ITT only the essential kinoest boomer movies

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The Man Who Would Be King

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is the story in that movie the actual the story he tells to mr bat man?

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1 and 2

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No it's just a photoshop of two different scenes in the movie.

My Cocaine is just obsessed with gemstones. Flawless, Slooth. He almost never does a movie without them.

boomercore is so comfy, its not cringe or dumb yet its not challenging or emotionally disturbing.

Is Blade Runner boomercore at this point?


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redditcore more like

Lesser known, but one of my all time favorites

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anything by Sergio leone


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excellent choice

Clash of the Titans, and not the super CGI shitty remake.

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Midnight Cowboy

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even though the road warrior is very cool, this will always be number 1 for me

Boomers hate anything where nazis aren't portrayed as evil genocidal soulless maniacs

maybe american boomers, not the case in my country

mad max > road warrior > power gap > fury road > beyond thunderdome, in my opinion

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see you on the road sneed

das boot is boomercore here desu, also dont forget battle of the bulge another basic boomer film where nazis arent simply evil and soulless

The Outsiders and Rumble Fish are really fun bro-mance gang movies.

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pretty much every movie clint eastwood is in, specially when he was younger than 50.
My father had a great time watching Every Which Way but Loose in his youth at the cinema with my uncle and was one of the movies he recommended me, along with Alcatraz

yeah, can't go wrong with Clint

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I dunno, I always found Mad Max 1 kind of disappointing and liked Road Warrior better.

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I pity the fool who can't appreciate Excalibur

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user that some zoomer shit

>Other shots involved stunt drivers who were supposed to barely miss hitting the speeding car, but due to errors in timing, accidental collisions occurred and were left in the final film.[12]

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man boomers really have shit taste in EVERYTHING but movies

I think I really like 1 more because it is impressive what they achieved with a shoe-string budget.

Just watched this for the first time in years last weekend. Fantastic movie
Couldn't agree more, the first one has probably the coolest setting and world of any film. Maybe I'm just jaded from seeing Road Warrior's aesthetic copied a billion times
one of the best

Framed >>> Walking Tall

Same star and director, way crazier and more gripping.