For discussion of any classic films or TV. Don't expect many replies but I will start at least one thread a day and hope it picks up
/CFM/- Classic film general
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Hard to Be a God, forgive me, I wanted to like it but holy shit was it boring.
Rear Window is better than Psycho
Change my Mind
Open to kinoir suggestions.
The Uninvited
I have seen this one today. Pretty great. Probably my second most favourite Carpenter from what i have seen. The Thing is still number one.
hard to be a patrician
>fritz "like murnau but worse" lang
I can't imagine that's a particularly unpopular opinion. I think a lot of people could at least accept that the other big 3 (Rear Window, Vertigo, North By North West) can be considered better. There's a small handful of others that your typical 20-something couldn't name but could be argued for too.
2001. I've tried 2 times and it's just fucking painful, it really is. The Godfather, too.
I haven't watched 2001 not even once because I know I'll like it and I want to save it.
>dude i just watched rio bravo it was great
ok john
Fuck post-precode and fuck disbanding studios from theaters
the man who shot liberty valance
What about Rio Bravo? I have seen that, it was pretty great.
It's a joke about the Carpenter film
sweet smell of success is so underrated. ive watched that dinner scene on youtube probably 20 times. Name a better well-written scene, i dare you.
Yeah, i got it now. I tried cancelling my reply but it was too late.
That's the scene. Love it.
>Performance so good it saved a relative's life decades later
How was Peter Lorre so based bros?
where my sam fuller fans at? random trivia: spielberg straight up lifted the character of short round from this film.
possession, its so bad. i've finished it eventually, but it was painful
I agree. Don't see what others see in it.
every classic movie is overrated wut wuz with duh ending btw my fav films are dredd and edge of tomorrow brb making an epic the thing thread XDDD i love sci fi
Black and White movies have been surpassed by colored movies 2bh
t. spike lee
What's the best Ealing comedy and why is it Kind Hearts and Coronets?
>I'd like to report a murder
>Who was murdered?
>I was
OP here, just got back. Kino thread lads, thanks
me neither, and when they try to explain i dont even disagree with some of their points, the actors do their job well and i get the emotions the director wanted to communicate, but as a film its terrible
Is this a reply to that ART general?
no. and the worst part is after getting used to black and white, colored films look ugly and vulgar
There was a FILM general 2 days ago. Lot of generals popping out now. Which is good, finally something interesting.
Hated that film. One of the few I've ever turned off
That was not kino don’t worry
can someone explain ozu to me. i watched one of his movies when i was pretty young, so i think i need to take another go.
It was such a long while ago that I don't remember too much. One particular moment that comes to mind is a scene where they discuss, if I recall correctly, the bill of rights in an adult classroom. I remember it as being vulgar and on the nose, without any conceit that it was pushing a message, and the acting was two pounds of ham in a one pound bag
>tfw M takes place in the same universe as Dr Mabuse
>I remember it as being vulgar and on the nose, without any conceit that it was pushing a message, and the acting was two pounds of ham in a one pound bag
welcome to john ford movies lmao
For me its Marlene Dietrich
The spy that came in from the cold.
How come all the directors I see shilling the hardest for silent movies, like Del Toro, make films that evoke as much feeling of the silent era as any next Pleb director?
What is Avengers: Endgame?
a man of good taste
Do I bite?
It's very good.
lads we should unite classic and arthouse as one bread if we don't want capeshit and netflix to drown us to page 10
arthouse must bend the knew to classic
Yeah, making LESS threads will surely defeat capeshit and netflix threads
>dude go deeper lmao
part of the arthouse nerds really ruin it for everyone else desu
The Thin Red Line.
Beginning sequence made me think I was in for kino but then the boat sequences started and I couldn't understand wtf those hicks were saying.
OP here. Never noticed /art/ before so I'm sorry for that. How would you want to merge them? And are you sure they are the same demographic? I think classic may be a more suitable name for a general in that "art" can be glanced at and presumed to be for more esoteric films only. I want good discussion but also sustainability as a general, which I have doubts /CFM/ has anyway
What's the best Shakespeare adaption lads?
if you want a "pure" adaptation then olivier's richard the 3rd is really good, tho i liked hamlet better for the atmosphere. polansky's machbet is great aswell. if its okay to change it a bit them chimes at midnight, ran and throne of blood. if i had to choose one i'd go with throne of blood
We had one thread earlier that lasted a couple hundred replies before dying. For me it's the same attitude in viewership, I go watch the latest auteur film for the same reason I dig for great silent films.
No big fuss anyway, we're just trying to have a place for civil discussion outside of the usual mainstream of blandess.
Prospero's Books by Peter Greenaway.
Olivier's Richard III is Kino but I think the opening soliloquy is mixed with a part from Henry VI
Cagney was the best
well sure and he left our rosencrantz and guildenstern from hamlet, but still
Damn that's pretty good, more than what this will probably get. I reckon I'll keep making these daily while keeping an eye out for /art/, and after a while I'll decide if it's worth keeping making /CFM/ based on the replies or if art is still going
It fucking sucks how capeshit and big budget mindless franchises have killed cinema. Will these kinds of films ever be made again?
Are there anymore documentary style silent movies like "People on Sunday" and "A man with a camera"? These two were absolutely kino and I need more.
I really enjoyed The Apartment. It was the right combination of funny and bittersweet. Both of the main characters are suffering from the sort of disenfranchisement that has become sadly more common today.
> silent movies
Fuck I didn't read this part :DDD
Robert J. Flaherty.
What's everyone's opinions on Treasure of the Sierra Madre? It's my favourite film of all time
I've only seen it once, didn't think much of it tbf.
Nothing much to be said at this point its just an universal timeless story of greed also its probably my favorite Huston/Bogart collab
great post
ran of course
>not throne of blood
Kagemusha was disappointing
How do I get over the bad/ott acting in old films? It really takes me out of them and makes them a chore to watch at times.
It's not bad, it's different, and after watching a boat load of precode films, I believe, superior.
literally just get used to it, its not bad acting just different. 50 years from now acting in today's film will look strange and unnatural. watch more movies from a given time period and you'll stop noticing it