Why are 90s sitcoms so comfy lads?

Why are 90s sitcoms so comfy lads?

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careful now

a certain something about their cast always seems to be missing

Because they were what you hoped adulthood would be like.

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They were shot on film

Because they weren't constantly shoving political shit into their shows or race politics and when they did it was handled fairly. Also because the people inolved in making them were just far more talented.

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Would something like this work in today's sociopolitical climate?

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because after 9/11, comfort died

No phones so people actually had to interact

>it was handled fairly
Says who, some teenage retard on Yea Forums?

Better question:
Why are they so unfunny?

That's like asking why a Model T is slow

You were allowed to make fun of things in the 90s. Now it's just white male bashing 24/7 and that's the only thing you're allowed to make jokes about.

Seek help

I don’t know. I really enjoyed Seinfeld though. But a lot of people say they didn’t “get it”. I’m not sure what there is to not get.

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Dilate, than back to discord with you, tranny.

1. Seinfeld
2. Cheers
3. Friends
4. Frasier

remove friends all together, satan. then again, friends is torturous, so i guess it makes sense why you'd include it

>4. Frasier

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what is friends doing there?


How is this funny tho

started in the 90's

Probably more relevant than ever.

Imagine babu episodes and the articles about "making fun of immigrants" and "portraying deportation as comedy".

They struck a perfect balance between the safe, family-friendly formula of 80s sitcoms, and the more edgy and zany nature of 00s sitcoms. They also had a healthy dose of cynicism and a lack of political correctness.

80s sitcoms are better.


My nigga

Shit eat you faggot nigger tier tranny. You don't come to this place to espouse any kind of civil behavior, you absolute cunt nigger subhuman. Fuck you!

Woman detected.


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Its because youre an idiot

Triggered by the truth ? Your fanatical ideology killed the comedy.

Newsradio is ultimate comfy

The soundtrack, live audience recording (less laugh track usage) and the actual film tracks themselves, as opposed to modern digital high def.

That's unrelated. Before 2000 America was in the nu metal era and very edgy and aggressive and tired of anything familiar. That's why HBO tookoff and sitcoms started to retire even before 9/11


Based show that was apparently lost in a sea of sitcoms at the time. I remember catching every episode over the ole boob tube. Next to The Simpson's it was my favorite show.

Given The Office accounts for 7% of all NETFLIX streams, what do you think the total is if you add in Friends and Seinfeld?

Never seen it. Does it hold up?

Yes, if you can blank out all you know about Andy Dick.

Haven't really been following his escapades. Will check it out.