ITT: Music albums that could be adapted into films

ITT: Music albums that could be adapted into films

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It has been already adapted.


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*strums guitar poorly*
*stamps autistically*
*sobs loudly*
*smashes guitar into the ground*

roger waters can't do shit without david gilmour

And it seems like Dave Gilmour can't do shit without Nick Mason and Rick Wright.

Good Kid, M.A.A.D City and To Pimp a Butterfly


Steinman's music is ripe for adaption. Lots of lovely imagery. Don't know why it hasn't been done.

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I picture the movie being a surreal mesh of a warewolf horror movie and a corny high school movie, with Lynchian visuals and abstract storytelling.

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>That one looks Jewish
>And that one's a COOOOON

absolutamente basado

>If i had my way...
>Id have all of you SHOT

Dream Theater - Metropolis Part 2

Blood on Ice would make a pretty cool viking/Conan the Barbarian-style movie.

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disgusting band

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Were they trying to make fascism look cool?

Such a metal cover for a non-metal album

They succeeded

I didn't think they could get any more BASED

I saw the band moe. do a pink floyd set with lasers at peach festival and when they finished the song they took a looooooooong pause before this part and I yelled SING THE WHOLE SONG. It was edited out of the soundboard I have and the entire pause is gone but whatever they sang it and could have pussied out.

That is a Trump rally.

Gkmc is based on Boyz N the Hood

Waters is a fucking genius, he knew /pol/friends would be a thing in the fucking 70s.

Everyday Chemistry, that Beatles mashup album

Netflix doesn't have enough nigger shit for you already?

Nice Youtube comment.

I'd like to see a Rammstein album be adapted to a movie. Could be kino if done right.

I'm legitimately surprised that Alice Cooper's "The Last Temptation" was never made into a movie.

It's basically a little rock opera all about sin, fall, and redemption. It's one of his best, yet most people have never heard of it.

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Court of the Crimson King

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Gilmie cope

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Not film. Just one long, dreary music video.

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Lmao it's real
>Waters was on a roll. Israel is a “brutal and oppressive regime.” And the rabbis, oh, those murderous, racist rabbis. “The right-wing rabbinate is so bizarre. They believe that everybody that is not a Jew is only on Earth to serve them and the indigenous people of the region that they kicked off the land in 1948 … since they are subhuman. The parallels with what went on in the ’30s in Germany are so crushingly obvious.”
Still bluepilled, but I'm slapping a based on it anyway.

Such a shame this hasn't gotten its rock opera adaptation. If someone gave me money for it I'd spend a year or two making a stop motion animated movie of this.

>Dystopian future where music is illegal
>Music executives blowing each other
>Graphic sex with gay robots
>"whyyy does it hurt when I peeeee"
>Greatest Zappa solo of all time near the end

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Still haven't finished this album because I always start listening at 4:30 AM and fall asleep halfway through

Dios mio Raimi

it's a good album. instead of thinking that it's a normal album with individual songs, think about it as if it was one big song, that flows throughout the whole thing.

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So... Ginger Snaps, the movie that inspired the album?

Great album

on an island has some pretty good songs though whilst everything waters shat out was another shitty the wall knock off

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we're living in one

Cope. Amused to Death was better than The Division Bell, and Is This The Life We Really Want? blew Rattle That Lock out of the water.

Haha I saw a few moe. shows back in the day. I saw basically all the jambands; Phish, the Dead, Widespread Panic, Disco Biscuits, STS9, The New Deal, Leftover Salmon, String Cheese Incident, Rusted Root, several Phil and Friends lineups, moe., Govt Mule, etc etc. Didn't really like all of then but it was the crowd I ran in, who also went raving a lot. Jumped ship around the time of Umphrees emerging, who I hated, and because I'd long since been getting into experimental music.

Still have fun though with that scene and there's actually a lot of dateable, chill girls into it.

Pink Floyd is the most overrated boomer shit ever

Not exactly.

This would be some fucking kino, lemme tell you boys. His solo album, Daffy's Elixr, would make a fantastic Wild Western Fantasy movie

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good answer

The songs are great and contain lots of rich imagery, but they don't really form a cohesive story imo.

Pink Floyd is good though. You seem like a queer. maybe you could find a black bull to fuck your queer nigger ass instead?


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The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway
Jodorowsky was in talks with Peter Gabriel about adapting it. Unfortunately, it fell through because Peter insisted upon playing the lead.

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Star Wars or Pink Floyd fans. Can't say which is more detestable really.

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Who would direct?

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Lynch gets my vote

You're a genius.

Onions wars or good music? You can't say? Hmmmm, I got some bad news for you Nancy.

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t. zoomer

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Meh. All there albums are hipster masterpieces because they sound like turds sloshing about in genesis p's septic tank.

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Already adapted. That's the soundtrack dummy.

Tommy : The Who

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>There's been a lot of upsetting, very upsetting things that I can't allow to happen anymore. I have to be like a soldier and march away. 'Cause I'm very delicate in a lot of ways, and things get to me, and effect me... in a very adverse manner. I don't need that; don't need that. I feel now like minus something, you know, I feel faded; I don't feel like I'm all here. I think it'll come back; I hope it'll come back. There's a lot of color missing, from the way I feel, and my face, and, you know, just everything. There's some kind of zest, or... life, you know, that seems to be faded temporarily, because I've been so drained, emotionally, by a number of things. That has to slowly build back up, and then it has to be kept sustained; it cannot be allowed to be diminished.
it bothers me that we will never know the stories behind the people in these weird recordings

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They had mdma back then?

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>The Wall
how did they know?

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How does a person hate Umphrey’s? I genuinely am curious.

It certainly does seem weird to like all that other stuff but not them.


Radio kaos is a great album

Also deltron 3030 and prince of theives are a few rap albums that could be movies

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Came to post this. He wrote a script for one back in the 90s called Bat out of Hell 2100. It's online if you're interested.

And given the fact that Steinman is a gay pedophile, he'd fit right in in Hollywood.

The whole Magma mythos desu. Humans travel to a distant planet, lose contact with earth, evolve to a higher species, come back in contact with earth humans.

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not familiar wit the album, but that story could be turned into a good movie

Fucking based. Quorthon was the man.

Anyway I'm going with Abigail, but any of King Diamond's concept albums would make great horror films.

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Pink Floyd are short

>tfw it's Monday

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Daily reminder that John Lydon did NOT actually hate Pink Floyd. He wore that t-shirt because he wanted to be an edgelord. He liked them, and loved Can and other prog bands like that.

I like this album lol

Based choice.

For me, it's Operation Mindcrime.

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>Racist and homophobic attitudes only emerged when /pol/ was created

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ZZ Top driving through Texas and getting into wacky adventures in the Eliminator

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none of them can do shit without each other, that's why 70s floyd was peak

Echoes was the last TRU Pink Floyd song

Roger waters can't do shit. Everything he said he wrote came he stole from Syd

Gen X

It'd be like Children of Men meets The Matrix

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meddle, dsotm, wywh, animals and the wall were all kino in different ways

>I want to feel the hot, piquant nuggets

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With fishing for fishies and polygondwonaland, we'd have one hell of a trilogy.

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>the band is just fantastic, that's really what I know
>oh by the way, which one is moe?

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