ITT: TV women who are quite obviously insane irl but would still get the D

ITT: TV women who are quite obviously insane irl but would still get the D.

I'll start

Attached: AbigailSciuto.jpg (1080x1440, 240K)

Other urls found in this thread:


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i like how ancient she looks in the recent seasons. like a grandma dressed like a 15 year old.

She's in her 50s now.
Does NCIS still air new episodes? With her?

she just quit like 6 months ago. i think the most recent season had her

this is apparently her last appearance

Attached: NCIS-abby-pauley-perrette-1014x570.jpg (1014x570, 70K)

Fucking hell

Attached: 1561590375552.jpg (602x521, 44K)

oomph sweaty

Jesus christ thats sad. Women age like milk

Recent? She's looked ancient from the start. She always looked like someones middle aged aunt on halloween. Why didn't they get a young goth chick?
never forget

>those hands
>that makeup
>that neck

Attached: Time-Bomb-Lost-Girl Ksenia Solo.gif (245x230, 675K)

such a shame. a nice young goth girl would've been kino

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is she 61 years old
looks like hell

Look, user, I know you don't have a father, so I want to help you. Never stick your dick in crazy. Ever. You must have better dick control or you're going to have a fucked up life.

50 actually.


Attached: Pauley-Perrette-Leaves-NCIS-after-half-century.jpg (1357x904, 218K)


Attached: Ksenia Solo face.gif (500x258, 922K)

she looks lumpy

Dude she looks totally appropriate for someone who is fucking 50 years old

still qt

they're trying to pass her off as being like 20

>le ebin boomer vs le virgin millenials
>old people wise
>young people stupid

>young people stupid
dispute this with examples

young people didn't shit up the economy for all time like the boomers. not yet anyway.

Attached: MV5BMzU0NTc3OTExOF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMjM0MjcxNQ@@._V1_.jpg (1574x2048, 868K)

Not really, her character was supposed to have been born in the early 1970s which makes her about the same age as the actress

mom's gonna freak


>no examples
keep moving the goalposts

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that's not what moving the goalposts means at all

You be surprised how many older women dress exactly like her because they "feel young at heart".

If wanting to become the leader of a sex cult makes you insane then you'll have to lock up the whole male population.

is that jessicka adams

people just dress the way they've always dressed because that's how they've always dressed

Eh she still looks alright


I see zero of the appeal desu, obviously meant as a fantasy for 50 year olds to fuck their daughter's best friend with father issues

Attached: 1552434814458.jpg (429x410, 26K)

it looks so peaceful

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the wall never stops.

I know those tits and tattoo

Amber heard, no shadow of a doubt

stop looking at my gf

it has a wedding ring user

All of them

goth shit is the cargo pants of women's clothing

Attached: CFYpakOWYAITeib.jpg (640x640, 55K)

that's her right hand dummy.

Damn, white women age like that?!

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with the force of a thousand suns

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Fucking faggot they are all crazy and you ALWAYS stick in your dick in crazy. It’s so fun.

The actress or the character?

My nigga

Attached: 1549735430585.gif (354x163, 2.78M)

The pigs suffering is over, try not to be too jealous.

