>he only watches ww2 documentaries
He only watches ww2 documentaries
Other urls found in this thread:
WW1 better. More primitive and cruel.
>he likes boat movies
>What? WW2 documentaries? No,t hanks you. I don't watch jewish propaganda
any good youtube channel for this?
Dialatus Traniren.
based, only ww2 documentary i need is the greatest story never told
>he phoneposts
Go back to /pol/, nazincels
keep crying for /pol/, noob.
t. A. Barbosa
Mother of based
>its jewish propaganda that g*rmanoids destroyed europe for a second consecutive time in 40 years
>he larps as a female
why do you even open these threads?
WWI is much more interesting but there are unfortunately no
>muh nahtsis
World War Two
It has Indy Nidell from The Great War channel and it is elder god tier. They break it all down week by week and have periodic specials.
it's at the point where I can't even look at a girl without imagining pressing my face to her arse and smelling her flatulence
based chad
>that image
Fucking kek
Why do whites make this face?
It's really not too pleasant.
>he doesn't watch television OR film
Memes are ruining your life, my man.
Anyone have the screencap of the user who took the brappill? Top fucking kek
>the german war machine ground forward oncemore
>the nazis had developed yet another superweapon
>the fleebelvieben von schummalwoff
>pure destructive potential
Someone post the American war documentary pasta. I know you have it.
know your place /pol/tard
t. someone who wants to talk about kino ww2 docs without any anti-Semitism
I met a German girl who said she was a history buff about WW2, she explained to a friend that Hitler was elected because 'the Jews were taking all the jobs'.
What did she mean by this?
>ww2 kino docs without antisemitism
no such thing, sorry
/pol/ must be deleted and all /pol/cels must be banned
i want to fuck that femwojak
Imagine being a non-white and actually thinking your opinion is something that should be considered
history buff really means you wish for the roman empire to rise again
Nothing that harsh but treat them like /mlp/.
Don't see "Yea Forums 4whites only" sign, faggot.
>I don't understand, why do people with a hobby like the most popular topics?
Not to say that other topics aren't good, a lot of them are really underrated in media (The Persians come to mind) but that doesn't mean WW2 and the Romans are either bad or corny
montemayor is excellent
>Deport Jews
>People take their jobs
Thank you, Honkler.
Absolutely based
Fuck Pepe, Fuck Frogposters.
god i just fucking love WAR. my dick gets hard thinking about the honorabled brave american heroes and nahtzees fighting over in yurop. war is hell but its necessary. brave men need to die so that future generations can get circumcised and fight for israel.
aka: the only two cool parts
>that qt Adolf has his arm around
Fuck off bitch it was WW1 with tony robinson then a doc about bridges then tunnels and you were interested at the time cunt
I’ll throw you a bone. I’ve been trying to lose weight and get stronger so i have been eating a LOT of eggs and drinking tons or pretein shakes amd they make me so gassy. Something about this combo has my farting all day and my bf hates it. Every night he is attacked by a dutch oven of noxious gass. Poor thing.
Arab Byzantine wars are are great, but will never get talked about because of Islam.
>hair dyes
he based
I annoy my gf by watching Tank Museum videos with BASED David Fletcher.
These people are strangely common. Why is that? One also happens to be a Wehrmacht apologist and thinks they were good bois who dindu nuffin, and doesn't even know what the difference between the East and West Roman Empires was.
you think the Japanese will ever make a hentai game where you play as Hitler creating a harem of German girls?
yeah he based
>not appreciating this kino
O&A reference?
I agree, I rarely visit /his even though I am into history purely because there are 200+ threads on the same autistic WW2 and rome arguments
can't handle the feels
Master and Commander reference
I swear there is a comedy bit about old men who watch boat movies.
>he believes in climate change
>he only watches yugoslav war documentaries
let's get some WWII doc recs in here lads! whar muh kino?
Nope, I'm a vietnamchad
based VietKang
>hehe le funneh clown frog
North Korea tier
be the change you want to see in the world
>Dyed hair
Why should I care?
>no egypt docukino
ya mad? ya boiling? ya stewing? ya brewing? ya baking? ya roasting? ya burning? ya frustrated? ya aggravated? ya having a problem? ya angry? ya pissed? ya miffed? ya anxious? ya nervious? ya scared? ya afraid? ya shakin' in ya boots? ya stupid? ya dumb? ya not too smart? ya retarded? ya bitchin'? ya complainin'? ya on the rag? ya worked? ya tricked? ya bamboozled? ya mystified? ya too small? ya gay? ya homo? ya faggoting it up in here? ya poor? ya broke? ya got no fuckin' money? ya steaming? ya cooking? ya frying? ya microwaving? ya annoyed? ya irked? ya sick? ya ill? ya bout to blow chunks? ya puking? ya crying? ya moaning? ya shrieking? ya hissing? ya farting? ya worked? ya cussin'? ya swearing? ya can't take it? ya depressed? ya suicidal? ya gonna kill yaself? ya boy? ya girl? ya ya? ya dicking? ya ya cocking? ya penising? ya swining? ya ironing? ya pressing? ya pushing? ya trying? ya attempting? ya making the best of a bad situation? ya watching RAW? ya eating my ass? ya watching The Condemned on Netflix? ya smoking? ya seething?
You are creating the fascists you hate. Fascism was only a thing due to your commie influences
sengoku chad reporting in
>not watching the great ships series every night with your wife
Any good ones?
For me, it's the Iran-Iraq War.
They shall never grow old was pretty kino
Patrician. This war is magical.
Wrong. WWII is just as interesting if not more
>jew tier alliance between Germans and Russians
>tank battles in Africa
>Hitler forcing the French to surrender in the same train car Germany had to surrender in after WWI
>England v. the rest of Europe
>nips using bicycles in the jungle to stage in attack
>nips acting like niggers in general
>Japanese invading Alaska
Saw it in theatres was very good. Any others? My favorite movie is the Mel Gibson Galipoli
>ww1 documentary
>pussy veterans complain about how bad war is
here's the original poast, and why the OP image is a roastie.
Unironically this
Soviet war in Afghanistan. Shit is weirdly interesting to me
/Pol/ is Yea Forums.
>all those cool planes, tanks, battles and stories of ww2
>faggots only like it because muh nadsis
fucking faggots I swear
>tfw Russophile who likes the USSR because it was literally Russia in all but name
>tfw still hate Stalin for killing all his good generals and pointlessly doubling the death toll
Get to feel superior to both sides.
She's right, but that doesn't mean we are wrong.