What's the point of making her an exceptional pilot when she doesn't do anything in the film then dies? I'm not saying she should have had a bigger role, I'm saying since she's absolutely irrelevant, why try to make her a legendary pilot except for girl power brownie points?
Younger and better than Poe, because vagina
Other urls found in this thread:
based star wars director guy
>Yes, women, we know you're so fucking pathetic you can't create your own shit, so we'll force characters into our shit for you to appease your fragile egos since you're basically worthless
>bombers, keep that tight formation
Once more, the informed excellence of the members of the Resistence gets put in perspective.
Harsh but true.
>she's absolutely irrelevant
They've added the character as a hero in EA Battlefront 2.
>übermensch pilot
>white human
they bend over backwards to promote equality and end up doing the opposite.
>better than Poe
they said impressing, not surpassing. poe took her under his wing (as it were) and she served under him. any suggestion of superiority is conjecture.
I agree that the character is stupid, but her updated RZ-2 a wing was a great design, and was really the only good thing in the film.
That's usually how truth is....
Where did you get that she's a legendary pilot or that she's better than Poe from this tweet
Literally just making shit up at this point
why would she want the admiration of a misogynist such as poe?
since when is poe considered hot shit?
maybe some day a woman will actually become a fighter pilot since it's pushed so hard
Considering she's much younger, already leading a squadron and not even having a dick. They're basically she's his equal.
He was the commander at the start of TLJ. She also died following her moronic commander's orders.
I read between the lines.
>she died
>I'm not saying she should have had a bigger role
But you are. You're glad she didn't have a bigger and are bitching that they mentioned her at all.
unintentional lols
At what point does this post say she's better?
So why haven't they created a better bomber than slow as fuck barges that rely on gravity and manual detonation?
>Reee why won't they cast hot women anymore
>Top tier Cutie Hermione Corfield is cast
>Still reeeeeeeeeing
for such a good pilot she didn't fly so good
Star Wars has always had a history of providing elaborate backstories to essentially extras in the background.
bitch you crazy
this is a bomber made like 30 years ago
it is crazy fucking maneuverable
fucking ship spins AROUND the cockpit
and get this
it can launch its ordinance forward instead of having to slow march over a target like space gravity is a thing
why didn't you just turn your space bomber up and launch your bombs forward if there's no space gravity
bitch crazy
And in spite of all that she's dead
Um, Holdo did not design those so they are problematic. Seriously, why does Disney hate Ackbar?
no need for all that shit i'll just hyperspace into the star destroyer
Ah so its headcanon. Got it
Why does the republic have even worse and less equipment than the rebel’s when they’re the ones in control
And why is the first order so much more powerful than the empire with better tech and at least as much of it when they’re the rebels
> Gender: Female
Legitimately surprised, what with this being nu_Wars.
>She was the best wom-pilot until Kylo Ren sexually harrassed her to death in space by shooting his load at her
And now everything is fixed.
Do you think Disney staff at Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge will filter the guests so white males will only be allowed on Empire/First Order themed sections?
Hapa Leia?
Wait a couple of years. After some trans-articles about the lack of mutants on the good side in the franchise you will see more of them.
This is Bill before his daughter starts dressing like a whore and bringing guys home that Bill knows she fucks. This is before the inevitable divorce in which Nia takes everything from him. We have yet to see the best from Bill Burr.
I want someone to edit Rose Tico's page so it says Gender: Unknown.
It's obvious they casted her for the big reshoots. I remember her name came very late. TLJ had huge reshoots and was butchered. It's obvious when you watch the movie, it makes no sense. Execs probably asked Rian why everyone was so ugly and asked him to have a cutie white girl and asian in the first scene but get blasted because they didn't reshoo the whole film
>Imagine a life where you have never been great at anything, never felt the urge to be great at anything, never felt that magnetic admiration to someone who was great at something, wanted to imitate and ultimately defeat him. Just nothing. Literally all you do in life is exist. Occupy space. pass the time. You're a chick.
>You're bored,tweeting about your fucking hair and not even feeling any kind of happiness from it, just soothing your constant need to be bitter and cunty and petty toward other women. Every single thing you've done in the past year was mundane, shallow, and boring. You spent the last six hours reading kinda-interesting Reddit stories about people who made interesting Halloween hats for their kids or some stupid bullshit that you think is interesting and you may say is interesting but you're not really sure if it's really interesting. You're just fucking sitting there, gestating, fermenting, with a moist hole between your legs that guarantees you'll at least never have to get up and move around and work to support yourself.
>And then you see men, over in some corner, having fun. You've never seen this before. What are they even doing? Instead of their consciousnesses merely sitting in their thick skull and revolving around itself, they are imbuing their conscious energy and intentionality into external objects, crafts, goals, projects. All the bitterness and cuntiness you feel nonstop seems to be absent, as they congratulate each other for being victorious, and happily learn from someone who defeated them. These creatures are truly content to be alive. They have found purpose in a purposeless universe.
>And your gaze turns back on itself, on your self, and you realise you've never had that. You can never have it. You're just a stupid cunt.
>So you get up, you walk over there, and you fucking ruin everything. Just ruin the whole fucking thing. The five seconds of attention you get will be worth destroying it. Because you're a woman.
>shove all your whamen into combat where they get butchered instead of using them for breeding more rebels
>resistance gets btfo and goes practically extinct
Plus it just makes every man in the resistance look like a pussy faggot. Having fucking women doing their job for them lmao.
I doubt that it's possible. The wiki is controlled by Disney.
Holy shit
Shame her career has flatlined. She even tried to delete her 'arty' nude modelling pics to be taken more serious ly
I can feel the heat from that burn
Too bad she got BTFO by Kylo
Poe is a dumb wannabe han solo character anyway, who fucking cares. Nuwars is embarrising.
how much training does it require to become a fighter pilot?
From my own experience playing X-Wing and TIE Fighter, around 3 minutes reading the manual. Giting gud takes more time tho.
everyone knows women cant drive
Because she barely had any scenes and she is fucking dead, you idiotic buffoon
I can’t stand women
>Poe is a dumb wannabe han solo character anyway, who fucking cares. Nuwars is embarrising.
True but according to their own canon he's the best pilot which is pretty silly since the best pilot is Rey after what she did with the Falcon.
Women: the niggers of gender
they killed her off but at least we get that dumb blacked chingchong slut baka
I just can't see this as something worth getting upset over.
i love how they got rid of the EU to not have to keep track of all the lore, yet they can't even do that with their own basic shit.
Who and what? Why are they still trying to push GURL wars. The franchise is a sinking ship. The sequels have been nothing but shit.
flying straight in space is hard work for a woman lol
>it's alright when japan does it
From playing DCS world.
easily over 100 hours just to get used to every control+ Targeting system.
then 100 more hours to learn how to use them in which situation and how to solve technical issues
and defeating enemy pilots? boy, you never stop to learn there
wtf why does "rose" tico become baka?
LOTGH is miles above galaxy's edge
why does she have her own wokkipedia page if she had 15 seconds of screen time?
You're comparing a japanese cartoon with a theme park. It's like comparing orange and apples
As much as I feel compelled to say “have sex” this is true
People play that?
Galaxy's Edge is barren
I guess they wanted to add more "strong female characters".
I don't think so.
I fucking despise women so much its not even that im an incel its more of their constant crave for attention that theyll do anything to get it. Then you have white knights and desperate fucks boosting the egos of the fat and ugly ones like fuck man all these bitches need to be put in their fucking place and be restricted social media
I like tFA and TLJ, but one of the reasons these new films are lacking is the world building when it comes to side characters. Even characters that only showed up once in the original trilogy are more memorable than someone like Tallie. Greedo for instance.
There's no sense of a bigger world or other stories that are intertwining with the main plot and characters. There's no one like Boba Fett, no Jabba. No one like Wedge Antilles either, someone in our "main" plot who keeps popping up as a familiar and dependable face, someone who can represent the background of the Rebels without being thrust forward into the spotlight such as Rose.
I miss this sense of a bigger world, and not just focused on our heroes in a galaxy that's so fucking dense and big.
Why doesn't the FO use Tie Interceptors? The Empire was phasing out normal Ties for them
>Her dad just had an Awing lying around that his teenage daughter can just fly for fun
>I like tFA and TLJ
stopped reading there
Bless you user for a great summary of what it is to be female. I am starting to think they have no soul. They are just vessels for procreation and we foolish men have fallen to all these biological fetishes that bind us to them. I wish we had another way to procreate.
I think the main reason why they junked the EU was because it took too many liberties with characters. Too uncontrollable. So they junked the whole thing and wasted a whole lot of time creating a bunch of OC do not steal characters in the new trilogy so that if someone were to write a story about for example "Tallie", the basic layout of the character exists and is documented and Disney can shitcan them for going off script.
Its gonna sound /tinfoil/ but I honestly believe msm and pretty much all forms of entertainment are brainwashing women to think they can do whatever they want, whenever they want and fuck the consequences. Hey remember girls if you cheat on your bf or her husband its okay because its his fault!! Was in a thread the other day where some fem user said it was normal to date 7-10 guys at the same time because "lol its just dating You arent married?" I cant imagine marrying or dating ANYONE circa 2019.
Poe is fucking irrelevant and shit, who gives a fuck? Hopefully he'll be dead by IX too.
The most hilarious thing about this tweet is that they are implying it's a big deal to impress Pee Damecuck in the first place.
Come back when you impress Han or Luke, then we'll talk.
Poe is a literal filler character. No one should care about him and if you do unironically fuck off forever.
she's a heroic character, that nearly always comes with skills, just like all other characters
He's not the best pilot. That's just something they say nowadays in Nuwars. In the comics, they already said Rey is probably a better pilot than him.
The only character that is probaboly actually a good pilot is Kylo Ren because it says in his material that he inherited piloting skills from his dad and family. Plus he has the Force.
Poe and whoever else are garbage. Kylo already blew all of them up anyway.
>I like tFA and TLJ
You should kill yourself bro
So why is Poe the protag? Is it because Disney is sexist?
>I like tFA and TLJ
At least you know how to warn people not to read your post. Well done autismo.
This. Who gives a fuck about Poe? I hope they kill him off and bring Talie back, at least she was cute.
Have sex incel
Well, Rebel's are fucking gay, so fine by me
>Defining the worth of a proud womyn character by stating that a m*le character approved of her abilities.
What sexist BS is this? All womyn (real and fictional) are "worthy" regardless of what any M*n thikns.
how many female fighter pilots are there in reality
He's Finn's gay sidekick, don't kid yourself. The real protags are Rey and the Skywalker family. Mainly Kylo Ren.
is that pic legal
i saw that girl once a long time ago but it was a dodgy tumblr that posted the dancers spammed here on tv
She’s is so better that she died like a bitch.
I understand what you mean, but there's nothing in the star wars films that describe the B-Wing or Y-Wing as bombers. The only evidence for this is the Y-Wings being the first to make the approach on the death star. As far as the films are concerned, their both just different rebel fighters.
This. They actually make fun of Poe in the comics for thinking he's the best pilot and Finn says it's probably Rey.
Kylo is better than all of them anyway. I hope he blows more of Poe's shitters up in IX, too.
>why try to make her a legendary pilot except for girl power brownie points
Literally nothing in that tweet suggests she's a "legendary" pilot. It just says she's a stand out. Pretty big difference between the two. Try sperging out less, incel.
Literally who.
Are you illiterate?
>lets name this random extra and give it a shallow backstory so it feels like we have worldbuilding
its just like harry potter
Literal whos, both of them
Who cares, the real issue is that they are trying to make Poe a big deal when he's irrelevant filler and they love throwing around the "best pilot in the galaxy" title out so loosely nowadays. In the books, in the cartoon, there is always one character that they push as "best pilot forever XD"
Kylo is the only believable good pilot. Everyone else can choke.
too aryan
No they didn't. They added her ship, which is literally just a blue A Wing.
>lets name this random extra and give it a shallow backstory so it feels like we have worldbuilding
they did the same thing with Poe kek
No SFM porn then.
Star Wars has done this literally since the first movie.
>the only cute one
Real life doesn't turn out like movies
The difference is when japan does it, it's genuine (because the creator found it hot, or just because they wanted it to be so) while when a western business does it, it's almost always political in origin, meaning it's not genuine, and also tends to come with a slew of other stuff that makes it unappealing (can't have her be fan service, or it's sexist! she can't be a real character, because then she might have flaws and she's there to make a political point not be a real person)
Posting the only pilot that matters in the ST: Kylo Ben
Get fucked, Resistlets.
haha no
Contribute to a better Yea Forums, don't be like these anons
Why would they post this when the character has been dead for years and will never be seen on screen again?
I'm not saying you're wrong, but one could argue you're just cherry picking
Poe is worse, what's the problem? At least she's waifu material.
Everything that has appeared in Star Wars has a page.
Even chairs.
Have you noticed that they cast attractive women and then kill them off? There was this chick and the asian girl who was the bomber, the women who live are the xenomorph and the potatoe. Interesting
oh sweet summer child...
>cast one cute english girl
She got killed by the only good pilot in this trilogy, they should've mentioned that instead.
TFA's crawl and Kylo identified him as the Resistance's best pilot.
Who cares? He's a shit and over-glorified filler character. Should have killed him instead of Tallie.
Been there done that, the droid that breaks down in A new Hope has its own share of adventures, breaking up on purpouse because it knew about the importance of R2.
Yeah if you are into necrophilia.
>Come back when you impress Han or Luke, then we'll talk.
They are dead.
She was a shit pilot at the bottom of her class who was fast tracked to a position she had no business being in. The Navy wanted to beat USAF in having the first female fighter pilot, it was an entirely unecessary political move.
Still better than your favorite cuck, Pee.
And whites males, so even if they were alive it wouldn't matter.
It's not necrophilia if they kept her alive instead of Poe.
Impress their force ghost.
They matter more than Poe ever will. Keep crying and keep trying to make these shitty bait threads.
Poe is fucking garbage and worse than Tallie because at least she didn't take valuable screentime and was cute.
No one gives a fuck a bout Poe, so you'll have to find another charter to bait with incel.
Post about Luke again like usual
Wow, she impressed that character we barely know.
Isn't it fucking awful how we've had two films with Poe in it and he still feels like a side character?
So is Tallie and hopefully Poe will be too.
She got murked by the only guy who actually impressed Han and Luke. The main character: Kylo Ren. Get better bait, nerd.
Stay mad.
why do we have a whole fucking thread about her if she had 15 seconds of screen time?
That's because he is worse than a side character, he's filler. He was supposed to die in TFA.
The VF guy said that when he interviewed for IX, he thought Finn and Poe would have a bigger role but they barely came up and they mainly focused on Kylo and Rey.
Good riddance to trio-fags who kept trying to say Poe and Finn are main characters. Finn is Rey's sidekick and Poe is Finn's sideckick. He's the sidekick of the comic relief sidekick. That's how fucking irrelevant they are.
Because retards thought they could bait, but didn't account for the fact that Poe is unironically worse than she is and no one cares about him.
>impressive skill set
>resistance top gun notices her potential
>killed off in 10mins with barely any lines
what is the point of even adding backstory to these characters that barely had screen time? do people honestly eat this up?
Apparently not since Finn and Poe are both unpopular.
Star Wars nerds have a long history of taking any background character and giving them a fucking gigantic backstory that makes them some kind of hero.
The fucking dude in the background carrying an ice cream machine in Empire ended up being some super secret agent that was the reason why they managed to find the second Death Star
Misogynists and male feminists should kill themselves. Fucking autistic faggots.
Always kind of assumed they were a multirole plane like ab F4 or F15E. Think the SW games might have caused that bomber designation
The x wing / tie fighter games are more canon to me than the new movies.
blocked in canada
oof, women btfo
>pathetic OP replying to the most obvious bait in the thread to keep his failed thread alive
Yes be tolerant of retards and make this board even more Reddit.
It's time to go back, son.
> he's not kidding
> All items (68)
>All that
>"Let's put her in a slow movung bomber that blows itself up when dropping its bombs"
>When the Resistance budget cut that much they can't even afford proper shielding for their Hangers
>Pic Related
Don't Dis Willrow Hood
I have no respect for any woman I'm not related to. The ones I'm related to I have perfunctory but ingrained respect for. And all of them are the same. You meet one and she's saying all the right things that make her seem like a worthwhile person to be around, but if you listen for long enough, something always comes out which betrays the fact that they're just like the rest.
It was actually based on the P-38
>A TIE Fighter chair was a chair shaped like an Imperial TIE/LN starfighter that was popular during the time of the Galactic Civil War.
literally who?
The biggest bitches are self aware of their own nastiness, so they will play extra nice to cover it. But if you are attentive you will notice when she slips.
>Star Wars nerds
What's the difference between fanfiction and official canon?
The Otana was a top comfy ship to fly in X-Wing Alliance, especially early on when you're doing hauling for the family company. Such a good game.
This is how my ex was. And I wasn't surprised to hear that the overtly polite Blogachop (or whatever her name was) senator or whatever from Minnesota or wherever, who was on the debate stage, also had a reputation for being a thundercunt.
But they do always slip. Especially when they think nobody "who matters", or who they can't control, is watching.
All I remember is that she died like a bitch. Yet Star Wars fans obsess over the most minor characters who are barely above nameless background characters.
Because everyone is butt ugly in the movie, and you have this cutie 15 seconds in the movie. Of course everyone wondered why they killed this one so quick but we had to endure Rose Tico, admiral Dildo and her crew of old menopausal cunts for 2 hours and a half.
No, why would they do that?
He's an ace pilot that's apparently the smartest person in the resistance. The rest of the leadership is clearly fucking retarded.
Neck yourself, faggot.
Wookieepedia is so absurd its actually funny
The wrong sister died
I checked some forums for that game a few years back. They had the most autistic virgin fanbase in history.
Shut up, slit.
t. Poe
Fuck off, uggo. Go back to living in Finn's asshole.
Because retards don't know how to write coherent plots
Literally fucking who? None of the sequel one time characters are even memorable. Didnt even know her name was Tallie until now.
It wouldnt have changed much. Shed be cuter but wed still have to follow the “FREE THE ANIMALS” plotline on the Casino planet. And Rians weird self insert fetish.
Same applies to blacks, it's a brutal redpill.
Holy shit we get it
Women bad men good
Please stop making these awful threads
>Poe is fucking garbage and worse than Tallie
Sorry nerd, but the force is Female. Not sorry.
*sips tea
Stop reversing roles and projecting once again, disney fag subhuman.
It's because your shit soulless flicks keeps pushing the "mens bad, women perfect", that people are getting fed up with it.
>Johnson, everyone was complaining about the Mary Sue's we included in the last few movies, what do we do?
>Make another, they are just sexist
Do they not understand why we don't like Mary Sue's?
>Do they not understand why we don't like Mary Sue's?
They know feminists love mary sues. Being given gigantic power without doing anything for it is their main fantasy
It's as basic as "show, don't tell." Poe is supposed to be ThE GrEaTeSt PiLoT but I only know that because they tell you over and over. He doesn't do anything in the movies that's particularly amazing by the standards of the franchise.
>When all the Resistance Fighters forget that they all have hyperdrive and don't have to land in a cruiser to jump
>when all of resistance command staff forgets this too and doesnt have a few fighters jump as escorts
hit close to home didn't it
why is it even called "The Resistance"?
shouldn't it just be the military of the New Republic?
I bet she is force sensitive too. And gay.
>but get blasted because they didn't reshoo the whole film
It's not that they didn't, they couldn't.
This. What the fuck?
They could've had just a throwaway line about new fighter jump tech or something but they probably didn't even remember the jump mechanics of the previous films anyway because hack fraud jew writers
Nice pasta
user, you know why.
tell me why
What is this?
This funny thing is that with all the trannies were being down that even men make better women than women.
a webm that will help you have sex
Hey Brady haven't seen you in a while especially since Mueller didn't deliver the goods for impeachment that you said was gonna happen six months ago.
Guessed so, any idea as to its origin?
Hey user, I heard you wanted to tell me something.
Actually he doesn't do mch in TFA except ridiculou stunt during the SB attack but yoy didn't notcie because it was all fast pace nonsense. In TLJ he single handedely destroys a deadnaught. That's not even skills they turned him into a mary sue for a short time and then he gets bossed around by a purple dildo for the rest of the movie
Why are the Disney Wars movies so bad? I just don't get how they could fuck it up so much.
Even the prequels had redeemable aspects and still *felt* like Star Wars.
It is literally impossible for women to wear any kind of uniform that a guy might wear and not look like a child cosplaying in an oversized costume.
What a fucking shitshow.
Poe is shit, that's obvious.
Ta, nice trips too
>I just don't get how they could fuck it up so much.
so many movies are like this now. same with game of thones. its almost like they do it intentionally to generate outrage or ruin the franchise or somehting for whatever reason
Ah yes the first carrier qualified female pilot died right away. But please then me how she was held to the same standards as men.
Not really, less than 7%.
>its almost like they do it intentionally
obviously. Incels will get butt mad and watch shit anyway because they don't have anything else to do and women will feel empowered.
>galaxy edge cast member her
The resistance side is pure shit. Its an empty strip with no shade and a broken down ride that they cant get to work. THe first order side has the cantina, the working ride, blue milk stand, light saber shop, practically everything. Star wars is however so dead that the new land is dead and disneyland is in pure panic mode since its middle of summer and crowds are record low with a brand new land open.
because women keep the markets going. men don't buy shit, women do. keep them pliable and they make capital owners rich beyond their dreams.
it wasn't incels that just hated nu wars. everyone except for far left bulldykes though ep 8 sucked fucking donkey dick, because it did
they are brainwashing women for financial reasons.
They invented the word polyamory for a reason, it used to be called cheating but it's negative. Women can't be cheaters they are just polyamorous and you're a pig if you think it's bad. Meanwhile the same feminist would absolute regard polygamy as a backward practise that must be eradicated in the few countries were it's allowed
Also 100% of them have been coached into it by their air force dad. This isn't a career women want to pursue but for some reason Hollywood want to force them
this is why you're a slave
Is that everyone who's not a gender queer nigger now?
what makes something "our/yours"?
>Why are the Disney Wars movies so bad?
A weird combination of too many people involved with an interest in making Star Wars what they want instead of just working within the context of what's already there, and Disney's uncanny ability to suck the soul out of literally anything in the pursuit of delivering idealized corporate products with maximized mass appeal. When you put those together you end up with the weird fanfiction-esque abortions they delivered where everything is familiar by design but not the same with characters that test well but are boring as shit following a plot we've seen but stripped of any real conflict.
Well feminists put all men in one basket so it's fair to say we men
The people making these movies, middle aged menopaused women never liked Star Wars and don't understand it. Instead of studying what makes it so appealing to the fans they decided to turn it into something that is appealing to them which basically is a girl power disney movie
Rogue One explicitly shows Y Wings doing bombing runs. Rebels has an episode dealing with the creation of the B Wing and it's used to attack a Capital Ship.
I love how this new trilogy is so bad that when it reads "impressing even the likes of Poe Dameron" by first response is to wonder who the fuck that's supposed to be.
nah just incels like yourself
> why try to make her a legendary pilot
Because making her a legendary dinner cook and shirt ironer would have made no sense to the plot
How about no bitch
>The people making these movies, middle aged menopaused women never liked Star Wars and don't understand it.
Exactly. They care too much about the messaging compared to making a solid story and letting it come through on it's own. George didn't set out to write anything deep or inspiring, he just wrote a shlocky space opera and despite being the most basic of stories with characters straight from the screenwriting 101 textbook it won the hearts of millions. Disney set out to write a movie that would send X message and it fucked things up for them pretty bad.
>The people making these movies, middle aged menopaused women never liked Star Wars and don't understand it.
It's kind of weird that they're making it.
They're like the kind of people who would look at you weird for reading a Star Wars book in middle school. But now they're making the movies.
should your sentence be
>yes women,
rather than
>yes, women,
fuck off with your truthsaying women don't need to hear this fact
We were told Poe is the best pilot so he has to be the best one.
All the peripheral material that Lucas gave his blessing to (and often helped convinced) thoroughly established the Y Wing as a bomber and the B Wing as a heavy assault fighter. The movies also didn't establish how the rebels built Hoth or where they got their fleet in Return Of The Jedi, does that mean those things should be non-canon too?
>doesnt understand the use of a bracketing comma
Please, please, for the love of god, please tell me that english is your second language, because if it is your first, then this is extremely embarrassing.
>or where they got their fleet in Return Of The Jedi
Does it matter?