.