what went wrong?
What went wrong?
You can't make a silk purse from a sow's ear
shit source material
blizzard has always been a poor man's tolkien/warhammer
Visuals were off putting
Story was dumb
It was decent. Worse than LotR. Better than the Hobbit and GoT S5-8.
The script, the movie was too rushed which left a lot of things underdeveloped. I don't think Ducan was the wrong man for writing and directing duty, but the man had a terrible personal life while working on the movie.
>Better than the Hobbit
Fool of a gook
Didn't it still perform well enough in Asia to get a sequel?
It was a terrible adaptation of a source material that was already basic as fuck. The director was a spoiled rich kid who thought treating it like a movie made specifically for WoW players was a good idea, even though this saga of the lore had nothing at all to do with WoW, and WoW was already dead in the fucking water (due in part from Blizzard's own negligence towards the lore, and a myriad of gameplay faults). The CG team shit the bed almost as badly as the writers and director - you could practically see the green screen in some scenes. The movie was disgusting to look at.
It lacked consistency, it was shallow, it looked like ass. It is the epitome of a garbage flick. Maybe it's part of some video game movie curse.
>what went wrong?
none of them had engineering skill up to 450.
fucking casuals....
Warcraft 3 has a great story and Wow from vanilla to Wotlk is alright too, but Warcraft 1 and 2 literally have no story at all, just a basic bullshit excuse to have a strategy games with orcs and humans. There are only a few named characters in the original games and you never see them do anything.
They unironically should have started at wc3.
And yeah visually it was kinda shit, the armors looked dumb, the environment was weird and didn't feel like fantasy at all and lastly the humans actors were pretty meh.
Good points: Khadgar and Lothar have a good chemistry, at least in the first part of the movies.
The twist that Medivh activated the portals was pretty well executed
That scene where Durotan dies fighting Guldan is absolute kino
>performed well in Asia
>To get a sequel
Hard to say
You're talking out your ass
Fuck you there is a story in both Warcraft 1 and 2
>video game movie curse
The video game movies with the potential to be good (and I don't think Warcraft was good source material for a movie in the first place) seemingly never get made, partially due to budget and rating requirements.
See: Halo, Mass Effect, Bioshock.
We could have gotten a great Gore Verbinski-directed Bioshock movie, but it needed a massive budget and an R rating to be done right, and studio wouldn't approve both of those.
The thing about Mass Effect and Bioshock is that they wouldn't work as movies
Now thats a kino game.
they should have had a trilogy about Arthas fall and turn into the lich king.
BioShock is impossible to film based on its plot. If you film a movie based on the setting, however, then that would be a superkino.
dumb fucks made it live action instead of using their cgi team and the writing was awful.
It was a video game movie.
It couldn't possibly be good.
>savage green nigs
>retconned to muh honor
This movie was in development hell for years and was released after the peak of popularity of World of Warcraft
Had this been in theaters around early to mid WOTLK it would've been a near billion dollar earner
Those orcs were amazing, but the humans looked too puny. Every encounter made the illusion break, not only in combat.
Also, most of the non-CGI actors were garbage, and the story was sloppily adapted.
They went for the normalfag buck instead of catering to autistic warcraft fans.
If they went for a version with correct lore focusing more on either humans or orcs it would've retained some soul. Also the chink elves were ridiculous and disgusting.
>shit source material
Truth to be told, is difficult to adapt something if the company that creates that something changes the lore every year, and the changes are stupid, ugly, and infuriating.
> Leave your cash cow TV show for this
> destroy your career
too much uncanny valley, they should have consider a more realistic tone for this movie ala nolan´s batman
also a better script
Blizzard continue to rip off Warhammer.
WoW was old news by the time they finally released it.
the human part was trash
Gen X fag, been into fantasy since the early 80's, read/seen/gamed in just about every popular fantasy world conceived. The Warcraft world is fucking lame with zero originality. Was fun when it was an RTS game, but that's about it. Much the same can be said about Warhammer as well, but at least GW has had decades of decent fiction, art and aesthetics under them to make WHFB palpable (at least prior to the Sigmar trash).
Because of that Warcraft comes off as a C-List LoTR rip-off.
The adaptation was poorly done. They consistently used the excuse "it's for the fans" and therefore excluded a lot of explanations where explanations were necessary. They also didn't bother to properly set the tone and setting of the movie because again "it's for the fans" and the fans should know. Unfortunately, not doing any basic storytelling (surprise surprise) makes for a bad overall story. The fans can still comprehend what's happening and understand the world to a degree, but it's still a chore to follow because nothing really gets connected or has the proper pacing and follow-through. Not to mention, if you're not a fan, you're completely lost and don't give a shit 10 minutes into the movie.
For a company that prides itself on making their games accessible to anyone, they made this movie inaccessible to pretty much everyone. They should've started properly from the beginning, had some narration going to explain key points in the beginning, set the tone and setting of the world, and properly explored characters.
The problem also seems to be they tried to do too much at the same time. Such a vast world with a lot of lore, and barely any of it got explained or explored. They introduced a bunch of characters and barely developed them. Only Durotan had enough screentime to have a modicum of character development. There was just too much going on and the best thing they could've done was have a set protagonist the audience could follow while the world and lore was carefully explained to the audience since this is the introduction movie that would take people into the world of Warcraft. That's how you get people attached. The visuals, except for the CGI, were also poor. Garona especially.
Basically, every decision that they made, they decided on the wrong thing.
I didn't watch it cos it looks stupid
>read/seen/gamed in just about every popular fantasy world conceived
you are the hugest faggot to ever exist
Too much human focus with bad actors. The orc parts were the only good parts.
JUSTed hard
>of using their cgi team
Using the level of CGI that Blizzard does for their trailers would be to expensive and time consuming for a movie
>Those orcs were amazing, but the humans looked too puny
That's the point
it was fun to see a scale version of pre cata Stormwind but who cares about the movie WE GOING HOME BOYS
>Warcraft 3 has a great story
thay completely ruined the "why did Garona assassinate Lothar?" mystery
no undeads no party
>WoW was already dead in the fucking water
Dude it had like eight million subscribers when this movie came out. How the absolute fuck is that dead?
XIV is currently celebrating reaching a single million as a massive achievement, as it should, so I fail to see how 8x that is dead.
>That's the point
A bit, yes. But not like that. It makes the viewer not believe in the combat happening.
A full CGI movie with those orcs would have been amazing.
never should have done an origins movie. fuckers should have introduced arthas and set up for a trilogy with arthas hunting for the sword at the end. also, we would have gotten the stratholme scene
>Dude it had like eight million subscribers when this movie came out
They stopped putting out subscriber numbers the year before this movie released
>Basically, every decision that they made, they decided on the wrong thing.
Which can all be contributed to the horrible personal life Duncan Jones was having while working on the movie
I wish I lived in a world when there is rts/rpg Warcraft 4 instead of Wow
those bridges look so bad
Zombies are played out, also imagine selling a movie where a blue eyed blond haired Prince does vile shit
It has
There were a lot of things that just didn't pan out well for the movie in general and it all added up rather quickly. Way too many to name, but some that immediately comes to mind is they tried too hard to tie it in with World of Warcraft when, lore-wise, Warcraft 1 had little to do with World of Warcraft. A lot of subtle changes and retcons were done that altered the story for the worse and didn't make a good translation to the silver screen. Also the director, and I guess writers too by extension, told the story from a WoW player's perspective, meaning you had to have good, established knowledge of Warcraft even before watching the movie. If you're a fan of the games, then it might've worked out better for you, but if you have very little or zero experience with Warcraft outside playing WoW occasionally off and on, the story of the movie was complete and utter garbage that often times didn't make sense. There was no build up, exposition, or character/motives being fleshed out at all during the movie. Instead you're just dumped in the world of Azeroth and within the first 20 minutes of the movie you're shown two major worlds and three large cities that are supposed to be important enough to be known but evidently not important enough to to explain why they matter, coupled with the fact that like half a dozen main characters are introduced, all fighting for screen time with their goals and intentions being thrust onto you in order to advance the story forward. Very little of it makes sense and if you stop to make sense of it, you only get further lost in it.
This is all made worse with the bad writing, bad acting, and terrible CGI among many other flaws. Garona and Lothar's characters have zero chemistry together and their romance felt so unnatural and shoehorned. The end result is just an all around bad movie.
>Purging of stratholme
>vile shit
he did what was right & necessary
Stop using words you don't understand
arthas storyline is one of the greats of all videogames, and illidan isnt to shabby, and thralls is passablee too
>That's the point
WUT? No. Warcraft humans are pretty beefy and can match up well against Warcraft Orcs. Using live action humans alongside standard sized CGI Warcraft Orcs was a massive mistake and broke immersion with every shot. The entirre movie should have been CGI complete with all the funky exaggerated designs Warcraft is known for. Having any live action segments was a mistake.
Nigger are u implying that arthas did something wrong?
theyd make it a journey with a quest, with muradin and jaina. only he'd abandon them at the end, then the next movie is him getting power and purging dalaran, then the last is him becoming the lich king.
the real question is whether theyd bring in illidan, since that would likely require at least one movie.
Not full blizzard cgi and heavily changing the story to make it fit in a 2 hr movie
beefy yes but smaller then orcs, and in the RTS (or at least Warcraft 3) you needed two human swordsmen to take down one orc warrior. The Kul Tiran are different because they might be a human/vrykul hybird.
You can't do the lich king story withouth Illidan, and you can't do Illidan without doing the night elf campaign in Warcraft 3. And you can't do that without doing all of Warcraft 3
>They unironically should have started at wc3
I do think they should've started with WC3 and then considered sequels or prequels from there. WC3 has more than enough story and source material to work with, even if they have to cut a good bit out to fit into a standard 2 hour timeframe. There's just enough material to tie it to modern World of Warcraft while still being separate from WoW in its own way and without the need for an unnecessarily long and rushed origin story like the final product we got. If a Reign of Chaos movie was done right and well received, they could go on to make sequels that tell the story of The Frozen Throne and events leading up to and shortly after classic WoW or do prequels for WC1, 2ToD, and 2BtDP to further explain the origins of the WC3 conflict.
The scene where they are ambushed by the Orcs for the first time is pretty kino. It should have focused more on the action and also been more hardcore and not so pg 13.
Awful writing is the big one.
Everything with humans looked like it was shot as a made for tv soap opera from the mid 2000s.
Duncan Jones established himself as a talentless hack with this.
>Duncan Jones established himself as a talentless hack with this.
Despite giving us Moon and Source Code?
That opening shot of the lone human soldier facing off against the orc was awesome. It reminded me of one of the cutscenes in WC2. Too bad the rest of the movie didn't capture that feel.
I get why they chose to start their story there. They were trying to tie into WoD, which was entirely an asspull expansion, but the the story needed to start either with the first war, Thrall, or Arthas saga and it should have been done ten years ago, closer to when Warcraft was at its peak.
>but the the story needed to start either with the first war,
But it did
>Have 1 chance to make normies care about Warcraft
>Don't use their iconic storyline about Arthas and use zombies to drag in normie/horror fans
>Instead another orc circlejerk by Metzen
They deserve it
Glad I could make it, Arthas.
Yeah, I guess it technically was a retconned version of it. I mean without the influence of WoD. A bigger focus on Blackhand with Gul'dan manipulating him from the shadows. Also, what motivated Medivh to open the portal in the movie? Cutting the Sargeras/Gul'dan/Medivh link made that part confusing.
would a CG movie by the blizzard cinematic team honestly have been more expensive than the live action shit we got? almost every shot in the movie had CG in it anyway.
10 years too late
Order me to purge this city!
imagine how degenerate you'd have to be to look up animated 3d orc rape and insert as the female
Agreed. I don't give a shit about the games but I thought the movie was all right. 6/10. Certainly better than the hobbit trilogy. If they made a sequel I'd see it if I had no plans on a Saturday.
I think the bigger concern would've been it taking much longer to produce if it was full CGI versus the budget. The movie was already in development hell for years and WoW was losing subscribers at a rapid pace since Cataclysm and interest in the series was waning so I'm sure the higher ups thought live action with limited CGI and cutting corners was the way to go hence the awful end product we got.
It was literally a retconned version of the first war though. Why are you sperging out?
Because since the movie came out I seen the word retcon come up a lot, and I get mad because people KEEP FUCKING DO IT . Do you know what retcon is? It's short for retroactive continuity, in short you need a continuity in order to have retcons. The movie has no impact on the game, it's own story and it's own continuity therefor nothing about it is a retcon
>keep is by the harbor
shut up you word mincing faggot sperg
where's lord kazzak? should have him just roaming around nuking townsfolk
the end should be Stormwind's fall and humans regrouping in Lordaeron for the future second movie
>Warcraft 3 has a great story
I think also a part of it is CG movies are seen as less desirable by critics, as far as the artistry of filmmaking is concerned. which is too bad, because the recent cinematics put out by blizzard have been phenomenal in establishing character, and atmosphere.
if you have to cut some side plots/storylines from the warcraft 3 (and exp) story, what would you guys remove? im pretty sure if we actually do get a war3 movie, a few will have to be removed. personally, i wouldnt mind removing the whole blood elf magic addiction, raising kelthuzard, and malfurion-lady bitch love interest. possibly remove that warden chick chasing illidan
Nothing. You are just dumb lardass amerifatso.
Eat shit nigger faggot
>Using the level of CGI that Blizzard does for their trailers would be to expensive and time consuming for a movie
not if they used chinese server farms and american Blizzard CGI teams doing the brain sweat.
>what is a fucking MAP?
how could they fuck that up so badly? its all so wrong.
You're forgetting that the Stormwind that's in the game is a Stormwind that got burned down during the first war
this scene was pure cringe:
it was so bad in so many ways
Blizz removed him because no fun™.
Literally nothing. It was a good movie.
In terms of Reign of Chaos specifically, you pretty much need the entirety of the human and undead campaigns for the story to make sense; but you could cut minor chapters from their campaigns and still be okay overall. The chapter where Arthas and Jaina take refuge in Hearthglen until the undead assault them and Jaina retreats to get backup from Uther comes to mind, as well as that chapter where Kel'thuzad has to slay the orc camps to gain access to their demon gate to commune with Archimonde. Other than that, you could cut nearly half of the orc campaign and summarize it as they land on Kalimdor, meet the Tauren, then venture forth to find the oracle while having little skirmishes with the humans along the way. I don't know what to do with the Night Elf campaign though; part of me wants to keep it intact because Malfurion plays such a large role, but part of me also wants to remove as much Tyrande-driven story as possible because of how shit of a character she is.
>The chapter where Arthas and Jaina take refuge in Hearthglen until the undead assault them and Jaina retreats to get backup from Uther comes to mind
You can't cut that chapter, because that event is what caused Arthas to purge Stratholm
you can i could be good friends. her part in the stories is ridiculous. i replayed the game recently, and tyrande literally did the following:
>*walks around the woods with malfurion*
>"oh shit, i remember illidan is imprisoned here. lets release him and he'll help us"
>malfurion: dont you dare bitch
>"fuck you i wont do what you tell me"
>*enters the prison and seals out malfurion*
>*releases illidan*
You don't cut anything and make it a trilogy
"Warcraft 3 has a great story" is good millennial filter.
it was meant for China and did really well in China. nothing went wrong in their eyes.
Night elves are a theological matriarchal society, if Tyrande says that Illidan is to be released then he is to be released.
Make a movie with a trylogy in mind, don't try to cram every single storyline into one feature. Focus the first movie on Arthas and by proxy on Jaina, make audience like him. Include orcs but not too largely just to give people context. Build up Arthas turning. End the movie on Stratholme. Second movie is undead onslaught. Big initial focus on alive Sylvanas to make her death and turning and eventual freeing impactful. Second movie ends on Archimonde arriving. Third movie is Jaina in Thrall
thats better than the trilogy i was thinking of. i wonder if chicks would dig sylvannas as a tragic "hero", they could potentially make a separate movie of her storyline after the scourge.
> i wonder if chicks would dig sylvannas as a tragic "hero"
Oh, definetely. I would know.
Arthas story becomes retarded the moment he arrives in stratholme, also don't get me started on Grom soloing Mannoroth
im pretty sure grom is literally infused with demon/guldan power, same as mannoroth. mannoroth is referred to several times as lazy and complacent, and grom is pissed off
Mannoroth was better in magic than both Illidan and Xavius, was the leader of the pit lords and he also helped the legion assault various worlds, dying to one single mad orc buffed by demon power is fucked
Who did that?
Tyrandes story is alittle funny but ultimatly shes the reason the legion lost, she is just the night elf arthas whose lived long enough to not fall into corruption
her interaction with illidan is inraging though
>free illidan to so he can kill demons
>he does
>banish him from the forest forever
>citing a guy who wrote a single mad orc hurting Sargeras to prove that a single mad orc couldn't kill Mannoroth
They tried to cram 3 movies worth of plot into a 2h movie.
The guy who played Ragnar on Vikings. But Ragnar always had a predefined end to his story based upon historical accounts and they were padding it out long before they finally got forced into executing him.
every character are dicks to illidan
fortunately he doesn't give a fuck and continue to slay like a madfucker
They should have done WC2. Do the story from Lothar and company arriving in Lorderon to the battle at Blackrock where Lothar dies and Turalyn rallies everyone to defeat Doomhammer. It is the easiest story to adapt that can have a satisfying ending. Character arcs can be resolved.
WC1 has zero story or characters and does so little for the overall narrative that you can easily cover it in flashbacks and exposition.
>Sloping canals
Nice perspective
Warcraft 3 wouldn't work as a movie, but it would make a great tv show
>wanted arthas story
The casting for the humans was pretty bad, especially for Khadgar. But the music, visuals and some of the fights were great.
No. While it did good in Asia (China specificially), you have to remember that China keeps a part of the cut. The movie failed and performed really badly at in the states. Overall the movie underperformed, and because of that there won't be a sequel. All props were sold some months ago, including the king's throne, which pretty much confirms no sequel ever.
Probably blizzard's fault somehow
Yeah the orcs were a bit too big and strong. Humans could only fight them by dodging their attacks, as it was impossible to parry them. Humans in Warcraft are descendants of vrykul, who were huge, viking like humanoids. That's why humans in the game are so big.
im not terribly familiar with the humans, but at least in warcraft 3, the orcs cost considerably more gold per unit than footmen since the orcs were stronger and humans needed quantity over quality. night elves were worse though, they were cheap but you needed to build a shitload. the orcs may have been slightly too large, but only slightly.
>Using game mechanics from Warcraft 3 to measure orc and human strength for the movie
it's practically common sense that the orcs are much larger. whats the problem here? it would make sense that the only way humans can defeat them is 2v1
They should've made it full cgi.
Overstylized and way too colorful wardrobe made the actors look like cosplayers in comparison to the gritty look of the orcs. I feel like the costume department never interacted with the guys in charge of the effects, so we ended up with this hilariously jarring contrast that made the entire thing look like exactly what you’d expect going in to a video game movie.
They should have gone CG all the way through. It would have been more consistent
Halo would be a hard Maybe. The recent live-action series was awful. The clean and polish look they carried over from the newer Halo games just don’t look good.
Bioshock would make a terrible movie
Mass Effect would be better as a series
Nothing went wrong, at least for me. I expected a cheesy video game movie and that's exactly what I got, I laughed for the whole run, it was silly fun.
that is a good way to look at it. plus I remember them announcing a warcraft movie in 2005, they had fans that had been waiting for 11 years. thats a hard crowd to win.
>I would know
Are you a wizard?
yup. i even recall chuck norris being a-okay with coming in as a cameo. everyone was ready
> killed a demi-god
> can't kill a pit lord
lol just stop trying.
Except they just made like 3 full on cinematics for the current expansion alone.
It was good. Should have been hard R rated with more violence, but overall it was enjoyable enough. Only autistics think it sucked (see this thread for examples).
ching chong eat a dong