Ricky gervais openly supporting fascism
Disappointed to see this from Ricky. I know he's always been edgy but he never came across as a bigot before.
>Washed up celebrity says something
I don’t care and neither does anyone else
Go back trannies
>inb4 Yea Forums does a heel turn and starts saying he’s based
who the fuck is this? Lucille Ball's husband?
What does Karl have to say though?
Translation: "Throw a milkshake at me next time I'm out in public."
You could have just asked directly, Ricky, instead of doing it this way. Regardless, enjoy the free drink that will no doubt be heading directly to your face after this.
Wow Gervais is a literal nazi
This is disgusting, very disappointed. Weird to think i enjoyed the comedy shows of a fucking Nazi. Is he still under contract with netflix? Someone should tell them...
Based and purplepilled
What's with all the naziphobic stateqments here? I thought Yea Forums made bigotry against the rules. Someone should tell the mods that we've been invaded by naziphobes.
Literally Hitler
Thats just common sense libcucks are the most hypocritical creatures alive.
Ricky has always been /our guy/
/pol/ just got mad because he makes fun of christianity and calls out idiots for being idiots. It doesn't take a genius to see which group of people would be most offended by that
nice b8 you tranny faggot twat
Karl doesnt care as long as his boiler doesnt work
>ricky comes out as alt right
aaaand dropped
Did someone throw a milkshake in his face
Can't tell if samefag replying to himself or two separate people are genuinely this stupid.
Not a tranny, I just don’t care what some irrelevant “comedian” thinks
Not yet, but after this tweet it's probably not going to take long for it to happen.