Getting stoned and watching public access back in the early nineties

>getting stoned and watching public access back in the early nineties
Good times.

Attached: s-l640.jpg (640x494, 36K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>dude like CRT televisions have so much soul bro, LCD just isn't the same
>it's so like, sterile y'know? I heard some youtuber in his forties say that CRT's have superior blacks or something and I love the blacks so I spent 400 USD for a professional monitor on ebay, totally worth bruh haha nineties were simpler times when you shot cancer right into your eyes with a ten tonne electron gun

>the 90s were 30 years ago

>Being a horny kid and watching the static channels you could hear porno over
It was the best of times


>you will never be a cool american dude in the 90's smoking weed

> shot cancer right into your eyes with a ten tonne electron gun
can your faggy LCD do that?

>Host: caller you're on
>Host: caller?
>Host: hello?
>caller talks and it echoes
>Host: turn down your TV volume caller
>Caller: I just wanted to say I love your show
>Host: that's great
>host hangs up

That was pretty much how all the calls went.

Attached: 1536028065845.jpg (399x399, 14K)

are you actually born in the 70s?

I still keep a CRT outside in the sun room to watch baseball on, it's comfy

dude weed lmao

In the 90s i wanted to make a show like Wayne's world that I could put on public access, but my local channel had some insane hoops you had to jump through to get on the air.

Up until a year or so ago the internet was worlds better before the megacorps started purging anything remotely controversial.

1978, son.

I need my CRT to play melee because it causes input lag to convert to digital to play on a flat screen DONT MAKE FUN OF ME

Was public access in the early 90’s similar to eric andre season 1?

hey fuck you too

Attached: yaddle.png (263x264, 154K)

>getting stoned
Fuck off.

Ahaha she looks like Steven Weber, cannot unsee.

This is all true though. Crt is comfy and you can't take that away from me.

based weed triggering the incels

anyone who was actually a kid in the 90's knows it sucked dick. not that the 2000's were any better but the meme perception of the 90's as some kind of colorful neon drenched non stop party really rustles my jimmies

nice reasoning there zoomie. go the full hog and tell me it's 'lit asf' while you're at it

Die boomer

Dilate tranny.


pick one


I will dilate my pupils when I take a massive fucking hit *dabs* Have Sex

Attached: Chaika.png (10000x10000, 2.6M)

>making out with my girlfriend under the bleachers after practice
>going hunting with my dad on weekends
>chilling at the lake with my best buds all summer long
>hunting down obscure horror movies at the video store
>firing up a console, putting a game in it, pressing start and fucking playing it
>no social media
>not growing up in the totalitarian clown world current year regime
I don't know what you're talking about, I had the time of my life. The nineties weren't some wild party, they were a cozy night at home with a select few good friends.

You didn't even post the cockroach gif you damn newfag.
