How does a movie manage to be as timeless and full of attention to detail as The Matrix?

How does a movie manage to be as timeless and full of attention to detail as The Matrix?

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um sweetie it was made by women, thats why.

A lot of the effects are dated

Such as?

Trinity flying for example

>muh techno music
>muh computers mean something
>muh nerd gets tranny looking bitch

incel fanbase

you forgot muh trenchcoats

Not sure what you're talking about, because The Matrix is incredibly 90's.

When does Trinity fly in the movie?

the soundtrack is getting very cheesy.

It was made by men who still had their testosterone power in their brains whilist combating a growing surge of gender dysphoria and their identities which resulted in a masterpiece from aforementioned trauma.

On a serious note, a lot of it has to do with choreography and camera work. You can count the amount of jump cuts in a Matrix fight on 1 or 2 hands and the camera angles are wide with a full view of the action, no ultra zoomed in shaky cam bullshit.

Fine. Your shilling worked.

What am I in for?

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lol literally in the first 5 minutes of the movie

that wasn't flying it was a big jump for you

great film, great trilogy

get comfy because you are about to feel a lot like alice tumbling down the rabbit hole

She literally never flies though, only Neo is capable of flying and that's at the very end.

A fun time user

you can skip 3 and be okay

You mean skip 2 and 3

I disagree with this. 1 and 3 are top notch, 2 I really dislike.

>all this people forgetting how a love kiss from Trinity saves neo

It’a flawed and you know it

why the fuck would you download it lmao you could just look it up for free with no buffer t. aussie internet

This. 1 is pretty self-contained.

Love = truth = divinity = Christ

If you have secular beliefs the significance will be lost on you.

It helps that it was made in the 90s. Something about the production technique and the level of equipment in that era gave all the movies a richer feeling. If it came out today it would probably look like the new MIB.

>VIs-a-vis ergo systemically hurdy-gurdy grrrrgggg osksjsjshavafshsn
That's 3

Watch 1, The Animatrix and then 2 & 3

It has the benefit of "it's supposed to look unreal!" due to being about a simulation and people bending its rules.

1st movie should be seen as if there's no sequels, its a masterpiece and can't be improved
the 2nd and 3rd are just fan service, some fans really hated them but it doesn't take anything away from the 1st one

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by being a low tier version of this.

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Part of the reason is that the Wachowski Brothers (sisters?) had been working on, pitching, refining and rewriting the script for almost 10 years. Every element serves a purpose, and they came with lots of interesting ways to deliver exposition, establish the rules of this world, and understand the needs of the audience and what questions they would need answering at what point.

Sometimes, failure makes a project stranger. They received 1,000 no's from various producers for The Matrix, and each one made them polish it a little and make it just a bit better. Compare and contrast to Interstellar, where Warner Bros signed the largest pre-approved budget in movie history without seeing a script. Which movie had the more lasting effect on pop culture? Which is more fun?

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The trilogy is on Netflix for one more day

The CG where Smith and Neo fight in the train station but you barely notice if you're into the scene. Also that's a fucking train.

That's the moment he becomes the one though. The kiss reminds him as hes dying that the matrix isnt real, he finally fully accepts it and just wills his body back to life.

Still doesn't explain why he was able to disable the machines in the real world unless that world isn't real either.

Astronaut culture is never overtaking cyberpunk, stupid.

Its not

He cant do that until the trash sequels

How are you on Yea Forums and you've never seen the matrix?

Matrix embraces the social outcast nature of the content and so gains respect and avoids being tripe. Dark City married dude gets picked up by a prostitute in the first few minutes and the evil beneficent doctor has a limp/lisp. That's as much as I've seen and really want to see.


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Because I was told it was made by trannies

A great sci-fi action movie. A lot of what it pioneered has been imitated to death, but the movie still holds up fantastically considering. Not an ounce of fat on it either. The film has a sense of momentum that is unmatched by action movies today and the editing is a masterclass in pacing and rhythm. Every shot serves the whole thanks to the fact that the scripts were sitting around for five years and had time to be refined, and they had to storyboard the whole film in order to even get the green light the make it. I envy that you get to watch it for the first time.

If you do decide to push forward with the sequels some words of warning:

Watch the Animatrix first. It's probably the best Matrix media that's not the original and a few of the shorts directly set up characters, situations, and themes in the sequels.

The sequels themselves are weird. I love them, but they're very different beasts. For one they're a lot more over the top and bombastic, jettisoning a lot of the mood and subtly of the original for a more anime, operatic tone. Somehow they feel both more bloated and thin on certain narrative aspects. Because they had less time to work of the scripts a lot of the story comes across as half baked and the themes are far less elegantly woven into the story. While the first film feels like a truly cohesive whole, the sequels feel a lot more disjointed with narrative stopping for minutes at a time for the sake of long action scenes and characters talking. You get the sense that the Wachowskis ambition got the better of them and that they got in way over their head and stretched themselves too thin. Despite this, I feel like they're still really enjoyable films with interesting, provocative themes and some really stand out sequences even if a handful of the more...ambitious effects haven't aged all that well.

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They are today, but not at the time of production.

this film makes me irrationally angry because it borrows a ton of the imagery from GitS - as in nearly everything iconic - but also makes it much lamer in the process

but this is simply irrational, it's a completely different movie on every other level and I shouldn't really be comparing them

It has to be viewed as a Catholic film, you're absolutely right, but it's not easy to analyze on that basis. Reeves is basically a 21st century Christ figure or Christian in the film... The Matrix could be more popular as a franchise if it successfully mines the political tension surrounding 2033 (Y2KAD)

It's a Christianized Ghost In The Shell. Something specific to the Western world.

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Youre stupid

This post made me wonder. Could the two sequels be saved by editing them down (or maybe into one, single entry with a reasonable runtime)?

>freeze frame of her jumping
>”shes flying, dude!!”
Lets laugh at him together

you could cut pretty much all of the zion fight in 3 and miss nothing

Dont listen to those anons. They are all good . 1st is best then 2nd and 3rd is good mostly because of the mechs.

t. zoomer that has never seen a VHS


thanks yify

quite the misleading description of a film that is pure unadulterated Kino my good sir.
I cannot go into further details without spoiling the film for those here that haven't seen it.

>full of attention to detail

except how the fuck cypher managed to jack himself into the matrix to meet with smith

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He just jacked off

why would machines need to make the matrix in the first place, just enslave humans, they can't run

was it kino?

Based and estrogen pilled

oversocialized incels actually hate the matrix and especially the sequels, but they'll pretend to like it for reddit upvotes just because the directors are trannies now

I'll say it once I'll say it again.
The sequels are garbage. They are just fucking trash jerk off fantasy for NPCs who don't have inner dialogue.
Smith coming back was retarded, being more than one "ones" is also retarded, all the special characters are retarded. The whole thing is retarded, the action sequences are basically one punch man but serious which is also retarded.
Fuck the tranny bros for ruining a perfectly good movie that was very self contained and had a great ending

lmao nice brainlet cope

the matrix sequels are only for 170+ iq

I've tried this. I made a cut of the film that merges the two films into one and cuts any scenes that aren't necessary for character, theme, and story -- so basically keeping the film as is but trimming the fat. I also re-introduced scenes shot for the Enter the Matrix game, which develop a lot of the Zion characters better. First pass ended up being over half an hour shorter than Reloaded and Revolutions combined.

The idea of there being more than one "One" was introduced in the first movie.

It's kino but what is it trying to say about Catholic doctrine? Reeves plays a 21st century Hebrew in opposition to a 21st century Canaanite smith.

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it was smart of them to have mentioned its then-contemporary setting, the late 1990's, as a point of reference.
New viewers can look at the story that takes place within a 90's time capsule, instead of pretending that they're living in the 'present'.

This user here. This was actually pretty good.

The CG for the squid robots in the end and the belly button tracker were shit but otherwise I felt it held up pretty well.

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I often wonder the same thing. The Matrix is 10/10

desu everything is way too cool and dark and mysterious and tasteful to be a 90s time capsule. I love the fact that its filmed in Sydney as well, just makes it a little bit different than most stuff. But I like the fact that it is the wachowskis romantized cinematic edgy meme version of the 90s instead of the real 90s. The people of the future don't have to know the truth.

I can't tell if you're making a women can't drive joke

I wish the sequel would star Reeves and make more use of the Renaissance aesthetic from the sequels. McTeague seems very interested in history and I wonder if his sensibility would suit The Matrix series.

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>dude just shoot up a place and all your problems will be fixed
no wonder Americans like The Matrix

as trans propaganda, it resonates with the trans future of americans

The lobby guards weren't exactly evil either. Just regular people doing their jobs. In that sense they were terrorists with a high 'the end justifies the means'-sense of morality.

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>None of the good guys are white. >Even Neo is half-Asian

What did the Wachowskis mean by this?

>The Wachowski brothers turn their attention to metaphysical SF: Keanu Reeves discovers that the universe (i.e., America and environs) is run by computers that use human beings as batteries for bioelectrical energy, and that he’s living not in 1999 but roughly two centuries later; Laurence Fishburne enlists Reeves to lead a revolt staffed by a small multinational crew (including kick-ass heroine Carrie-Anne Moss). This is simpleminded fun for roughly the first hour, until the movie becomes overwhelmed by its many sourcesBlade Runner (rainy and trash-laden streets), Men in Black (men in dark suits with shades), Star Wars for mythology, Die Hard for skyscrapers, Alien for secondary characters and decor, Superman and True Lies for stunts, and Videodrome for paranoia. There’s not much humor to keep it all life-size, and by the final stretch it’s become bloated, mechanical, and tiresome. 136 min.
Tfw your favourite critic gets it wrong

based retard

Would he turn Weaving into a hero?

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Because it's a fuckin SJW fest

>made by trannies
>full of niggers
>white men are the villains
>Hapa protagonist
>his love interest is some +30yo roastie who kicks ass