HoH: Christie
Veto: Sam
Noms: Cliff, Bimbo
Camp Director: Jackson
Banished: David
Previously on /bb/:
HoH: Christie
Veto: Sam
Noms: Cliff, Bimbo
Camp Director: Jackson
Banished: David
Previously on /bb/:
first for based aquaman shitting on all the shitters
Noms: Cliff, Bimbo
you had one job and even got the pic right.
lol bella really dislikes kemi wtf
reminder that ovi gets to go home and pound this piece of ass every night4
it's one thing he was butthurt. another is that he was obsessed with paul and thought everyone was paul and he was the good guy that didn't let him win and would be loved. that's why right after the show, when he realized public loved tyler he started backtracking like crazy
>toilet? explain.
lol jack called him a virgin and suspects his girlfriend is fake
>christie giving jackson protection from the girls
oh god these 3 in the SR going far is worst case scenario
for someone like that to be with ovi, she must be batshit crazy
Nothing wrong with being a spiteful jury member. People suck Codys dick for being one.
>celebrating even though you had absolutely nothing to do with being saved
they were not not necessary. he wanted to save his people, just like true alliance should, not this garbage that's going on right now
can someone webm nicole dancing just now in the storage room
Jackson needs to ride this wave hard. If he can maintain this position until the girls start attacking eachother in a few weeks he has an easy road to victory.
tommy actually eats a lot
you going to be beating off tonight? i see you
there is a lot of wrong with being spiteful over game moves. paul got what he deserved because with him nothing was about game.
they were pissy about tyler because he outplayed them and only that. if everyone votes like that, the only future way to win bb is to do absolutely nothing
bimbo is starting to look good to me
This is always the worst part about production meddling. the brainlets actually think they caused the flip and are masterminds.
lmao Jess keeps trying to spread that Ovi and Jack are secretly aligned. what a dumbo
their only saving grace may be david. if he's not coming back this weak, one of them is going home next
based mistman jack
I'm worried he's gonna think he has to stick with Aquaman. Being attached to a house target who can win a veto is a horrible spot
I would have been a spiteful Jury member in 19. Being pissed at being outplayed is pathetic. Being pissed because one player was given cheat codes, tailored comps and a free alliance is justified.
i mean Jack does have F2 with Ovi, just like with everybody else
they actually are. they were 'working together' while playing checkers yesterday. in truth it was aqua using him and ovi trying to do anything, but still, even a fake alliance is an alliance
scottie voting for kaycee makes zero sense
he just voted with haleigh like a good cuck
I feel like I'm really mature for my age
quarky is CUTE!
I'm hoping he has the smarts to realize that's a bad idea. He realizes that Bimbo is a sinking ship and he's distancing himself from her, I pray he will see that Jack is imploding soon.
they are RUNNING this house
this is the true reason
holly and jackson talked about taking out aquaman
i think holly will be protecting him for the whole game
mole voted for tyler. scottie was licking bayleigh's boots and he continues to do so today
same. Anal seems very boring now and the affects of her good looks have worn off desu
i forgot there's 30 sissyfags archiving her every move, not gonna cap her anymore
Scottie had great potential, he could have easily made it to F4 with victory potential if he hadn't been addicted to Haleigh's cunny mist. Unironically that deal with the bros early on would have been good for his game.
you should keep doing it, to finally kill 4channel archive servers
this cast sucks, i kind of want her to go soon so i wont have any reason to keep watching
sorry it was a good shot. I try to get a little of everyone. some have more expressive faces
i just cap what's on my screen when appropriate, no bias. blame the camerman
Goddamn Jackson is in a good spot right now. Tommy, Holly, Jackson are miles ahead of everyone else in this game.
that will show us lol
have fun posting a bunch of shitty caps nobody is going to save or repost
>Unironically that deal with the bros early on would have been good for his game.
you do realize that was a straight up lie right? lol
>"Its okay when Paul gets screwed by a bitter jury!!"
This is why I can't take your opinion serious. A bitter jury is a bitter jury. Alex/Jason/Mark/Elena had no right to be spiteful about Paul, they got played fair and square and loved sucking his dick while it happened. As for BB18, Paul got fucked by Dayboon voting for Shitcole because vet reasons and Nat voting based on who had a pussy.
they did a reddit meme at POV
ANAL wants kids by 26
Uh no, scottie was mentally deficient and a rat.
sorry girls, maybe i was being aggro. better to have too many cappers than just one, or none.
well having a job was certainly out of the question
>Tommy thinks that if you work out enough you pass on better genetics to your kids
What the fuck?
God I wish I could be the one to knock her up
i appreciate you owning it. apology accepted
The whole Rockstar's daughters birthday
It was either Sam's kids or Cliff's kids birthday, and Sam had a speech that was something like "I can't believe I'd use POV on you on my son's birthday!"
What would a fag know about reproduction?
all good my girl, she has some nice faces but i dont really follow her on the feeds
after markie is anyone really photogenic?
oh look nobody got all over this guys dick cause he asked for a cap... see i knew it was only cause i asked for an analyse cap. you guys are so easy to read i would cook every one of you if we were in the house
It might have been at the start, but the bros still would have been indebted to him and it would ahve become real once Rachel started melting down and splitting their alliance.
That was his other problem. I'm just saying he was in a perfect position in the house to do well multiple times, and he threw it away because he was obsessed with Mole.
hormone levels do absolutely have an effect on child development.
>better Devin
Jesus christ Sam just called Jack "the Devin"
webms are different tham actual caps
Ovi says he loves twitter lol. if only he knew
a man of my own kind
she's toasting the white bread
whacktivity comp confirmed for monday. enjoy your feeds being down
still seething there, bub
>Alex/Jason/Mark/Elena had no right to be spiteful about Paul
you brought up cody and i was talking about cody.
paul is a twat, but he should have won twice
that's twice sam has mentioned devin on feeds
sounds good. I watch way too much.
Swaggy N? Is that you bro?
haha fuck good post bro
Devin forgives him
that’s fine since I have a job
who /freeagency/ here?
fucking based
posting this whenever sam speaks the name of our lord
Goddamn I see the goblina potential in her. She is gonna look like Arnold's maid in a couple years.
i miss devin so fucking much bros
holy shit she put a lot of red pepper flakes on that avocado toast
sam is actually pretty chill but i feel like his DRs are gonna be awful
there's an episode tonight, right?
that :o face ana makes is CUTE QT
look, capping the same thing 10 times is one thing, but png'ing it is another...
how many other dudes has she fucked since he's been in the house?
well yeah she’s mostly mexican
Considering that she's probably a hired escort his rich bangladeshi family got for him, we are looking at double digit numbers.
look at this dude. nothing like a good joke to start the day.
pistons dont even have the cap space to afford him lmao
pretty hype about this
analyse is reminding me of mole a lot in her first week. just constantly moving and jumping around
sam and jack talking football
>they just read twitter and whine about racism
so they'd fit in well here
abhorrent post
you've found your model
does nick ever shut up?
holy fuck its real
nets just cucked the knicks so bad
kryie too lmao
west coast baby can't handle some nj bantz?
very qute
im from nj he just never stops talking
and deandre jordan as their C
since when is talking non stop bants?
dat ass
are you retarded? oh wait, you're from new jersey. obviously.
pace yourself buddy
eh, he's more washed up than a whale carcass.
>if it bounces it doesn't count
what the fuck?
miss me yet
they're actually practicing cornhole because they believe it will be an HoH comp
*gets injured*
he just needs to play defense and get offensive rebounds
the offense will run through kyrie & KD
It’s true. Also if you get 11 points before the person can score it is a skunk and you win.
I still can't believe kemi is safe this week
she was a dead woman walking 2 days ago
they're retarded
i don't pay enough attention for rules like that lol. also not having to score exactly 21 is retarded.
a great third man on a championship team I guess
no chance, he's got people to watch his back now
she stares off into space so much
she’s looking for you ayynon
thousand cock stare
>also not having to score exactly 21 is retarded.
I kind of agree. Don’t know how many times I have played with someone much more skilled than me and I end up catching up and winning because they keep busting at 21 lol.
I can hear the tumbleweeds in her head
speaking of apehoop, did you know bimbo was mavs dancer?
at least she doesn't forget to breath
thanks to mama grodner
don't worry guys, he'll get the votes and then go on to win haha....
wtf, did he shit in there?
storage room is now the designated shitting room
that webm is almost exactly the same as the one with Christie except no grab ass. weird
vacation hogg is a masterpiece
because it took place 5 seconds before that one
find it fascinating that bogged doesnt have FTs
she did all that shit too her face you would think she would want to offset it so people wouldnt be so put off by it lol
why isn't kumi sunbathing? she looks really pale recently
seems like a very weak cast of characters desu
everyone for the most part seems pretty normal
bf% holly sis christie kat go
its okay when anal does it but its not okay when ovi does it
>Camp BB is back tonight! RT if you’ll be watching! #BB21
anal, despite her name, doesn't have poop on her hands 24/7
you know how big brother gets more boring as the season goes on? that's gonna be especially true for this season. no brett to carry the boring weeks.
i figured out this year's twist:
during every eviction after the first, everyone not in the house participates in a battle back comp
how quickly will it take ovi from the moment he's evicted and back on social media to start peddling that he was evicted because of racism?
eh, he doesn't seem like the type
he isnt going anywhere. nobody is going to be officially out for a few weeks at least
>its okay when anal does it but its not okay when ovi does it
next year they'll go back to mussi middle easterners. at least they wipe their assholes.
he's not an attention seeking sjw. he sees it as a philanthropic avenue.
this. the season is 99 days, theres gonna be a battleback
agreed. middle easterners > indian street shitters
>implying they won’t drop Paul into the cast at final 5 to try to get him the W
i think its going to be individual tasks to get back in each week. you get one chance to come back and you are only out for 1 week. evicted a second time and youre out but they could do 1 more group battle for the second evictees with 1 returning
david could be back wed and ovi next thurs
>both call you to join them in the shower
left or right?
he would hundo p lose again
pretend to lock myself in the water closet and make production come rescue me
right. easy choice.
sounds like the girl jury is gonna come true i guess
I take my pants off and shit on the floor in front of both of them then walk away without saying a word
>do i pass?
christy literally gave kemi an alliance and since then she started to talk and play the game.
solid move
>mfw Kemi ends up betraying Christie down the line
So are we gonna have boring feeds til wednesday?
i was spoiled by all the christiechaos yesterday but now that ovi is on the block everyone seems relaxed and not want to make enemies for week 2
no, but she didn't give her an alliance with her, but with fatcow and autismo.
they won't even work together.
wtf? did she shower with her bathing suit on?
yep. Ovi is properly misted to thinking he's "cool", and isn't ballsy enough to start shit.
unless Kat self-evicts feeds are a dud until new HoH
if only it was the n-bomb...
that would be some shit. mamoa vs gorilla
>bringing mayonaise into the shower with her
she was just changing into two parachutes aka plus-sized bikini
Ovi just told every houseguest he has their back
Hopefully he at least tries to make a real connection and doesn't just float away like Ramses
>I don't ever have time to workout everyday
you don't say?
fug that sweat rolling off ana on cam 1
could land a plane on that chest
milagros? more like MEGAGROSS amirite?
i would land my nano-drone on that so soft and gently
right 1 hundo P
okay that was pretty qute
>house furniture rejoices that they won’t be sat on by the mega shitter anymore
how is rockstar sobbing and shrieking a reddit meme?
totally not gay cliff
thanks for drawing my cap
hearing people lie through their teeth to one another is always strange
man, imagine thinking you are tyler, when you're actually swaggy n to grods tyler
what a life
That story explains why Jackson's trying to get out all the black people
Was Tyler /ourguy/?
good night /bb/
i lost all respect for him when he admitted he threw the final 4 veto because he didnt have the balls to evict kc or angela
i missed it what he say?
Jack has over half the house despising his perceived "power" before the first HoH is even done. nobody really considered booting Tyler until it was way too late.
I literally don't think anyone EVER said they wanted to evict Tyler. Not even Haleigh. She just wanted him to feel the block.
>creampies angela
yea he's based. brett is /ourguy/ too.
He got into a bar fight and Jalen Hurd and 3 other guys held him up so Hurd could smash him in the face. then people stalked him to class for 2 weeks and said they'd have gang members get him until the Vols coach told Hurd to stop
It’s 6pm eastern
Tyler was so based I didn't mind him fucking my then waifu
Is this the only Kino pic so far this season?
its pretty much reversed aura and tyler
imagine if aura told how sketchy tyler is and dragged him to the entire house
Devins aren't we all
I thought that guy played for bama
It's midnight and I actually slept only 3 hours today, because of that retard lesbo...
Tyler is /ourguy/ for creating one of the best bb moments which was bay's breakdown. Brett is also /ourguy/ for that speech where he made fun of aura
based UK user watching GOAT bb
Fuck the haters, would smash
But that was Angela, not him
>getting into fist fights with your ncaa players
It's not midnight in UK. I'm from Central Europe
It was a combined effort. Bay was triggered by tyler sunglasses and that he never really apologized during the meeting
do u think I give a shit
Glad you got a screencap of that, they switched over to Bella right after.
who is that
Yes, since you are responding.
who? that's a chair you imbecile
doesn’t mean I care fuccboi
What did they mean by this?
they really shouldn’t put the inside chairs outside in the harsh weather
why do normies like to tan so much?
kino and check'd
Pls stop with the Twitter memes. You are better than this. Just a tiny bit, but still
missionary or prone bone, /bb/?
>thingken bout evicting the blackie
Uh oh
Peace out Poovi.
well we never loved her for her brains
>what is a court date
so she was arrested today
yeah fucking right
thats the date shes suppose to be at court dingus
I like the sitting position where the girl is in your lap hugging/grinding you.
I have never had sex
lol this nigga deleted his post, everyone laugh at this retard.
if you're not misting, what's the source? can't find shit
bigger tits than half the women
are you tall and athletic? No? Don't talk to me
so the nigger is talking now? and talking about sugar daddies at that. yikes so interesting queen
Have we ever had such a stereotypical boomer on the show? This guy literally looks like he sips monster while mowing his lawn and listening to The Eagles.
yeah. but it’s sam
uhhh guys
look at the comments
that's sam
srs how drunk do you have to be to fall asleep at a red light? I’m kang of drunk driving but I’ve never been that bad
why are her legs so orange?
>tfw no qt gf to puke on ur dick
thot gets what she deserves
I puked from drinking like a week ago after having gone years and years without doing it.
new thread
kek perfect
look again
oh no
search bb a second before posting
meant for
Fucking based flattits mcgee
my friend came from for his grandpas 90th bday and I drank a whole six pack and then started drinking mixed drinks.
it was not a good look, but I didn’t embarrass myself