>You want door fix, Man of Spiders? Yes, I know these things you do, I learn how to find many secrets in old country. You will not pay rent? This is fair. We will take rent in other ways. When I was in old country, in Bosnia, my friends and I... we do things to women. Terrible things, make them ugly women who will never be loved. Your friends, redhead girl and science girl... they will beg me to stop, as my men and I rain alternating blows of ejaculateing and fists upon them. And when they are broken, Man of Spiders, when they are nothing more than shells... you will know the rent is paid.
>For this month
You want door fix, Man of Spiders? Yes, I know these things you do, I learn how to find many secrets in old country...
Other urls found in this thread:
Why didn't they just write a script ? How come every line was improv ?? Seems like an odd choice
Raimi was going through a divorce, leave him alone
me slavic untermensch written by juden despite my race liberating juden from camps where they faked their death toll
every time
Am I too soon, am I too soon?
I don't know why, but it worked. I wonder how many takes they had to for each scene. Think the ones that failed the cut are still out there? Heaven knows how savage those takes were.
Kill them, kill them all
Kek, you killed me.
>Fix the damn door you slav piece of shit, I'm glad your whole family died during WWII!!
Whoa, this guy knew Peter Parker was Spider-Man?!
Just like the MCU where eveyone knows he is Soiderman
>Show my daughter why we've been running the world for thousands of years
Literally WE WUZ
does whatever a soi bean can
shrinks your dick, grows your tits
Post the one with the oba-sans/milfs. It's peter parker saying the same dialogue but to Iron Man it's about milfs.
Catches aids just like a fag
Look Out!
Here comes the Soider-Man.
>I'm not going out, he said my name wrong. It wasn't übermensch it was the human holocaust.
I'm fucking dying
I heard that Tobey kept on busting out laughing everytime the dude would reference hitler or the jews...so they ended up using this take even though i thought it was a bit out of character
To think that such a great meme had such a humble start.
Holy shit. Out of all of these, the fact that Raimi got away with this one is the most perplexing.
>For this month
If you go back in the archive you can see one guy posting the same topic (that picture and quote and saying "how did they get away with this") and getting few replies at first before it snowballed.
>not incorporating the children sitting neatly in a row story from GTA4