cast it.
Cast it
arthas - me
jaina - moner
cuck'thas - OP
idris elba
There is nobody alive that could properly convey Arthas' aesthetics AND act as a tragic character at the same time.
Besides, the culling of stratholme, his defining moment, has been cucked and retconned to death by WoW plotlines.
garithos - liam neeson
arthas - me
jaina - bonbi
cuck'thas - OP
wow is not canon
Could Heath Ledger have done it?
>Besides, the culling of stratholme, his defining moment, has been cucked and retconned to death by WoW plotlines
Unfortunately, it is.
>Besides, the culling of stratholme, his defining moment, has been cucked and retconned to death by WoW plotlines.
No! WoW should be animated the same way all cinematic trailers have been until now. It's the best way to portray the world. With the amount of CGi that would be required hiring actors is redundant if not retarded.
Go watch the cutscenes from WoW yourself. WotLK entire expansion, every secondary and tertiary storyline shoehorned in to "develop the character" when it's just more filler for an mmo.
I'd rather not explain this garbage, it hurts too much.
I meant W3, but with the artstyle of of WoW cinematics.
Miles Teller as a quippy Arthas
I play WoW. What you actually mean is that you're full of shit. The Culling of Stratholme hasn't been mentioned since Wrath and played out as a dungeon, where the events were basically the same as they were originally. Whether they fucked up Arthas' character after that or not (they didn't), the Culling was never retconned or toned down.
No to Jaina. Who plays Sylvie?
Here is your Illidan Stormrage, sir.
Can't believe he hasn't been memotioned yet
WOTLK is the conclusion of the warcraft story
Katie Mcgrath
>not John Rhys-Davies as Muradin
kit harington
Gleeson is a better actor by far.
You're full of shit.
>Arthas and his group of loyal Alliance troops will stand and guard the exit gate while 10 waves of undead goes through the city. After 5 waves have been killed, Meathook will appear. After another 5 waves, Salramm the Fleshcrafter spawns. Unlike Black Morass's event, this instance's event will not reset fully if the party wipes.
After the undead threat has been dealt with in this part of Stratholme, the party along with Arthas will start running through the city to get to Mal'Ganis. But on the way there, in the town hall, the infinite dragonflight has a surprise waiting for him. In the disguise of ordinary humans, they will try to stop Arthas in his tracks and manipulate the time line. While Arthas merely believes that the infinite dragonflight is just an ally of the Scourge, he will later find the real mastermind behind the dragonflight invasion is Chrono-Lord Epoch. After dealing with him, the group moves on through a secret backdoor.
And it goes on. Le wow spin on stratholme. I believe there was also cringe shit like sjw npcs with typical virtue signalling dialogue.
You clearly have not played a second of WotLK, almost every quest in northrend affects his character in one way or another, his motivations, nerzhul's plans. It's all fucking fanfiction, just like that one shit self-masturbatory book written by Christie Golden. And with reforged, they are planning to filler in all the wow garbage into it.
Go shill someplace else, preferably in 8.2, your containment place.
fucking based
Holy shit
that's the thing with comicbook-like canons - moviemakers can just choose what they like
Damn. I was not prepared for that suggestion.
daily quality post on Yea Forums
Dude the whole shit with the infinite dragon flight literally changes nothing, the OG timeline where arthas culls stratholme without any dragon fuckery is still true, he had his memory wiped anyways so it literally changes nothing, all of the caverns of time dungeons just exist so they can make dungeon/raid versions of things that happened in warcraft.
cast him
I think in WoW you see that Arthas is actually killing non infected people.
In Wc3 every one is infected.
>dude kael'thas goes crazy and is evil lmao!
>dude illidan is evil
>dude no wait illidan is good!
i dont even have the willpower to go on with the examples, the only sensible option is declaring wow non-canon desu
Nikolaj as Arthas
I vividly remember virtue signalling npcs, that were not infected and it was so obvious they were backpedaling because for the wow audience it was a touchy subject
they literally changed everything about it from the warcraft 3 cutscene, even removed rain
go compare the raid and the cutscene, are you seriously trying to tell me the retard in culling is the same arthas?
Leave Azeroth to me
far too old, you want a guy who can at least play him from late teens into his 20s, 3 different actors for boy, teen and man isn't ideal.
Whoever made this underage
>Mentor's name is flat out Uther
WOW fuckin inspired character names there blizzard LMAO
>And with reforged, they are planning to filler in all the wow garbage into it
I knew they were doing some questionable things like changing the map lay-out of that mission and re-recording Arthas with a different voice actor, but I still have high hopes it's going to be good. The teams working on the RTS games are not the same as the teams working on Diablo Mobile or Cosmetics of Mountcraft.
Except that's completely wrong because you wanted to say something was cucked like the retarded memelord you are.
If anything they made The Culling MORE brutal because Arthas didn't even show the grim resignation he did in the WC3 version. He was straight up "Burn this motherfucker down and kill every nigga here." Literally held the city gates and killed fleeing civilians while you fought the Scourge.
>there not being rain makes it not the same arthas
are you for real
>even removed rain
>are you seriously trying to tell me the retard in culling is the same arthas?
The dialogue is literally ripped wholesale from WC3. Arthas dismissing Jaina and Uther is literally worded identically, as is his dialogue with Mal'Ganis. Word for word.
will there be a second warcraft movie? I think jones did a pretty good job
It bombed and WoW is on its legs. Doubtful.
Production Budget: $160 million
= Worldwide: $433,677,183
holy shit you're so based
can you PLEASE stop samefagging now?
>If anything they made The Culling MORE brutal
that's a circular argument
there was nothing brutal about it, there was a plague, it was spread, he had no alternative
this was the premise
there was NO reason to add any spin on it
no reason to add any bullshit fanfiction dialogue or garbage pacing about absolutely nothing
they took a well established character and convinced themselves the wow spin actually made him better when it was not broken to begin with
it was a scene about a difficult action that a leader had to take, in a situation where he had absolutely no other tangible and real solution to
THAT is what made it memorable and full of substance
backpedaling with fanfiction only lessens it, lessens the character, the conviction and drive for revenge thereafter and as a result, lessens you as a man and a critical thinker just for coping that it actually added any depth of any kind when it was not needed or required
are you?
dont take what I say out of context
they literally took a perfectly kino scene, made in a shitty game enginge and fucked with it, changed the scene, the characters, the dialogue, the pacing, everything just to suit an mmo raid and a bunch of proverbial special snowflakes
can't believe you retards are actually defending this trash
I'm out
he's simply stating the truth sir
sorry sir not going to happen again
>they literally took a perfectly kino scene, made in a shitty game enginge and fucked with it, changed the scene, the characters, the dialogue, the pacing, everything just to suit an mmo raid and a bunch of proverbial special snowflakes
but the dialogue is taken verbatum which has been said many times this thread, you just want to jump on the hatewagon and shit on the game unobjected and then get mad when you're proven wrong
thanks for reminding me of this shit scene, go hurr yourself into the 8.2 toilet with your wow lore for considering this up to par or anywhere close to the cinematic scene of a fucking rts of all things,
>dragging somebody into a shit debate about defending a character and an mmo cutscence over an rts cutscene
just think for 1 second how retarded your life is
It bombed in the US and that's all that matters. It still didn't draw a dime worldwide once you consider non-production expenses. Duncan Jones has already said a sequel isn't happening. If it was profitable, why is that?
the only i'm mad is that it's only gonna get worse
and we will never have a kino scene, or character, like this for a very long time
because of you
>here is your young Jaina bro
>get BTFO
>start desperately rambling like a nutter
nothing personnel... kid...
we will never have a kino scene like this again because you get proven wrong on a bulgarian rug-weaving forum? whatever you say user
>I went around looking to cosh any elven bastard
why reveal your trickery when I covered for you with my reply bro?
The guy who played Hickey
no, we will never get a scene like this again because you deconstruct and sprinkle bullshit onto strong ideas and good characters just so you could feel a part of it instead of learning something and working hard at producing content of your own within said universe
it was a good scene, but because you are infantile consumer trash without backbone or integrity now it's backpedaled and retconned into whatever doesn't offend you
I couldn't give a shit about any sjw fantasies, but this is not the Arthas that I came to read, play and know from the warcraft experience
and that's why I thought wow was a mistake
but now I am convinced, game itself has no fault
because you are a mistake
and everyone like you that made warcraft into what it is today
kindly attach yourself to another franchise, maybe it will recover
>I couldn't give a shit about any sjw fantasies, but this is not the Arthas
What did they change about the scene that made it more sjw? Wtf are you actually talking about, I want to know.
you're mother
So you're shitposting and being a memelord fishing for (You)s. Got it.
no, this stops right now
I have said what bothered me. If I start talking about things like cinematography in an rts, it will only give retards more opportunity to riducule me. The warcraft 3 scene plays and reads extremely well and it's wow counterpart, even played "verbatim" as mentioned, does not stand to scrutiny. Not even close. Even those who have experienced the culling through WoW for the first time, go and watch the original cinematic for greater effect. That is the last thing I will say about this.
This discussion was about the bastardization of Arthas as a character through his transition from warcraft 3 to world of warcraft, through fanfiction, "novels" and wow quests that had absolutely nothing to do with the tragedy and development of the character we got familiar with in warcraft 3 and it never will.
so the "sjw stuff" that you claim exist doesn't even have anything to do with the scene then? And yes, it plays a lot more stilted in the game, but I always thought it was just a way to make the culling of stratholme into a dungeon and revisiting that scene for character reasons as you're building up to defeating Arthas in Northrend. It's like a flashback to really hammer home the journey he's been on.
There's nothing that hammers the journey he's been on. It was a cheap knockoff raid to filler in the time for the next exp while pleasing both the casuals and the neckbeard minority that had high hopes for it. You're literally delusional and haven't even been through puberty when this actually happened.
I doubt there would be much outrage anyway if they actually added the bullshit they sprinkled around the raid and the npc dialogue into the actual scene. With retards like you defending it and defending this Arthas, I suppose I doubt anyone would care.
That's why we will never have memorable and strong characters in this franchise ever again.
have sex incel
>it's a 5 man not-even-level-80 dungeon + a Heroic
>filler for the next expansion
>it was released with Wrath, available to run once you hit 78
>...i mean no they didn't BUT I BET IF THEY DID NOBODY WOULDVE CARED
This is a shitposter, people. Stop giving it (You)s so it can go dilate.
Here's your Arthas, bro.
cry harder wrathbaby
*blocks your path*
redditcore casting choices
back to your GoT containment threads
Yeah, i could see it. He's actually a bit old to play Arthas (Arthas was mid-20s at Stratholme) but he's definitely got the look.