The Silver Queen Edition
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Shhh! Jon-kun is sleeping...
Will he be called Aegon in the books?
So this is the power of House Targaryen....
1st for Fuck Jannies
A cute!
Yeah it's fun to see normies get mad at mad queen but we all know he should have won
They should have just gotten married. George is a hack.
>As long as I'm posting, the series is not over. This is my home
here's your prequel bro.
can someone post the face only photo of dany photoshopped so she's fat? I saw one the other day, and it made me chuckle.
>nogs will undergo extensive makeup to not look like nogs
How do they expect to create any suspense or drama in a prequel about The Others when the main series has already revealed that they're just a bio-weapon gone rogue who ultimately could've been dealt with easily by just hiring a faceless man with a Valyrian steel dagger?
Seriously, what the fuck were the HBO execs thinking?
here's one may not be the one you're thinking of though
His real name ended up amounting to nothing so it's probably a leftover thing from Gurm's outline that they felt that they had to include.
>Viserys, was her first thought the next time she paused, but a second glance told her otherwise. The man had her brother’s hair, but he was taller, and his eyes were a dark indigo rather than lilac. “Aegon,” he said to a woman nursing a newborn babe in a great wooden bed. “What better name for a king?”
“>Will you make a song for him?” the woman asked.
>“He has a song,” the man replied. “He is the prince that was promised, and his is the song of ice and fire.” He looked up when hesaid it and his eyes met Dany’s, and it seemed as if he saw her standing there beyond the door. “There must be one more,” he said, though whether he was speaking to her or the woman in the bed she could not say. “The dragon has three heads.”
The fact that the undying vision doesn't describe the woman, that neither Dornish nor Targs have anything to do with Ice and that Rhaegar looks directly at the camera when mentioning that there must be another head makes me think that it could be a vision of baby Jon with Rhaegar asking Dany to find a third head.
Who fucking cares? Let it go
this is good, but it's not the one. the other shop looked almost real.
well it isn't face only but this is probably the most realistic looking one I have
>Jon, if you disobey me again, I will punish you. I r-really mean it this t-time!
These Dany-as-femcel memes are so unrealistic. Women have all the power in relationships, I can't even enjoy them ironically.
>episode 4
>Cersei is bringing in thousands of people into the red keep as human shields so danaerys has to kill them all to kill her
>Next episodes
>Danaerys kills everyone outside of the red keep before attacking the red keep, the red keep itself is completely empty
Literally and unironically have sex
Why is one of them U-shaped?
You know what? I still would.
for me, it's Stannis
What were you expecting, good writing?
get help
>J-Jon please do what I say, I’ll suck your dick, I’ll let you be King, a-anything
why do people keep comparig Martin to Tolkien they're so different in their work it makes no fucking sence
because they're the only two fantasy writers who were popular enough to get truly big-budget adaptations
With what?
You should
He murdered his beloved. Fuck Jon Snow.
No Targaryen babies. Not now, not ever.
>He murdered his beloved.
He rejected her because of bad writing. Jon in season 8 is unrecognizable.
Because GRRM compares himself to Tolkien, I’m pretty sure the R.R. in his name is an image to him
Is this series still worth watching now that it has ended or nah
His ending was pretty much the same as LOTR for one
Only S8 is bad
>Dany dies
>But has Jon’s baby beforehand
Even this would have been better, Dany’s life wouldn’t have felt like a total waste of time
It's not even bad writing, it's writing that contradicts itself
I really hope Jaime's charge is in the books. I wish they had shown something more of his mental state, because it takes a shitton of bravery to suicide charge a dragon.
5-7 are pretty bad but they're watchable popcorn fare
Yeah, and even the spectacle in s8 is bad since fucking Arya kills NK and there's no WW battle
I love emilia
book jaime has a pretty fucked up mental state
I highly doubt anime will be leading Cersei’s armies against Dany, Cersei likely won’t even be Queen
I love you too!
She's pretty cute isnt she
I liked the dragons in the clouds bit that was it
>seasons 5, 6 and 7
>not bad
Literally the dragon battle and Undead viserion was the only good bits
I liked Jon bits
Prophecy says that Cersei gets fucked over by another queen so unless fAegon is a reverse trap that means Dany
probably. It would just be a lot cooler with inner monologue.
You are boring, user
>I liked Jon bits
you mean the bits that should've been given to stannis?! it's stannis that will defeat the boltons in the book
We all know that season 8 was garbage, but there were some redeeming qualities. What did you like about it? For me, it was episode 2, for the most part. It still had the contrived Sansa vs Dany plot, but it was enjoyable over all. Its biggest problem was that it indulged in small character moments while there were huge plot point--Jon and Dany's relationship and Bran--that were less focused.
>loli cersei will never invite you to come and play in her room
They both have enormous worldbuilding and Martin's whole schtick is making a high fantasy setting like Tolkien's more realistic
>I liked Jon bits
>Night's watch kills Jon for no reason
>The north kinda forgot
>Stupid battle of the bastards that could've been avoided if wun wun had a weapon or if Sansa told Jon about the vale
>Jon is king for about 2 days before leaving
>it's stannis that will defeat the boltons in the book
Then why does Gurm say that Shireen gets burned and that there will be a huge fight between the Stark direwolves and Ramsay's dogs?
Dany's house of the undying vision suggests they ARE going to get married so I don't know if this is GRRM or DnD's laziness and sutpidity
>implying S9 won’t be awesome with Dany being revived in volantis and giving birth to their twins Aegon and Rhaenyra that later come back with mommy to start a war against the 3ER after a timeskip
Yeah, the gulf between a “successful author” and a “household name” are huge. Martin and Tolkein are literally the only ones that have ever done this in fantasy.
Just like another horror writer will inevitably be compared to Stephen King.
I'd actually be interested in seeing that, as long as D&D don't come back to write it.
Me too bro
Go back to your wife, Kit.
Stannis will not burn Shireen. and the direwolves will come in Stannis' aid to get back winterfell of course
What reason would there be to burn Shireen other than an attempt to bring Stannis back to life?
I'm pretty sure J K Rowling makes the cut as well, though it's arguably not in the category of "adult fantasy".
I figure Rowling and CS Lewis are children’s authors.
Same as why I wouldn’t put RL Stine with Stephen King.
And for every 1 household name in genre fiction theres like 3 baby boomer crime/mystery writers
>What did you like about it?
Euron. honestly most if not all characters left were total shit (including him) but at least he was entertaining to watch
To bring Jon back to life
I'm sure that user meant the swordshit kind of fantasy
Selyse fucking hates Jon even, she would never agree to burn Shireen to bring back the wildling lover that regularly refuses to obey her.
>>Night's watch kills Jon for no reason
Happens in the book
>>The north kinda forgot
North is trash
>>Stupid battle of the bastards that could've been avoided if wun wun had a weapon or if Sansa told Jon about the vale
Was a cool scene and fuck Sansa
>>Jon is king for about 2 days before leaving
Rushed writing
>finish show
>finish books
>finish twow sample chapters
Now what?
Stannis burning Shireen is an essential part of his character arc
melly will burn shireen. NOT stannis. that's just D&D fanfiction
this, the actor's self-consciously shitty performance made it hilariously out of place, but at least it was fun to watch.
dunk & egg stories. fire & blood.
or start another fantasy series, like i did
In the books they kill him cause he's gonna get the whole watch massacred by the boltons by doing the opposite of what he's supposed to do and taking sides in the realm's politics. In the show they followed his command to let wildlings in, then killed him after the fact, which accomplishes nothing. Also the north remembers in the books
>Fire & Blood received mixed reviews from critics. Hugo Rifkind of The Times described it as "interminable, self-indulgent crap."[15]
no thanks
Truly this has been a song of ice and fire
Finally I have become a game of thrones
in the books it's also clearly a last minute act of desperation. they kill Jon like two minutes after he decides to march south
>Truly this has been a song of ice and fire
We can't really meme about this one since they actually did it.
Music was fuckin amazing as it usually is.
It is desperate cause it's a desperate situation, it's not a smart decision either since the watch is gonna tear itself apart in the next book, but there's logic to it unlike in the show
Why did he suddenly act like a retard? He spent 10 chapters keeping neutral and telling everyone that he couldn't help Stannis directly but as soon as he gets a bait letter he decides to openly break his oaths, march to Winterfell with a handful of other oathbreakers and expect no consequences.
euron is hilarious in this scene. just the way he pops out of the water in the exact same place as Jaime and immediately challenges him to a fight to the death. then he's so proud of killing a one-handed guy when he just yeeted a dragon one episode earlier. it's absurd
What’s this from
Leaked season 9 script
Ramsay claimed he had Arya, the Stark Jon had the most love for. Given Ramsay's reputation, he probably wasn't treating her well.
That episode didn't matter, none of the characters died. Whole episode was basically filler and felt like fanfiction
None of the characters died because there was no reason for them to die. Of course, it's fanfiction, but Jaime knighting Brienne was a nice culmination of their relationship.
No, the letter said that "Arya" escaped and he had known that Arya was in Winterfell for ages and did nothing about it except trust Melly to send a known oathbreaker to save her.
this, 1 and 2 were fucking awful, I can't believe people are praising them
i also love the tv character daenerys targaryen
>and he had known that Arya was in Winterfell for ages
He did? I haven't read it in years.
They were actually stalling for time with those episodes, in the season where they're probably condensing like 1500 pages into 6 episodes and they're just filled with a bunch of filler and nonversations
>tfw can't reforge it or outright melt it down
I really want to tear down the symbols of their family
love it
I love both.
He gets a letter about the engagement on the same chapter that not-Rattleshirt beats him at sword training and decides that he cannot help her.
>There is no way I can help her. I put all kin aside when I said my words. If one of my men told me his sister was in peril, I would tell him that was no concern of his. Once a man had said the words his blood was black.
Then in his last chapter he is all like "I'M GOING TO WINTERFELL TO BREAK MY VOWS! WHO IS WITH ME, BROTHERS?"
Idk then, maybe he thought Stannis would win and save Arya, then when the letter arrives the arrogant, braggart tone just makes him snap.
>ghost telepathic interference bruh
This scene was really cool, sadly It didnt mattered at all
It was the catalyst for Dany going bonkers. Aegon's heritage was the biggest plot point of S8
>I've come here to kill you
>I thought you came to die
>Well, it's all a matter of perspective
He had been so cool headed before dealing with retards like Selyse and her men and all the brothers reeing about how much they hate the wildlings that it's hard to believe that he'd choose to lead a suicide mission alongside other oathbreakers than send some more wildlings to Winterfell to rescue Arya, whom the letter said had escaped.
And it completely didn't make sense, because people tried to conspire to put "Aegon" on the throne instead of Dany, despite the fact that they were literally on the same fucking team.
When the biggest plot point could be fixed by a simply marriage, its a shit plot point
So the reason the books have taken so long is because Gurm wants an ending with Bran king, Jon killing mad Dany, Sansa being a LF tier schemer and Arya being an unstoppable killing machine but has no idea how to get there?
>D&D literally got the adaptation rights from George because they "figured out" Jon's parentage
>didn't drop a single fucking hint to it in five seasons leading up to the reveal and had to clumsily rush it in a few episodes
They genuinely didn't care about anything past the Red Wedding, they essentially scammed an old man out of a good adaptation of his life's work.
George lost interest in his series awhile ago, that's why it's been 20 years with 2 books when the first 3 took 5 years. I doubt he was even really writing with the ending in mind
Dany had already made it clear she would sack King's Landing if she could gain from it, something 'Jon' would never do. Plus she was obviously a power-hungry, entitled narcissist who wanted to 'free' as many people as possible, so even before her Nuremberg speech people like Varys/Tyrion knew the bloodshed was probably far from over. They only tolerated her because as far as they knew there was no alternative other than Cersei, who apart from being irredeemably evil, wanted both their heads.
>be Rhaegar
>have two sons with two different women at roughly the same time
>name both of them Aegon
what the FUCK did he mean by this?
Nah, it's the Others storyline which he doesn't know how to conclude satisfactorily. He fell for the zombie meme back in 1996 and D&D did too in 2011, when TWD was taking off.
>But that wouldn't make sense! They can't share power.
Then Jon can abdicate and serve as Prince-Consort. Daenerys already listens to everything he says anyway. What does a title matter?
>But Northerners abhor incest!
Northerners abhor sibling incest and parent-child incest. Starks practiced avunculate incest all the time.
>B-bu-but it's a Disney ending!
And the ending where the Starks live happily ever after, isn't? The ending where Sansa secedes and Bran is elected King is less Disney?
They could have just backed Stannis from the start or let Tywin rule with Tommen as a puppet.
But no because "muh I hate magic" and "muh dad's a dick but I'm going to forgive my sister a thousand times for being even worse to me"
>A leader wants to take a city, the horror. Jon would never do that even though he just did
See earlier in the thread. Rhaegar was a literal autist and was trying to fulfill TPTWP prophecy. Three heads of the dragon.
This, alien invasion and zombie memes were all the rage back in the 90s, so I assume he tried to include it in his books.
if Stannis won at the Blackwater, he'd have likely dumped Melisandre anyway.
Would Jon have burned everyone in the city to death with a dragon? Doubtful.
>Dany had already made it clear she would sack King's Landing if she could gain from it, something 'Jon' would never do.
She had no reason to sack King's Landing, because she already won. And she listened to her advisors over and over again when they told her NOT to sack King's Landing.
>Plus she was obviously a power-hungry, entitled narcissist who wanted to 'free' as many people as possible, so even before her Nuremberg speech people like Varys/Tyrion knew the bloodshed was probably far from over.
Why? Because they read the scripts beforehand? Again, Varys and Tyrion--21st Century conscientious objectors--watched her NOT burn King's Landing to the ground. They watched her listen to Jon's advice over and over again. Why not just have her marry Jon?
>They only tolerated her because as far as they knew there was no alternative other than Cersei, who apart from being irredeemably evil, wanted both their heads.
So, again, they were right because they already read the scripts.
Marriage was the logical conclusion. Period.
>They only tolerated her because as far as they knew there was no alternative
>Literally travelled across the world to seek her out and get her to go to westeros
And then they traveled with her while she made a detour to save the fucking world, but Tyrion is afraid of her, Sansa thinks she can't be trusted, and Varys hates her.
He should have some sort of idea given that he keeps shoving prophecies in nearly every single storyline.
Why didnt Cersei go berserk over the bells?
Gurm also did the same by promising more books but instead choosing to spend his time using all the money the show gave him to eat, drink and whore his way to an early grave.
Tyrion actually tried to persuade her to stay in Meereen, one of his wiser pieces of advice before the brain damage took complete hold over him.
Captain Maario Naharis
Well yes, because there was no alternative.
Are you actually this stupid, or are you just playing double's advocate to keep the convo going?
They not once claimed to travel East because that was their only choice. Stop justifying shit writing.
Lol what, tommen was on the throne when varys and Tyrion were already heading over across the sea to Daenerys, and he was fine
>he was fine
Not with Cersei in charge
Just stay and undermine cersei then, that's easier than travelling across the world to get a dragon queen to come take the throne
>if Stannis won at the Blackwater, he'd have likely dumped Melisandre anyway.
Nah, he doesn't backstab people that help him and he was already signing letters in the name of R'hllor for no other reason than to please her.
Margaery was getting her claws into Tommen, was loved and supported by people and could deal with nobles. By thd time Varys comes back to get Dorne and the Reach, he could've just brokered an alliance through marriage, Randyll's son Dickon to Tyene, and together they take down Cersei without Dany, yet he intentionally went there promising fire and blood but turns around season 7 saying don't unleash fire and blood cause people might die in war
D&D were the ones who chose to pursue adaptation after reading the books. I don't think anyone else was really trying to make a high budget tv adaptation, so we probably wouldn't have one at all if not for dabid thinking putting the Red Wedding to film would be epic
GoT is one of the most popular and successful tv series of all time even with D&Ditis, i cant imagine gurm is that upset about it
So everyone but Dany read the script? Cause last time she wanted a city, she burned one ship in a show of forcex sent in Dothraki and it worked. And this is after her enemies funded an insurgency, killed Barristan, attacked Grey Worm, killed several Unsullied, attacked her at the pit, and were now assaulting her city to enslave everyone.
And gee, I wonder what Jon would've done if he had a dragon when Ramsay killed Rickon
dany also saw STANNIS in the vision
Will Stannis survive ASOIAF?
As a blue eyed enemy. Your point?
With Bran as King? Hell no. He wouldn't tolerate that shit, even if he got through the Boltons, Freys, Others, fAegon, and Daenerys.
I dropped the show for awhile does stannis come back at the end
Yeah Stannis was thoroughly pussywhipped
>George has known every main character's ending since 1991
>the outline he wrote around that time had Jaime as a villain, Sansa having Joffrey's kid after siding with him, Jon/Arya/Tyrion triangle, Tyrion burning Winterfell, Bran and Jon as enemies, Dany killing Drogo to avenge Viserys, etc.
>George is still writing towards this ending 30 years and 5 books later
>based on the outline we're not even at the second book yet
Holy shit, the man is a hack. Why do bookfags support this? Literally everything between AGOT and WoW is meaningless filler
>Stannis will break before he bends.
that nigga dead
He obviously ditched that outline
Yes Dany burns King’s landing so Jon takes her away to the house with the red door to heal her broken mind, then Stannis shows up and the grand council votes for him to be King
The fact that outline lent itself and was the means to reach the ending gives insight into the characters and events. The fact these details can all change but still lead to the same ending despite the additional books needed means it's guaranteed to be shit
An user described it best a while ago. There should've been a music montage of all the characters' fates, with a 2 second shot of Stannis being crowned, with absolutely no context provided.
the soundtrack deserved a better show than it became
I love his smile, bros
>this is the same guy that did the System Shock 2 soundtrack
remember laughing for like ten minutes when I first learned that. He fucking made it.
>Dany burns King’s landing so Jon takes her away to the house with the red door to heal her broken mind
this is something I can see george doing as it mirrors frodo sailing to the Undying Lands,
but who knows, maybe he'll still shit on his characters
Yes, Stannis leads a glorious charge to defeat the white walkers before being made King
For me, it's the King in the Norf
He was too handsome to end up with a foreign whore or a fucking Fr*y
>married a spunky peasant girl with a large ass
Frey did nothing wrong
It was trash but ended pretty well. The tears of so many s.oi bois and femitards are sweet.
Jeyne is westerosi
Yup, that was the one good thing to come from the shitshow.
The ending pandered to basedboys and feminists. What the fuck are you smoking?
God she's so perfect
she's cuter desu
>raped and destroyed the feminist icon's arc
I'll give you Sansa and maybe Arya though.
the ending was only shockingly bad to idiots who didnt see the enormous drop off in quality over several seasons, in fact, if dany didnt roast KL then 90% of normoids would probably have raved about it. it was a poor ending in the context of the show as a whole but in the context of the last couple of seasons it is completely in line with the quality of the show. i didnt even bother watching ep 6 and was already fast forwarding through large chunks of the preceding episodes because i no longer cared about watching shitty dialogue and listening to jokes about dick
Kek, that's why they are so mad about their vicarious alter ego, the empowered woman leading a brown pipol army to invade fake England turned out to be a demented soviet genocider.
How did it pander to feminists when it turned the first two queens Westeros had into incompetent mass murderers?
Perhaps one of the best examples of editing in the entire show, if not the best. Loved the raw emotion that came off it
The drop in quality have been pointed out many times, but as you say what drove people mad was not that, but that the religious preaching they were listening turned heresy.
Screenwriters should be more cautious, this people take very poorly not been told the corect scriptures. They thought the show was a preaching about the correct way of thinking so they could get instructions and turned out just an average fantasy tale.
Very bad.
>I'll give you Sansa and maybe Arya though.
Exactly my point. Dany's shit ending doesn't override Arya and Sansa's feminist dream ending.
The ending installed a treacherous bitch as the queen of a free north for literally no reason. Stop pretending that the ending was a testament against feminism, because Arya and Sansa got to so whatever they wanted with zero repercussions.
>Sansa gets the North independente because ???
>Sansa becomes Queen in the North because ????
>A cripple minority becomes king
>Arya becomes Queen of what the fuck she arrives
>Jon, the straight white male, gets exiled because ????
Yeah, I'm sure that all the RT critics would have been obligated to like the ending if Tyrion had said that the patriarchy was the real problem in Westeros and that Sansa should be queen.
There was still the great blue hope. All over now
God RT is so bad. Only as recently as like 2013 it was a reliable tool
Trying to cope this hard. It's kind of sad.
The show never was about those characters, femitards weren't naming Sansa their adopted black daughters.
What are you on? It was never good beacuse film critics were never good.
the real problem is IMDB, it used to be good but now the ratings and top coments are shit.
Sansa got independence for no other reason than Bran saying "sure" while he is off getting an even better kingdom.
And how the fuck is Bran a minority?
He’s disabled
Are you actually retarded? Sansa is the number 1 female self insert
>The show never was about those characters
Sansa is probably the most popular character with the female audience. If Arya isn't second, she's third. You are in fucking denial if you think that their endings aren't 100% pandering to a female audience.
You need to cope and abandon your narrative that the ending rebukes feminism. It doesn't--it doubles down on feminism. Arya and Sansa get to be as cunty as they want while suffering ZERO consequences.
But keep pretending that Daenerys and Cersei were the most popular female characters. Whatever helps you sleep at night.
IMDB was always trash, way worse than RT. Remember like the day after The Dark Knight was released when it became IMDBs greatest film of all time? Until like 2 days later when everyone agreed to brigade Shawshank Redemption to the top.
A 95-100% on RT used to virtually guarantee a movie would be good. Now anything can get that score
Coping is hard I know, my little retarded friend, but lies will not help you.
Shh, user. The ending is anti-femismn, despite the fact that Arya and Sansa's behavior cause zero negative consequences in the end. Sansa gets to be a queen for literally no reason, after backstabbing Jon in the back multiple times, but Daenerys had a bad ending. That somehow evens out in this retard's mind.
Dany and Arya have always been more popular than Sansa.
Sansa just gets used for self insert purposes to fuck any good looking male character in Westeros
>people names their kid Daenerys see the ending was clearly anti-feminism /pol/ wins again libs btfo
Im conservative but you are cancer
>Dany and Arya have always been more popular than Sansa.
Based on fucking what? Sansa's self-insert fanbase dwarfs everybody else's. Only Jon's comes close, and that's because Sansafags want to fuck Jon.
Sansa is an enormously popular character, and her ending is unearned.
>names his daughter khaleesi
>no regrets
I would name my kid Daenerys, its a cool name
kek, what kind of pathetic cope is this?
kek this, I always knew what Daenerys was and wouldn't consider it an insult
I have always found IMBD way better than RT.
Do you have complains about IMBD?
Remember that those critics you are praising are the same that told you that Black Panther was the best film in history.
Now go complain about IMDB.
Whats wrong with that petition? D&D are really retarded incompetent kikes
Dany has always been the most popular GoT for normies. Even Catelyn was probably more popular than Sansa when she was alive.
Whatever shit you are looking to project onto a character, Sansa offers very little compared to Dany and Arya.
Even Cersei probably has autists admiring her for being a “strong lioness, fiercely defending her cubs”.
Nobody ever had any reason to try and compare themselves with Sansa until Season 7 when they all started shilling her onscreen, talking about how smart she was.
That's not an argument. Even Daenerys haters didn't like how season 8 was handled.
I want to know what your argument is. Are you saying that Dany's ending is good because it rebukes feminism? It doesn't the ending was bad and it doesn't rebuke feminism. Arya and Sansa prove you wrong.
Google any normie popularity poll and find any where Sansa is more popular than Tyrion, Arya, Jon or Dany
And of course it's an unearned ending, It was probably just something to make up for the rape season when she could have simply been warden of the north for Bran.
Thats why I said like 2013. I feel like it was only around 2015 I noticed RT ratings were wack.
Black Panther post-dates the change.
IMDB has too many retards giving 1 and 10s to everything to take it seriously.
You are not conservative. You are a retard in denial.
The end of GoT drove femitards and libruls like you absolutely mad, so much they can't cope with it.
The only person saying it was anti feminist is YOU idiot.
It is antifeminist in the sense that it completely destroyed the narrative that feminists and libruls wanted. That the ending gave feminists some peanuts doesn't change the fact that it completely obliterated the ending they wanted of the empowered womyn liberating old western civilization with an army of brown people. Not only that it showed their heroine as a complete genocidal maniac. And that have enough of truth in it to hurt. A lot. Because they saw themselves reflected in that portrayal. They know their revolution is not friendly or based in love, but in hate.
Anything the show gave them after that is completely irrelevant.
>Dany has always been the most popular GoT for normies
No shit nigger, normies always loved Jon and Dany.
Females self inserted into Sansa since 1996
>Dany has always been the most popular GoT for normies. Even Catelyn was probably more popular than Sansa when she was alive.
>Whatever shit you are looking to project onto a character, Sansa offers very little compared to Dany and Arya.
I am not projecting anything. Sansa has the most popular fanbase by far. She is the Disney Princess self-insert. Sorry to spoil your narrative.
>Even Cersei probably has autists admiring her for being a “strong lioness, fiercely defending her cubs”.
Nobody ever had any reason to try and compare themselves with Sansa until Season 7 when they all started shilling her onscreen, talking about how smart she was.
I don't get it either, but that's irrelevant. If one thinks that Arya and Sansa are less popular than Daenerys and Cersei, they are delusional.
user is talking about fucking fan-fictions involving pairings and self-inserts.
Sansa wins there because she is easier to use to fuck any of the attractive males in Westeros while Dany was stuck in a continent filled with ugly people for 20 years.
That's not the reason they are asking it. They could ask for seasons 6 & 7 but they are not doing it. Why?
If Danny has not went full Stalin they couldn't have cared less about the drop in quality of the show.
>The end of GoT drove femitards and libruls like you absolutely mad, so much they can't cope with it.
>t-the ending was good guys see the libs got btfo
Kill yourself Dabid nigger kike shill
>If Danny has not went full Stalin they couldn't have cared less about the drop in quality of the show.
Everybody trashed the shit out of the show two episodes before Dany became Dragon Hitler. Why? Because the show was fucking bad.
Because season 6 and season 7 were building shit like White Walkers and the army of the dead and season 8 completely destroyed such plots
Dany was based af last couple seasons, shame she got betrayed by a manlet coward she loved for no reason
I don't know that it did lead to the same ending. It seems more like he's completely reconceived the story
>2 out of 3 female heroes get a YAAS QWEEN ending
>this faggot tries to claim that the ending is anti-feminist
I actually like the ending because it made libtards mad. It's also a very good ending actually, but that's very secondary to me. And to the libruls viewers too. This is not about the show quality or they would be complaining about seasons 6 & 7 and they are not. It's season 8 waht drives them mad. And not Season 8 but season 8 episode 6.
It's the same people, the same critics. If it worked for you, then ok, not everyone has the same tastes. I always thought it was shit.
How many people post this?
Was he the only good Valyrian ever?
>The only person saying it was anti feminist is YOU idiot.
>It is antifeminist
Make up your mind tranny
But ratings used to be spot on, at least for me. Not anymore. It seems that critics are actually succeding in making people dumber or IMDB is messing with the ratings and best rated critics.
I don’t think that means what you think it means.
People “self-insert” themselves into Arya and Dany because deep down they believe that if circumstances were different they could be “badass” like Arya or a beautiful, just, intelligent Queen like their skewed perception of Daenerys.
People don’t “self-insert” into a hostage or a rape victim. There was never any quality in Sansa before Season 7 for people to aspire to, except beauty, which is also a quality of more than half the women in the show.
>I actually like the ending because it made libtards mad.
It made everybody mad. People like you must be exhausting to be around.
>It's also a very good ending actually, but that's very secondary to me.
It was a terrible ending that made no sense.
>It's season 8 waht drives them mad. And not Season 8 but season 8 episode 6.
You are straight up lying. Go back to /pol/, and stop trying to force your lame political views onto the ending.
GO sign that petition.
Your kaleEshi is a genocidal maniac and you wasted hourS watching this show.
I don't even saw it or liked it!
>People don’t “self-insert” into a hostage or a rape victim.
There are THOUSANDS of fanfics that disagree with you. Just because we don't do it, doesn't mean that females don't as well.
>In the sense
Learn to read, nigger.
he was a real sister fister
I don’t think authors of slash fan-fiction is really representative of the entirety of the viewership of the biggest show of all time.
Draco/Harry fanfics were pretty popular too, but they aren’t indicative of most HP fans character preferences.
There were bad seasons and none get so mad. They never got so mad before that episode actually. The butthurt didn't started with the cop-out of the WW, it started with Pol Pot Danny.
Should have been an empowered lesbian and she could have gone as Mao as she wanted.
>I don’t think authors of slash fan-fiction is really representative of the entirety of the viewership of the biggest show of all time.
They don't represent ALL females, but dismissing them as merely an aberration is laughable. Sansa has a gigantic fanbase. Period. And she got a happy ending. Period.
Arya also has a gigantic fanbase and got a happy ending. There were a billion YAAS QWEENS who tolerated episode 3 because Arya got to kill The Night King. The show pandered to feminists all the way until the end.
What's the argument here, exactly? Both Dany and Sansa are shit-tier Mary Sue characters. Sansa has the one advantage of not belonging to a Mary Sue elf family like the Targaryens.
>Starks are Mary Sues!
Their current living members include an emo edgy assassin, an empty vessel possessed by Bloodraven and... Sansa. I can't really call that 'winning', aside from Sansa who yeah I acknowledge is a Mary Sue. Their most based family members Ned and Robb died very early in the show. I don't see it as a Stark victory, its a Sansa personal victory. And books won't end like the show did, regardless of how much Danytrannys insist it will.
Yet Bran got a much better ending than either of them.
I hate Jon, because i will never be him. Imagine being a useless turbobrainlet bastard, always thinking you are so great and cornering yourself in life or death situations, then every time your damn hot lover comes with fucking dragons nuking everything in the range of a km that would try to even touch you.
I'm so envious, and i wanna scalp him and plant a pickaxe in his chest for what he did.
Listening to libruls argue that Samsa is the self insert and not Daenerys is hilarious. They are forsaking the character so hard. So many hours wasted watching this shit and dreaming being Daenerys...
Only thinking how much pain this people have to suffer to renounce their heroine like this gives me joy.
>The butthurt didn't started with the cop-out of the WW
Wrong, It started on the short night where people couldn't see shit. People were just hoping that plot didnt had ended yet and Bran would turn into a new NK
>that scene where Ramsay rapes Sansa and forces Theon to watch
Bros Theon doesnt deserve this
This is hilarious!
I didn't wasted hours seeing that shit. If Daenerys haven't gone full soviet you would be saying it was an awesome show and you know it.
Which is not an argument that the show is anti-feminist. Jon got a way worse ending than all three. The show lied and claimed that Jon wanted to live with the Wildlings to justify why he won't kill himself.
Daenerys is literally the most heavily used name for babies in the Cringenited States of America. Kelly C being a close second. I'm not sure how this is an argument. Mind you, Sansa is equally shit. Both are shit-tier Mary Sues. The last good characters died in Season 6 when the Sept blew up.
>If Daenerys haven't gone full soviet you would be saying it was an awesome show and you know it.
>If Daenerys haven't gone full soviet you would be saying it was an awesome show and you know it.
So your only argument is that the people who hate season 8 only hate it because of Dany's characterization? The level of delusion you are suffering from is astounding.
The ending was great, almost. It sucks the little LOTR ending they tacked on the end
False, the uproar about the show was all about politics.
Read that petition again
>And books won't end like the show did
Cope, It will
>Reddit spacing
No bigger redditors than Danyfags and Targshits. BarathaCHADS are the ONE TRUE HOUSE OF THE SEVEN CHANS.
>A literal cuck, a faggot, and an infertile man who burned the one daughter he managed to have alive and lost afterwards
>If Daenerys haven't gone full soviet you would be saying it was an awesome show and you know it
Dany going nazi was the only good thing this season, Jon should have gone mas with her and they both should have died on the Five Forts trying to conquer the world
They might think the show dropped in quality, they might have wanted many things. But that's not what drives them mad. What drives them mad is that their wish fullfilment progressive utopia was turned upon its head.
so long gay jannies
A fucking bambi
Remember to not wear a fucking RUBY ARMOR LMAO into battle.
the fate of all targshittians
>Sam got Edd killed
>he uses horns on the armor
lmao cuck
>visit Yea Forums
>waifu fags still ruining any possible discussion
Kill yourselves
Good Christian Margaery > Highgarden Whore Margaery
Rhaegar won, damn him. I killed him, Ned, I drove the spike right through that black armor into his black heart, and he died at my feet. They made up songs about it. Yet somehow he still won. He has Lyanna now, and I have her
Targaryens are extinct now by blood though, we're not counting Bloodraven possessing Bran because that's still the body of a Stark. Meanwhile Baratheons still exist. One of the few good things D&D did in the end. Worst house is dead. Dragonfags are extinct.
"May I help you, Lady Stark?"
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have--"
"You can't help because a mother makes one for her children to protect them. Only a mother can make them."
"You've made them before?"
"Did they work?"
"After a fashion. I prayed for my son Bran to survive his fall. Many years before that, one of the boys came down with the pox. Maester Luwin said if he made it through the night, he'd live. But it would be a very long night. So I sat with him all through the darkness. Listened to his ragged little breaths, his coughing, his whimpering."
"Which boy?"
"Jon Snow. When my husband brought that baby home from the war, I couldn't bear to look at him. I didn't want to see those brown stranger's eyes staring up at me.
So I prayed to the gods, take him away. Make him die. He got the pox. And I knew I was the worst woman who ever lived. A murderer. I'd condemned this poor, innocent child to a horrible death all because I was jealous of his mother. A woman he didn't even know. So I prayed to all seven gods, let the boy live. Let him live and I'll love him. I'll be a mother to him. I'll beg my husband to give him a true name, to call him Stark and be done with it, to make him one of us."
"And he lived?"
"And he lived. And I couldn't keep my promise. And everything that's happened since then all this horror that's come to my family it's all because I couldn't love a motherless child."
Was there ever a moment in the show/books in which a character was more human than this? It always moves me, and i'm a fierce Tully (women) hater.
For me, it’s
>What drives them mad is that their wish fullfilment progressive utopia was turned upon its head.
You politicalfags are unbearable.
the most human moment was when Beric Dondarrion realized he was resurrected 6 times so he could just throw a sword at a white walker
Jon is alive
Are you forgeting certain manlet?
Because you know it's true. Want to complain about politics?
Go tell Hollyweird.
He doesn't consider himself a Targaryen though, and let's face it, he's more wolf than dragonfag.
They killed millions
Baratheons are also Targs in denial, so the blacksmith guy is somehow Targ heritage.
Build what? All that batshit bitch did was burn things and make people fear the flame
Her death was long over due
>not belonging to a Mary Sue elf family like the Targaryens.
Targaryens who are supposed to be insane and ruled terribly then lost their throne vs Starks who ruled for 8 thousand years, have a castle and hall bigger than the red Keep, kept peace, ruled wisely, well for all that time, successfully defended against foreign invaders and domestic rebels, and are beloved for no explained reason and everyone wants them to rule in the end.
Starks are Sues and Stus. By the end Arya is a master assassin free agent who can do anything she wants and faced no consequences or lasting damage. Sansa is supposed to be a political genius on the level of Littlefinger and a good version of Cersei. Bran is a wise ruler that binds everyone and everyone unanimously agrees he should rule them. Jon is free to be exactly where he told Tormund he wanted to be and just had to kill someone he was neglecting and avoiding anyway
What if Tommen actually did go fucking NUCLEAR and sent in the troops to kill all the sparrows and the high sparrow?
>punished tommen
could be kino
>Because you know it's true.
There are a million reasons why people hate season 8, but you single out one reason and claim that it's the only reason why people hate it. You. Are. Delusional. You need to step away for a second and use your brain. People hated season 8 three episodes before the ending aired. People bashed the shit out of how the show handled The Night King. The people who defended The Long Night were the feminists who stood up for Arya's shit female empowerment scene.
Your narrative doesn't work.
What if Olena Tyrell
Or Jaime Lannister and Bronn
There was literally no good reason the Sparrows were able to have so much power
Jon is a Targaryen and dragonrider by blood
Support from the plebs, money from the crown in a limited space. As long as it's just the capital, it's possible. Also they managed to get both the king and the queen on their side before the cucks tried to actually make a decent move.
>a very good ending actually
>elective monarchy is a good ending
Is this bait?
Baratheons are more Durrandon than Targ.
Rhaegar's portrayed by the fandom and by the show as this Mary Sue who never did anything wrong and Bobby B was evil for rebelling. Somehow despite years of misrule, Targshits were never removed from the Iron Throne. Starks were opposed by Boltons and Greystarks, the Greystarks they completely wiped out so you could even justifiably call the Starks kinslayers.
Past Starks were fucking brutal in keeping their reign, honorfags are a very recent thing, mostly a case with Eddard's line. Neither Rickard nor Brandon were like that, and Benjen's just mediocre because he's the third brother.
Tommen should've destroyed Cersei instead of committing suicide instead. Really anything that involved ANY of the King's Landing characters before Cersei's takeover would've been kino. Like I said, sept explosion is when the show completely died.
Book themed Faith Militant actually pose a threat
Theres an art of them from one of the tabletop games that has them in full plate armour
Enough to kickstart another dinasty of demented dragontamers.
>Baratheons are more Durrandon than Targ.
Doesn't matter. There's Targ blood in them, therefore the Targ bloodline isn't dead.
Don't worry, Gendry'll ride North and end the threat once and for all, but not before he's dealt with the Targaryen possessing Bran Stark.
The House is extinct, even the official HBO-sponsored wiki says so. Targs married into other families every once and awhile, so you could argue the blood's everywhere, in Tyrells, Hightowers, Lannisters, etc. House Targaryen as an entity though, is dead and buried.
It's funny how you are so mad and defensive. I remember when all those articles about the outrage with GoT started to outpour in the press because the way they handled the Night King.
Wait! They didn't!
It wasn't until crazy librul murderer revealed herself as a genocidal dictator that articles about how mad people were with GoT started to appear left and right.
Hell, here even librul politicians started to cry publicy about it. It was pathetic and funny.
One guy. Targs ruled badly for 300 years except under Jaehaerys, had multiple bad kings and inept ones. Multiple wars and plagues, fucjers killed each other off and people always bring up the coin toss. Starks gave none of these issues. Boltons are literally rapists and murderers who like to skin people, Greystarks siding with them just means supporting what are obviously meant to be evil people so Starks remain giid guys. Starks are hard men for hard times and conquered but it's seen as a good thing since they've ruled for 8,000 years and eveeveryone still loves them, wants them in power and inly bad people like Roose try to get rid if them
I don't see your point.
Elective monarchies are shit and you would be retarded to think it's a good ending and that people would actually agree together on one ruler
I've only seen parts of season 8. Do they mention the Blackfyre rebellion or the Golden Company's backstory at all or are they just random mercenary company from Essos?
All other houses solidified themselves too, Lannisters rule the Westerlands with little opposition save for the Reynes which are now dead. Baratheons rule the Stormlands, Arryns the Vale. The main opposition is had in the Riverlands and Reach because Tullys and Tyrells are just appointed Wardens by the Targaryens.
Realistically, no one would want Targshits for their Kings.
>the official HBO-sponsored wiki
Oh nononononono. Even a McDonald menù holds more knowledge than them.
westeros was utter chaos before aegon, and even the starks had to deal with rebellions within their own corner of the continent.
>I remember when all those articles about the outrage with GoT started to outpour in the press because the way they handled the Night King.
Lying again, I see. Funny how you want so badly to pretend that the ending is only hated because of how Daenerys was handled.
what part are the Nogs even going to play in a westeros only prequel
At least several of those houses had issues in Robert's Rebellion and now with houses betraying them, fighting against them, biding their time to see who wins or is likely to win and attempts at usurpation where it's not a House clearly meant to be evil like the Boltons. Not so for the Starks, the longest ruling and most loved and followed house, wuth all of their enemies being mustache twirling evil, even Skagos who are cannibals, when they rebel or oppose them
A03 by the looks of it
See 8,000 years of rule while Targs collapse while ruling land maybe slightly larger and more connected
Children of the Forest, most likely.
I miss Barnyyy
this wouldn't be an issue honestly and makes sense