/lig/ Lucie's new arc

Love island general


Reminder to ignore all tripfags and one thread is more than enough per episode, ignore the nonce when he tries to split the thread

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Other urls found in this thread:


First transgender love island contestant when? Gay version when?

What the hell is this show about? Why is it on every day. Most /brit/ degeneracy I can dig like Naked Attraction and Take Me Out but I have no idea what this is.

imagine if your kids start wearing shit like that. What is going through her fathers head

First for Tommy

he's probably jerking off

poor man, wouldn't wanna be him

If my kid was as attractive as lucy and getting paid for it I wouldn't care. As my kids would be ugly little runts like me then I would be dissapointed.

just realized tommy will be bald by 25

Anyone got that deep fake of Lucy from the other night? Cheers

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Was at a mad ting house party Friday

catch me up yeah


It's like Big Brother for dating


Is Lucie the people’s princess?

Bunch of lads and slags cracking on. it is what is is t b h

>invaders must die

evening boys

im liking the new top gear lads

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based op for the instructions for the new fags



holy fuck dana mogged hard

what a manlet

Wind your neck in mate before I hit you a slap

>curtis begins to crack

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Her dad is dead most likely. All girls like that have daddy issues.

Fish, chips, gravy

how would fast eddie do on love island

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Sunday roast of course

look at the end of the day it is what is it innit

I want to be adored, it's my time

they're all there or the money

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better than anton

The Greeks and Romans wore even less

pol shut up about Obe yeah

Clean up, gift of gab, rich and handsome. 28 year old Eddie shags everyone

It'd actually be refreshing to hear someone admit it

>i hate it when my partner thinks they're special
jesus christ that's a red flag if I've ever seen one

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i refuse to believe curtis isn't bent

Chilli con carne

lads better hope gigajamal doesnt stick and get to the main house theyre gonna be fucked

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need to see these bitches without makeup

What a brainlet

Lot of diverse lads in ere init

Feeling a bit depressed rn

Most /lig/posters would do better than Anton

i made some chicken stir fry and puts lots of franks hot sauce on it, was class

Sorry is there actually a lad in there called Denim

hes bi

Lads pure pink grapefruit juice from Tesco is fucking disgusting wtf it tastes like poison

went toby carvery and had tomato soup cause im on a cut fucking depressing if im honest mate

Yup muslims of peace strike again

This game app is shite

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Fast Car would do good. Real good.

>Jordan and Jourdan
nah come on

What’s the verdict on Jordan’s orange man bag?

The state of Anna

all grapefruit juice is fucking grim

literally we couldnt do any worse. other than calling yewande a coon and getting kicked out or something. hes on a 0

my mental health has improved so much since doing nofap

haven't had one for like nearly 50 days now


why was I born with depression and anxiety

WTF, legitimately baffled by that


why do the hot thots have these gigantic tattoos now?

how much do they get

>making my blood boil by showing me this during comfy /lig/ time
fuck off user

lmao what did you expect grapefruit juice to taste like

You have the taste of a child

anna needs to go next for being a hoe

For instagram likes of course

>muh mental health

Congrats fella

>that psycho goth chick
put her in the real villa

fuck, imagine taking the nonce's bait


I only made it to 4 days recently. Shamefur dispray.

Nabila is the patricians choice

>just realized tommy will be bald by 25
what how come?

lmao ur such an adult drinking disgusting grapefruit juice!! what a big boy!!

hang in there

we need you here on /lig/ (it was dead on Friday without you)

Because pure orange is fucking gorgeous, and juice that is punk is usually amazing and if I seen sweets grapefruit flavoured they would be great so I thought it translated to juice

day 35, ezpz

When does Tommy bin Molly off?

I can’t have grapefruit juice because it interferes with my medication

why are they all giga chads?

Anyone remember the girl that Chadam was with in Casa Amor? What a fucking car crash

i'm starting tomorrow, any advice?

>liking bad tasting things is grown up


katsu curry from wagamamas

it is solid desu not the same as before really different but works in its own way

manlets will never recover

>replying to tripfags

Kill yourself you sad cunt

Fucking hate Londoners if I’m honest lads

yeah the colour is pure misleading. should count as false advertising

fucking hell these new guys are actual deanos

>grapefruit juice is bad tasting
Not my fault you’re a tastelet

fucking hell women shrieking is the worst sound on earth

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Nabila is hot but comes across as very arrogant

Amy gonna flip

who is liking them?

4 cans of K cider

why exactly?

I'm from London and I hate majority of Londoners as well.

Moving up north next year, can't fucking wait

nonce reported the stream. sad.


did they just nuke the stream boys???

>Anna has the personality of a child
>also has that common girl fetish where she wants a 8ft man to feel like a child next to

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>getting this mad
>not realising that sperging out about someone replying to him is just giving him more attention
state of you

paki island when?

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How can they compete with Ovie?



Tbf tho a villa full of goths would be pretty entertaining

Was literally posted in chat as well, 5 seconds before the banhammer was swung


so who reported the stream?

Just when things were getting good . . .

Good job you absolute nancy, gimmie one sec am looking for alternative streaming sites

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Only thing I hate more than my fellow londoners are the idiots that move here from a comfy regional life

>all the JFs are going to be posting here now instead of the stream


congrants fella, I'm thinking about relapsing today.

He pushed shrek too far this time





dont be a manlet though norf girls really seem to hate manlets

same mate.

nice try nonce, but you're not gonna derail the thread forcing a debate about yourself

We got too big for our own good

will & kate are on their way

he's ugly and sounds sense as fuck

if you manage to find something let us know bro

Imagine just how BIG he is

they unironically cant

Truly got too big for our boots

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mate Grimsby of full of manlets desu

>replying to trips
kill self fag

Those damn "youths"

>just realised there are a whole group of people sitting bantering in twitch chat instead of in the thread with the /lig/ boys
feeling left out lads. how could you do this to me?

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Based Darcy

Deano entertainment

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A tourist board’s nightmare

depressed lads

might start a band because of it

Honestly I genuinely feel like hitting my gf a slap the stupid cunt, her mum bought her a slow cooker and she keeps cooking everything in it. She keeps cooking chicken in it and makes it all slimey and greasey and taste like shit. Useless fucker I work all day while all she does is some meme art uni course

Not a manlet, 6ft1

Same, I literally have no idea why people come from their nice cities and towns to come to London.

The worst are the sjw hippy types who come to places like Brixton, and complain about gentrification when they're the ones who are doing it. It's always people who don't live in London that think it's a class place to live with no problems , idiots

fuck russel t davies

twitch chat is much better than the general because there is no attention seeking tripfaggot
t. regular twitchbro

the tall bbc from previous seasons got owned hard, and he was even taller

Lmao they love that

based lukaku


Part and Parcel

>sounds sense as fuck

kek, too true

Does the twitch chat have the nonce? Might migrate there honestly if he's not there

Sounds based

Twitch chat is so much better, but I just have to keep posting here


4 days in a row of thread splitting cocoa shunters forced the lads to move

Chicken in slow cooker is great if you use the right sauce just PLEASE remove all skin before cooking.

>one of the hottest pornstars ever
>is poo
It's really weird

twitch chat is reddit central

What’s he done?

aaaaaaaand fuck russel howard ... i fucking hate that shitcunt

honestly I’d smack you the fuck out if I saw you hit a girl (assuming you’re a man and your gf isn’t a male)


Pre-op Eva Lovia for me

too late, he reported it after he realised he wasnt getting any attention here

Some wanker reported the stream

whats the twitch channel?

all the lads look are meat head turbo chads and the girls are basically ultra stacys; kind of ridiculous really

>tfw I don’t have twitch

Just posting here about how the Twitch chat is better, don't mind me!

shat on dr who

based Amber

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I bet that nonce did it

probably ***

lads what the fuck is the eagle

Fuck, the one night I don't have to work and can join in. Ah well, reminder:

Amber - cunt
Anna - airhead
Amy - loon
Lucie - wreck
Maura - slag
Mollie Mae - grinch

Yewande - crazy fookin bitch


>Some wanker reported the stream

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it has just been nuked
yea it was probably the nonce

it's fine, i'll just use a pop out twitch chat along with having the thread open. improvise adapt overcome

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tfw will never find nice boyfriend where i have to stand on tiptoes/a box to kiss

Reckon you'd have to lick your finger before sticking it in Amy's dusty fanny

Can all the JFs fuck off back to a twitch stream

My favorite muppet show character

Only response you will get from me.

We are both in England, lets arrange to meet in at a local boxing/mma gym for a spar and we can post it on /lig/ we will wear headguards so I don't put you in hospital and I swear I will take it east on you since you are fat and a faggot. Come on please dude we don't even have to video it I just want to knock you out like the nonce you are

Anna has had more blacks in her than a London benefits office

what happened to darcys stream

you're hard

poor girl cant dance

Kardashian wannabe going for the biggest blackest guy?

Almost as if that whole reality tv family is a conduit for social conditioning

imagine missionary but the girls legs are spread in the air and you have your arms wrapped around them

You must have a different definition of these things to me. In terms of personalities they're basic hitches

working link lads?

stormzy is such a failed project

youtube and bbc keep pushing him as this massive star and he barely gets any views
actual fans of grime and rap in london think he's pretty cringe it's literally 30/40+ boomers are the ones that listen to him

No, Belgium stronk

if only people hadn't gone about banging on about the Twitch stream every 5 fucking minutes, great work dickheads

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was reported and now is dead

you're hard

thats about right la ...

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Curtis is TURNED

Classic Londoner Anna always going with the ethnics

Do you reckon Tommy can spell circumnavigate lads?

Man shut up

not sure what you're trying to say

yeah I'm erect

>actual fans of grime and rap

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he's right though

t. Backup dancer

>star sign chat
I may vomit

Can actually confirm this, I'm from Thornton heath and was two years above him at Harris academy, he's regarded as a bit of a sell out and nobody really respects him,

those who chat about stuff they were never about, Stormzy especially.

darcy stream got nuked

Certainly didn't deserve to headline Glastonbury but then I don't think The Killers did either and while The Cure are one of my favourite bands and I've seen them a few times, even they are a poor choice of a /headline/ act.

is they any good grime music that isnt just about how rich and famous they are or in 99 percent incomprehensible london code language

Hes shit now

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he's right though .... they keep trying to worship him but it's mediocre at best

that’s one very wide pussy

>Thornton Academy

>Fray Bentos

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m8 he cant even spell navigate

190 school them on grime

you all hate the fella but he knows his grime (and how to report Twitch streams)

Big H is best grime artist

Are the people at Glastonbury paid actors or just sheep? I can’t imagine spending money to sleep in a plastic bag and die of thirst.


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she's a worldy lads

trip on nonce

Michael and Joanna are a lot like Josh and Kaz, she even looks like Kaz

looool shut up batty man just bc you dano how sad the road really is

yutes chatting bare breeze man

no one even listens to grime anymore loooooool

Why are they sending so many black people in

like we get it already. the black women have never succeeded in this show

racis as fuk


have sex

The lineup is always a joke, people just go to say they've been to glasto


Had them 720,000 scovile hot wings from Iceland. Lush, not as hot as I thought they would be desu.

mate festivals are actually quite fun, although i wouldnt go to glastonbury

Thank fuck it's not just me. He doesn't seem any better then any other guy spitting bars

maura in there again

glasto is deanofest. its a music fest for people who dont really like music unless its on radio 1

Drill is gay tbf

Darcy could you stream on an unlisted YouTube link?


would rather drink pink grapefruit juice than eat that shite

Shouldn't she be advertising Muller yoghurt?

glasto is not a deanofest retard, that's creamfields. Glasto is full of stinky SJWs and rich washed-up hippies in their 50s

Could try using rabb.it for streaming

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Lads I was invited to this kinky cping event with like 70 kinksters into nudism, bdsm, dom/sub etc. Should I go? It would be a great thing to look back on in life as a holy shit moment but I could also get doxxed

whats the song on the missguided advert

>Why are they sending so many black people in
native british births are at 60%, it's not our country anymore

they go there to get up to their eyeballs in eccies mate

Where in England do I find slags like OPs picture? And if there are so many British slags why are Brit posters virgins? Do they only go for top of the line chads? Pls answer. Slags are my fetish


Forgetting Stevie

dont go m8


and a flood of tarquins and phoebes .... fuck that

stop saying these things it is depressing

why does this sort of show only attract staceys and chads?

Miss when /lig/ was comfy.

man likes festival but man hate how many roadman tha tings have you get me yeah

on a small festival vibe ting soon yeah get me?

>thinking you could get with her
Jog on mate

>cping eveny

Yeah when the Twitch stream was up and the Redditors fucked off there, that was the best era

Go and roleplay as Stevie from Love Island and just stand to the side of everything and watch

girls dont seem to get that only hot girls can pull off being a complete bitch

goto newcastle or some such .... if you can stand the accent

he's a brad which is close enough

I can't have medication because it interferes with my grapefruit juice

what's your affliction user?

t. sub with gf who loves tying me in knots and cuddling me into her chest every night

Didn’t even know you could study real estate

9001 people apply, they only accept the chads

WE ARE BACK (for now)






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>I like blonde, light hair
That's code for no blacks

you dont need to


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American's biggest (literally) slag loves LI's biggest slag. Shocker.

McAfee going mental when I hover over this link

Can anyone explain what a real estate student does?

It's a sad truth, that's why we hide here online

Stevie charming Lucie the silver tongue devil

a brad is an Australian chad

Traceys and lads

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Was the over way round, the twitch chat was legit more comfy than any of the threads imo

look up High Focus


cant believe he just swung that with lucie... in awe

A villa full of camp gay fellas would be entertaining tbf

I am anything that involves being stripped naked and dominated by a much older woman, possibly spanked and roughly pegged

Can't have nice things


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>that beta posture and constantly fidgeting from stevie
never gonna make it

I wouldn't, but I wish I did

nah she’s just desp

and fair enough

she needs someone to stay

She'd be charmed by a homeless man with curly hair.

>still using McAfee

How the fuck does Dennon do it?

it's to keep the nancy boys out

>legitimately baffled by that
They said that they suspect stabbing it was an initiation into a gang.

This episode js fucking fboring dhebehdheh


I wonder which of the current lads would clean up on fag island

any homos here which lad would do best with gay lads

Hey Maura, RATE THIS

Why is Maura so desperate

"Everyone tinks I'm so loud, but I just don't take life seriously."



Based tranny lynching dog


Nice one

none of the legit couples are splitting up feels bad man

wanted tommy/curtis to cheat

Is it just me or is the series in general boring now?



Lucie is actually quite autistic

Doesnt matter

he has the whitest genes there and is clearly rich as fuck

that will be enough for lucie

I can't wait for the tommy bust up tho lol

Tom - R-rate this kiss please m-maura!

Denim - Oi bitch i wanna lips you you know

I went to school with him as well. Thought he was a nice lad tbf. Don’t get the appeal of his music though.

where the fuck are the brown asians at?

they are more numerous than blacks

Mmm danone

Jourdan is top tier. Only racists would say otherwise.

>loads of wogs go in
>"i-it's boring now so I won't watch"
Yeah yeah

Do people really suck that much when kissing? Maybe I've been doing it wrong


>expecting niggers to have logic

nah this series has had the best pacing and storylines to date, only a few eps have been boring, last year 70% of the eps past the first two weeks felt like filler

>jordans face when anna walks in with the giant lad

Predict Jourdan & Ovie are gonna get on later

Their families would disown them if they even suggested going on this show

You went Stanley tech/ Harris?

I left a few years ago though I'm from heath, we may know each other

I'm white

>possibly roughly pegged
Have you actually had someone else do stuff to you like that but? I thought I might be into that but after having things in there a few times I've written it off as an awful experience


she is very pretty

she just needs to be a bit taller tho

is front teeth are comically small



Literally pulling the fittest girl in the villa

kek going for anton to stay in the house. smart lass


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>he has the whitest genes there
George looks like he belongs on a nazi propaganda poster

Nah I mean this series has recently got boring, it was pretty good until a few days ago

Look up crazy_sweetie on the cams and see what a top tier version of Amber would really look like.

Teflon Anton strikes again


it was a bit slow for the first few weeks, but recently it's been pretty good. this time last year I was forcing myself to watch.

It is

its what happened to big brother

people starting gaming the show better and better every year

the aim is to survive as long as possible to get the best endorsement deals and Instagram career after show

sad really.. the earlier series were like an attenborough show where you saw the social ladder being built, smashed and moulded. was fascinating.. now they all act like best m8s afer 3 hours because thats what serves their interests

I went to school with his girlfriend, we should have a meet up lads

Why would Molly and Amy sleep outside instead of sharing a bed?

Amber is still quite fit without makeup

You have no idea what you are talking about, I had an uncle put his fingers inside me when I was 18 and it wasn't horrible.

how many nights does Casa Amor last?

hahahahaha, amy going to get dropped .... she'll have a fucking stroke

the people they have on now are just too nice. nobody wants to ruffle any feathers or start drama anymore.

Dont even want to watch it without darcys chat. FUck that cunt who reported it

boys probably dont want to share

George just have terrible chat. How can someone who looks like that not have made any impact?

ask Tommy and Curtis the same

Prob producers told them to



Anyone got a insta round up?

long enough for Michael to realise Amber is a total bitch and should be dumped

stop acknowledging the nonce, him reporting the stream shows he's getting desperate

>Belle stroking Anton's head like that

God it's been so long since I've known the touch of a woman

if he's got his arms around Jourdan he won't care

I assume they come back to the main villa in the Friday episode


Nonce got nonced, like pottery I guess

lads, where do I get a NASTYGAL?

do bongs ITT have similar retarded pleb accents?


Contrary to what /pol/ has taught you most women don't actually find blonde men attractive

Fuck it, he'll just snog Jourdan on the spot.

These lads ain't stupid, they know who they've hooked up with. That's why all the couples on the daybeds are where they are and why Anna and Jordan are in bed with others.

Jourdan is fine as hell!

Belle stroking Anton with her talons is a mad ting




I bet Belle has a pussy pussy

I did but was a few years younger.
>You now remember the 604 bus


My lad

Lucie literally just said she finds blonde men attractive. who cares what the various darkies think

Are you just trying to get someone to do your dirty work?? If lots of ppl are watching aftersun then a thread will be made. Cunt.

Is Love Island better than I'm a celeb?

Is it possible to complain to a janitor about 190 and maybe get trip fags banned from the thread ?

yes exactly,, thats how you get far... the vote out is rarely how good the couple is..

ALSO.. older series contestants actually had proper jobs and careers... 70pc of contestants now are models..

nothing against models obv they are great to look at but they're not very interesting are they? the most interesting people in there actually have something about them in the real world

anton, tommy, michael.

oi shup blud my cents well peng

>5 women trying desperately to find someone within a couple days
>anton talking to the lads like 'fuck it i might be in here if i play my cards right'

you literally cant fuck this up

But it’s stuck in your head now right?

no because people rage at me if I make a new thread bc I have a trip and this upsets people

a random lad doing it will be a successful migration


Just filter him, cleans up all the boards it goes on

what's the 604 bus

We got one in Leeds too but nothing special about it

Anton literally can, that’s the problem

just filter him and don't reply to newfags replying to him
eventually he will just hang himself

I said just eat to mates a few days ago, they laughed at me and got an uber eat instead

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tall blonde men are god tier
short blonde men are just twinks and not real men

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this is true. By blondes she just meant white looking guys.. actual blonde males lack the testosterone in puberty that turns most men's hair brown / black

very unattractive

jesus, comparing one piece of low brow trash with another .... had to say which turd if prefer desu

then just don't use trips, it's really not that difficult

Yeah to the extent that I will actively avoid just eat

stop being tripslime then easy as

Get this into your thick fucking skull, it doesn’t matter what you do people will have a problem with it. That’s your punishment for fiddling with kids.


That loony twat didn't get on the last Aftersun? Fuck her.

no lol

Well that explains a lot

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I would say so. Don’t like the animal cruelty in I’m a celeb

whats the science behind gingers lad



my god how cringe was this guy really

i couldnt actually watch when he was on i got really hot... idk why they forced the lovable alex meme the whole way

>blondes not attractive

Obersturmfuherer George

Mutated blonde gene

Stevie BTFO
Lucie going for Hitler’s Dream

lundgren is the best looking blonde guy ever, pretty big compliment

>curtis sleeping with tommy
first time hes got hard in weeks

Stop talking to the twat

She likes her men big and black

their genes only get by through females..

female gingers are fucking desirable and i dont even know why.. its magic

nice reddit space

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absolute kekkery

good girl .... get that trad mindset

Hitler's dream they called him

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Tommy and Molly can't last outside. There's no way shed be a domesticated wifey for him and he'll never learn to tie his shoelaces

mutation gone horribly wrong

>implying it's not a conversation with himself


is lucie the one in the thumbnail?

Literally George

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Curtis and Tommy fanfiction when

Stevie getting mogged already

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projecting this hard

desu black lads should always dye their hair blonde. makes them look more approachable and less likely to stab me. like jordans


George is a manlet tho


>you can tell it's been a while since someone touched him

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Fuck me that was brutal

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Did Anton jizz his pants? Lmao

Im pretty sure Anne literally said this

george looks like the btec version of that blonde lad from the last season cant remember his name

>Anton got a back tickle and then came everywhere
poor guy

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warming to her desu .... naughty and fun

The incredible power of back strokes on display there

If anton had southerner accent he would be top 3 attractive males in the villa

cant deny this, his accent fucked him he should have put on a fake one lmao

George has shit chat


George has zero personality

Also he is trying to do that sexy posh guy voice that all the manlets at my uni attempr

he came? I thought he just got a hardon

michael is the only sound lad with earrings

he heavily implied it


Michael’s accent is far more grating

is lucie /ourgirl/?

What accent should he have used? I reckon comedy Italian chef

George entering the villa

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There not allowed to masturbate aren't they?

he'll never answer, but we all know why he uses trips

if he was 6 inches taller you mean. that home counties fag accent isnt gonna do any better

She’s the woman of a thousand cocks

Can't blame Michael .... she is fucking fit

lucie making me sweat

fucking lol

das builder ubermensch

>t. poortherner

That's why the showers are so in demand

>he should have put on a fake one
he's got a fake accent on, you basically have to when you want to communicate with non-Scots unless you've got a posh unifag accent

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nah not even michael is sexy no homo

great, we'll take her .... i'm next tho


Lucie is so excited all the time at the moment and it’s so cute

George was building the 4th reich before the villa

Based Michael with the heel turn

curtis finally realizing he can do better than amy

>>getting advice from whipped Tommy
It's going to be an echo chamber

ting is guys like this hate me bc I’m mr steal your girlfriend with mandem like that

just got to be fun and girls vibe off that ini

all of them are, but at least lucie is cute

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how does roastie twitter feel about michael

Joanna looks good without makeup, shit



>JOANNA without makeup

>downloading thumbnails

Tommy and Curtis should Justin bang already


Oh look Curtis is after tv time once again

So fucking unfair lads have to work out 100x more than girls to get a desirable body.

Take Michael for example 30% of his life is exercise and diet yet Molly is the female body equivalent and maybe goes running once a week

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curtis boutta tactically maneouver out of his unpopular couple with amy looool

Only hot new girl. Others are 7.5s

Why is Nadia getting zero screen time? she seems really attractive

I don’t doubt that you’ve had sex, but I can just imagine the girl HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

If Adolf won every couple would look like Lucie and George.


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threadly reminder that Yea Forums is the entertainment arm of /pol/

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curtis fucking heel turn when he had the 50k sewn u

I thought they actually liked each other :(

>finds out him and amy are less popular than lucie and anton
>hmmm whys my head being turned??


why is this series so boring :(

uhh.. I hate to say it bud but.. if your testosterone levels are high enough all YOU have to do is go on a run and do some diamond push ups every now and then

I'm more worried about how Twitter seems to think these models are just ok looking and the girls are unreal

bet they hate him now

night faggots

The darkies are all crying

She was still in the villa last aftersun mate